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The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 05:37 PM
A journey is defined as a voyage, an adventure into unknown lands for reasons of gain, knowledge, or power. It is on a voyage that one’s character is defined, as his limits are stretched out to near fatal levels. Only the strong usually survive, wiser and more powerful than when they left. For these reasons one will travel around the world to gain what they desire.

The wind blew at insanely high levels, the cold daring anybody who climbed up the mountains to a grueling challenge of endurance. Along the way sheets of snow littered the landscape, the tree’s long dead leaves replaced with blankets of snow. The winter wonderland was almost perfect, except for three small dots in the snow that travelled close together.

In a small entourage were the Waltz siblings marching in chronological order. Wilfred the eldest and tallest led the way, huddled in what seemed to be multiple blankets with his pointy traditional straw black mage hat sticking out brightly in the white background. He held his staff close to him, the jagged oak had grown more potently with spikes as a topaz jewel laid hidden deep within the top of the staff, the jagged oak growing over it. His blood was thin and he continuously was shivering as he held his staff in his hand using it as a walking stick. His golden eyes looked behind him, and to his slight annoyance but nevertheless his joy was his other two siblings; his brother Dark and sister Sharon.

Dark walked in the snow with impunity as he wore his ripped sleeved shirt and tilted black mage hat. He left his coat off revealing upon his bear chest the only thing that kept him warm in the cold. The cold, sharp fangs of the artifact, Canine’s of Cerberus, glowed with a comfortable light blue hue as the middle aged sibling walked behind Wilfred. With that necklace the cold of winter would never bother him. In his left hand he held his staff, a long fine wooden staff that had now proudly shown Dark’s mastery over the black arts of the ice element. A spear tip made of ice adorned the top of the staff with an opal blue diamond fossilized inside the ice; upon the bottom of his staff were three rusty chains that held a flail, all three morning star like balls made of ice.

Bringing up the rear as always was Sharon, her body covered in a cloak, but not as heavily as her brother Wilfred. Upon her head was an artifact of power as well; the Crown of Ashes. An incredible device made of simple twigs and two flowers that augmented her skills in the ways of fire, her staff blazing orange with a jagged top made of multiple igneous rocks like fine gems. A bright garnet crystal adorned the very center of the staff, a symbol that she was only a few steps away from total mastery. With her ability to be one with the element of fire, the cold didn’t bother her much at all.

“You okay up there, Wil?” Dark said casually. With chattering teeth Wilfred looked back to his brother with an irritated face. Dark gave of a snort of amusement. “Not our fault we got cool toys and you didn’t.” Wilfred rolled his eyes as he continued to walk up the mountain. “Oh Sharon, look, Wilfred’s jealous!” Dark teased. Sharon laughed as well, skipping up to her oldest brother.

“Is poor Wilfy Dilfy cold?” Sharon said to her brother as if he was a baby. Her brother shoved her away irritably only causing the siblings to laugh more. Dark ran up to Sharon, removing her cloak revealing her pale skin and long black hair, the only sibling not wearing the black mage hat.

“Maybe you should be the bigger man and give Wilfred your coat. It is only fair.” Sharon nodded, her Crown of Ashes erupting in flame as her body became warmer. Wilfred stopped walking, his body no longer shivering from the cold as his fingers were held into two small fists. Soon he began to shiver, but this time in rage.

“Uh, Dark…” Sharon whispered.

“Uh, Sharon…” Dark whispered back in fear. “Do you think we went too far?” The words were already muttered, it was too late to take them back, and Wilfred acted upon them with hostility. Turning to face them he placed his hands across his chest, a scowl of displeasure upon his features. His eyes turned to two small slits of rage as he began to tap his foot impatiently. “Sorry Wilfred…” Wilfred pointed to Dark, leaning in as if to make sure. “Ya bro, we’re done.” Wilfred nodded once and he began to walk forward again. Sharon grabbed her cloak out of her brother’s hands and put it back on.

“Way to go goofball!” She said angrily.

“Me?” Dark was flabbergasted by the insult, his mind thinking she was just as much to blame as he. “Hey you were helping me too! Both of us took the joke too far.”

