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12-29-07, 05:13 PM
((Updates in dark green.))

Intelligence America Classified File
Operation Galleon Class Seven Cover

Contents: Personnel file on primary target.

Name: Joshua Cronen
Alias: Imperial Breaker
Sex: Male
Birth Date: June 30, 1983
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 6 feet
Weight: 253 lbs.
Skin: Caucasian
Nationality: Canadian

Physical Appearance: The primary target is a magnificent physical specimen. Although he weighs over two hundred and fifty pounds due to the density of his body, he looks like a man of one hundred and eighty five pounds. He has a fine golden-brown tan and a healthy pallor even when under extreme stress or pain, and muscle definition to match the ancient Greek gods. His hair is kept close cropped despite the rough stubble on his chin. He is broad shouldered, with long limbs and large hands and feet, a powerful man in every respect. When open his eyes frequently radiate an unnervingly wise calm. We theorize this strange blissful look comes from the advanced state of meditation he often locks himself into. His torso sports many scars that are almost abstractly artistic, from wounds healed by the magic of the Ai’Bron monks. The only scar on his face is one he received before arriving on Althanas, a thin Y-shaped imperfection only partially obscured by the stubble on his chin. The primary target carries himself with a deadly grace at all times, a smooth gait of utmost confidence that serves to intimidate many lesser mortals.

Most frequently the primary target is observed wearing loose fitting black clothing. Recently we have rarely observed him without a pair of boots which appear to be made of coarse black leather.

Personality: What little information we have received about the primary target’s personality is next to useless, for it all came from people he knew before arriving on Althanas. It is obvious he has changed a great deal, but in what ways we cannot say. The only thing we can be certain of his that he is an incredibly intelligent man with near perfect self control. In the process of questioning him we quickly learned that any emotion he shows is potentially fake, any truth he tells potentially a lie. From what we gathered, he’s a cold calculative bastard that can manipulate people’s minds as easily he can their bodies in combat.


Prevaldia Bayonet Combat Knife (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=7849), the primary target purchased this useful tool at Radasanth’s Bazaar.

Angel Eye (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=5608&page=4): a small remote-controlled eyeball controllable via telepathy through the eyepatch. The user can see what the Angel Eye can, though his vision is split between normal and the eye patch. Can fly at 10 mph top speed, no range limit. The primary target was fortunate enough to pick this up at the Bazaar Auction House.

One pound of Radasanthian Reefer (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=6877&page=7) (cannabis indica) in a silk bag. We are uncertain how the primary target acquired this, knowing only that he did so at a night club called the Flesh Failures.

x1 Fireproofed gore-tex zippered medium size backpack.
x1 Fireproofed gore-tex trench coat.
x1 Hygiene Kit (soap, shaving cream, collapsible straight razor etc.).
x1 Basic First Aid Kit (gauze, thread, needle, tape, band-aids, scissors etc.).
x1 Field Rations Kit
x1 Steel nunchaku, leather padding.
x1 Polar fleece grey pants and shirt set.
x1 Black cotton/spandex blend pants and shirt set.
x1 Black facemask.
x2 Lightweight leather/goretex hiking boots.
x2 Synthetic wool/cotton blend black socks.
x1 Notebook, 200 pgs.
x1 Mechanical Pencil.
x2 Heavy Wear leather/goretex gloves.
x1 Utility Belt.
200 feet of steel wire, in plastic package.
x1 Distress Signal Transceiver.

The Breaker Boots: (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=9634) These are a pair of masterwork boots crafted from the new alloy rythadine (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?p=94293#post94293). To the untrained eye they look like a standard pair of black leather boots, but closer inspection shows they are fastened by metal clasps rather than laces. They also bear several enchantments, put in place by the alchemist Tinker Rythadine. Due to the nature of rythadine, these spells cannot be disenchanted, obstructed or removed. For all practical purposes, they are physical properties of the boots.

Enchantment 1: The Breaker Boots form a telepathic link with whoever is wearing them. With a mere thought, the wearer can adjust the weight of each boot from 0-100 pounds.

Enchantment 2: Using the same telepathic link, the wearer may adjust the levels and kinds of friction on the soles of the Breaker Boots. This extends from simply making the boots slipperier than ice to them generating enough static friction for the wearer to walk upside down on a ceiling.

Enchantment 3: Purely for the comfort of the wearer, the padded leather interior of the boots is enchanted to mould to the wearer’s foot, in addition to an elemental charm that keeps the wearer’s feet at a comfortable temperature at all times.

Extraordinary Characteristics

Superhuman Vitality: The primary target’s physique has become different from that of most humans. We theorize that his anatomy has mutated due to a combination of exposure to magic and rigorous training in the foreign realm of Althanas.

Musculature Mutation: One of our first observations of the primary target was that he is incredibly strong, wielding seven times the strength, endurance, dexterity and threshold for pain or damage that he should. His muscles are far denser than those of most humans, and this adds significantly to his body weight. When flexed, stressed, or stretched the muscle tissue becomes as strong as steel. In this state we have observed the primary target’s body taking attacks from mid tier blades and medium-heavy blunt force trauma and yielding only surface (skin) tissue damage. Heavy blunt force trauma can bruise the muscles, and blades of higher tiers (above dehlar, unless exemplary force is applied) can pierce them. Despite the density of his muscles, the primary target is extremely flexible.

Skeletal Mutation: The target’s bones have become denser and stronger than those of most humans, or most life forms for that matter. His skeleton is of an equal strength with plynt, the increased density adding to his weight. Only very heavy blunt force trauma can break his bones, and they tend to be “green breaks” despite the fact that he is a grown man. In order to sever one of his limbs a weapon of Delyn or superior metal would be needed, along with considerable power.

Skin Tissue Mutation: Although normal to the eye and touch, the primary target’s skin is as strong as tier 5 wood. Because of this attacks from weapons made of steel or lesser metals will sometimes fail to draw blood.

Superior Senses: The target’s five senses are doubly as powerful as those of most humans. Despite this, he is not any more affected by loud noises, bright lights, or any other sensory overload than most people.

Superior Mentality: The primary target has an incredibly powerful mind, making it difficult to influence him by hypnosis, seduction, magic, compulsion or pharmaceuticals. While it is possible to crack his steely resolve, the process is exhaustive and by no means a guaranteed success. This also makes him far more likely to see through illusions and manipulation.

Epinephrine Overload: The target’s body produces adrenaline at an unusually high and consistent rate. We believe this helps maintain his massive endurance; however it also causes toxins to break down faster in his blood stream. Whether it is a deadly poison or alcohol, external toxins affect the primary target only half as much as they should. This can be an advantage and a disadvantage, for while he is less likely to succumb to poison; healing elixirs will not help him as much.

Skills and Training

Trained Ambidexterity: Through exhaustive training the primary target has become ambidextrous. Although he may still prefer the use of the naturally dominant right side of his body, for all practical purposes he can perform equally well with the left side.

Lethal Martial Arts: Having been trained in a wide variety of martial arts from a young age, the primary target is a master of unarmed combat. He commands an extensive vocabulary of striking, grappling and throwing techniques. We have observed him defeating multiple armed attackers using only his body. While his superhuman strength and speed certainly play a part in his proficiency, it is his non-telegraphic movements and optimal attacks that truly set him aside from other fighters. He can also use a multitude of martial arts weapons to a certain degree of skill. ((Updated level 4.))

Ninjitsu: The primary target is an expert at moving silently and swiftly through most landscapes and can conceal himself when necessary. He also has extraordinary flexibility and tumbling and acrobatic skills which allow him to use fighting techniques which would otherwise be impractical. These skills are complemented by the fact that his powerful legs allow him to leap twenty feet in the air.

Weapon Group Proficiency; Firearms: The primary target has had training and experience with light firearms and should be considered an average marksman.

Weapon Group Proficiency; Short Blades: The target is an expert in the use of short blades when it comes to close range (melee) or long range (throwing) edged and pointed weapons.

Weapon Group Proficiency; Pole arms: The primary has been observed exhibiting above average talents with many pole-type weapons. This extends from staves, to halberds, to short spears, to more exotic pole arms such as the naginata and tonfa.

Exotic Weapon Proficiency; Nunchaku: The target is an expert at using one or two nunchaku. He is especially dangerous with this weapon, using its surprising range and remarkable power to overwhelm armed opponents.

Focus: Although he thinks of it as “pranic meditation”, the primary target is capable of achieving an advanced level of focus. He activates it through breathing techniques and in this state becomes aware of nearly everything around him. His senses double (to four times that of a normal human) and he is able to ignore extreme pain and similar sensations. If he so chooses, he can also accelerate his speed and reaction time. Although it seems to him as though everything else is moving slowly when he does this, he is in fact moving and reacting two times faster than normal.

Special Agent Training: The primary target’s special agent training has taught him to deal with Public Relation situations, to gather information, and blend into a crowd when necessary. This also included basic first aid and CPR.

Metalworking: Before joining the extinct UCA, the primary target worked in a welding shop, and took metalworking courses in high school.


Information collected from the archives of the extinct UCA

Joshua was born in a small town, Maroon, population 13,000, just outside of Winnipeg, Ontario. He was an only child and raised by his Mother and Father as a lower-middle class family until just before Joshua's third birthday, at which point his mother died of lung cancer, having smoked for the past 20 years. Two months later, Joshua and his father moved into the heart of Winnipeg, where his father found a new, better paying job.
Joshua lived through a fairly difficult life, spending a good deal of time in cheap day-care programs, while his father worked long hours, tiring himself out. When Joshua began going to school at age 6, his father began to abuse him, supposedly out of anger that Joshua was not doing well enough.
Joshua's father begins to teach him Martial Arts, which he once taught, but in a very brutal manner. It was from these learning’s that Joshua developed his over-relaxed fighting style. Joshua also began to excel in school, partially because of wanting to please his father, but also due to being very naturally intelligent.
After continually excelling in school, sports, and martial arts, Joshua begins a metalworking job at age 16 to gain money for College. In these years Joshua passed through several relationships with different girls, most of which did not last very long as the girls were alienated by either his Father or annoyed that he is so busy. On the New Year's eve, Joshua was convinced by several friends to move out on his own.
Joshua is connected to the UCA by Psychiatrist Dr. Barnaby Wells. Begins intense training and becomes Special Agent on his 20th Birthday. Months later, Josh is chosen to undergo a special mission, involving an erratic and unpredictable portal which was accidentally opened at a nuclear testing plant...

Extract from the Log Book of Geoffrey Smyth, Supervising Officer at the Underground's Nuclear Testing area.
February 17th, 2005;
Today we were working on a new method of transportation, which we hoped to later use to mobilize small numbers of agents from one corner of the Earth to another. The idea, which I will not attempt to go into technical details about, is this; we intend to harness the power of a nuclear explosion, but use it towards a positive cause, rather than a destructive one. The energy produced by a splitting atom is immense, as we all know, and our top scientists have been working long hours on how to channel that power towards a certain goal. They are working towards creating a type of portal which, when stepped into, would carry an Agent into a well known safe-zone in a wooded area not far from Winnipeg. I have never been so excited as I was when we first began today, and the portal opened. To me, behind a six inch barrier of protective glass, it was like magic. I thought I was going to die as there was a blinding flash of light, but abruptly the light faded, and I found myself staring into what was simply a black hole in the middle of the experimentation room. The scientist who had performed the final split was being pulled forward by some unseen force, and one of his fellows ran to help him, with the result that, horrifyingly enough, they were both sucked through! The other two scientists on the floor worked frantically, and managed to stabilize the portal, stopping it from sucking everything nearby into it. I was already on the phone with our workers stationed in the wooded safe-zone, but the scientists had not appeared there. It was apparent to all of us what must have happened; the portal had worked, but it was not transporting things to the proper location.

Written by Head Agent Genvieve Aneed.
I can hardly believe I am letting Josh go through with this. He had been scheduled to enter the portal as soon as it was stable and ready, but seeing as we do not know where it transports users to, it can hardly be considered stable. However, it is necessary for us to find out what happened to the two white coats who were taken by the portal. I am in a protected glass area right now, with Dr. Wells beside me. I must say I am glad he is here; he is on very good terms with both myself and Josh, and the moral support he provides is tremendous. Josh is now receiving his final instructions from the Head Scientist, and walking towards the portal. A red light is flashing somewhere, I don't understand what it means, but there's nothing I can do. Josh is about to step through, but an alarm sounds, and abruptly the portal simply swallows him. He cries out in alarm, but his yell is cut off by the portal closing, as the Head Scientist switches off the power. Dr. Wells is frantically unlocking the door, breaking the rules and trying to get on to the testing field. Our Head Scientist is on the phone with our Agents in the safe-zone. Josh is not there. We are receiving no signal from Josh's transceiver. My two-way radio crackles to life, and I here Dr. Wells on the other end, as he stands next to the Head Scientist.
"Agent down, Jenny. We've lost him."

History on Althanas

We have compiled a catalogue of the primary target’s adventures since arriving on Althanas. Although it is probably not inclusive, it gives an idea of where he has been.

Citadel battles of note: Shop 'till you Drop, (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=6008) The Runt and the Ruin, (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=9592) Tennis Brevity (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=9896)

Dajas Pagoda battles of note: Blood and Thunder, (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=6665) Slow Ride on the Easy Train, (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=6970) Possessed (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=7981)

Quests of note: Sex, Drugs and Violence: The Flesh Failures, (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=6877) The Enchanter's Journal (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=9634)

12-29-07, 05:39 PM
Here we go, take two.

Here's the thing that bothers me a bit. Even though the increase from five to eight times in Muscular Mutation might not seem like a major thing, it's basically an increase in three separate attributes, namely strength, endurance and dexterity. I feel that as such it should be treated as three separate updates since people usually increase their attributes one by one. If you are going to increase them all at the same time, I'd like for jumps to be a bit less drastic. So seven times the endurance/dexterity/strength sounds a bit more acceptable.

12-29-07, 05:59 PM
It is as you say, maestro.

12-29-07, 06:02 PM
And thus you are approved. Once again, thank you for your cooperation and welcome to the next level.