

Full name: Ataran

Nickname: Ran

Race: Human

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Hair colour: Blonde

Eye colour: Grey

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 185 lbs

Occupation: Mercenary/thief

Appearance: Ran is tall and powerfully built, all hard muscle beneath his clothes due to his rigorous training. He has dirty blonde hair streaked with reddish-brown reaching almost to his shoulders, greasy and dirty from rarely being washed, and his chin is covered in a scratchy blonde beard. His almond-shaped eyes are a cold steely grey, with a hazel corona around the pupil, and are unusually large and reflective. The shape of his face is angular, with a pointed chin, a square jaw that juts out firmly, and a narrow nose. He has more than a few scars on his body from violent encounters with his fellow thieves, but luckily for his vanity, they're all in places most people wouldn't think to look. His clothes are inconspicuous, designed to help him blend into a crowd - his day-to-day outfit consists of dull brown tunic and trousers and a rough-woven brown overcoat, all stained and worn from hard work.

History: Ran was born on the edge of the city of Scara Brae, not far from Arask Pass. While not rich, his father Jadat made good money as a strong-arm, escorting travellers through the pass. He was especially prized due to his magical ability - they could claim distant descent from a family line of great mages (now extinct), and with patient study, Jadat had acheived quite significant power. He promised Ran that he would teach him to harness his own powers some day, but it did not quite turn out that way.

Jadat was once asked to escort some shady-looking characters through the pass. Halfway across, they turned on him and pulled out their knives. It turned out they were members of the Thieves' Guild, or more specifically, a particular chapter dedicated to increading the magical presence in the Thieves' Guild. With more magical power on their side, they believed, the Guild would become greater thieves and be able to overpower the Scourge and the Knights of Scara Brae alike. They had heard of Jadat's ability, and wished to recruit him. Jadat was reluctant at first, but knowing they would kill both him and his son if he disagreed, was forced to join.

Ran was unhappy in the Guild at first, but soon learned magic from Jadat and the other mages, and began to adjust to their way of life. Ran became a promising young pickpocket, and it was said that he could soon become a bright light of the Thieves' Guild. Sadly, things went astray. Fearful of what a cabal of powerful magic users could do to them, the Knights of Scara Brae cracked down on them, and attacked the entire cabal Ran was fourteen. All others were killed, or hauled off to rot in the dungeons of Queen Valeena's palace, but Ran escaped, and ended up on the streets. This left him with a great determination: to one day rise high enough in the Thieves' Guild to challenge the Knights of Scara Brae, and perhaps even retrieve his father from the dungeons...

Abilities and skills: Ran has some small magical ability in his bloodline, due to his descent from mages. While Jadat was arrested before he could teach him much, Ran has learned some spells, and can unlock more naturally as he grows. At present, he can use:

-Owl Vision: A passive ability. The particular magical gift of Ran's bloodline was enhanced sight, and Ran has inherited this. Ran possesses a special reflective layer at the back of his eye, similar to an owl, and also has a greater number of photoreceptive cells than the average human. As a result, Ran can see in the dark, though his vision will be somewhat distorted and colours will be somewhat washed out at this level (the amount of distortion depends on how dark it is).

-True Aim: As a corollary to his Owl Vision, Ran can make his eyes zoom in or zoom out on a particular object he wants to focus on. Through intensive study, he can also create an invisible magical line in mid-air, which helps tell him where to aim his throws. However, the line gets blurry as it goes further away from him.

-Invisibility: His newest ability. Ran now has the ability to temporarily shield himself from vision, appearing as a shimmer on the air not dissimilar to heat haze. However, since it is new, it is imperfect. Ran can only stay invisible in this way for one minute lest his energy be drained, and any action taken will break the spell. While invisible, he is not intangible and can still be physically felt by other people. Often as not, his invisibility fails and he unwittingly appears from thin air.

Equipment and skills: Ran is best known for his skill with throwing knives - with his True Aim ability, his comrades say that he can "pin a fly to a wall at a hundred paces" (exaggerated, no matter how much it would flatter Ran's ego). Ran's particular favourite knife is a special one taken from the corpse of a Knight of Scara Brae (with the Red Halo symbol scratched off in order to prevent it being too conspicuous), though he owns around six others. He also has some skill with a short sword.


Raised by a family of wild guinea pigs in the uncharted wilderness of Manchester, Big McLargeHuge (real name: Lance Corporal Big Ermintrude Godzilla Fluffytrousers Jim-Bob Foxxy Beefchest "The Man with a Plan" McLargeHuge) is a supervillain in training who enjoys jumping off tall buildings for fun and has a large resume of skills which he can't name, mostly because they don't exist. In between taking over the world (OF COURSE!) and jumping off tall buildings, he enjoys Althanas, playing guitar incredibly badly, writing the first few chapters of novels which he never finishes, and repulsing girls by getting within 50 feet of them. He is also painfully aware that creating a census page for a Level 0 character is probably bad form, but wants to get his foot in the door anyway and hopes for a long relationship with Althanas (not that kind, perverts).