“How was I supposed to know the joke was going too far?” She retorted. Dark shrugged.

“I dunno, we were both having too much fun taking it too far.” Wilfred sighed in defeat as he slapped his forehead in annoyance. Both of his siblings laughed running up the hill a bit farther motioning for Wilfred to hurry up.

The trio of Black Mages had gone through so much, and it seemed each encounter was getting more violent than the last. First they encountered Vladimir Sigma who was the sole reason Wilfred became a mute, crushing his throat with his boot in a battle. Then it was the mind reading pig Bester from the Knights of Apocalypse, who had killed their uncle in spite. After that it was another group from the Knights of Apocalypse and a golem construct who was created by a Hex Mage known as Kycoo. In that encounter Sharon had actually died, and if not for the power of the Crown of Ashes she wouldn’t have been reborn like a phoenix, stronger than ever.

Hoping the worst was over Vladimir’s parents, Victoria and Xavier Sigma, had come to capture Dark and extract revenge on their son’s dishonor by the hands of the Waltz’s. It was in a grueling duel with the Hex Mage Arkahm, the self proclaimed Lord of Sins, that Dark called upon the power of the frozen underworld and was granted the Canine’s of Cerberus, using that influx in talent and raw power to defeat what was perceived to be a god. It wasn’t over however, as the term Project continued to haunt them, and with a madman, a secretive order, and a powerful Hex Mage after them answers had to be found.

It was this reason that brought Wilfred and his siblings to Beravar, to seek out the natural enemies of the Hex Magi, the Blood Magi. Where Hex Magi use the power of souls and corruption to achieve their spells and creations, Blood Magi use the power of blood and rituals. An age old argument of the power of ritual magic in comparison to chanting magic was what separated the two houses of magic. Wilfred was hoping that the Blood Magi may know something about who Kycoo is, and if any luck, what the Knights of Apocalypse wanted with them.

Wilfred looked up the hill past his siblings; a tall fortress sat at the very peak of the mountains. Wilfred looked behind him, a days worth of travelling already done. It would take them another four days to reach to the summit of the smallest mountain. If he wanted to turn back, now would surely be the time. His eyes gazed to his siblings again, and his heart felt a warmth as he saw them both laughing, something they hadn’t been able to do for a long time.

With that warmth he trudged up the hill, his mind made up for him.

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 05:38 PM
The snow covered the mountains like a pure white fluffy blanket; trees were dipped in this sheet as well completely covering their roots, some almost engulfed by the powdery ice. Shrubs and bushes were completely covered, soon to die from the vice like grip of the elements. Small rabbit holes were also covered by the snow, as well as road signs and pathways. To walk upon this wonderland was truly testing the elements to a battle of will.

Wilfred looked around him as the wind blew past him, his ears freezing and colored strawberry red from the intense cold. Dark stood next to him with his staff held out at an angle as if lazily being displayed before a hungry audience. Wilfred lifted his hand as he looked for the sun, trying to find the brightest batch of clouds. Dark was also looking around trying to find some semblance of a road in the vicinity of the area.

At last Wilfred found what he had been searching for as he tapped Dark on the shoulder and pointed to the top of the mountain. Dark strained his eyes before he caught the slightest glimmer of a glare. He continued to stare just to double check that he had found what he was searching for. Content it was what he searched for, Dark turned to Sharon.

“I need you to build up a large pillar of flame, Sharon.” Dark’s sister looked at her brother with wide eyes.

“Uh, do you think I am some master mage or something, Dark, because that isn’t happening.” Dark gruffed in anger at his sister’s response which only served to cause Sharon to protest further. “No Dark, I can’t control fire of that size yet! It may erupt into an inferno and kill us all!” Wilfred raised his right hand in a dismissing manner as he stepped between his siblings. He looked to Dark and motioned to his staff and then the surrounding area.

“Sorry bro, don’t understand that one.” Wilfred sighed in defeat as he gave up trying to get his point across. Without the use of his throat he couldn’t even make a small mock example.

“Why don’t I just shoot a small strip of flame into the air, like a flare?” Sharon offered. Wilfred and Dark both shook their heads in a negative manner.

