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12-16-07, 12:12 AM

“Have you heard, have you heard?” The little boy shouted to Xen as he ran down the street, his bare feet slapping the cobblestone loudly. Spying Xen’s bow slung across his back, the lad stopped with his chest heaving. “Which side are you on?”

“Side?” Xen answered in confusion, looking left and then right across the two way street. “I am on the right side, and traveling in the correct direction.” Xen responded rather proudly. Humans strangely associated a direction of travel with an orientation in street location, but the ice elemental felt confident he was in the right this time.

“The street? No. Are you for the church,” the youngling suddenly eyed Xen suspiciously and tensed as though preparing to flee, “or for the king?”

Xen thought about this for a moment before realizing he wasn’t really inclined one way or the other. “I don’t know…which side is going to win? I am on that side.”

The boy stared in stunned puzzlement before spluttering out a reply. “What! You can’t be on the winning side! This is a war and you need to pick a side. Then you need to make them win, you can’t just say you’re on the winning side. That’s not how it works.”

Xen cocked his head to the side, thought the kid’s retort and then responded. “Sure it is. I’ll even explain it to you. When two sides are at war, the winning side kills the losing side. I don’t want to be killed, but maybe that’s just me. If the church is winning, then I’ll support the church. If the king is winning, I’m his man. What I won’t be is a dead man, no sir. That’s how it works, you got to look out for yourself first. Besides, it’s a well known fact that winners have a lot of gold.”

Throughout Xen’s speech the kid’s face turned beet red and he puffed up his chest and everything about him said he wanted to interrupt. “How can you think about gold? This is about ideals; the corrupt king’s rule must end. Don’t you care that he’s an usurper and corrupt to the core?”

Xen may have been new to the world, but he wasn’t born yesterday. “Don’t kid yourself, uh, kid. It’s always about the gold. Maybe a lesson you haven’t learned yet, judging by your clothes, but you will. Or you’ll die. Either one. They might say that it’s because the king is corrupt, but I’ll bet he’s got a hoard of gold somewhere, that or he’s after the churches gold and they want help defending it. Well, I’m getting kind of bored here,” Xen paused briefly in his tirade to perform an obnoxiously huge yawn, “so you should run along.”

As the ice elemental walked towards what could only be a tavern with such a sign, the boy sighed heavily and moved on down the street looking for others to shout at. Beneath the awning but still outside the bar, Xen found himself blocked by a straggly looking fellow with a long scar down his cheek.

“Mind if I buy you a drink?” The fellow offered. Always up for anything free, Xen accepted and followed the man into the bar. Inside the bar Xen managed to direct the man to seats farthest from the hearth.

With a fresh mug of ale in hand, Xen listened attentively as the man spoke. “I heard what you were saying to the kid out on the street. Filthy street urchin shouldn’t be spreading lies about the king like that, but that’s not the point. Some sound advice you gave him, but unlikely he’ll heed it. I can tell you are a man that’s got his priorities straight, and Rahaxea values good men.”

Tipping the glass back and ignoring the foamy trails traveling down his chin, Xen chugged the last of his ale and cut the man off. “I’m sorry, you lost me there. Who’s Rahaxea?”

Choking on his beverage, the scarred man slammed his mug into the table and squinted fiercely at his companion. Responding as he ran a hand across his bald pate, “If that’s a joke, you best keep it to yourself from now on. Rahaxea is the king, and he’s taking down the church one way or another. You’re right about the king’s treasury, and maybe that is what the church is after, but he doesn’t hold back when it comes to rewarding his successful followers and that’s what counts.”

“So you’re trying to recruit me? I’m not a merc, and I’m not dying for anyone.” Xen started to rise from the creaky stool, but the loyalist caught his arm and held fast. He gestured to table of well armed men, all dressed in at least partial armor. Their shoulders were at least twice as wide as Xen’s and their arms were like tree-trunks. They were drinking and gambling heavily, coins rolling from pocket to e pocket with every roll of dice.

