View Full Version : Once Upon a Time, in Broken Dreams...

12-21-07, 03:07 AM
(Solo following the events of Eternal Goodbye (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=2227))

"It’s hard to believe, he looks so innocent like that," The voice drifted in from far away, so familiar, yet he could never quite grasp who it was. The voice seemed harder than he remembered it. The name was on the tip of his tongue as he tried to remember who it belonged to. Struggling to awaken, he found himself unable to as the very thought brought pain to his world.

"Looks can be deceiving," This voice was harsher, more masculine. It spoke of knowledge always hidden. Annoyed seemed to more fit the tonality of this voice as he listened to it. It hurt to think, to move, but he continued to listen, trying to figure out just why he was unable to pull himself to full awareness.

"Oh shut up, you were like that once," The woman reacted. She snapped at him as if implying her knowledge was important. Her voice seemed to quaver a bit at the end, as if betraying a bit of rage that burned under the surface. Seth knew that emotion all to well; it had marked his life, the one emotion that got him killed in the end.

"Yes, this is why I know how he’ll react. He won't be too happy to see you, and definitely not too happy if he finds out who I am. Just call me Walker right now..." The man said, his own impatience rising in his voice. They seemed to be bickering, almost as if former lovers, or worse.

No more can they keep us in!

"You are always so cryptic. I figure you, of all people, could learn to share your knowledge for once." The woman spat. She was angry, this much was apparent. Perhaps he had hit an unknown button.

Listen dammit we will win!

"Alright, you're going to tempt him into killing his parents in your future his past. Get over it," The words tore through him as memories rushed to him. Crimson hair, green eyes, the cold laughter, and the death of his parents, the picture was unfolding as he placed the voice. It was her -- Amiya the Corrupted.

They see it right, they see it well...

"I hate you," She spat in retort. He felt the heat of anger rush through him as he tried to break through the veil of darkness. He pushed as his rage carried him, taking him to the heights as he attempted to awaken.

...but they think this saves us from our hell.

"No you don't, you only think you do," The man replied as the sounds of footsteps could be heard. He seemed to be moving around him. He continued to push against his fatigue, before it shattered. The darkness that enveloped him came abruptly to an end as he finally pulled the last fragments of his battered soul together. With a cry of rage his eyes opened and his body lurched forth. He could even see her, as he rushed forward, trying desperately to get at her before he felt something holding him back. Ignoring it he pulled against his bonds as he saw her, standing there in the robes of a Demon Slayer.

“So cute when angry, at least he’s awake,” Amiya replied as her cruel voice issued forth. He raged, inarticulate roars of fury passed through his lips. The murderer of his parents was in this very room, and he could not move. As he continued he felt his strength fail him as he collapsed in a heap. Another outcry of rage at the situation left his lips as he pulled again at his bonds. He could see no one else, only her as she issued a hand forth and spoke harshly, “Ort.”

As he attempted to rush forward again, it felt as if a hand reached forward and shoved against his chest. He slid across the room before coming to a halt, his direction reversed as simply as one would close a door. He grunted as he stopped and pulled himself to his feet as he roared, “You heinous bitch! I’ll kill you for what you’ve done to me!”

Italicized lines courtesy of Sanitarium by Metallica

12-26-07, 03:28 AM
"Bold words for one who's chained up," Amiya retorted. Seth was again on his feet as he strained at the bonds, only now seeing them. His anger burned beneath the surface as he wished he could tear her apart. He didn't want to merely defeat her, he wanted to erase her from his memory. He wanted to obliterate the evidence that she existed, and yet he couldn't.

The steel shackles that wrapped around his wrist went to the floor, which he had only just begun to notice. It was cold, yet a solid white substance he could not describe. It seemed hard as stone, but held none of its properties. His clothes were torn in places, and as he looked upon himself, the anger in his chest was released, replaced by a cold fear.

His body, which should have been whole, was missing in places. It wasn't as if he was cut through, and chunks had fallen off, these parts of him merely were not present. As he looked at himself the horror on his face was recognized as the male voice from earlier spoke, "Perhaps now that you can see what you've done to your soul, you would have chosen your path differently. Hex Magic, while powerful, destroys the soul of the one who wields it. It destabilizes them, and in the afterlife, many spend eternity trying to pull the shards of their souls together, in order to become whole."