“That would attract the wrong attention. We need magic so powerful that it will attract the Blood Magi into investigating. Any other form will just attract the local rangers on a rescue mission.” Sharon sighed in defeat.

“So we walk then. Don’t know if you guys noticed, but the winter is so strong in these mountains that wildlife isn’t even roaming around. And no offence Wil, but without some form of way to keep you warmer you’ll not last much longer.”

“Ya bro, no offense but you already look terrible.” Dark added. Wilfred sighed sitting down. With one last longing look he peered into his sisters eyes. Sharon looked back and saw the pleading behind the golden orbs, and finally she threw her hands upwards in frustration and caved in.

“Alright, alright, I’ll do it. But if we die I just want you all to know I’ll never forgive you.”

“Think we knew that already. Shall we then?” Dark said twirling his staff in excitement. “This trick will only work for a few moments.” Dark raised his staff up still twirling it wildly in one hand. “Once I drop this down my Alter of Ice spell will melt once that flame pillar hits. After that I’m going to erupt the water that will inevitably be created by Sharon and use it to douse it out before using my magic. This needs to be well timed or her Pillar will explode into an inferno.” Everyone stood by Dark as he concentrated his energy into his staff and after a few more moments he slammed the butt of his staff into the ground with both hands. The ground shook in rage as a large block of ice rose from the ground lifting up the Waltz Siblings.

“Fire the passion of life, the breath of creation, the pure substance of being. Grow with my dance and rise like the phoenix into the world, twirl and grow with each passing second.” Sharon closed her eyes as her Crown of Ashes erupted into flames, completely surrounding her body. A small circle of flames started and before long it began to coil upwards like a snake awakening from a deep slumber. Higher and higher it went, almost growing to the length of the Alter of Ice, before soon Sharon raised both hands in the air. “Bellow your cries of rage! Engulf this land in your visage and burn all who are unclean! Rise higher and higher in defiance of the shackles of earth; grow with each breath of air.” The Pillar exploded in a titanic wave of flame. The Alter of Ice quickly was surpassed by the flames, and in tune with the spell began to melt rapidly. Dark was murmuring a few words as he tried to keep the Alter from toppling over into the flames.

Wilfred was the only one who wasn’t involved in something and saw a huge problem with the plan. The base of the Alter was to close to the base of the Pillar, and was melting nearly twice as fast as the top. Before long they would crash down when the base shattered. He turned to his sister to stop her and realized he couldn’t shout to alert her. He stamped his foot and clapped his hands, but both siblings were so focused they could not see what was about to happen. Wilfred felt a sudden jolt in the Alter, and suddenly a loud crack like something breaking became very audible to everyone’s ears. Sharon looked down as did Dark and both screamed in surprise.

“Crap it’s going to fall!” Dark shouted. As the Alter tilted violently down they all began to fall towards the Pillar of flames. “Water my mistress, water my passion!” Dark shouted quickly.

“The blood of the earth flow up from the sea, engulf the land and cleanse the surface!” Sharon continued the spell with her brother working in tandem as they free fell. The water from the melted snow and ice flew upwards from the ground and slammed into the pillar of flames.

The three were so close to falling into the flame that Wilfred’s ears were pulling into six different ways from the extreme temperature difference.

“My-my,” A voice said behind Wilfred in a low tone. “You three made quite the mess.” Wilfred saw two hands stretch out and grab Dark and Sharon, and in a blur they disappeared.

“You will be safe, Black Mage.” Another voice said. “Trust in me.” A hand grabbed Wilfred’s shoulder and he felt his body fly high into the air, and then in the flash of an eye he was in the forest standing next to his sister.

Before him stood two tall figures, clad in very ornate robes, one with a few pieces of armor with a bizarre sword shaped like a figure eight with a sharp point. He stood nearly a head taller than Wilfred and his face was covered with tattoos that ran down his neck. The other wore black robes with red trims a pure white coat was loosely draped over that. He had eyes that were half opened, as if he had seen much in his life and few things phase anymore. They both turned to the fire and the man with the robes lifted his hand up then gently brought it back as if he was pulling a rope. The Flames stopped spinning and suddenly died out like a puff of smoke. Wilfred stood slacked jaw in awe of the pure magical power that was required for that action.