Leaning in, the old soldier dropped his voice to a whisper. “You see that table over there, the guys in the armor? They’re good muscle, real brutes, but they ain’t bright. That one with the pointed helmet, you see him? He’s won the last two dice rolls but can’t count the pips, so the others say he lost and he believes them. You seem to have your head on right, you know how things work. They’d be under your command. They do the fighting, you stay back and use that bow of yours, shout some orders. Maybe they die, maybe they don’t, but you get paid regardless. Also, what do you think is going to happen to all that stuff inside the church? There’s a big market for the magical items and religious artifacts they keep in there, a lot of money to be made.”

“Alright, I get it. I can make a lot of gold. If you win. If you lose, I gain nothing.”

“True. But we won’t fail. What is it going to take to convince you?”

“Pay me in advance. A portion now, the rest later. And anything I loot I keep, and separately from payment.”

“Heh, I see you’ve worked for a merchant before. Okay, I can accept that deal. Now, I’ve got a few places for you…”

12-17-07, 04:37 AM
Meg slid through the door, shadowing a rather large man dressed as a soldier. Perhaps she was a bit too close, as when he stopped suddenly her face ended up in his side. Whatever had caught his attention abruptly vanished with the intrusion into his flesh. As a fat hand swung for her, she ducked and scrambled forward. One of the good things about being short was the ability to evade tall peoples' grasp easier, but if they got you it was hard to get down.

" 'Ey now boy! You havin' a go at m' purse?"

Glancing up, the look on the man's face was less than pleasant. Quite obviously, he expected her to have lightened the small pouch to some degree, and like so many others, noticed only the small, breast-less frame and short hair.

"I'm not doing anything, sir." She all but spat. Soldiers. Greedy, opportunistic soldiers. If I never had to see them again... Distracted by several chairs scraping loudly from nearby, she finally noticed a full table of them on the other side of the man's stomach. Oh crud. I just had to be mouthy when there's a bunch of them right here.

In barely a second she dropped to all fours and crawled backwards under a table, just missing a patron's legs with her pack. Okay, not the brightest idea you've had. Now they're probably convinced you did! Think, Meg!

While scooting farther from the now angry soldier, Meg hit something, but couldn't turn around to look - until she was dragged backwards and roughly picked up by a fistful of collar and necklace. A quick glance at her captor revealed a town guard. It just really isn't my day...

"What'd you take, kid?" The guard shook her a bit, but at least set her back on her feet.

Getting a little desperate, she decided to change tactics and hope they didn't look through her pack. Even though she had nothing from this particular man, there was coin on her she shouldn't have, and a package for this particular barkeep that she had no clue as to the contents. Cursing her stupidity at not concealing the coins, the girl visibly drooped.

"Nothing, I swear! I just ran into him." Shifting from foot to foot to try and loose the pressure around her neck created by the leather cord being pulled tight, she looked all the world like a guilty kid.

"You little shit. I c'n tell you got somethin'," The soldier had moved around the table by this time, and reached for her with one meaty hand.

12-17-07, 06:49 PM
As he hammered out the details, Xen failed to notice how his men were suddenly bunching around in and circle and becoming louder. Only when a town guard moved into the group did Xen pay any attention, quickly realizing his new responsibilities were likely causing trouble.

Stepping quickly across the room to intercede, Xen made his voice as commanderly as possible. “Excellent, you are all up and ready to go. We’re moving out, so gather your gear and meet out front.” Quickly stepping between the town guard and the source of trouble, Xen addressed the guard. “Your timing is impeccable, but I can assure you there is no problem. Kindly release the lad and we’ll be on our way.”

Both mercenary warriors and guardian protector stood dumbfounded by the sudden incursion and subsequent barrage. Before the quickest grunt get out more than a “Wha…” the recruiter spoke over him, ushering the group towards the front, explaining just how Xen had come to be in recharge, adding made up credentials to benefit the explanation. The guardsman released the would be thief, slightly confused but seeing the situation diffused successfully and walking away.

