Scara Brae

Scara Brae is one of the regions of Althanas, and one that was created to help ease newcomers to Althanas into roleplaying, especially the rp style of Althanas.

Scara Brae
Capital Scara Brae (City)
Form of Government Monarchy
Ruler(s) Queen Valeena
Legal System Civil Law
Official Language(s) Tradespeak (Common)
Population Approximately 800,000
Religious Type No official religion
Literacy 50%
Technology level Late Medieval
Major Imports Ore.Wood.Spices
Major Exports Exotic Fish.Wheat
Natural Resources Wood. Iron/Plynt. Grains. Sea Food.


Starting from the Northern portion of the small island, Scara Brae is a miniature version of Corone in most senses. A large mountain range, the Windlancer Peaks runs the width of the northern portion of the island, splitting the dangers of Neverscale Beach from the rest of the world. Where the mountains touch the sea there are a number of coves and naturally created caves used as havens for pirates and social-dissident refugee’s. The most infamous of these natural coves is the Hooligan’s Grotto. Deep in the mountains, not hidden yet not easily accessed is one of the most majestic natural wonders of the Althanas world, the Mountain Tear Falls. Small rivers run from the mountains to the plains of Scara Brae, the largest of which is known as the Sess-Terria and named after the Sess-Terria Hold which rests in the mountains directly along the rapid-like banks of the river as it exits the Windlancer Peaks.

At the center of Scara Brae is the Valeena Lake, a massive lake that takes up the majority of the middle of the island. The lake is known as much as a resort location of the nobility as it is a place of serenity and peace. From the lake runs another major river, the Beaver River which runs into the depths of the Brokenthorn Forest. The Forests are another major mark on the land, absorbing the entire southwestern corner of Scara Brae.

The most outstanding features of the island’s geography, other than the mountains to the north, the Valeena Lake in the center, and the Brokenthorn Forest of the Southwest are the plains that cover the island. Horse ranches and farmlands cover the majority of the nation, allowing the military to always be fully stocked and trained on the finest warhorses of the island as well as bringing in an abundance of food for the people.

Finally, the smaller island to the far Northwest corner known as the Liviol Sanctum makes up the dominant geographical locations. The Liviol Sanctum is a mysterious, beloved, and enigmatic point of interest for the nation, as well as visiting outsiders.

Places of Interest

Racial Structure

Scara Brae is a nation of diversity, as it has been said, the island is a mirror image of Corone. The general populace of the nation is nearly 45% human and mostly dominated by the race. However, the majority of the island is other races, 20% dwarven, 20% elven, and 15% other races. Despite diversity, and a long history of it, Scara Brae’s important political and noble positions have long been held by the human population. The rest of the island’s people have been heavily vested in protecting and keeping the island’s perfection. The dwarven people live in the Windlancer Peaks and the elven population dwells within the Brokenthorn Forests and the Liviol Sanctum. However, that is not to say that the cities are not also filled with the diverse community.

Scara Brae Beastiary


For a small, independent island nation Scara Brae is economically sound. The coast is dotted with small villages that subsist on their fishing trade, which is almost completely traded within the island. Delicacies from the sea are the chief export however, all sorts of large fish and rarely found aquatic life are sent to the mainland as well as Corone. Likewise, there is very little surplus of edible crops that make it outside of the nation. Wheat harvests are at an all-time high, and there is quite a large amount of excess that is exported from the nation.

The natural resources of the island of Scara Brae are, for the most part, protected from over harvesting by the crown and nobles. In the Brokenthorn Forest there is a supply of Oak and Yew, both of which are kept within the nation for use. The Windlancer Mountain Range has a good supply of iron and plynt, and the Brokhert Farmlands produce wheat, corn, and grains.

Major imports for the small nation are higher tiers of wood from Corone, higher tiers of metals from Alerar, and spices from Fallien.


There is no truly established religious beliefs for the nation, however most tend to follow the Thayne. Due to the diversity of the small island, and the influx of adventurers and how often new people come and go, the environment allows for all types of religions to be practiced. However, at the heart of the religious past has always been the ever-present Thayne, one always worshiped slightly more than another due to the royalty’s preference. Currently, the temple of the city of Scara Brae is dedicated to Y’edda the Wild, though in the past it has been dominantly held in honor of Khal’jaren the Sage and V’dralla the Fair.