The man turned to Wilfred, his face with a small look of discontent before his lips formed a mild line of neutral feelings. “You wanted the attention of the Blood Mages?” He asked after looking at Wilfred. “You risked killing yourselves and burning down the whole forest just to seek an audience with us?” His voice was getting sterner as he began to scold the older black mage. “Just what do you think you were doing woman, casting a spell you couldn’t control!” He shot a glance at Sharon who stepped back in fear. “And you!” He pointed to Dark in pure anger, his face still neutral despite his hostile tone. “You broke one of your own basic rules of magic. You tried to use two different elements of magic at the same time?” His voice strained as if this was some idiot mistake. “If the first spell didn’t work, then you should have led with your strength to start!” The man turned his final attentions to Wilfred. “And you watched, doing nothing.” The words he spoke were calm and uninviting. Dark was about to protest as did Sharon, but Wilfred rose a single hand to silence them. He stepped forward to the Blood Mage and looked him right in the eye.

Wilfred could see that the Visions of Death had no affect on this man who impressed Wilfred greatly for anybody who looked a Black Mage in the eye their mind would be plagued by visions of agony and death, but he put those thoughts of his first impressions aside to the side of his mind. His purpose for stepping up was a simple reason. He took his right hand and grabbed the Blood Mages hand. The other warrior mage made a move, but the robed man interjected. “Stop Shiron, he will not harm me.” Wilfred placed the hand he grabbed on his own throat, and the robed man’s eyes suddenly exploded in alarm. Wilfred forced him to keep his hand upon his throat. The man made no motion to shy away, and at long last he pulled away. The robed man took a few steps back in shock before he recuperated.

“Sensei?” The warrior asked stepping closer. “Are you,” but he never finished as his sensei looked to Wilfred.

“A vision swap spell?” The man asked in curiosity. Wilfred nodded. “I did not think you knew of our magic, let alone our ways. At least not extensively. Very well,” He nodded to Sharon and Dark in respect before he looked back at Wilfred. “You wanted the attentions of the Blood Magi, what can we do for you?”

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 05:38 PM
The Blood Mage society was not an altogether secretive order. More like a very select group of individuals. In the magic society the Blood Mages were not viewed as a powerful house of magic or even a real recognized sect of Magic. Yet it was undeniable that the power of a full Blood Mage would easily be on par with any other sect of magic. The society of Blood Mages is viewed as a very closed order, but the reverse is only true. A Blood Mage will gladly share his point of view in the ways of magic and even go so far as to train others in small spells. What makes them so secretive is the outside Ignorance of Blood Mages. As such nobody really knows about them in the whole of the world. Which is just fine for the Blood Mages who want nothing to do with that outside world that doesn’t understand them.

Wilfred and the robed man walked next to each other while the warrior mage Shiron walked next to Dark and Sharon. Wilfred felt confident that he made the right decision for his family by coming here as so far the Blood Mages had been very hospitable to the Black Mage trio, offering Wilfred a vial of liquid that had warmed his blood and kept him safe from the affects of the cold. He had learned that the robed man was called Atherian, and he was a high ranking mage in his order. Shiron was his apprentice who was learning to fuse his latent warrior abilities with the power of Blood Magic. It was evident the boy was good, for he was capable of moving swiftly through the area in a blur, and as he went to go ahead and scout the area Dark and Sharon had no way of knowing where he went and Wilfred had to do everything in his power to keep track of him.

The group of travelers had been walking for the better half of the afternoon and the sight of the Crimson Fortress was now easily in sight. By nightfall they would easily be inside at the pace they were walking. Wilfred felt at ease as he walked next to the two mages, for their powers were great and he knew no outside influence would come and harm them while they travelled together. Besides, Black and Blood Magic was not exactly a good idea to fight in Wilfred’s opinion, and anyone who was foolish to come forward would surely die in moments without hesitation.

