View Full Version : An Althanas RPG?

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Cyrus the virus
05-13-06, 09:55 PM
Anyone who is familiar with the RM2k program knows that it's a decent, easy maker to use. I've begun to work on an Althanas RPG, featuring a character who begins with the approval process, and then sets on his journey. I plan on having him pass through the continents and meet countless Althanas members. If you have any non-storyline or non-character-dialogue ideas, please post them here! If you're good with maps and have the program, you can ask me if you can make one and I'll let you (just so we don't both make a Radasanth City, and such).

This is by no means an official Althanas event, just something I decided on doing. I've had the program for years and haven't finished a full game, so it's not even guaranteed than I'll finish it. But I'm determined to follow through with this one.

Please, any cool ideas you have, PM them. That way they will remain a surprise to everybody. Storyline ideas? PM. Dialogue? PM. Areas to visit, people to meet, side quests? PM.

Or just show support/criticisms.

05-13-06, 09:58 PM
Seems like a fun idea. Go for it. As your custom title says; loo loo loo.

05-13-06, 10:00 PM

I'm too lazy to log on to my other account. Anything you'd like to see, Damonica? The technology's limited, as is my skill with it, but I can pull of SOME stuff :p

05-13-06, 10:00 PM
Oh, oh, can I be the all powerfull optional boss that's stronger than the final boss?

05-13-06, 10:02 PM
Totally not, though I do have plenty of optional bosses planned :D:D Old dudes, mostly, but some others. Don't worry, I'll stuff you in the game somewhere. I'm gonna try to make sure most of the active people get at least a few minutes of glory.

Also, there'll likely be a part in the game where you enter a tournament. Which should it be? Not Gisela. :p

I also want to have about 20 playable, choosable party members. I think it'll be a lot easier to pull of than it sounds like. I already have a good idea of how to make choosing a party of 4 out of them all.


I should also let everyone know that I don't have a storyline planned out, just some events. So ideas are appreciated.

Yari Rafanas
05-13-06, 11:42 PM
If anything, I should be the optional boss at the end. I mean, I am Althanas' STRONGEST player-character. ;)

05-13-06, 11:51 PM
Yeah grandpa I'm catching up behind ya too ;)

Oh Matt, if you want use the quote in my sig...if you want to know who says it, I'll be more than happy to tell you over AIM

Yari Rafanas
05-13-06, 11:55 PM
Yeah grandpa I'm catching up behind ya too ;)

Oh Matt, if you want use the quote in my sig...if you want to know who says it, I'll be more than happy to tell you over AIM

My ancient ways and supreme badassness will make that 10,000 point gap hard to close, son.

Also, this Althanas RPG thing was attempted by my old buddy, Ter-Thok, back in the day, only it had his character as the star. It was a very awesome idea, and I'm interested in seeing yours, Cyrus.

Cyrus the virus
05-14-06, 12:06 AM

Mine won't be, like, as funny as his would have been/was, though. I plan on tweaking the way the program uses armor, EXP and monsters, too. Not too much random fighting in my game, since that's annoying as hell. It also makes it easier for me to tweak the difficulty of bosses. Of which there will be many.

05-14-06, 01:27 AM
I like this idea. And not only because I haven't played a good RM2K game in a long time. *sigh* May Lun Calsari soon feel up to beginning work on something new... And may Lysander86 decide to finally complete his little project...

Eheh... Anyway, how are you planning to handle the main character? Just a generic sword-wielding RPG hero (who, by an amusing twist, is actually mute)? Or do you have some form of character customization in mind?

As for optional bosses, Jannin could be an amusing choice; show him early in the game as the clownish weakling he is now, then bring him back when he actually has a halfway-decent shot at conquering Althanas. :p

Max Dirks
05-14-06, 01:39 AM
LoL, I still have the map I did of Corone in RPGM2K saved if you want it.

Dirks definitely should have a supporting role ;)

05-14-06, 02:07 AM
As for optional bosses, Jannin could be an amusing choice; show him early in the game as the clownish weakling he is now, then bring him back when he actually has a halfway-decent shot at conquering Althanas. :p

Or even better, how about that annoying recurring boss that you can't seem to get rid of...


05-14-06, 02:09 AM
Dan's a starting PC, yo. Suck it :p

05-14-06, 02:10 AM
If thats the case we have to have the Bazaar war happen!

Swing It
05-14-06, 03:19 AM
I think it would be cool to play through past major althanas events. Like all the Zombies in w/e that place was. AND! u should make the three great PG's optional factions. Those ofcourse would be The Bandit Brotherhood, The Red Hand and The Facade.

Yari Rafanas
05-14-06, 03:23 AM
Ooo, the bazaar war would be interesting starting point of the game.

05-14-06, 08:04 AM
God, Add redeemer as a party member. I think that'd be funny, as he never seems to do anything.

05-14-06, 08:12 AM
Oooooh. Fancy. You should add Leon to this game, as something. What I don't know. I'll just be glad to see him i a video game. He'd probably be best as a party member That's strong, just not too terribly so throughout the whole game. You should add the Adventurer's Crown too, just for diversity. Take you to Raiera and Alerar and whatnot.

05-14-06, 08:12 AM
Have Raelyse be the leader. That way he can limp around and everyone would follow him and the game would slow down.

05-14-06, 09:35 AM
Letho should be one of those cool optional NPCs that save your ass at one moment, but are too cool to join your party. Instead he gives you some advice and a special weapon or something to help you in your quest. After Myrhia forces him to give you the weapon, that is. :P

05-14-06, 09:46 AM
Or even better, how about that annoying recurring boss that you can't seem to get rid of...


I really like this idea. Janin for annoying recurring boss that you can't seem to get rid of because he joins the party!

Cyrus the virus
05-14-06, 10:30 AM
Eheh... Anyway, how are you planning to handle the main character? Just a generic sword-wielding RPG hero (who, by an amusing twist, is actually mute)? Or do you have some form of character customization in mind?

He'll be pretty generic, yeah. He's a new guy who gets 'approved' at the beginning, with only a steel sword and steel chainmail, and he basically meets a bunch of Althanas characters who hinder or help him on his way. The bad guy will be someone bent on Althanas desctruction, or something.

I'll put Jannin in there for a bit. Do you have any other characters?

LoL, I still have the map I did of Corone in RPGM2K saved if you want it.

Dirks definitely should have a supporting role ;)

Nice. Send if to me so I can check it out supervenmar@gmail.com is good for that stuff. And Dirks will be in it in some capacity for sure, probably playing a larger role around tournament time.

Dan's a starting PC, yo. Suck it :p

Don't lie to the people. They'll thinking I'm playing favorites. *punch*


I know nothing about the Bazaar war, so I'm not gonna include it :p

Letho should be one of those cool optional NPCs that save your ass at one moment, but are too cool to join your party. Instead he gives you some advice and a special weapon or something to help you in your quest. After Myrhia forces him to give you the weapon, that is. :P

Letho's too 'good guy' to ignore the desperate needs of Althanas' people! He must have bigger roles. Perhaps he is lead to join the group because the bad guy kills Myrhia! Bahahaha!


I worked on it a bit last night. I'm at a brick wall right now because I need to talk to someone who can help out with the layout of the world map, since I want to get that done. All I need to know is WHERE the continents are. Scara Brae's a small island near Corone, yeah... And everything else is... Oog?

Haidia will be a pain, I think the experience there will be very brief.

