View Full Version : Blood and Booze (open)

12-27-07, 10:15 PM
[1st attempt at rp...bear with me]

Her breath was heavy. Joss's vision was skewed in an attempt to blink back the tears now readily pouring down her pail cheeks. The pounding rain made her long blonde hair stick to her face in clumps.

Just a few more feet

With her left hand, she held the slash on her right arm, hoping the bleeding would stop soon. She reached the door to the bar, and the minute she was inside, she collapsed, overwhelmed with the relief of finding somewhere to rest, if only for a moment.
She had been on another mission, albeit a pointless (in her opinion) one. She had gotten in, done what she needed to get her information, left with hardly a shred of dignity, then...

A strange whisper was swallowed by the steady wind, making her turn, chills running down Joss's spine. Someone was there who shouldn't be. Another spy? A threat? A form of protection? The next thing she heard was her own blood-curdling scream as she felt cold metal bury itself into her flesh. The attacker had her pinned- she couldn't reach her dagger. The only solution would be to use whatever force she could muster and hope to God adrenaline would get her through. She jabbed, struggled, pushed, screamed, and then it was over. The knife was no longer embedded in her skin, she could hear the attacker's quiet exclamations as if in blinding pain, and she was running.

She shook her head, temporarily discarding the memory, and tried to figure out a rational explanation to why her arm could be pouring blood without disclosing too much information. Joss had learned long ago not to trust unless given a reason. People around her gasped. Someone began cleaning the wound, and tears sprung once again to her eyes as her arm began to sting immensely. She gave up on trying to figure out who her attacker could have been. The exhaustion was just too much.

12-27-07, 10:32 PM
A bar was a good place to be, especially for a pissed off swordsman with no where to go. The air was thick, filled with smoke and the scent of sweat, blood and steel, and the dim lighting made the boiling blood within Vincent simmer down to a slow bubble. Bloodlust had overtaken him again, it had seemed, and he could barely control it, even within the peacful enviornment that the small bar created.

A ship from Corone had brought him to Scara Brae, as he had heard that the best warriors around often visited the place called the Dajas Pagoda. However, the city had been larger than he had first thought, and the excited state he had worked himself up into had been consumed by anger at his own inability for directions and that anger soon turned to blood lust.

At first he had stepped into the bar not to get directions but to challenge someone to a brawl, but the air of the place had soon coaxed the fighting spirit out of his body, and he found himself releasing his grip on the long blade he held, still sheathed, at his side and taking a seat at a table near the doorway.

He had just been considering ordering something strong enough to make his headache go away when the door burst open and several people gasped. A woman fell through the door way, and Vincent couldn't get a good look at her before someone shouted, "Oh my god, someone get a monk, she's hurt!" and someone robed immediately sprang up and began treating the woman's wounds.

Vincent could tell with one glance that she was half dead. But it wasn't emotion or empathy that had caused him to then stand up swiftly and run to the doorway, standing in it with his blade at the ready, his silver eyes roaming the streets. It was curiousity, curiousity at what had done such damage to the girl.

Immediately, Vincent felt eyes on him. However, to his dismay, they did not come from outside but within, and he turned to find several people staring at him with questioning gazes. "What the fuck, people..." He muttered under his breath before shutting the door and reaching into his bag, from which he took out a small roll of cloth bandages and tossed them at the monk's feet. "Here." Vincent sneered as he resumed his post at his seat. "Wrap her wounds in that, if your gonna save her. It'll probably stop the bleeding, but I can't guarantee anything." A wicked smile spread across his face, and the monk looked away in disgust as he immediately grabbed the bandages and started wrapping them around the girl's wound.

12-27-07, 11:46 PM
Joss was vaguely aware of her surroundings at the bar. She saw a man pass the monk some sort of cloth that was presently being tied around her arm. This man slightly annoyed her, with that know-all smirk, but at the same time, something was intriguing about him. But she had more pressing matters to worry about than some stranger with hauntingly silver eyes. Joss was not one to admit to fear, but had someone asked her if she was scared at this moment, she would not have had the strength to deny it. She had always been self-reliant, but this time she needed help, and this made her feel weak.