“Wilfred,” Atherian called pulling Wilfred’s attentions out of his own state of mind. “Why do you seek our aid in your matters? I understand you and your kin have gone through much, but the visions are not clear on why you come to us.” Wilfred thumbed to Dark, who promptly stepped forward to speak in his brother’s stead.

“We know about the war of Blood and Souls, and we need to seek aid and information on a man known as Kycoo.” Artherian’s eyes shot open in alarm, his face even contorting in shock and confusion. His inner thoughts could almost be read by Wilfred who slowly slanted his eyes in concern. He could see it plain as day that this man knew much about Kycoo, and was wondering how simple Black Mages would be concerned with him.

“Kycoo?” Atherian said more to himself than anyone. “I’m afraid I haven’t heard that name in a long time, so I have no information for you.” Bullshit… Wilfred thought vilely as he glared at the man. In that span of a few seconds he saw the man age almost decades.

“Then what about the secretive order the Knight’s of Apocalypse?” Sharon offered. Atherian turned to her and let off a small smile. “If you know anything that is.” She said quietly. Shiron held back the small triumphant smile his face tried to hide.

“Shiron, if something amuses you than by all means, please enlighten me to it. I could use a good laugh these days.” Atherian said simply in his neutral tone. Shiron’s face immediately dried up and he stood at attention, his face turning red with embarrassment. The robed man then turned to Sharon. “Heh, small girl, you remind me much of my daughter who’s hot blood leads her mouth to moronic comments such as that. So I look past your rudeness and answer your question.” Sharon smiled non-phased by what the man said. “I do know a few things about them. But I really honestly couldn’t tell you more than you know. They have four fortress strongholds, one here in Berevar, and they train people to be the best at killing.” Sharon sighed in frustration.

“Ya we figured that when they tried to kill us.” The older man just smiled in small amusement.

“I shall have my students dig up what we have in our archive for you small one, will that suffice?” Sharon looked to Atherian with the brightest smile on her face nodding happily.

The group continued to walk for the rest of the day in small polite conversation. Shiron had taken a liking to Dark’s staff and also took time to flirt with Sharon, who took the flirting in stride and used it to only further embarrass the warrior. At long last they reached the summit of the Crimson Fortress and the Waltz siblings looked upon it in shock and awe.

The fortress was nearly forty stories high; two tall spiral towers looked over the land, one with a giant telescope that stretched into the heavens. Four guard towers were visible to the thick deep walls, each stone an almost pearly white. The large wooden doors had golden hinges with the imprint of a giant bird upon the door spread wings out. Each claw dripped what one would assume to be blood. As they approached the doors Atherian took a small pin out of his robes and pricked his finger. A small leak in the skin produced a solitary drop of blood which he pushed onto the door opening the large construct.

Inside the halls was truly amazing to the Waltz’s for they had expected a dark brooding society. Instead the halls were alive with life as scholars and warriors walked nonchalantly around the greeting courts. Some men were dressed in similar ways to Atherian, others were dressed like Shiron, but they all had normal swords strapped to their belts in sheaths. The walls were adorned with portraits of past masters and paintings of prophecy and historical tellings of the Blood Mage society. The carpet was a deep crimson red and the lights were bright leaving hardly any place for shadows to hide.

“HOLY CRAP!” Sharon blurted first. “This place is awesome!” Shiron spun on the spot and looked at Sharon with large beady eyes.

“This is nothing, Sharon!” he said mysteriously. “Wait until you see the garden of flowers! It looks beautiful at this time of night…though…not nearly as beautiful as you…” he said grabbing her hands placing them near his heart.

“Shiron,” Atherian said loudly. “I hope you had somebody else to take her, because you still owe me two more hours of vigilance training.” Shiron’s shoulders dropped as if a large boulder hit him on the head.

“But, can it wait?” He pleaded.

“Do not make me repeat myself.” Atherian said sternly. Shiron nodded once and looked to Sharon deeply.

“We will meet again…” And with that he flashed away, only a blur capable of being seen. In his wake was a solitary white rose. Sharon giggled with delight as she took the flower and stuck it on her crown of ashes. With a little heat, the flower wilted and died.

