Nevin was walking through a field a fair distance away from everything - he had been exploring the area around Beinost, and decided to range further out, checking the region between the city and Lindequalme. He was torn between setting up a home in the city - near to Stare was the advantage there - or in the Red Forest itself. The third option was to find a suitable place in between the two, hence his current area.

It had been a few hours since he'd seen anyone else, so the man was walking through a field off the beaten path, collecting herbs and other plants - wild growing oats and grains. Ezra had beat some simple recipes into his head, and he could at least manage a simple porridge now. But he was collecting them a bit differently than normal - spreading out around him, testing and plucking, were cables and wires of his threads.

Dancing about him in a crimson net, Nevin's threads coiled together into weaves of varying thickness, plucking plants up and swatting away insects that got too close. This was one of the few chances he had to experiment and let his threads roam free, and he was only casually guiding them as he roamed around. The goal here was to see how they acted without his direct control - he knew they had some kind of intelligence of their own, but he didn't know how advanced it was.

He paused to take a break, stopping walking around to pull a canteen up and take a long drink of cool water.