Other deities worshiped include those from Corone, which influenced Scara Brae so much in the beginning of the nation. The gods from Corone, Wyron deity of harvest, Am’aleh deity of the sea, and Trisgen demigod of strife and war each have their own place. Each Baron seems to hold a different god at heart though, claiming them more as a religious link to connect with the people.

  • Baron Richard DuBoue :: Am’aleh of the Sea
  • Baron Aeric Eauruta :: V’dralla the Fair
  • Baroness Illia Entadaa :: Y’edda the Wild
  • Baron William Valeena :: Hromagh the Strong
  • Baroness Vallery Brokhert :: Jomil the Hermitess


Absolute Monarchy

Scara Brae is governed by a form of dominant monarchy. The Queen or King is in complete control of all things that run through the country. There is no constitution, law, or civil idea that overrules the decisions of the monarch. However, Scara Brae has been fortunate over the years. The Queen, as it stands, has always been kind and gentle, delving little into the workings of the society and instead concentrating on the morale of the people instead. Though the idea of creating a different form of government has arisen, it has always been cast down.

Aristocratic Representation (The Duchies)

The lands of Scara Brae are split into five different duchies. Each duchy is run by a Duke or Duchess. In those duchies are the main towns, each of which is controlled and run by a Count (acts as mayor). Currently the Duchy of Scara Brae is given control of the outlying lands, outside the walls of the town. The other Dukes/Duchess’ split their time between a symbolic parliament in Scara Brae and their own lands. The barons of each town, including Scara Brae, remain in the cities at all times and act in the Duke/Duchess’ steed if the parliament is assembled.

  • Duke Richard DuBoue
The Duchy of Richard is small, encompassing little land. It is along the southernmost tip of the island. Though it is small the responsibility for bringing in the bounty of the ocean is left upon it. A rather impressive fleet of fishing ships move to and fro from the port town of DuBoue (named after the noble who married into the Valeena family). The small village surrounded by a very unimpressive wooden barricade.
Baroness Weis Irianna acts in Baron Richards place when called upon.
  • Duke Aeric Eauruta
The Duchy of Aeric surrounds the important town of Scara Brae itself. The barony is the eastern most of the five and also encompasses the most land. A small group of war vessels rest off its harbors, sometimes patrolling, and a massive amount of trade vessels travel from Scara Brae to Corone. Interspersed between the two types of ships are barges, large passenger ships used to transport citizens and visitors from island to island, or perhaps to the mainland.
Baron Ferrian Zalinhar is the Baron of the town and mainly keeps track of the Watch.
  • Duchess Illia Entadaa
The Duchess controls the western portion of the island. Her barony holds two towns of little note, Uthia and Olme, both of which border the forests of Brokenthorn. The Duchess Illia is the chief exporter of all woods produced on the island.
In her steed Baroness Iaryen Vitola watched the forests edge and the people.
  • Duke Willian Valeena
The Duchy of Willian is at the northwestern part of Scara Brae, where the mountains cross the bay and continues on to the eastern tip. The stronghold of Sess-Terria Hold rests at the base of the mountain, a dingy town of miners and smiths. The Duchy of Willian is the supplier of almost all ore for the island.
Baron Painae Girard acts as the mayor and Watch Captain of the hold.
  • Duchess Vallery Brokhert
Duchess Vallery is quiet and keeps a slight reign on her barony. She is a person of isolation, living in a small quiet village at the center of her duchy. The Duchy of Brokhert is the east-central barony of the island and is covered by plains. They are known for horse and cow ranches, as well as small farm holds across the lands.
Baron Harry Brokhert roams the barony with his small band of soldiers because of the lack of an established Watch in the barony.