“I needed that; the crown gets hungry after awhile.” Dark and Wilfred gave her a quizzical look, and she shrugged not bothering to explain her artifact.

“I need you three to follow me so I can get a drop of blood from each of you. Then you will retire to your bedrooms until further notice.”

“Why do you need our blood?” Dark asked. Atherian answered him quickly, his tone neutral and unwavering.

“In our society it is two things: a sign of trust, and so we know everything about you. To us a drop of blood is all we need to figure out when you last ate, how many times you broke a bone in your life, a measure of your powers so to speak.”

“Uh…” Dark felt uncomfortable with the idea as he slowly backed away. Wilfred could feel his concern and stepped up. He pointed to the vial around Atherian’s neck and then made his hands dance as if casting a spell. Atherian picked up on his charade and nodded in acknowledgment.

“I see you are worried young master Dark about your blood trance. I promise this will not send you into such frenzy.” Dark shook his head in frustration waiving his arms around.

“That’s not it. It’s just…” Sharon stood next to Dark, placing an arm around her older brother.

“Mr. Atherian, it’s just that we have all been through so much. Right now our only defense against you is you not knowing how strong we really are. We’ve been taken advantage of so many times.” Atherian took a moment and looked to Wilfred. After a moment he shook his head.

“I am sorry, but I require a drop of blood from you three, or I will have to send you back out into the dead of night. If you are lucky Wilfred will survive the cold, assuming you three do not die of hunger.” His tone noted that he was not going to sway in his resolve. Dark and Sharon looked at the door as if ready to leave, before soon Wilfred took a small eating knife from his satchel. He shallowly cut himself on his hand and held it out to Atherian. Dark and Sharon looked at their brother in shock.

“Wil, what are you doing?” Dark asked not knowing what was going on. Atherian took an empty vial out and placed it under Wilfred’s bleeding hand catching the blood inside it.

“He is showing you to trust. He knows that I am alone powerful enough to have already harmed you, but instead I have shown you generosity. Will you do the same?” Sharon and Dark looked at each other and then after a deep breath they stepped forward. Atherian pulled out two smaller vials and a small pin. He first pierced Dark, who was non-phased by the action.

He turned to Sharon, who looked away from the pin in fear. “I see young woman that your brothers have been sure that your blood hasn’t been spilt.” He stuck the needle in her and got the blood he was required. “Blood leaving the body is only weakness. What does not kill you will make you stronger. With all you have been through Sharon Waltz, I am surprised to see such fear in you. I can already see from your blood that you have died once. The fear of death should have passed by you…yet you still fear it like it was a deadly disease.” Each word Atherian spoke made Sharon more uncomfortable until she began to shed tears in fear.

“Please leave me alone now…” She said quietly. Atherian released her hand as she asked and looked to Dark and Wilfred. Sharon ran to Wilfred, weeping into his robes. Wilfred just ran a soft hand through her hair as he looked to Atherian with a cold glare.

“I saw such fear in you all…I never realized it manifests in your blood. Your rooms are upstairs, please make yourselves comfortable. If you require a sleeping aid just open the door and ask one of the statues. I have work to do now, but I shall see to it that we meet again in the morning.”

Dark approached Sharon and placed a gentle hand on her as she shivered in fear. Her tears hit the ground like a faucet.

“I’m so sorry Wil,” Sharon said in her sobs. “He didn’t even say anything to produce this much fear in me…But he scared me so much…I could hear all these voices in my head…” She clung tighter to Wilfred. Dark looked to Wilfred with a small look of concern. Wilfred just shrugged lifting Sharon up in his arms as he carried her to his room.

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 05:41 PM
As the three siblings slept relatively well in the night the morning cold quickly came through. At the foot of each of their beds laid fresh robes, Sharon’s a dark crimson red, Dark’s a dark blue, and Wilfred’s a simple robe similar to the one Atherian had worn the previous day. They each slowly put the robes on and gathered their staves, Dark putting on his Black mage hat, Wilfred fixing his that he slept in, leaving behind anything else.

“Hey Sharon,” Dark said casually. “Is it just me or is your Crown looking ready to fall apart?” