View Full Version : Naginata

11-18-2017, 04:48 PM

Can I please get the metal on Avin's naginata (Japanese spear) levelled up? It is currently as iron, and the shaft is yew.
Could I possibly get a quote in steel, damascus and while I am at it delyn. The shaft needs to remain the same for now.

Structural purposes I have said that the shaft is about 4 and a half feet, the blade about 1 and a half foot.

I would be looking to sell the iron.

11-18-2017, 08:11 PM
Costs for upgrading the blade of the naginata are as follows:

Steel - 80 GP
Damascus - 230 GP
Delyn - 530 GP

These are all inclusive of the buyback price for the iron blade. If you convert all your AP, you could afford any of the above.

11-18-2017, 11:48 PM
Could I please get the delyn. Thank you.

Inclusive of conversion of AP.

11-19-2017, 08:41 AM
Avin pays 530 GP (5 AP and 30 GP) and her iron/yew naginata is upgraded to delyn/yew.

11-19-2017, 08:42 AM
Transaction complete.