Cyrus the virus
05-14-06, 12:06 PM
This is a MASSIVE world map. MASSIVE. Everyone should be thankful that there will be no random encounters on the field. Thanks to Thor.

And whoever plays this... Don't think these are all officially where the regions are or anything. I'm going by Thor, here. Too late to change it now. Hoohah.

The Valkyrie
05-14-06, 12:19 PM
I think Haidia should be the end - where the Uberboss is... and it should be Zieg... he's snapped and trying to take over the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111!!!11 yeah... whatever.

Zieg dil' Tulfried
05-14-06, 12:34 PM
That would be cool. Zieg and Xeppa as the main boss, then after you defeat them, Kaza comes in and puts them in their metaform, Xeik. Totally awesome!!!

05-14-06, 12:49 PM
If it helps Cyrus, I remember some fo the sizes of the continents. Alerar is roughly the size Brazil is. I think Salvar was about the size of Canadia. Raiaera was slightly smaller then Alerar. Ummm, I don't remember the rest.

05-14-06, 12:51 PM
Ashiakin told me Salvar was about the size of russia, only a bit smaller.

Cyrus the virus
05-14-06, 01:44 PM
Strangely enough, on the map I made, Salvar is massive, Alerar and Raiaera are both about the same size, and Corone is pretty small. Not much activity in Corone, I'm afraid. Not fun enough ;)

Zieg'll be in the game in some capacity for sure :D Not the final boss though, he's not that tough.


It's not an exciting one, it merely shows our main character, Scott Uppercut, as he stands in front of Scara Brae's Inn. Baha. Don't mind the file name.

05-14-06, 01:50 PM
Cyrus= coolest dude ever.

I don't even care if I'm in it or not, but I want to play it = )

Cyrus the virus
05-14-06, 02:09 PM

As long as people stay interested I'll be motivated to finish it. Might take a while though, since this thing is going to be massive. After, I'll need a place to upload the RTP and anything else people will need to download to play the game... I always found that part confusing. Ugh.

Zieg dil' Tulfried
05-14-06, 02:10 PM
I wanna see the peaceful promenade!

I want a cool battle cameo! My only demands...

Cyrus the virus
05-14-06, 02:25 PM
Eww, Peaceful Promenade? I'm already wasting time in Scara Brae, here! :p

I'll very strongly consider your battle cameo ;)

Does anyone have any ideas for what to call healing items? Potions? Tonics? Elixirs? First one to come up with something that interests me will winzor! Of course, all you win is healing items named by you, but yeah.

05-14-06, 02:32 PM
Ashiakin told me Salvar was about the size of russia, only a bit smaller.

That would be about the size of Canada.

Anyways Matt, I think the potions should be called "Monk Juice" or something like that, because everyone here gets revived in the citadel.

The Valkyrie
05-14-06, 02:42 PM
What about Fallien CYRUS!!??!! I haven't really thought about the size because I didn't know the size of the others, but I had always thought of it as being about the size of Australia.

Cyrus the virus
05-14-06, 02:45 PM
I'm putting Fallien southwest of Alerar, to replace where Antioch is supposed to be. Issues with that can be firmly placed in my rectum.

Monk Juice it is!

Horizon's End
05-14-06, 03:12 PM
You should try to make it so the main character is based on a bunch of initial choices, or, at the least, allow the basic archetypes of characters. You should also allow the user to "choose" his equipment and be denounced as a n00b if he wants to start with a gold-handled diamond sword of ultimate doom, etc, etc. I also thought of a skil l system wherein leveling up only grants general skill points (i.e. strength, magic, etc) and actual skills and magic only through quests or through usage of skills, even. I could help with some of the coding since I did work on RM2K projects mainly for the challenge of getting things done using its point and click coding engine.

Cyrus the virus
05-14-06, 03:34 PM
Meh, I prefer using the main character I have and building him up, as opposed to making several different storylines and dialogue branches for each character. Too much of a pain, which is why I just made up someone to use instead of using Luc or something.

05-14-06, 03:48 PM
Does anyone have any ideas for what to call healing items? Potions? Tonics? Elixirs? First one to come up with something that interests me will winzor! Of course, all you win is healing items named by you, but yeah.

Health replenishers- potions
Stat fixers (paralysis, etc.)- cure-alls
Magic replenishers- sorcerer juice
Fixer of everything kinda potion- Elixer of life
Junky health replenishers- brew

just some extra ideas...:cool:

Slayer of the Rot
05-14-06, 03:52 PM
Health replenishers- potions
Stat fixers (paralysis, etc.)- cure-alls
Magic replenishers- sorcerer juice
Fixer of everything kinda potion- Elixer of life
Junky health replenishers- brew

just some extra ideas...:cool:

Health replenishers- Beer
Stat fixers (paralysis, etc.)- Absinthe
Magic replenishers- Chloroform
Fixer of everything kinda potion- Whiskey
Junky health replenishers - Moonshine

05-14-06, 03:53 PM
You should so be able to sleep with prostitutes for extra health. Or...ya' know, rest in an INN. Either way...

05-14-06, 04:05 PM
Just a question, whats the battle system going to be like. Is it going to be action RPG style, good old fashioned turned based or some odd mix (a la Tales of Symphonia)?

Storm Veritas
05-14-06, 04:36 PM
Storm needs to be in this. He could run the side games, and completely rip off all the PCs. Which is funny and annoying.

Cyrus the virus
05-14-06, 09:53 PM
Battles are turn based. I remember missing a lot, so I'm just going to make it so all weapons have 95% to hit. Tweaking speed is something that makes me so, so, so mad.

All of those item ideas are crap to me :p I'd drink some, sure, but none of them are too original or anything. Think of Althanas-type items, perhaps, or just come up with something you haven't seen in Final Fantasy/Chrono Trigger/Suikoden/whatever.

Storm will obviously be in it. Duh.

05-14-06, 09:55 PM
I better be in it. With all of my characters.

PS. Remmeber the Ochroma RPG? That was quite good, actually.

Cyrus the virus
05-14-06, 09:57 PM
I don't remember the Ochroma RPG. If I did, I think I would stab myself in the ear. I hate Ochroma, that Greg guy was a clueless fuck.

And ONE of your characters MIGHT be in it, but since I hate you, maybe not.

Also, first party member besides Scott has been placed in Scara Brae, and I have Scara Brae and all its buildings near done. I'm literally rushing the game past SB because it sucks, and regions will be more fun. Oh yeah.

05-14-06, 10:03 PM
Actually I remember that Dirks had started making something like this a while ago. That seemed to be pretty cool too. I remember that the Furry Procterate and the Anti-furry PG were in it. Fun times, fun times.

Who is the first party member anyway?

05-14-06, 10:04 PM
But I love you like I'm blind.

Lavinian Pride
05-14-06, 10:06 PM
Heres an Idea, have Liliana AMbria be a party member, and later you cano go on a side quest where Liliana "Conscripts" Seth...

05-14-06, 10:12 PM
OH, Sarah needs to be a NPC that when people walk up to her, they lose half their health from STDs.

Cyrus the virus
05-14-06, 10:16 PM
It's not an exciting one, it merely shows our main character, Scott Uppercut, as he stands in front of Scara Brae's Inn.


Cory, stop with the ideas please... Oog. This is semi-serious XD

05-14-06, 10:36 PM
all you guys are aware that there are so many Althanians that this game can't revolve around any one person's storylines now aren't you?