Waiting silently for his orders to be obeyed, Xen attempted his sternest stare for the youth in an attempt to hold him in place. Seeing the others moved off, Xen let out a long breath and leaned down nearer the thief. “Listen, you’ve got a couple of options. First, you come with me and put your thieving skills to a productive use. Second, you don’t come with me and the soldiers find you later and beat the stuffing out of you in some dark alley, or you get arrested by the town guard. I think the church did lashings or cut off a finger, or something, but I know the king is fond of hanging. I’ll give you a minute to consider.”

Outside, Xen breathed deeply in the fresh air, magic altered as it was. The aeromancers were well like by the populous, but as a spirit of nature he couldn’t help but feel distaste. Exhaling frost, he addressed his men. “It seems that the church has taken over a district close to the Cathedral. We will be reclaiming this district for the king. Any questions?”

The men assembled before him had a look of confusion about them, fidgeting slightly. Finally one raised his gauntleted fist, as though to be called on. “Who are you?”

“Who…didn’t…didn’t he explain?” Attempting to suppress his embarrassment, Xen forged ahead. “I am Xen Dasen, your commanding officer. I will respond to either name. Are there any questions about the mission?”

12-18-07, 03:53 PM
As the soldier she'd bumped into grabbed the front of her shirt, Meg was pulled almost off her feet, and involuntarily whimpered as she realized how stretched it would end up if any more hands entered the fray. But this is my only shirt... Closing her eyes tightly, the small girl hoped for nothing more than the guard not to leave her to the soldiers, which would likely be several times worse than anything she would sustain in a jail cell for the night - and if they happened to be new hirelings, it would be even more unpleasant. When the man had intervened Meg couldn't believe her luck. The help had been unexpected indeed. Almost no one spoke up for a street kid, no matter how innocent they were, and she definitely didn't look the part. His words after rescuing her from a mob of - apparently his soldiers - proved quite the opposite.

Something he wants? If he thinks me to be good at stealing things, that's not going to turn out well. Eh, I don't have a choice even if he says I do... 'a minute to consider' is just a fancy way of saying 'run like hell or serve me.'

Looking at the barkeep, she remembered that she couldn't run, anyways, since there had been an errand which brought her to this particular tavern in the first place. "You Dwayne?" she queried, and when he nodded she dug into one of the hidden inner pockets of her bag and pulled out a roughly wrapped package. "This is from Old Man Griff. Now, my coin?" She stretched out on hand expectantly while holding up the bundle in the other, waiting for the man to dig through a pouch and come out with the promised silver. Only after she made sure the proffered coin wasn't fake by biting it did she leave the tavern, glancing around and noting the most effective places to climb into and hide if the need arose. Never can be too cautious...

Slipping back out the door, the girl picked up her staff from its hiding place just outside and leaned against the wall to wait for the man to be done with the soldiers.

The black-haired man sputtered as one of his men asked him a question. They didn't seem all too bright, but then again, they didn't need to be - hulking brutish men very rarely did. He introduced himself to them as Xan, or Xen, or something like that, revealing a very recent change in command. Ah, they don't know him - so he's a merc? Doesn't seem the type...

When he finished briefing them about their mission, whatever it was - Meg didn't pay much attention; she was too busy trying to think of what her best plan might be - she waited until the men had moved off, talking to someone else who was also in control of them. maybe. She blinked, realizing she'd never figure out the power structure of this kind of thing.

Stepping forward towards Xen she pulled off her hat so she could actually see him; while usually it just prevented others from seeing her face, which was the only defining - visible - feminine part of her body, this man was about a foot taller than her and she wanted to see his face. Plus, if she was looking up that much the hat wouldn't have covered her face anyway. "Lashings aren't really a big deal, and I didn't know the king was 'fond of hanging,' as you put it, but I get the point. Either I help you or you let them at me. What're you wanting me to do?" She scratched her head. "Oh, and by the way - I'm no thief. I really did just run into him." While she spoke, the other hand was nervously picking at the surface of her staff - not doing any damage, just playing with a small knot near the upper edge.

12-18-07, 09:24 PM
Letting his men wander off, Xen looked down at the slightly feminine boy. He knew the thief would come along, at least he would if he wasn’t a total fool and if was a total fool then he’d be better off not coming. Chuckling heartily, Xen responded. “Of course, of course. Nobody’s ever a thief. Pickpockets, cutpurses, robbers, bandits, always the same thing. I suppose you consider yourself a liberator of coins, as well? Maybe steal from the rich and give to the needy? Whatever, not the point. You’re small, kind of shifty looking. Hopefully pretty sneaky, right?”

Hardly taking a breath, Xen moved beside the thief and pointed after the men as they walked down the street a ways distant. “What you’ll have do? Nothing too dangerous, not really. They’ll be doing all the fighting, you just need to be kind of unnoticed. Scout ahead a little when we go around corners, warn us if you see reinforcements coming, that sort of thing. And if you happen to be behind a guy in the middle of fighting, stab him or something. You’ve got a blade don’t ya?”

Moving after the men, Xen waved his arm impatiently, urging the lad to move with him. “I’ll also be needing your name, kind of hard to give orders otherwise. I’d be all, ‘Hey, you. Go there, do that. You.’ See my point?” Realizing he was gesticulating ridiculously, Xen forced his hands to his sides.

Seeing the men up ahead and about to make a wrong turn, Xen shouted after them directing them to take a left. Jogging to catch up, the ice elemental was still busy formulating a plan for how to take on the district. First, they’d have to break into the houses one street over and gather some information. Not really much he could do until then.

12-19-07, 04:27 PM
When Xen finally stopped talking, Meg's lip curled slightly. "Ugh. I know I'm not going to convince you. I do odd jobs, sometimes of the sneaking variety, yes, but I couldn't steal coin to save my life. Sometimes wish I could. It'd make eating a whole lot easier." She glanced back at him, "But yeah. I can do that. Shouldn't be a problem."

A little lost trying to remember what he'd just said, she stumbled over a couple of words - and a cobblestone in the street. "Do I... a blade? Kinda. It's not much use in most situations," Meg scurried to keep up with him, "But I guess I could use it to.. I dunno. Cut the backs of their knees or something." She grinned slightly, the thought of her harming someone in battle an amusing one. She couldn't fight with a blade well at all.

As Xen turned to jog off after his vanishing troops, the girl briefly considered running the opposite way, bet decided she didn't want to risk him carrying through with any of the threats and ran to not lose him.

While catching up to him, she glanced toward where his men had been going before called back; just a couple of old geezers, looking rather put off by the herd of beefy men who'd been heading their way. Or perhaps it had been their obvious soldierlike mentality. Maybe they were Church sympathizers - or maybe she was just trying to attribute meaning where there was none.

Finally catching up to him, she "I'm Meg. I would say 'pleased to meet'cha,' but this isn't really a pleasurable meeting," she raised one eyebrow, wondering what his reaction would be. She'd gotten some interesting ones from people who had assumed she was a boy until hearing her name.

12-20-07, 01:00 PM
Stopping completely, Xen turned to look at the thief once more, perhaps a little more closely. Unconvinced, he picked up speed again before responding. “An unfortunate name for a boy, your parents must’ve known you’d be a criminal. You probably got made fun of a lot when you were littler…er…younger. I guess you’re short enough to get away with Meg if you wore a dress, maybe.”

Spying thin towers rising ever higher over the buildings that packed the street wall to wall, Xen realized they must be getting close. Calling for the soldiers to stop, the ice elemental gathered them together. “We’re almost there, so you guys should start being alert. I don’t think they’ll have anyone watching this area, but it couldn’t hurt to be wary. Being able to surprise them will help, but we can do without it as well.”

Turning towards the scout, Xen spoke quickly. “Meg, you need to break into that house, go out the back, then break into the back of the next house and look out the windows over there. Report back with what you see, and don’t get caught. There might be some people in those houses still, but it’s not likely. The soldiers were apparently butchered when the church took over the district. I know the houses look like slums on this side of the road, but the district we’re after is supposed to be pretty rich. So don’t steal anything from the mansions that’ll slow you down.”