The monk finally stemmed the bleeding, and the wound was now wrapped heavily in layers of the cloth that strange man had given the monk. Slowly, she got to her feet, moving towards the stools lined up at the bar and ignoring the monk's suggestion to stay lying down. She sat down, and the bartender brought her a glass of water, which was gone in a matter of seconds.

Whether a good idea or not, she pursued her curiosity towards the man with the haunting eyes. She walked towards him at a steady pace, and with a voice capturing more confidence than one would expect from someone who had recently been lying on the floor bleeding, asked "Who the hell are you?"

12-28-07, 12:03 AM
The woman had recovered, and was walking now. Immediately Vincent's thoughts were that she should sit down, someone in her condition, and get some nourishment, but he wasn't one to voice his thoughts, at least not ones such as those. However, the monk that he had given the wraps to had voiced his thoughts instead, saving him the trouble, and Vincent could only smirk at the confident way she walked towards him and the way she ignored the monk, who, by the tent made in the crotch of his robes, had clearly been expecting more than a simple goodbye. Her words were strong, and even though Vincent had been surprised that she was able to walk in her condition, he found her strong voice a welcome burden to his silent company.

"I should be askin' somethin' like that to you, missy." He spoke softly but assuredly, as if he were a man without a care in the world, which was partly true. "Why the fuck do ya care, anyways?"

Yuki Katomi
12-28-07, 12:11 PM
(Thought this would be a good thread to jump in to start my character. Hope you don't mind.)

Yuki’s heart pounded like a thundering bass drum as she ran, her sandals kicking up dust along the dirt roadway while thundering horse hooves licked at her heels. She new she was in trouble. Fear struck her harder then ever as one of the armored guards ranted “Get her!”, as he slapped his reins against the horse’s hide.

Looking over her thin shoulder, she felt herself let out a sharp gasp as if she had been struck, but no; she actually fell due to the guard about to grab her. Clenching her teeth, she stood and ran. The guard jumped from his horse and chased her. This man was weighed cumbered from his iron armor; there was a chance of escape. Finally, some hope grew within her.

The young looking woman jumped over a rock and into the forest, slapping at the branches that latched out to sting her like a whips. Suddenly, unaware of the agility of the guard, she was tackled harshly into the dirt. Her cheek burned as it grinded against the ground, fighting friction. Yuki desperately struggled with the guard, and without even realizing her actions, the man screamed and fell back, grasping his shoulder which now had an open wound from her blade.

Her dark orbs gazed at the blood, then to the guard who was now cursing at her. Taking in a breath, she got up and ran. Yuki never meant to hurt the man, it just happened as if her body just went on auto pilot.

After many minute of vast jogging, she almost fell as she scrambled into the bar, quickly hiding herself from any windows. Slowly, her painted katana made its place back in the sheath. Taking a seat, her eyes witnessed from a far away window the galloping of horses and mad men riding by. Her lungs went ease, releasing a sigh of relief as she closed her eyes. The woman felt horribly guilty for stabbing the man, and it was easily read on her face.

12-28-07, 12:40 PM
Sorry to post before you tori, I just thought this would be a good place to start something.

Before the woman before him could answer, another one burst in and immediately dashed towards the corner that Vincent held himself. She was short, shorter than the injured woman who had come up and asked his name, but she was fast, especially for one in a kimono. The smell of blood assualted Vincent's nose, and he immediately guessed that the scent came from the weapon she held at her side, as he could not detect any wounds on her. The quick movement startled him and he jumped out of his chair, half-drawing the long blade at his side before realizing that she was not after him.

Instead, her eyes now gazed out the window in a mix of deep apprehension and fear. Inwardly Vincent swore at the woman's sudden appearence, as it had startled him, but the sound of hoofbeats and angry voices soon brought him away from that and to the doorway, where a man in assorted pieces of armor, mostly dirtied, stood gasping for air as he glared at the woman in the corner. "You bitch!" He swore as he drew a short sword at his side, and the movement revealed a gaping wound in his left shoulder.