Yari Rafanas
05-14-06, 11:48 PM
Tye Sanafar uses "Health Syrup" as a pain killer and potion-type thing. It tastes like honey.

05-14-06, 11:52 PM
It's already Monk Juice. Need other names. Items that remove poison and crap, items that revive characters, items that increase max HP, MP, ATK, DEF and shit. Your silly Tye iz not kewlz enough. I might have him temporarily join just to equip a 'wooden sword' on him, though.

Yari Rafanas
05-14-06, 11:55 PM
Using wooden swords should give you lightside points.

05-14-06, 11:57 PM
Sure. Wooden swords are +1 ATK, by the way. Basic armor is like +5 DEF. You sux.

I'll put you in the game somewhere though, probably as Yari. He'll be fast and stuff.

Pardon my bitchy posting tonight, I'm exhausted and working on items in an RPG isn't very fun when you want to sleep. To bed I go. Updates tomorrow, and a new screenshot or two.

Yari Rafanas
05-15-06, 12:07 AM
GL, noob.

Cyrus the virus
05-15-06, 05:42 PM
New screenshot. I got a key scene done today.

Guess which Althanas character is in this pic ;)

05-15-06, 05:44 PM
Abbie, simply because thats who the female's hair makes me think of.

05-15-06, 05:44 PM
It's either Ran, or Cyrus in cat ears and a yellow bikini.

EDIT: or...Abbie...

05-15-06, 05:48 PM
I think it's Yamihara.

05-15-06, 05:49 PM
It's either Ran, or Cyrus in cat ears and a yellow bikini.

EDIT: or...Abbie...

You're so right. It's got to be that drag-queen Cyrus.

05-15-06, 06:30 PM
Heh... That would be interesting, if true.

As for my guess... Uhh... Pick a non-anthromorphic furry. ANY non-anthromorphic furry. Who's female. I guess. Shot in the dark... Sakura?

Also, I thought I'd share a li'l something I found, in case nobody's seen it. This (http://charas-project.net/index.php?lang=en) is a pretty good spot for RM2K-ish custom sprites and faces. So, have fun playing around with that.

05-15-06, 07:16 PM
I just thought of the perfect role for my character. My guy could be that one prick of a party member who thinks he's better than everybody else and is constantly insulting the other members of the party yet for some reason doesn't just leave. Except I don't want my character to have some corny ass eye opening event that makes him suddenly turn around and stop being a prick.

Cyrus the virus
05-15-06, 08:22 PM
It's Kit. Fools. 'Wine colored' hair and all. This is a good example of what I meant when I said not everyone's sprite would look exactly like their character.

And goddamn, grim, you can't pick your own role in the damn story. Just for that, I'm making you the blind guy who walks into walls all the time.

05-15-06, 08:40 PM
Ha, I was right.

What do I win Cyrus-boy?

Cyrus the virus
05-15-06, 08:46 PM
You win a cameo in the game, which you were already going to get!


I'm at a friend's now... Kind of wish I was home so I could be working on the RPG :P

05-16-06, 07:14 AM
And goddamn, grim, you can't pick your own role in the damn story. Just for that, I'm making you the blind guy who walks into walls all the time.

I wasn't trying to force you to anything, I was just trying to be a pal and give you ideas.

Cyrus the virus
05-16-06, 10:57 AM
Yeah, I wasn't really serious, I guess.

Balancing the characters' strength with the strength of the monsters is a real big pain. More reason for me to get rid of casual 'monsters' completely. That way I can at least control how challenging the game can be... You can get extra money by helping people in town, perhaps. Meh. I'm just being wierd.

05-16-06, 05:42 PM
I think the bazaar merchants all need feathered caps.

Cyrus the virus
05-16-06, 05:51 PM
The main character has a feathered cap :p

Zieg dil' Tulfried
05-16-06, 05:56 PM
We want more screenshots!

Cyrus the virus
05-16-06, 06:01 PM
Can't argue with that, since seeing people interested gets me all gitty/motivated. I worked on the RPG for about 4 hours today because people have been showing interest.

Behold, Storm Veritas being an utter badass.

05-16-06, 06:02 PM
That's awesome. How much longer until it's ready to play?

Cyrus the virus
05-16-06, 06:09 PM
A long, long, long, long time :p

It's been a few days, so far I'm done in Scara Brae. That's one town and one dungeon =/ I plan on going through every continent and adding 20 characters, and since each character needs a reason to join and some kind of backstory... Yeah.

It's a big project.

05-16-06, 06:26 PM
Storm looks fucking awesome, In character and in the RPG. And if the directions weren't in Japanese, I'd be trying to make my own RPG right now.

Zieg dil' Tulfried
05-16-06, 06:30 PM
Coooooooooooolllllllll. Can we see some actual battle scenes?

Cyrus the virus
05-16-06, 06:35 PM
Prepare to be disappointed :p Worst aspect of the program, I think.

Torin Reahkari
05-16-06, 06:37 PM
Oh, pick me, your awesome AC buddy to be that annoying ass guy that drops hints as to where to go for the next dungeon but doesn't really tell you anything of use, and flies off before you can ask anything.

05-16-06, 06:37 PM
This is really making me hate the damn firewall on my computer right now. Why? Because I have another, though probably more complicated program, that allows you to make all sorts of games (and pretty much anything else thats makeable with DM computer code) that all this talk about making games is really making me want to go back and learn to use but for some damn reason the fire wall won't let me run any games made with it even when there is nothing wrong with the coding.

Now that thats done, Cyrus if you want my help with things regarding storyline or character dialouge or design of the game, I'll be more than happy to help (I would help with the programing but I don't have nor have I ever used RPG Maker).

Cyrus the virus
05-16-06, 06:40 PM

I've got a general storyline in my mind. I'm not being too iffy about stuff since this is going to be my first complete project, but that doesn't mean I'll never try another one.

Zieg dil' Tulfried
05-16-06, 06:54 PM
Yeah, that looks like another game i've played, but i can't remember what it was.

Artifex Felicis
05-16-06, 08:35 PM
Dragon Warrior?

As for the screenshots, nice. Though it's kinda hard to tell that that is Storm from just the back of his pixalated head. Though, I do want to know how the weapons are going to added for this game. And stuff. Like axes and all that funny looking stuff, and like Iron does 1-5 damage, steel 6-10 and so on.

That, and who else is going to be in this game? (anxious for some reason)

Cyrus the virus
05-16-06, 08:38 PM
A lot of people'll be in the game. Weapons are treated like in any other RPG, though a lot of characters have 'signature' weapons that can't be unequipped, they just get stronger.

05-16-06, 08:59 PM
Make sure to have a black katana. It wouldn't be Althanas without one.

05-17-06, 03:41 AM
Hey. Don't forget the Akashiman twins, now.

Me, Murakama Asuka, would be joining the main guy's party in search of Yamihara Asuka who's off on some wierd adventure of her own. Umm... C'mon~ think! And~ yeah. Yamihara would probably be found near the end of the game beat up by the final boss and Murakama sticks around to help the main guy dispose of whoever it is.

And as to your request for healing/misc. item names...

Potion - Eldaron Wine [you already have this category so, whatever]
Magic Potion - Suijin's Mist
Stat Fixer - Ginatra Powder
Revitalizing item thingy for when someone's knocked out - Catnip (Laugh if you want. Catnip will rock your senses.)
Junky health replenisher - Gut Wrencher (this idea came from Letho, thanks. It's a non-alcoholic, beer-like brew.)
Health, Magic and Stats Replenisher - Aqua Vitae

Pfft. Katanas are so over-used. A halberd, on the other hand, is rarity in many hack-'n'-slash RPG games. Or perhaps a zwiehander, just so you have a giant two-hander in the game.

