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View Full Version : Lunegra

12-21-07, 12:34 AM
Race:Felari subspecies: panther
Hair Color:sleek, glossy black when in guardian/panther forms...dirty blond in human form
Eye Color:first-snow-of-winter blue, in human form dark chocolate
Height:guardian/panther form-6'5" and 350 lbs/ human form 5'10" and 115 lbs

Occupation:The primary task of the felari is that of a guardian to ones homeland and the earth

*Personality: Lunegra began life as any felari would: with a high sense of pride, honor and duty. To felari ones people and home are of the utmost importance. Life would not be kind to either. At a very young age Lunegra loses her mother, sister, and clan to medieval raiders. She is captured, tortured, raped and beaten. Because of this Lunegra has an unquenchable thirst for the destruction of human lives. After her son (produced by one of the rapes) is stillborn, she buries any feeling she had left and vows to kill the human race. She is detached from life, and because of the trauma she endured from such a young age, she developed a somewhat severe psychosis along with bipolar disorder. She's aggressive even towards other felari and humans of course. The closest thing to joy she is able to experience is after a good slaughter. Unlike other felari, who naturally have some dominion over the earth elements, Lunegra has developed the ability to control fire, and does so gleefully. In other words, if you see Lunegra coming your way, its probably best that you run.

Appearance: In guardian form, Lunegra reaches almost seven feet and 400 pounds of rippling muscle. Every inch is covered in glossy black fur, with a "mane" beginning at the hairline and ending near the lower back. She is able to walk upright and has opposable thumbs, topped with razor sharp claws mind you, but only three extra digits. Her knees are bent, her feet highly arched and ending in four large "cat like" appendages. A tail half the length of her body provides balance, is prehensile, and can also be used to knock humans from their feet. Her face is more panther than human as guardian. In her "true form" Lunegra becomes a sort of large panther, more the size of a lion or tiger. She loses her ability to control fire, but can communicate telepathically with whatever being she chooses and can perform higher than a normal panther could. As a human Lunegra is taller than average with back length dirty blond hair and intense brown eyes. She rarely wears a smile, with the exception of when she's hunting humans (then she is known to shriek in wild fits of rage mixed with glee). She also looks to be a bit on the thin side as a human, but she could easily overpower several men with her agility and strength.

History of the race: Felari are protectors of the earth and wherever they feel is home. In their "guardian form" they appear to be some sort of a humanoid with a heavy expression of cat features. They are supposed to have a gentle disposition aside from when they are needed to defend their people. It is said that long ago the goddess Bast grew weary of the ways humans from later ages mistreated the planet and the beautiful creatures within it so she chose a select devout few and melded their spirit and flesh with the creature she was thought to encompass: felines. These felari are able to return to their two "true" forms. That of the cat and the human. The hybrid is more powerful than either, can wield amazing power, and is able to live a longer than normal life. The felari of ancient times were extremely devout to Bast and would give their life to defend her will and the creatures(especially cats) she charged to their protection. Nowadays felari still impose a code of duty but some have strayed from their original purpose without consequence. Most see the story of Bast and their creation as just a legend. Nearly all felari remain in either their guardian and true form (feline) as they see themselves as separate from the human race, almost like the next step in evolution. Returning to human form is looked down upon in one's community, no matter which clan you belong to (panthers, tigers, lions, leopards, pumas, bobcats, snow leopards, jaguars).

Skills: All felari are gifted with super strength, speed, agility, and reflexes. They have excellent night vision, can leap a 30 ft high fence with ease, and can control the earth elements to some extent. Lunegra is special in that she controls fire. Most felari are trained in hand to hand combat, preferring to save their fangs and claws for when they are in the animal state. As guardians they can speak both with their minds and mouths. As humans they are much stronger, have keener senses and can tolerate extremes (such as temperature, drought, disease...) better than normal people.

Equipment: Lunegra carries with her a gold embellished blade with a twisted dragon on its hilt. Its the weapon a raider (actually a noble) used to cut out her mothers heart. She takes pleasure in injuring others with it.

12-21-07, 05:18 AM
Your current skill level far ecxeeds that of a normal level zero character.

She cannot have super speed, strength, agility and reflexes. She can have 1.5x speed and reflexes, or 1.5x strength. You can choose which one. She can have slightly above average night vision and can jump a max of 6 ft into the air, which is still a lot.

If she can control fire, please list the spells that she currently has at this point in time and any other magic she may or may not have.