The smell of blood once again hit Vincent's nose, and he smiled grimly. Normally, he was not one to get involved in such matters, but he had not had any action since Corone and wanted to see if his skills had rusted from lack of practice. Ignoring the injured woman who had asked him who he was, his blade rasped as it left the bone sheath he carried it in, and he tossed the scabbard to the side. "You wanna fight? Fight me, then." Vincent spoke as he held the tip of the blade just inches from the floor in a relaxed manner.

The guard didn't respond, just a snarl greeted Vincent's challenge and the man ran foward, the blade positioned to stab the wanderer through the heart. Vincent frowned, however, as the man stumbled and missed, the blade instead slicing into the skin just above the swordsman's ribs and passing by, a grazing blow that Vincent barely felt.

"What the fuck..." Silver eyes stared down at the furious face of the guard. "...you're not worth my time." And with a swift movement of his left hand, as his blade was held in his right, Vincent backhanded the man and sent him stumbling right into the wall, where he collapsed, unconcious.

Going over and picking up his sheath, Vincent ignored the bloody wound the guard had given him. However, the man's blade was interesting, as even though it had failed to pierce Vincent through the heart it's glancing blow still produced a good amount of blood. He decided that, once the man awoke, he would ask him about.

12-28-07, 01:25 PM
"Oh God..."
The near whisper slipped from her lips before she could stop herself.
The amounts of confusion were endless. The small lady who had just hurtled into the pub, whose weapon was caked with blood that was clearly not her own, sat at the bar where she had been mere minutes ago, her breathe heavy. This mysterious man with silver eyes had just been wounded by a guard who now lay unconscious in the corner.

Her fear was undetectable, yet it was strong. She had already had enough action for one night. Her hands shook, and Joss quickly grasped them behind her back before anyone would notice.

"Ah...This makes my question all the more important now, doesn't it. And I might as well ask who you are, as well." She turned to the small lady in the kimono, her piercing gaze falling, once again, on the blood-covered katama.

"But I want you to answer first. Simply answering my question with one of your questions won't satiate my curiosity. And why do I care? Because you seem an interesting type. You didn't have to help the monk. Yet you gave him bindings to help stop this bitch from bleeding. No reason more than that, plain and simple curiosity."

She walked calmly, with a strong sense of purpose that apparently the monk enjoyed. She shot him a glare, and carried on with what she was doing. She was now only about a foot away from the man with the silver eyes. Joss met his eyes bravely, and pulled herself up to her full 5 feet 7 inches, hoping she looked a little more intimidating than she felt.

"So start talking"

Yuki Katomi
12-28-07, 01:59 PM
(i'll be going to work here shortly so I will be sure to respond asap)

Yuki’s eyes shot open in horror to the voice of the furious yet wounded guard. Fear somehow managed to sting her emotions once again as she stood, knocking over her chair as she backed away, meeting the hard wood wall. For a moment she froze, looking at his blade, as if she were waiting for her fate, or perhaps arrest. By the expression on this man’s face, he had no intention on arresting her.

Her fingers slowly crawled down her side, wrapping around the braided handle of her katana, knees almost visibly trembling. Her swallow was hard, almost to the point one could hear it. Yuki was no fighter, but if it were a time like now, she’d have no choice but to stand her ground the best she can.

Just when she thought the guard was going to brutally advance on her, a mysterious, yet unique looking man stepped forward, challenging this guard to get through him first. The girl’s lips parted ready to speak; though no words could manage to escape her thoughts. She stood there, dumbfounded by this mysterious man’s actions until the whole scene was over.

The oriental woman seemed to be in her own world, gazing at the fallen guard who would have killed her for sure. She was unsure whether or not to thank this man for his heroic like stand, but she had a feeling it wasn’t for her. If he had known why they were after her, perhaps his theory would change. Blinking, her Trans faded as she looked to the rather tall woman speaking to her, demanded Yuki her name.