05-17-06, 08:58 AM
wow cool I'm in this^^

thanks Cyrus.

you'll have to have katanas if Kit's in it.

Cyrus the virus
05-17-06, 01:25 PM
Got all the item names, you guys were too slow :p Sorry.

The item that cures status disorders is called 'Ithy Moss', thank Sei for that idea :p

05-18-06, 05:57 AM
I'll never thank Sei, ever!

By the way, that looks bloody awesome. I remember the Ochroma RPG was quite good, but this is like seventy times better because it's not about a shitty ass place run by some guy with a bald guy for an avatar.

05-19-06, 06:23 PM
OOOO! what if me and some other's were like the other party members that always seem to appear somewhere? Like when the main guy's party enters a new town or country, or when they enter a dungeon?

Storm Veritas
05-19-06, 07:07 PM
Dude, Storm looks SICK!!

I actually played some home-made RPG with this program called "one adventure" or something generically shitty like that, and the game was actually really fun.

Keep at it, we'll be checking up!

Cyrus the virus
05-19-06, 08:56 PM
Storm is literally the most badass mothafucka in the game so far. Then again, besides typical town NPC's, he's one of about 4 characters involved :p But he has a pretty big role, mostly comprised of him kicking ass.

I haven't been working on the game much, just some maps. I've been more focused on Guild Wars: Factions (zomg!), writing and hanging out with my lovely girlfriend. I'll get some work done during the week ;)

Streak, get active ICly and I'll put you in the game ;)

05-19-06, 09:02 PM
As a gamer and an RPer whose main is probably involved in this I just have to ask you, have you decided what sort of role my character plays in this game (ie: Party member, boss, ect.)?

Cyrus the virus
05-19-06, 09:05 PM
Not quite, though when it does come up in my mind I usually see you as a party member or NPC. Likely a party member, since there are 20 spots to fill *cackle*

05-19-06, 09:44 PM
I just now started reading this thread....but can Sanoë be in it, too? People could pester her for jewels and crap.

Looks great so far...I cannot WAIT to play this. :D

05-19-06, 10:24 PM
Storm is literally the most badass mothafucka in the game so far. Then again, besides typical town NPC's, he's one of about 4 characters involved :p But he has a pretty big role, mostly comprised of him kicking ass.

I haven't been working on the game much, just some maps. I've been more focused on Guild Wars: Factions (zomg!), writing and hanging out with my lovely girlfriend. I'll get some work done during the week ;)

Streak, get active ICly and I'll put you in the game ;)

To the continents! *Internet Surfs his way to the quests and battles.*

05-20-06, 02:06 AM
=3=; Oh, come now! At least mine came off the top of my head! Seriously! As original as it can get!

Haha. Oh, well. Nevermind. Looking forward to playing it all the same.

Cyrus the virus
05-20-06, 04:37 AM
I just now started reading this thread....but can Sanoë be in it, too? People could pester her for jewels and crap.

Looks great so far...I cannot WAIT to play this. :D


To the continents! *Internet Surfs his way to the quests and battles.*

Yeah, better get active! I'll include you if you stay posting ;)

Cyrus the virus
05-25-06, 01:32 PM
New screenshot I will make, soon enough.

Right now though, I need someone to be in Radasanth. Not Dan, not someone who would be in another region, I need someone in Radasanth. Ideas?

Artifex Felicis
05-25-06, 02:13 PM
Including Concordia a bit,

Leon, Yari, possibly Cyrus himself, Murakama Asuka, Yamihara Asuka all sorta leap to mind.

Any of those work out?

05-25-06, 02:33 PM
Put My chacter in the Granders Order hq and i will be very, very happy. I also would not mind if she joined the team every now and then ...

heh you have so got to put the Clans in there, and depending on which one the main guy joins depends on some of the team members you could get

well thats my say in this ... and i say blah

05-25-06, 03:12 PM
I dunno why I've never read this before. I request for Lysander to take some part. You could put Finn or Ah'Kaareth in if you wanted, but Lysander is a must.

I should bring him back. Maybe I will.

05-25-06, 03:12 PM
Right now though, I need someone to be in Radasanth. Not Dan, not someone who would be in another region, I need someone in Radasanth. Ideas?Marshal Letho Ravenheart can be found all around Corone. And he can kick a lot of ass. :D

Cyrus the virus
05-25-06, 03:40 PM
Concordia sucks and I'm totally not including it :p

Clans will hardly play a role, if any role at all. I can put your character in there though, Kaiser. Somewhere >.<

Lysander's inactive, so putting him in instead of someone else is kind of jerky. You'd best bring him back quickly, now >=D

Letho, of course, will be in Corone... DUH. Anyway, I put someone else there instead... Letho will obviously have a role ;)

Yari Rafanas
05-25-06, 04:46 PM
... You have to include Concordia.

05-25-06, 04:48 PM
I've got an idea. Have some character burn Concordia to the ground. That would be awesome.

Yari Rafanas
05-25-06, 04:52 PM
And then have Yari kick their ass. HE DIED FOR THAT FOREST >-O

05-25-06, 04:58 PM
What a freaking tree hugger. Go rub on some more patchouli.

Cyrus the virus
05-25-06, 05:00 PM
Concordia bl0z.

But maybe.

Yari Rafanas
05-25-06, 05:09 PM
Every RPG needs a forest level.

05-25-06, 05:16 PM
You could put Lorenor, Tarry, or maybe Arwan in Concordia since I know for a fact the first two hunt their occasionally (espescially Lorenor) and I think the third one says said he did as well.

Cyrus the virus
05-26-06, 12:47 AM
Lorenor's not in the game. I'm trying to weed out everyone who isn't on Althanas anymore and focus on people who respect Althanas' rules and structure. Not that I don't like Pavel, cause he's alright, but... Bleh. This paragraph has nothing to do with anything.

Bad news though, Grim. Finding a character who's got bandages over his eyes, pale skin and blond hair is IMPOSSIBLE. He'll have to have his eyes covered, tanned and with black hair, or pale and blond with no bandages. Sorry, homes.

Yari Rafanas
05-26-06, 04:43 AM
Or you can just make up custom ones.

Cyrus the virus
05-26-06, 04:49 AM
I don't have iDraw, or whatever program it is that I need, and I have no interest in spending my time making characters, since that's the kind of work that would make me kill myself. Seriously.

Yari Rafanas
05-26-06, 04:50 AM
Could get others to do it for you.

05-26-06, 05:05 AM
Yamihara and Murakama can be anywhere around Corone or Alerar, since their travelling range put them there already.

Cyrus the virus
05-26-06, 05:06 AM
Could get others to do it for you.

*points at you*?

Asuka MEGA STRIKES, I'll throw you in wherever it's convenient :p

05-26-06, 03:12 PM
Lorenor's not in the game. I'm trying to weed out everyone who isn't on Althanas anymore and focus on people who respect Althanas' rules and structure. Not that I don't like Pavel, cause he's alright, but... Bleh. This paragraph has nothing to do with anything.

Bad news though, Grim. Finding a character who's got bandages over his eyes, pale skin and blond hair is IMPOSSIBLE. He'll have to have his eyes covered, tanned and with black hair, or pale and blond with no bandages. Sorry, homes.