Facing the soldiers once more, Xen struggled to think of some kind of inspiring speech. Failing that, he decided to go with the facts. “This shouldn’t be too bad, it’s mostly just farm folk. No armor and makeshift weapons, shouldn’t be hard to kill. The church has got men and women fighting, even some children. We’re not supposed to let anyone live, but I’ll leave that to you guys. The main threat is going to be from the priest they sent in. He’s well trained, well armored and armed, and there is the chance there are…animals…he’s brought with him. But I’m sure we’ll be fine, you guys look pretty tough.”

This isn’t so bad. I kinda like giving orders. Maybe life in the army wouldn’t be as bad as it sounds. I wonder if I could make them all say ‘Yes sir, no sir.’ Looking at the roughly scarred warriors, Xen thought not.

12-23-07, 06:03 PM
She didn't know what she had expected - but Xen's response was definitely not it. Out of everything she'd gotten, this was by far the most amusing reaction ever. Although, she didn't like running into people, and this was the second time today. He'd stopped directly in her path, where she'd skidded and barely missed impaling herself on his bow when he turned to her.

"Wow, you're even denser than I thought you were. You now hold the all-time low record for perception. I've known drunks who at least realized I wasn't a boy when I told them my name," she needled him, both amused and slightly irritated. "You're looking for what again? Anyone who might try and stop you, right?" Before he had a chance to respond, she quickly continued and started toward the building he'd pointed to, looking around for a less obvious entrance than, say, the front door.

The buildings were definitely more than "slums" on this side, but then again she'd seen some pretty bad neighborhoods; this might be considered a slum by anyone who hadn't.

Using her staff to poke open a shuttered window, a quick glance inside revealed no one visible - and no glass. Less than a second later and Meg was inside, having hauled herself over the windowsill, where she landed on a basket that rapidly collapsed under her. Still, Xen had been right - there was no one there. However, there was also no light; apparently the window she had just opened was the only one not sealed and the roof was solid. Feeling her way back, one hand along the side and sweeping the staff along the ground, she was relieved to find the back wall. In a minute or so, she'd found another shutter, peeked out and hopped out. With nobody in sight, scuttling over to the back building should be the easiest thing ever.

For some reason, this one's windows were all open. No one inside that she could see, but still - it unnerved the girl a little. A moment's hesitation - again weighing the benefits of running now to the possibility of having one less finger or a company of angry soldiers after her - and she went through. Once inside, she crouched beneath the window and hoped there actually was a lack of people; a soft rustle and sharp click alerted her to the fact that this was likely not the case. Moving rapidly and nigh-silently now, she hoisted herself onto a chest and climbed up a cupboard to reach the rafters. Slowly creeping along the thickest beams, Meg tried to find where the sounds had come from. She would've missed the source completely if it hadn't shifted when she was directly above it, given how well the men were hidden, even if seemingly unintentionally. There were three she could make out, and probably more she couldn't. For a long moment she waited, willing her breath to still and her hands not to shake, letting her eyes pick out the men below. After what seemed like an hour passed, she could tell that there were at least eight of them, some extremely well-hidden -maybe napping, from their lack of movement. It didn't look like they were ready for the King's men coming in, although they were heavily armed. From what she could tell, several had spears nearby and a sword at hand, a few had bows - and one had a gun. Where that had come from, she had no clue.

Moving backwards, she brushed against one of the support beams and dislodged quite a bit of dust. As it fell towards the men below she froze, turning sideways and flattening herself as much as possible against the beams; heart pounding, she waited. One of the men stirred, but only dusted himself idly.

Maybe they think it's just a rat. Praying this was the case, Meg started to back up again. The rest of her painfully slow trip out was uneventful, even surprisingly so. There weren't any animals to block her path, no large dirt clumps to knock off, and her erstwhile ladder of furniture was still there.

Darting back to Xen, she gave a slightly jumbled description of the men while catching her breath, "Second house, there are several of them. Not ready for you, but armed. Spears, blades, bows - One has a gun, and they're all mostly hidden. Some are napping, I think."