Hem Hem, her black cobra, was starting to have a fit in his sack. He was likely frustrated from all the harsh and quick movement. Yuki could relate to how he was feeling. To calm the reptile, she placed her hand against the bag and he settled like a child being told a bedtime story to calm him of his hyper acts.

Yuki noticed the tall woman was glancing at her katana, so Yuki decided it is best if she put it away for now, at least until that guard awoke and tempted another attack on her. The Elf decided she be patient and wait for the tall fellow to speak first, seeing the large woman took more interest on his profile then hers.

As she waited, her eyes traveled among the two, and to her comedy she tempted, but horribly failed, to stand broad and tall. It was a lost cause, so she sighed gloomily and glanced around at the others around the bar.

Bored with all the dumb hardly any handsome faces, her eyes met the tall mysterious man's sword. A slight smile arose from her. You came across those a lot in her village, she was impressed to see him with one, and to see he could use it.

12-28-07, 01:59 PM
"Well aren't we the talkative one." Vincent spoke again, relatively irritated that the bitch hadn't gotten the hint that he wanted her to leave him the fuck alone. But her small forn prevented him from moving, as she had positioned herself so that she stood in between him and the doorway, and so his back was against the table.

The bar had grown quiet, and while many pretended to have ignored the scuffle and the women, Vincent's trained eyes noticed several blades out of their sheathes and several bows nocked and ready. He had thought about killing the girl, as she was ruining his peace, but in her current state she wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight, and the fight was all he cared about. Plus, murdering her right here in plain sight seemed pretty stupid, even for the silver-eyed swordsman, who wasn't known for his brains.

She stood tall and strongly, but Vincent also noticed a buckling in her left knee. She was trying to either impress or intimidate him, Vincent didn't know which, but she was wasting her time because all she was doing was pissing him off.

Pushing her aside with his left hand, he sheathed the long saw-like blade in his right with the same thin rasping sound that had came earlier. "So what if I did? I was bored. Now get out of my fucking sight." And with that he walked over to the girl breathing heavily in the corner wearing the kimono, sitting down next to her and crossing his arms and putting his long legs up on one of the chairs. His eyes were directed outside, where he noticed some dust gathering in the distance.

"I don't need to know why he was after you." He suddenly spoke up once more to the girl in the kimono, who had smiled at him. What the fuck... "So, if you are going to tell me, save it." Suddenly he winced as pain shot through his chest, and he glanced down to see blood dripping from his wound on to the wooden floor.

Now, this was a new development. He frowned as saw the redness of the wound, and his very first thoughts were that it should have healed by now. What kind of blade did that soldier wield? Ignoring plaintive stares from the others at his blood-covered chest, he went over and examined the blade that had cut him.

It was made of steel, as far as he could tell, but it was sharp, unusually so. Other than that, he couldn't detect a thing.

12-28-07, 04:14 PM
Joss's patience was spent. Bored. Bored? He helped her because he was...bored?

"Over-confident bastard."

He was now inspecting the guard's sword for some reason, and then looking back at the wound now bleeding more heavily. The small lady in the kimono looked slightly frustrated by the man's flippant nature as well. Shaking her head, Joss crossed the room towards the monk who had helped her, and got his attention.

"Would you try to help that idiotic asshole with his wound? He's obviously too stubborn to ask for help, and there's a slim chance in hell he'll let you fix him up, but that slash isn't looking too pretty at the moment."

With a quick nod, the monk jumped to his feet to go help the man, and Joss turned her back on the situation, focusing her attention instead on the lady.

"Who are you? Why are you here? I don't mean to seem rude, it's just...been a strange evening."

12-28-07, 08:01 PM
"The hell..." Vincent spoke as someone grabbed his arm, and quickly jerked his arm away as he stood up to face the monk who had the erection earlier. "What the fuck are you doing? Are you gay or something?"