I'll let you pick which one you want since it's your game. Though I would go with the second one since I plan to get Tarry some new eyes in the near future.

05-27-06, 09:59 PM
Is there any room for us active n00b-folk, too? You can't see it, but there are crazy bambie eyes involved with this post. Oliver Twist "please sir can I have some more" style complete with the musical and all that.

Cyrus the virus
05-28-06, 11:55 AM
Only for 1,000 gold. All you little noob-buns can pool your money to beg me for a spot.


I'll try to include newer members, yeah :p Kinda tough though, some people just don't come to mind as I'm adding characters to the game... Must... Remember... Striker and such.

05-28-06, 12:29 PM
Yeah yeah, quit being a whore and post more screen shots.

Cyrus the virus
05-28-06, 12:39 PM
Soon. All I've been doing lately is working on maps, and while I could post screenshots of those... I won't. Baha!

But I'll post one soon.

05-28-06, 01:29 PM
Well why not post a screenshot of one of the actual cities? Or maybe even the Citadel or something, it will be in it right?

On a side note, I don't suppose it would be possible to give Zerith a small cameo. Hell, he could even get his ass kicked by an optional boss in the Citadel before the battle starts.

Cyrus the virus
05-28-06, 02:41 PM
The Citadel will likely be where the tournament takes place, instead of Lornius. The tournament will likely not have Scott (main character) in it, but instead be a plot device. Kind of like Suikoden V.

I need to make a list of people who want to be in it and put it in the first post, then edit people out as I add 'em. Maybe tomorrow or something.

Torin Reahkari
06-01-06, 12:36 PM
If Torin isn't in Alerar I shall rip you assholes in places you didn't know existed. >:0

Cyrus the virus
06-01-06, 12:55 PM
They wouldn't be assholes unless they were ripped into my ass.

Torin Reahkari
06-01-06, 08:46 PM
I'll make asses in places you didn't know existed, then tear new assholes.

Smartass. :p

06-02-06, 09:01 PM
PFFFFT. Spit-take! How am I just now finding out about this? Hay-soos, man.

Okay, so, your problem with the battle system? Totally fixed if you just download RPG Maker 2003. It has the side-view setting, with your own character visible and animated on screen.

I would also like to extend my services drawing custom character sprites, and making maps. I've picked up a lot of little tricks in the nearly six years I've been using these programs, and I can make both character sprites and maps look...INCREDIBLE. You want an example? FINE. They should be attached to this post.

Oh, and of course, if you want REALLY snazzy maps, then you should get RPG Maker XP. It has an additional layer for added realism. The battle mode for it, though, is a bit of a step backwards.

So, yeah. The first file is one of the RM2K3 in-battle characters. The second is a map I made with RM2K3, and the third and fourth are custom characters made for RMXP. Great thing about that one is that your out-of-battle character images can be any size from tiny to...Hans.

Now, of course, it's your choice whether you want my help or not. Just offering, as an experienced RM Dork.

Cyrus the virus
06-03-06, 10:58 AM
Hans is lovely.

I wouldn't mind help, but it'll have to be with RM2k.

06-03-06, 01:28 PM
Ah, well. There's still some snazzy tricks we can do with that one. At the very least you can avoid using the default character sets.

Kilawher Shazarade
06-03-06, 02:18 PM
Maybe you should just have the game and with every story completed [stories from Althanas], you get to move on to a new one. Like a bunch of sub-stories and events that happen in Althanas, rather than a singular, huge ol' adventure thing?

Kind of like Legend of Mana, but... of course, it will be in Althanas. Haha.

Devil May Care
06-03-06, 04:13 PM
Cyrus, if you need any help, you know where to find me.

06-03-06, 06:43 PM
Hans is awesome

06-03-06, 11:25 PM
Hwhy thank ye, laddie.

06-04-06, 09:45 AM
Abbie would be a fun twist in any storyline, simply because she will always give the wrong info. Just a thought. >.> lol (Yeah, I'd love to see her in there misleading the characters)

Cyrus the virus
06-04-06, 10:57 AM
Maybe you should just have the game and with every story completed [stories from Althanas], you get to move on to a new one. Like a bunch of sub-stories and events that happen in Althanas, rather than a singular, huge ol' adventure thing?

Kind of like Legend of Mana, but... of course, it will be in Althanas. Haha.

That would have been an interesting suggestion weeks ago when I started the project >.<

Haven't done much work lately, honestly. Too much drinking going on right now to work on RPG's. But I'll get back on it in the week, probably.

Cyrus the virus
06-12-06, 04:44 PM
*reads last post* I'm too much of an ass...

I WILL CREATE INTEREST NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New screenshot! Not very exciting, and no, that isn't Letho up there.

06-12-06, 05:04 PM
The answer to the dude's wondering is "no". :P

On a more serious note, it's awesome to find my character mentioned in the game. Keep on the good work, Cy.

Yari Rafanas
06-12-06, 05:12 PM
Are you using custom drawn things yet?

Cyrus the virus
06-12-06, 05:28 PM
Nah, Tyra. I'm kinda anal about how characters look in contrast to each other. But Ter-Thok or anyone else with talent is welcome to PM me.

Letho, I'm doing a scene with you right now... Quite interesting :D

Yari Rafanas
06-12-06, 05:40 PM
I was about to offer my services, but then you called me Tyra.

Cyrus the virus
06-12-06, 05:52 PM

Finding the right character graphics is tough, I think I'm going to spend some time looking for some online. I found a good Letho one, but he's topless. If I could move the armored body of one sprite onto the sprite that looks like Letho... Ugh. But I don't think you can save the result as the correct type using paint.

Plus I'd need to do it four times, one for each direction the sprite can face. So much trouble, dammit.

06-12-06, 06:00 PM
Hmm... My memory tells me I suggested a character generator some time ago... Yes, yes. On that point, my memory is most certain. However, on the off-chance it lies to me, I shall make a humble offering to the Virus named Cyrus: Click me! (http://charas-project.net/index.php?lang=en)

Though imperfect, the 'Charset' and 'Faceset' options can offer an amount of help for most Althanian sprites, as long as they're about average height and not too weird-lookin'. Hope it helps. Everything is looking good, Cyrus.

06-12-06, 06:38 PM
It surprises me that nobody thought to implement the Criminal's Wall / Adventurer's Board that is on Scara Brae for implementing quests. You could check out either of those and take on side-quests for items and gold that would advance your character. Eh? Ehhh?

06-12-06, 08:45 PM
Culix that thing works great, I was actually able to make Tarry with it. See...

Edit: Just for the hell of it I also did Letho.

Cyrus the virus
06-12-06, 10:33 PM
Holy shit!! You definately did NOT suggest this thing before!!! Anus loving tickle-butt!!!!!!!!!!

I love you, Culix! Do me now, baby!

As for the Wall and Board ideas, this RPG is honestly going to be very basic. Things like that are interesting, but seeing as this is my first full project, I'm focusing on some other things first. I won't impliment any kind of stat boosting or... Whatever, until I get the knack for balancing character strength with monsters, which will take a while.

Cyrus the virus
06-12-06, 11:02 PM
Grim, your image was way too big, you saved the wrong pic. I was worried at first, but I know how to save them right now. When you make your character, you have to click 'PNG' under 'SAVE IMAGE AS' and save the image you see, then post it.

