MetalDrago Scorpio

Character Stats

Name: MetalDrago Scorpio

Alias: Drago

Job: Paladin of N'Jal

Profile Page: It Continues - Level 3 Profile

Inspiration for the Character

To be perfectly honest about it, Drago is the first fictional character I ever made. He was the standard hero type, part dragon, had the ability to breathe fire and throw fireball magic. All of those things that younger kids think when they think "magic." Even his name reeks of a little kid trying to make an awesome hero, hence why I started referring to him as Drago in more recent threads. His last name comes from my birth sign, which is Scorpio. His first name was just a couple of words, metal, and dragon, which I thought combined in a cool way for a name. I was wrong, but what can you do? His personality used to be that of the standard hero type, always standing up for good, getting himself whipped by stronger, more evolved characters, and of course my writing reflected him as a being of nearly "perfect" good. I was young, so I didn't care, and it was fun to get to play the hero for awhile.

Lately, however, things have begun to change for the previous wannabe hero. To keep a long, rambling story short, Drago has gone from being a simple "hero" archetype to more of a villainous knight. Strangely, playing with him has become much more fun since the shift, which happened in character and you can read here.

Drago is my oldest and most beloved character. Is he cheesy? Probably. Has he finished evolving? Until I'm done with him, his character will continue to change. He's my oldest character, and the one who has changed the least of them all, and I will not rest until he has actually become something memorable, so is this current incarnation of his powers and personality his last? I doubt it very seriously.

The Writer

My legal name is Bobby Gilbert. You're not getting any more of my full name out of me than that. I'm a writer by trade and by choice. There is nothing I enjoy more than coming up with stories, sticking to them, and seeing what comes of the original idea. I'm currently working on a book and live in Arabi, Georgia in the United States. I am 21 years old and have been a member of Althanas for nearly half of my life. In the world outside Althanas, I am a live-at-home writer, living with his parents with barely a living person talking to me outside of the internet for a majority of the time. I have many aspirations, though. I want to become a renowned writer, a person whose writings have touched the hearts and minds of millions of people. I also want to become a voice actor, but have little experience outside of acting out little scenes from my own book in my house. I've bored you all long enough with my stories of life in the real world, though, so I'll leave you with this information for now.