Knights of Scara Brae

The Knights of Scara Brae were a little known part of the island compromising of twenty knights who supplied their own weapons and armor. The government originally gave them a home and missions, as well as compensation for their duties with free rooms and board. Over time the Knights became stronger, used to ward of the constant attacks made by the goblins. Their fame was little to nothing in the older days, until Sir Pallotan Narriplion better known as “The Red Halo”

Under the leadership of Sir Narriplion the Scara Knights became something far superior then a simple defensive shield against goblins. In the island of Scara Brae they became legends. The uniforms of the knights were changed to crimson plate-mail. Their weapons were decorated with the Red Halo symbol, as was their armor. But what spurred them most was the monarchy’s backing that allowed anyone able to prove themselves to join (not just the wealthy).

With the retirement and possible passing of the Red Halo the Queen and Scara Brae has been left with a powerful shield against all attacks. Not only are the Knights known for their strength, but also their benevolence. Another leader of the Knights is still being sought, and legends say that the next to follow will wield the same blade as Sir Narriplion once did.

General Military

  • 200 active Knights of Scara Brae (not acting in Watch houses)
  • 2800 trained infantry (2000 footmen, 800 archers)
  • 1000 cavalry units (800 light, 200 archers)
  • 15 Warships (10 docked around Scara Brae, 5 patrolling island)


For over 300 years the Valeena royal family has ruled Scara Brae. The first to set up a monarch in the unlawful lands was an infamous adventurer by the name of Ekonill Valeena. After a few years of surviving with only a few friends and the land, he happened upon a small, unorganized settlement. There, he managed to lead the unlawful people well, and set up a small port that soon brought some of the most adventurous of travelers to their island. Over the years, Ekonill and his group of friends, which were now considered his knights, watched as the small settlement grew into a rather prosperous village.

Soon after Ekonill died and his eldest son, Authlain, took the throne, a group of powerful Ai’Bron monks who claimed they had run away from Corone arrived on the shores, seeking shelter and a new home. The throne immediately took them under their wing and watched the monks flourish. The amazing healers soon constructed a superb hospital, which utilized magic more than tools in their operations, and brought more people to their land.

Many kings and queens took the throne over the following centuries. With each ruler, more and more people came to set up their own shops or do business with the quickly-growing island. People came and went, sold and bought, fought and quested, but never lost their lively spirit. Strangely enough, despite the traffic the island got from the many adventurers who sought it out, the island was never really recognized amongst the other regions of Althanas, and it remained isolated to an extent. Only a few trade runs to neighboring shores were ever required, due to the fact that the island was very self sufficient.

King Tayjus, long descendent of King Ekonill, helped to fix all and any trading and transportation problems by hiring foreign machinists and scholars to develop a set of airships which made commuting to and from the island much easier. However, with the method of transportation came more crime, and King Pinestum was murdered; his killers were never found.

Thus, began the reign of Queen Ballari Andra Valeena, daughter to King Tayjus Valeena. She was appointed her position due to the fact that there were no other princes and princesses ahead of her or behind her in line for the throne. It didn’t take her long to adapt to the lifestyle, and she was already being considered one of the greatest rulers ever to have the throne of Scara Brae in only a decade. The crime rate in the city went down, and everybody was happy.

However, the Queen was faced with the decision of opening up a new training center at the Dajas Pagoda; the idea was brought to her by a man named Max Dirks and his associates, Yari and Kade. After a few meetings with the three men, they eventually won her over, and she allowed the program to start. Soon after, she started to hear complaints about how poorly the three men ran the place, and how much of a “rip-off” the program was. Still, she could not gather enough evidence to justify shutting it down. Thankfully, the men who ran the establishment eventually abandoned the Dajas Pagoda, and the queen was allowed the freedom to shut down the establishment and move on with more pressing issues.

Over the years, more issues have developed. The woes of the world have not met the shores of the small island, however the island itself has problems of its own. The Scara Scourge has not just risen to be an almost unrivaled underground hallmark of the island, but something of a powerbase itself. The Knights of Scara Brae and the Watch have had their hands full attempting to thwart devious plots and devices meant to expand the gang’s nearly unrivaled power. In many instances, the plans of the Scourge have been put into place through the play of intrigue in the lowest and highest levels of influence throughout the country.