I guess I can do this with every Althanas character, but I'm not going to replace Storm (he looks too awesome), Kit (too much work) or the main dude. I'd still like to take liberties with every character and make them myself, to be honest, but anyone who wants can attach one of their own.

Can't promise I'll use it, though ;)

EDIT: Letho. Tell me what you think. I can easily make his hair longer and such.

06-12-06, 11:44 PM
Ooh, I love his beardliness. Seriously, that is one of the most manly RPGMaker-based sprites I have ever seen. From the front, though, his face looks kind of sad. What's the matter, big guy?

06-12-06, 11:45 PM
Ooh, I love his beardliness. Seriously, that is one of the most manly RPGMaker-based sprites I have ever seen. From the front, though, his face looks kind of sad. What's the matter, big guy?

Myrhia ran off with Sarah...

06-13-06, 12:25 AM
Well... I did one of Murakama using that charset maker.

ph34r, for she's in Tifa's clothes.

((I couldn't find a long-hair one that looks good enough, so this one went into the sprite.))

Zieg dil' Tulfried
06-13-06, 12:36 AM
Here's Zieg. Use him if you want.

Max Dirks
06-13-06, 12:45 AM
Can I be a game tester?

Yari Rafanas
06-13-06, 12:47 AM

Cyrus the virus
06-13-06, 01:09 AM
Zieg: Sorry, I need the small one. Follow the directions I gave Grim. Sorry, you gotta do it again >.<

Yari: I need the small one as a .png, man. Sorry!

Yami's is perfect and works just fine. Make sure you save your characters as a png and it's the small picture!

Dirks: Nah, sorry. Noone's beta testing it but me. You wait like everyone else, fatty!

Slayer of the Rot
06-13-06, 01:33 AM
I made some guy.

Cyrus the virus
06-13-06, 01:36 AM
Goodie. Works just fine.

Yari Rafanas
06-13-06, 04:29 AM
Picky picky.

06-13-06, 06:37 AM
Okay, I'm about as good with computers as Paris Hilton's vagina is at being a bodyguard. Anyone wanna tell me how to use that website?

06-13-06, 07:37 AM
EDIT: Letho. Tell me what you think. I can easily make his hair longer and such.It looks great, but Letho has brown eyes, not blue. Other then that, it's all good. :)

06-13-06, 07:41 AM
A now much smaller Tarry...

Zieg dil' Tulfried
06-13-06, 08:52 AM
Bluh, fine...

Slayer of the Rot
06-13-06, 10:38 AM
Told you I was making two.

Dan as reworked, smaller sprite with short hair as he always used to have.

Cyrus the virus
06-13-06, 01:18 PM
Great job guys, those look great and I'll use them :D

Letho, I'll change his eyes, and I'm going to try and use paint to make his beard darker, too. There are a LOT of armor options, so if that isn't the kind of armor you like, I can very easily make a different sprite. It only takes a minute or two, man.

06-13-06, 01:21 PM
Letho, I'll change his eyes, and I'm going to try and use paint to make his beard darker, too. There are a LOT of armor options, so if that isn't the kind of armor you like, I can very easily make a different sprite. It only takes a minute or two, man.Well, if there's a kind of armor that doesn't have the shoulder pads and is a little darker hue of gray, that would be cool. But it's not that big of a deal.

Cyrus the virus
06-13-06, 01:24 PM
Not a big deal... But it shall be done! I'll work on it later, when I get home from my friend's house and stuff.

And everyone, you guys can keep storyline quirks and ideas coming. I won't shoot you down quite as asshole-like as I did earlier >.<

Also, some optional bosses will be missable and hard to find. There's an item you have to get early on in order to fight a boss later, for example. I'm trying to give the game a sense of 'side-questing' with optional bosses. So if one person finds a boss, he can tell his friend, and such.

06-13-06, 01:24 PM
This is Damon, or the closest approximation I could make. I made the green skin for all y'all


06-13-06, 01:49 PM
You know what you should do Cyrus, you should mix Step into the storyline somehow, that would be badass.

Cyrus the virus
06-13-06, 03:19 PM
Damon: Sorry man, need .png files, not .jpg, and it's much too large anyway. It really needs to be identical to what the last few people have attached. Can you use the generator?


You can change the types of characters, like size and 'soldier' (wide dudes).

Grim: Seems a little too self-satisfactory for me. Maybe in the next game? Maybe you could make a game? ;)

06-13-06, 03:39 PM
You know EVERY good RPG needs a fuzzy random ass animal. Use the moogle...accept the moogle...HAVE the moogle

06-13-06, 03:43 PM
You know EVERY good RPG needs a fuzzy random ass animal. Use the moogle...accept the moogle...HAVE the moogle

you know Cyrus, we're going to need to save our games...

other note, I'll convert it to PNG and all that stuff. I'll get on that shortly. Sorry for the the screw up.

06-13-06, 03:46 PM
Grim: Seems a little too self-satisfactory for me. Maybe in the next game? Maybe you could make a game? ;)

I could if I could get the software I have to run my damn games with out completely disabeling the firewall on my computer (if anybody and the BYOND game builder or whatever the things called and knows how to fix this problem let me know) or I had RPGMaker (which I might get).

Cyrus the virus
06-13-06, 03:46 PM
Pff, no sorries accepted.

No moogles either. Not for saving the game, anyway, gyaha.

Torin Reahkari
06-13-06, 03:48 PM
The soon to be Torin, in his l33tness.

06-13-06, 03:48 PM
Damon does have a point, we do need a random furry animale for our characters to kick around. If you could do something with the moogles like chickens in the Zelda games (where if you hit one enough times you get swarmed by them and die).

Cyrus the virus
06-13-06, 03:49 PM
If I did that, Grim, all the doors would suddenly lock when the moogles attacked. Baha.

Torin... What's with the freaking glow, man?

Torin Reahkari
06-13-06, 03:51 PM
a) Torin is totally cool enough for a DBZ-like glow. b) I changed it back to his sword, I couldn't figure out how to put it behind him but now I did.

Zieg dil' Tulfried
06-13-06, 04:02 PM
We want more screenshots!!!!!!!

06-13-06, 04:06 PM
Preferably ones with me in them!

Cyrus the virus
06-13-06, 05:31 PM
Damn you screenshot whores! You're going to know the entire game before you get to play it!

Grim is NEVER in a screenshot! NEVER EVER BLEVER GEVVER!

06-13-06, 06:19 PM

And I really wished I noticed the cat tail thing earlier.

Father Snew
06-13-06, 06:25 PM
How about me for party healer I can be one of those crappy characters that heals people by hitting them!

Cyrus the virus
06-13-06, 09:57 PM
Who's Leon? No offense.

Valentine: Nope.

06-13-06, 10:07 PM
Who's Leon? No offense.

The guy who got to knock up Ran's character Kit (at least thats how most people around here probably know him). 0_o

Zieg dil' Tulfried
06-13-06, 10:07 PM
Still waiting for screenshots...

06-13-06, 10:13 PM
I'd feel insulted if I wasn't tired. :p

Anyway, Leon (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=564) is one of the guys who saved Raiera, led a PG, came in 3rd in a tournement, and had sex with Ran.

By Grim
The guy who got to knock up Ran's character Kit (at least thats how most people around here probably know him). 0_o


(Ignore my butchering of the english language)

Cyrus the virus
06-14-06, 12:38 AM
God dammit...

Look, it's a girl playing with a doll.

06-14-06, 08:47 AM
Here Cyrus. Hope it's right this time!

Cyrus the virus
06-14-06, 01:06 PM
Totally rock on solid!

06-15-06, 08:13 AM
Here's the best man ever.

06-15-06, 12:07 PM
You guys suck.



I don't know how to insert images.

06-16-06, 12:03 PM
Leopold: Why don't you just go to the Advanced Post Option and attach it to the post?

Anyways, keep 'em screenshots coming! ^_^ I wanna see Murakama on there now! (I don'y know about Yamihara... I'll go see if there's one close enough for me).

Cyrus the virus
06-16-06, 12:08 PM
Raelyse: That's totally not what I thought he looked like.

Leopold: Needs to be a .png

Cyrus the virus
06-16-06, 12:18 PM

I've decided that dungeons and the like will have no random encounters! Either monsters will be visible, like in Chrono Trigger, or battles will only occur at certain points in the area. This will minimize the annoyance of fighting in dungeons, thankfully.

But for grinders, people who love to level and buy the best equipment available, there will be areas on the World Map you can enter and engage in random encounters, like Breath of Fire 3 without the crappy treasure bags.

This'll makes things easier for me as well, as it'll be simple to guage a boss' power with the party's to make bosses challenging, but not too easy. Of course, grinding'll make it so you can breeze through the game, but hopefully most of you won't be into that.

06-16-06, 05:59 PM
Yeah well, I dunno how to use the thing, remember?

06-16-06, 06:48 PM
U dont have to use if u dont want to. Just wanted to show!

Edit: You should have walk on roles :P

Cyrus the virus
06-19-06, 06:14 PM
I may make a new face for Letho, even though Suikoden rules. The problem is that his face would look much less rugged if I made one... So maybe I won't.

At any rate, try to guess what happens after this screenshot ;)

06-19-06, 06:25 PM
Awesome (scripted) fight scene!

Cyrus the virus
06-19-06, 06:50 PM
Maybe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

Or maybe I will destroy all hope in the universe and there isn't a fight... Lolz. Bye, respect!

Slayer of the Rot
06-19-06, 06:55 PM
I like the dialogue. Dan's had better be that good, or I'll shoot you in the breadbasket, and ruin all your bread.

06-19-06, 10:18 PM
I made a Sanoë, though it doesn't look a whole lot like her. Ah, well, I tried. It would be awesome if she spent most of her cameo bitching at everyone. :)

I couldn't get it to attach, so here's a link.

http://charas-project.net/charas2/res_viewer.php?img=4367_1_100_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_ t_t-5424_1_100_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_t-5586_1_100_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_t-1463_1_100_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_t_t&texts=

Cyrus the virus
06-19-06, 10:36 PM
Shiz, that worked. Neato.

I so need to make that list of people who want to be in the game... Anyone who goes through this thread and does it for me can be in the RPG :P

Vampiric Angel
06-19-06, 10:39 PM
X( Does that mean I can't be in the game?

Artifex Felicis
06-19-06, 10:51 PM
Boom. all the usernames at least :D

Yari Rafanas
Max Dirks
Bohemia(And any other of his accounts)
Amy(Artfex Felicis, either or I don't care as these are mine)
Valentine(And the rest)
Zieg dil' Tulfried
INDK(He didn't but I assume he would)
The Valkyrie(Same as Shyam)
Storm Veritas
Diss(And the rest, exact unknown cause I'm lazy)
Torin Reahkari
Ter-Thok(I assume so at least)
LordLeopold(he posted a char sheet, I assume so)

Vampiric Angel
06-19-06, 11:43 PM
-__- You forgot about me...

Cyrus the virus
06-20-06, 12:44 AM

You forgot any roles that they asked to fill and that I didn't shoot down ;)

Hehe, kidding. Thanks, Nekolalola! I'll use that as a checklist of sorts.

Cyrus the virus
06-20-06, 01:56 PM
I need characters generated for Findelfin and Scars, please. Both of you need to do that. Madison can take his time, but Rich needs to get to it as soon as possible, like... Now.

Cyrus the virus
06-20-06, 04:59 PM
Triple post, mods can do that okaaay???????

I need these people to tell me what role they would like to fill. Please provide several ideas so I can make sure you will be somewhat surprised.

Yari Rafanas
The Valkyrie
Torin Reahkari

The Valkyrie
06-20-06, 07:09 PM
There is Bryn for you.. it sucks.. so if someone can do better, let me know.

Anyways as far as her role in the game... ummm... I dunno... something to do with Yarina's armor and the Underworld? Let me know.

06-20-06, 07:52 PM
Here're the revised versions of Leon and of this Charector Amy. Honestly, I'll leave it up to you as to which charector you want to use, though I'd enjoy it if you'd make them into party members. Amy would be a bit like the Black Mage from Final Fantasy I and Leon would be like the Theif, or Ninja, whichever works out. Any story ideas, and I can bring them up. Maybe even to somewhat explain the Furry Procterate's fall :D

06-20-06, 10:06 PM
I wouldn't mind bein' a minor, potentially recurring enemy. Maybe, like, a boss early on, and then a helpful character towards the end. Something like Croco from Mario RPG, if you know what I mean. And of course, if you could slip Hans in there...I'll PM you the graphics you'll need to do so soon. As lovely as the stuff I already posted is, it's incompatible with RM2K.

Oh, and I can supply dialogue for the two of 'em, as well. I've heard, from other people trying to write them, that they're a tricky pair.

06-20-06, 10:20 PM
You knwo how in FInal Fatasy 2 for GB there were those characters that joined your party only so you dind't get your ass completely kicked by the regions monsters? Like that....only Seth, and you gotta make sure he doesn't do something stupid...

The Valkyrie
06-20-06, 10:25 PM
Keeping Seth from doing something stupid? Is that really even possible?

Lavinian Pride
06-20-06, 10:37 PM

But only if you have the power of OMIGOSH BOOBS!

Cyrus the virus
06-20-06, 10:39 PM
FF2 as in FF2, where assholes level up as they use magic, weapons and take damage, or FF2 as in FFIV, which is what it's actually called?

06-20-06, 10:49 PM
I think Sano&#235;'s role could be anything from a moody party member looking for a way to make money to just someone who can pop up every now and then with supplies. Um...ideas, hmm....she'd be looking for her brother, or for new gemstones for herself. That's all I got right now, sorry. ^^;

Zieg dil' Tulfried
06-20-06, 11:10 PM
I think Hans and Ter-thok should be the comedic relief that is an enemy, but is more laughable than dangerous. Like Liz and Ard from Wild Arms 2 if anyone played it.

Cyrus the virus
06-20-06, 11:36 PM
Ter-Thok = Ultros.

I have some generic blob sprites that might work for Hans, anywho. I'll try to make sur everyone's included.

06-21-06, 03:28 AM
I think I take offense to those remarks, señores. Comic relief? What, in my nature, could possibly lead you to believe I am the type of chap who would allow my characters to...slip on banana peels and the like? Pwoah, I say.

06-21-06, 03:38 AM
Add Murakama in as a an optional party member, with the ability to strike two oponents at the same time. Her story for joining in Scott's party would be because she's searching for Yamihara (who just does scripted walk-bys in maybe two or three towns the hero visits).

As for Yamihara, she'll just be a side-character who does a bit of story-telling and stuff that is a side-story to the main story. Whichever one you want to do. ^_^

And... Yamihara. Those are supposed to be katars, BTW. ^_^; I couldn't find any real katar add-ons so I went with the hand daggers. I've also attached the Faces for Yamihara and Murakama in case you couldn't find one close enough. I think you can make it free-hand (which I will attempt soon) but go with these for the time being. ^_^

Sighter Tnailog
06-21-06, 10:17 AM
I think it would be fun if your character ran into Findelfin.

There, I said something. Does that count?

Max Dirks
06-21-06, 10:46 AM
You should make Findelfin funny.

06-21-06, 12:24 PM
Triple post, mods can do that okaaay???????

I need these people to tell me what role they would like to fill. Please provide several ideas so I can make sure you will be somewhat surprised.

Yari Rafanas
The Valkyrie
Torin Reahkari

Well I want Banda to either be one of those people who happen to converse with the main character every new town or dungeon. I don't know where i got that idea from but it justs come to mind. He could be a party member, or a rival that battles the main character in certain points of the game. If you find a better use for him go ahead.

06-21-06, 12:47 PM
This looks like fun. Kind of reminds me of the time I hacked a bunch of Althanians into Final Fantasy Tactics. ^^;; I can hardly wait to play.

The Bard
06-21-06, 01:08 PM
This is possibly going to be one of the greastest things I have ever set my eyes on......

06-21-06, 01:35 PM
Eh I'm not really picky what you do with Damon. I'd kind of like to be surprised actually. Anyways, a few ideas that I have.

1) Someone that the group meets in Raiaera and instructs them to visit the Obsidian Spire.

2) Someone who teaches the group some song magic.

3) Someone who teleports the group around.

You can do anything you like though.

06-21-06, 02:52 PM
I won't be choosy about the part Jannin plays:

a) Party member, optional or otherwise
b) Random guy who shows up in every town with amusing, helpful/useless things to say
c) Easy boss near the beginning to show the player the ropes of combat
d) Optional boss (well, his older, insanely superpowered version)
e) Recurring enemy (Ter-Thok seems to already have this role, but it still seems to suit Jannin pretty well. ^_^ Perhaps there could even be one fight when they team up and waste several turns attacking each other when their egos clash)
f) All, or a multitude, of the above

Again, I'm not picky.

Cyrus the virus
06-21-06, 03:36 PM
Damon'll likely be the other character who has a teleport spell besides Luc, that way you don't have to bring Luc along just so you can teleport around without hassle.

Idano, a lot of my decisions depend on what abilities people have in their profiles. And yes, I add those abilities to what you can do in the game.

Anyway, Fin, the party does meet Findelfin on a certain continent (I wonder which lollol!), that's why you need to make your sprite, bitch.

06-21-06, 07:10 PM
Woo. Pretty, pretty pictures.

The Bard
06-21-06, 07:42 PM
What are these pictures exactly?

Cyrus the virus
06-21-06, 07:47 PM
They are characters. With those pictures I can put those characters in the game.


Hans may be some kind of sub-boss or something. Ter-Thok makes some trouble and Hans tries to stop the party on their way to fight him. Idanoyet.

The Bard
06-21-06, 08:25 PM
lol Ohhhh I should hve read earlier in the pages

tis I (http://charas-project.net/charas2/res_viewer.php?scale=3&img=115_1_100-3376_1_100-5335_1_100-5814_1_100-1457_1_100&texts=)

Cyrus the virus
06-21-06, 08:36 PM
Yes, you should have, since that isn't the right file. I need the smaller one, and it needs to be a .png file. I think I've mentioned that like six times, punk!

06-21-06, 08:45 PM
Yes yes Cyrus we know.

But don't you love it when you see someone having to repeat something over and over again and the person he's telling just doesn't get it?

The Bard
06-21-06, 08:51 PM
I agree with Streak even though hes not communist, Here you go cyrus happy now ya little prick!...j/k


Cyrus the virus
06-21-06, 09:07 PM
That works, testicle-face.

The Bard
06-21-06, 09:12 PM
That works, testicle-face.

Whatever Dickweed:rolleyes:

Workout Wonder
06-22-06, 07:26 PM
Should you decide to use him...

Torin Reahkari
06-22-06, 08:15 PM
I already said annoying guy that drops completely useless hints.
Also at least one like...cutscene or whatever of me slicing some random guy.

Because it's funny.

EDIT: I probably should've mentioned this was my post for things I'd like to do in the game. @_@

Sighter Tnailog
06-22-06, 09:57 PM
I'm sure there's a sprite maker somewhere on this thread. But I'm not going to search for it. You'll have to PM it.

The Bard
06-22-06, 10:27 PM
Can We have Gruntys as a transporation method

Sighter Tnailog
06-22-06, 10:47 PM
Here 'tis.

06-23-06, 12:53 AM
Finny has a lightsaber?

Oh and btw...

RMXP owns RM2K in the ass.

06-23-06, 12:54 AM
Too true much easier to work except i got that trial >< well i'm fast so 30days should be enough 2 towns and dungeons done in 4 days!

Cyrus the virus
06-23-06, 02:06 AM
Too bad XP's battle system is the worst shit ever shat.

Maddy - Good. Balls.

Others - I'll give another screenshot soon.

Devil May Care
06-23-06, 02:51 AM
Too bad you can change XP's battle system to absolutely anything you want, because the basic script of the entire program is 100% editable.

Nice going, way to lose!

Cyrus the virus
06-23-06, 04:53 AM
So if you're going to edit the code, why don't you make your own fucking program? O_o

06-23-06, 05:22 AM
Better buffet items. XP does own 2K in the ass. Although 2K3 ain't so bad. The coding thing isn't extensive enough to write a whole new program; it's just there for smaller modifications within the basic game. New battle system, caterpillar party, stuff like that. No idea how it works, myself. Sure I'll pick it up eventually. But, yeah, final installment of pretty pictures.

With any luck, that should adequately supply my chunk of the game.

Storm Veritas
06-23-06, 05:52 AM
'A good plan executed today is better than a perfect plan executed at some indefinite point in the future." - George S. Patton

Just do it man. If others want a specific change because some other system is better, then let them do it on their own time. Your project, you do as you see fit. Suggestions are helpful until they become counterproductive.

06-23-06, 03:58 PM
Hey, whoa, I wasn't trying to persuade him to change his system. RM2K is a damned good system; better than coding from scratch, that's for sure. And if it works for him, then leave him to it. No need for animosity, really.

Though I might "do it myself" anyway.

Storm Veritas
06-23-06, 05:03 PM
Perhaps we're both misinterpreting each other, then.

I'm not (or at least trying not to be) saying that anyone is hostile here, it seems like everyone (or nearly everyone) is offering constructive criticism and suggestions to the project as Cyrus progresses.

I'm merely (again, an attempt) trying to say that he has worked hard, and shouldn't feel bad if he has to ignore some suggestions in lieu of moving forward. Giving a reason for not accepting some suggestions on which engine to use.

My bad if I came across as accusatory. I also must state clearly that I don't speak for Cyrus, I was just trying to help a brother out.

Cyrus the virus
06-23-06, 05:59 PM
Thanks Storm, that's kind of the way I'm feeling. Though Styx's posts bother me a whole lot more than Ter-Thok's do, I don't mind all too much... Styx is gonna play it anyway, I'm sure, and he'll probably think I did a good job.

It's fun, at any rate, though a lot of work. Lots and lots of pages of coding, but it's really enjoyable if I'm in the right mood. I can get 4 hours work of done in one spurt sometimes :p

Thanks for the stuff, Thokko, I plan on using it.