The Bazaar

The standard currency of Althanas is the Gold Piece (GP). Each region has a different name for their currencty, but most of the regions use gold as their standard form of exchange. As a member of Althanas, you will use GP to purchase items for your character in The Bazaar.

You earn GP much the same you earn EXP - by role-playing. At the end of each thread, the moderator, in addition to determing your character's EXP awards, will award your character a sum of GP. Large GP awards are also awarded at the end of tournaments.

Purchasing Items

Wouldn't role-playing be really boring if your character was just limited to his starting equipment? We here at Althanas agree, and that's why we have our very own in-character item store, The Bazaar. If you are looking for that one item you cannot find anywhere else, the Bazaar just might be your place. Almost anything in Althanas can be purchased from the traders of the Bazaar, whether it be a weapon, or armor, or a magic item.

To purchase an item at the Bazaar, you must make an in-character thread in the forum. In the thread, have your character enter the Bazaar, approach a merchant, and then describe the item you are looking for in as much detail as you can. One of the Bazaar merchants will then reply to the thread, and will offer a starting price, which is based on how well you described the item. After the merchant replies, you then have the option of purchasing the item for the posted price, or you may also try to haggle the price down. If you purchase the item, the Merchant will then deduct the price from your GP, and you will be able to use the item. Do NOT use the item before the merchant deducts your GP and closes your Bazaar thread. If you do, any thread you participate in while using the item you will be disqualified from. Your other option is to haggle with the merchant. Whether or not the price goes down is determined by how well you haggle in-character, or if you improve your description of the item.

Selling Items Back

You can sell your items back by two ways: 1) directly to the Bazaar, for 20-50% of what you bought it for, or 2) to another player through the Auction House. If you go the Bazaar route, just wait for a Merchant to approve of your transaction, and add the gold to your account. If you go to the Auction House, there are several rules you must follow. First, for the item you are selling, you must provide a link to where you bought it, which contains the description for it. Second, when you find someone to sell it to for the right price, you must alert one of the Bazaar merchants to close the thread and make the GP transaction for you. Third, you must then delete the item from your character's inventory, wherever you are keeping track of that inventory at. Anyone caught using or selling an item they do not have will be subject to a warning on Althanas. All transactions that are closed in the Auction House will be moved into the Bazaar archive.