So Ray ran one of these last year and I really liked it and I think others appreciated it. Last year I got some lovely baking trays, and have made so many cupcakes it's now crazy.

The way this will work is if you are interested please comment below. Then PM me or Facebook me your address. I will then randomly assign everyone a person to get them from.

Important points:

1. You have until Friday next week (1st December) at 12 midnight GMT, to let me know if you are taking part.

2. Private message me in some way your address. Also include 3 or 4 things that you like as hobbies, as things etc. (For instance, I like tea and colouring books).

3. I will then, next weekend, assign everyone someone, and private message them the details of the person they are getting for. It is up to them to try to get it to your for Christmas.

4. Everyone who gets something for someone will get something. If there's an odd number I will do two.

5. There is not a limit to money but a guideline would be £5 to £10. ($6.70 to $13.35). If we try to stick around this that means everyone will get roughly the same thing.

Note: Remember about timezones and the time it might take to get things to people.