
Althanas is full of a diverse range of unique Characters, who are conceived by the minds of even more unique writers. The Althanas Compendium offers all of us an opportunity to make a page devoted to the most important element of the community... ourselves. Every member of Althanas can make a page devoted to themselves and the Player Characters they have created. You can use this as an online anthology for your character when your Character Updates/Profiles get to be a little lengthy, you can talk about your exploits as a writer on Althanas, you can scribble down random musings about your creative process, and the list goes on. Think of it as a behind the scenes look or a dvd extra. Just remember that the same rules that apply to site apply here. Don't use your page for flaming or spamming of any kind, and try to stay on subject (Your Characters and You). There are several ways to start your own page, but we'd like to make it easy for you. Simply click edit at the top of this page, scroll down to the Member Pages section and type in the title of your page [[Like So]]. Save the change and click on the link. For formatting reference, here's a Formatting Page. Wiki markup is a bit different from what we're used to on the forums. Enjoy.

Member Pages

Amber Eyes

Artemis Eburi


Caden Law

Cael Strandssen


Lillian Sesthal

MetalDrago Scorpio

Teric "Bloodrose" Barton