His head snapped towards the voice, a man in robes. He couldn't see the face, as shrouded by the hood of the robes. He was standing there coolly as he seemed to walk about the room examining Seth. He got the feeling he was being measured as more than just a piece of meat, but as a potential enemy. As he closed his eyes he growled out, "Let me out of these chains and I'll show you how weak I really am-"

"I need no demonstration. I have countless of murders to watch. You were a weapon Seth Dahlios, a very effective one, but a mere tool none the less. You did your job admirably might I add, in sowing destruction, even when you sought to repress your very being. Did you not know the voices were but your very soul, trying to get you to be who you truly were?"

"Yes, I did," Seth said softly. The man who spoke was efficient in his replies, making Seth give up the very answer sought.

"Then why deny what you are?"

"A weapon with no purpose creates the dilemma of my life," Seth replied bluntly.

"Ah, yes, purpose, the thing that drives people to the depths of insanity, trying to justify their violent ends. Tell me Seth, to what purpose do you leave your pregnant girlfriend, to pursue vengeance for a slight that was mere mental illusion?"

Seth remained silent as he sagged to his knees, the fatigue hitting him hard. He could hear a bit of happiness in the man's voice at this point. Still Seth knew the truth, it was ugly and garish, "Absolution."

"Why?" The question was quick as it cut through the area.

"If I had beaten him, I need not have killed my parents," Seth replied as he closed his eyes. Amiya snorted at the response as the robed man raised a hand.

"So because of your weakness, your inability to fight, you blame a man who is seeking vengeance upon his father for the sins committed against him? Curious and more curious," The sounds of boots upon the ground could be heard as he stepped about him carefully. He remained well in the thief's range, but seemed unafraid of any retaliation.

"I never stated it was a good reason," Seth tried.

"And I assure you, it was not. Still Seth Dahlios, you now stand at the Gates of the Afterlife, a murderer and a sinner of the utmost degree. Not since Arkahm Zaro has there been such a disgusting display of human vulgarity, and he only topped you, by his acceptance of far worse deeds, included but not limited to minor acts of genocide. Tell me Seth Dahlios, where shall you be sent for your transgression?"

"Arkahm Zaro?" Seth asked.

"A Hex Magi much like you, consumed by his lust for power. He took upon himself the sins of the world, and using their power, wished to destroy it. He would have succeeded were it not for Xavier Sigma, a Knight of the Order of the Apocalypse, who cursed him with the power, only to have it kill him five minutes later. Now, where shall you be sent?"

"I don't deserve heaven, and so there is but one choice..." Seth replied.

"No, you are wrong. You suffer a fate worse than hell..."

01-01-08, 01:37 AM
Amiya at this time giggled softly as she crossed her arms. Seth gave her a baleful glare as he tested the chains once more, seeing they were still as solid as they had been when he had become enraged. The crimson haired vixen finally spoke for her first time since his awakening, "You really did yourself in this time my friend." The word hung in the air as an insult before she spoke up, "Since you screwed with your soul, you're to be stuck in Purgatory. Only a full soul can find the Sanctuary of Heaven, or the Penance of Hell. This means, that you have approximately an eternity being haunted by images of friends and family. You cannot affect them in any significant way, but you can at least see them, and know they might fall on your path."

Seth jerked on his chains as he spat venomously, "I'll have your head by the end of this, one way or another..."

"You know, the tireless threats, they were charming at fir-"

"Amiya, shut it. You only egg him on, and you are only here by my permission. This can change in a minute, so shut your mouth," The robe man said, cutting through the air and sending Seth's vision back to this enigmatic stranger. This man exuded that confidence, that arrogance, and that fatigue with life.

"Who are you anyways, I know this bitch, but you certainly ring no bells..." Seth asked finally.

"I am the Time Walker. I do the works of the Seraph Gods, so that one day Sintyre can be defeated. Since, you have perpetuated much of his works, I am here to offer you that penance you seek, that cleansing of your sins. I also offer you perhaps your greatest requirement, in life and death," The man said as he took a cordial bow.

"And just what would that be?"

"Purpose, it is the single thing your life lacks, and your greatest cause of problems. You are a weapon, there is no changing this. I too am much like you, "At this Amiya snorted causing him to turn his head sharply. Though Seth could not see him under the robes, he could almost feel a palpable anger emanating from him before he continued, "A weapon that served no purpose, but finally has been given one."