The monk seemed alarmed at the very mention of being homosexual, and backed away with his hands raised, his face red. "N-no sir, I just need to treat your wound..." However, his sentance was cut off as Vincent walked away, reaching into the traveling pack at his side and taking out another roll of wraps, which he began unrolling and wrapping around his body. The monk could only watch as Vincent soon wrapped his upper torso in the gray bandages, a red splotch from the the wound in his side made itself obvious. However, it didn't seem to bother the swordsman all that much, as he walked completely straight towards the monk with a silver-eyed glare. "Who said you had to treat my wound?" Vincent asked calmly, and the monk shook his head as he too walked away, back to the girl who was now talking to the bitch in the kimono.

Vincent sighed as he once more took a seat, this time at the bar itself, and winced slighly from his wound. But at least the bleeding had stopped.

Yuki Katomi
12-28-07, 11:25 PM
Yuki stood there, unsure what to do at the time. For many seconds her gaze fell on the mysterious man’s wound. It seemed to her that the wound must have been deep to be bleeding that profusely. The question was. Would he be ok? Having only known this man for a matter of minutes, she already damn well knew just to leave him be or suffer his anger.

That was about the time her thoughts were interrupted by the taller woman once again. Yuki’s brown orbs looked up at her not intimidated by her size or looks. It was obvious that this woman, whoever she might be, or what, had no intention of hurting her. At first, the elven girl did not answer her request, but reached into a sack, pulling out her black cobra Hem Hem. The reptile was happy to be out, lacing slowly through her fingers as his tongue sensed about.

Yuki smiled then looked up to the tall woman once again. “I’d be the fool to give you my name.” she said almost jokingly, “why would I give you my name when I haven’t a clue who you are? Plus, it is best that it remains unknown, you never know who might be listening..” Yuki’s head gestured to the monk approaching. His eyes blinked, confused why the elven girl was smiling at him. “You just don’t know whose poking out now a days…”

The monk once again like before, turned a bright red, unsure how to react to the woman’s dry yet slightly comedic humor.

12-29-07, 02:51 PM
Joss couldn't help but laugh at the elven woman's comment directed towards the monk who now sat by himself, obviously boiling in embarrassment.

"Understood." She replied, feeling much more light-hearted than she had just a few minutes before. "It's been...er...a trying night for everyone."

Joss's eyes fell upon the cobra now slithering over the bar. Although she would never admit to it, she was terrified of snakes. She didn't know what to do with herself, now that it was apparent she wasn't going to get any more information from either person. She instead walked over to the bartender, asking if there was a place to stay nearby. The man replied by saying there were a few extra rooms upstairs where she could sleep for an incredibly fair price. He asked if the other two, the man being injured, the woman appearing quite tired from her adventure, would need rooms too. All Joss could do was give a non-committal shrug.

Deciding to call it a night, the bartender showed her to her room, and Joss was asleep before her head hit the pillow.

12-30-07, 08:52 AM
It wasn't long before Vincent began growing tired, but he refused to go to sleep. He wanted the guard to wake up and tell him what kind of weapon he wielded, but that obviously wasn't going to happen soon. Another spurt of pain shot through his side, and he glared at the wound the blade had given him. "Whatever..." He stood up and went to the monk that had been pining after the woman who had just gone upstairs, and as he sat down the monk was about to speak before Vincent ripped the guaze off that was covering his wound.

The monk gasped. "You've been poisoned!" he exclaimed, and Vincent looked down. The wound was red and puffy, and blood leaked from it like drool. "You need to be healed right away!"

"Whatever, just do it." Vincent said. He was irritated at his body's inability to withstand this, and fingered the hilt of his blade nervously as the monk placed two hands on the wound and began chanting. A strange gold light came from both the wound and the man's hands, and Vincent felt as if something were knitting him inside before he felt his wound close up.

"There, you should be fine." the monk said, wiping some sweat off his brow. "I inserted a type of holy virus that should erase the poisoned cells in your body. You might feel weak for a few hours so you should--" But Vincent wasn't listening to the monk now as he stood up and walked now towards the woman with the cobra.

The creature's slick form fascinated him. "Can I hold her?" He asked quietly, totally different from the way he was before. His silver eyes were intent now as they watched the black snake's liquid form.

Yuki Katomi
12-30-07, 11:09 AM
Yuki watched closely as the woman strolled over to the bartender in a feminine manner and asked for three rooms. It seemed that this woman was at least kind enough to pay for rooms for both her and the mysterious tall man. Afterwards, she noticed that the mysterious man was making small talk with that perverted monk. The monk seemed to be frightened by the poison that the tall man was cursed with, so she had to have a look. You could say she was fascinated with poison, wishing to learn its ways, and kinds. Teachings in the ways of poison could really help her out at times. Though Hem Hem wouldn’t be too hot about the idea of using his, but on the topic, the man wished to hold him.

“umm..” she looked down at the slithering black snake, unsure how the creature would act toward this man, or if she could trust him to do the snake no harm. (Elven) “Hem Hem, you have to be nice, or you’ll be in the sack for a long long time…”

The snake flicked his tongue and crawled toward the man discreetly and peacefully. The snake obviously understood her when she spoke in her Elven tongue, but learning to understand him would be the long run. She still yet has to find some kind of way to speak to animals, or just snakes would do fine. “Hem Hem shouldn’t bite; he seems to be being nice right now. You’re lucky, he usually doesn’t take too kindly to strangers he’s just met.”

With the snake in the tall man’s hands, she slipped her way around the bar nonchalantly, letting her knife fall from the sleeve of her kimono. Stopping, she let out a big yawn, returning with a smile as she walked away with the monks bag of wealth undetected, at least she thought so.

Pacing like a predator over to the guard, she kneeled down and took his side bag, having a quick look on what’s inside. Other’s noticed her, though didn’t care much seeing he was a bastard of a guard. Her small nimble fingers pulled out a small vile much like a test tube, half full of a bubbly black fluid. Levitating from her kneel she walked over to the mysterious man and placed the tube up at him to have a good look. “You want it?”

12-30-07, 05:04 PM
Keep running, just keep running. Who was that? Why...Why me? Why did he...fuck, it's bleeding a ton. Where am I? There has to be something somewhere. I can't. I can't breathe. I can't make it any farther. I...I just...can't.

Joss cried out in her sleep. Suddenly, something jumped on her bed, and waking with a start, Joss's hand reached for her dagger on impulse.

"Fuck, Hamina. Seriously. Couldn't have waited 'til morning to see me? Jesus...You know you aren't supposed to follow me on business."

The otter stared at her blankly, then, ignoring her outburst, made itself comfortable on the small bed, and drifted off to sleep. She shook her head. Hamina always followed her everywhere, even when she told the small animal not to. Granted it took the poor thing a while to catch up tonight, but at least Hami was safe. Knowing she wouldn't be able to sleep anymore tonight, she quietly crept out of the room, and back down to the bar.

In shock, she realized that the woman, her snake, and the annoyingly stubborn man were all still up. The snake was slithering calmly over the man's arm, and he seemed perfectly fine with the reptile touching him. She shivered at the thought.

Both looked mildly surprised to see her back up, and she answered their questioning looks by muttering "Can't sleep." She sat beside the man, determined not to show her fear of the cobra. Joss sighed quietly. Sometimes she needed a bit of company, even if she had no idea who either of these people were.

12-30-07, 05:42 PM
Vincent ran his hands over the smooth scales of the snake as it curled around his arm. There was power there, he could feel it in the snake's body, and suddenly he was very jealous of the creature. He had a feeling that its body wouldn't have succumbed to the weakness of the poison had brought about.

The girl in the kimono had gone and infiltrated the guard's sack, and had brought out a bottle of some bubbling black liquid. Curious, he nodded his head to her in thanks. Right now, he was too tired to be a bastard. The monk had been right, and the effect of whatever the man had injected him with was making him drowsy. Thankfully, Vincent had had some experience in staying awake, and forced himself to do so. The woman from before came downstairs and muttered something, but he didn't listen to her until she went and sat next to him.

The snake flicked its tongue out at his arm, and Vincent smiled slightly before lifting his arm out to the kimono-girl and saying, "She's a strong one. Your lucky to have such a creature by your side." His voice was soft, as he was too tired to be anything other. "Goddamit, I need a drink..." And with that he beckoned over the waitress, who had been standing by nervously as the snake had been sliding on his arm. "Gimme some sake'." Was all he said before dismissing her, and he turned away from the two women by his side and unsheathed his blade, nonchalantly looking at the saw-like edge of it.

Yuki Katomi
12-30-07, 08:15 PM
The man gladly took the flask, though he didn't seem in the mood to be bothering with it now. Grinning, the woman took back her snake and gave the man his sake by walking toward the stairway to the rooms. Her brown eyes looked over Tori for a moment as she walked by, giving her somewhat of a comforting smile. Yuki would likely give her name if the woman still wished it in the morning.

Humming to herself softly, her orbs glanced over every door that passed her. Would tonight be her lucky night by doing what she did best, or should she just get her sleep seeing its rather late out? Of course she wanted to see what she could find, so she stopped, looking both ways down the hall before slipping her snake into the side sack and kneeling to a random selected doorway. The girl started to lock pick the door with a pin from her hair, biting her lip as she turned the pin around. A low click announced to her the door was open, so she softly opened the door and cautiously moved in.

Being the elf that she was, the darkness caused no difficulty for her, for she could see just as one could see in the day. Taking out the color of course. In the bed slept a man, a warrior, seeing there was a pile of armor at his bed side. The older looking man wore a long red beard, his hair knotted with braids. The whole time he made a loud obnoxious sound each time he took in a breath making Yuki want to cover her ears.

Suddenly she noticed something in the pile of different irons that made her stomach curl in an eager manner. There, calling her name was a silver dagger....

Biting her lip once again, her head perked up at the man. Good, he was still asleep... Her small hand reached out, grabbing the weapon by the sheath, giving a light impatient tug. Suddenly there was loud crashing as his helmet fell over, causing a domino like affect with the rest of the man's armor.


Yuki quickly rolled and pressed herself against the end of the bed, peeking over the see a huge set of legs standing up a large broad man. His breath was heavy as he spun in every direction. “I know ye' in her ya savage!!”

The girl's heart raced faster then ever as she inched herself away, hoping to be well enough hidden in the shadows for him not to find her.

“Come out, come out we'ever ya are!” Snarled his voice as he hitched himself up with a large iron battle axe. His grip was strong, grinding against the metal as he patted it a few times. He started to make his way over to the other bed side. “Got YA!!” but there was nothing there...

Yuki quickly crawled out from under the bed and ran out the door.

The large man looked up and growled in defeat. “I was hopin' te' spill some blood...” He checked through his things and nothing was missing, so he let go of the investigation and slammed the door shut.

Yuki held her chest as she jogged to her room and shut the door behind her, sliding back on its rough oak surface. That was way too close. That man would have ended her for sure. Having had plenty of fear in one day, she decided to give it a resting by lying into bed...

12-31-07, 12:00 AM
The woman in the kimono slunk off by herself, where to Joss wasn't sure, and wasn't particularly interested. The man sipped his drink, and the two sat in silence. She didn't mind, though. It was nice to have a human for company for a little while. Most of the time, it was only Joss and Hamina wandering around. She didn't even have to seduce this man for information. He had nothing to do with her job, she had nothing to do with his. It was almost a comfort when she thought of it that way. She asked the bartender for a glass of water. Joss was not only underage, but had also decided that to protect herself and others, she would not drink alcohol. It was better to stay in one's right mind than take chances.

She wondered how long she'd be here. She wondered how long the other two would stay. She was afraid to leave, actually. After tonight, all she wanted was to be finished her mission and go back home. Home. That idea hadn't crossed her mind for over a year. But on this particular evening, the girl wanted nothing but her family's love and protection.
But that obviously wasn't going to happen any time soon, so she pushed the thought out of her head.

"Joss," She stated boldly.

The man looked utterly confused, and the 'oh, how stupid are you' smirk returned.

"My name? It's Joss." She said, this time with a bit less confidence. "I just---thought you might want to know."

06-13-09, 02:35 PM
This thread has been sitting for a full year. Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another staff member and they will be able to move it for you back to Scara Brae.