"Alright, so you want me to find the meaning of life? Well, thats fine and dandy, but I don't take kindly to being use-"

"This will be different from others who sought to use you my friend, this will infact, be something you will relish doing," The Time Walker stated. He then pressed on, not giving Seth a chance to question the logic, "Think about the one person, who has caused you the most grief. The one person who has given you cause for the most regret. I assure you, before you even try to blame my accomplice, it is not AMiya, she was merely a scapegoat on this matter, and the heartache you feel in the void left by your parents, is but a drop in the ocean of grief you give yourself caused by this Man."

Seth closed his eyes as his thoughts sifted. Amiya had helped him kill his parents, but that was only because he had needed to rebuild his soul. The process had worked, but he only required it because Kycoo had nearly killed him, when he attempted to get the pendant to keep the unstable magics within him. A magic that he sometimes regretted using greatly, had it not been for...

"Mordechai, Dread Magician, Brother of Lazarus and Nichodemus, Progenitor of the Hex Magi, is that who you mean?" Seth asked after he figured it out.

"He is one of Sintyre's greatest agents. I require his death, but it is not my job to do so, doing so creates a paradox in which a destiny is left unfulfilled, and it would destroy me without a second thought, to repair the rift caused by such an act. You however, have that very lucky task," The Walker said. Seth raised his head and looked under the hood for the longest time.

"I get that you can see past and future, I can imply as much from your name. So, then that leaves the fact that I need to come back to life, whats on the plate here? What am I being offered exactly, if I know what I'm going to do, and knwo I will accomplish it, what incentive do I have to proceed?"

"None, but you'll do it anyways. You see, Liliana in roughly 18 years will attempt to ressurect you through the help of Jared Cesarino, and Darith Shagath. Garret Brown will help in the recovery of your body, which by then will have been usurped from its grave for the...third, yes thats right, third time. That attempt will fail, and your destiny will be unrealized. There is only one way to change this," He replied.

"So then, how do I remedy that?"

"I knew you'd come around, but you see, you have to prove your worth. Mordechai cannot ismply be found and beaten, for he is not in the world currently. He has locked himself in his laboratory, and cannot be brought to justice, without first defeating his Traitor Generals. I assure you, that is no mean task."

"Alright, so I beat up seven-"

"Six, Mordechai was the Seventh, the Grand Traitor that designed the destruction of Reven, in return for the power magics to create the Homunculi Race that even now masquerades as humans, and mixes with them to produce the Hex Magi."

"Okay, Six guys who deserve death-"

"Ones a girl," THe walker replied.

"Would you stop cutting me off! Okay, so I gotta beat up six people and kill them, in order to fight Mordechai? Sounds like a cheesy epic story taught to show the virtue of determination. Besides, your already running into trouble..."

"Insult aside, what is that problem?"

"Ones already Dead, Lazarus killed Karel Dahlios to make the Changeling Amulet, which I have been wielding the past year. That means I cannot possibly do it, if I must defeat them each," Seth finished.

"Yes, quite right, perhaps I was wrong, I guess Liliana, will be disappointed in 18 years," The man said as he turned to go.

"Stop!" Seth yelled as he closed his eyes.

"Oh, did you have something in mind?" The man said as he turned to face Seth, his head tilted under the hood in a curious manner.

"I'll do it! I'll do whatever you want!"

The man chuckled as he said, "It's not that easy, though its nice to see you have something worth living for. If you want back, you earn it, just like you earned your damnation. But we'll fix that in a second."

He turned to Amiya before he spoke sharply, "Go to them, tell them that he's accepted and is being tested. I will come after the test is finished."

"Why can I not stay?" Amiya said as she gave him a playful pout. Seth's eyes narrowed as he gave her a look that could kill. SHe was still playing games with people, despite all else.

"Because he would require being free, and I do not wish his test to be marred by your presence..."

"If you so wish." She then gestured as she walked off into the darkness, before she faded and disappeared.

As she left the man turned to Seth and spoke, "You will be tested Dahlios, remember, your courage under fire is not being tested, but your drive to win, and to overcome obstacles. Many of the Traitor Generals have reached immortality in one manner or another. You will be required to find them and destroy them, regardless of the method. Some will be easier than others, but all will require keen reflexes. Now, let us begin your test..."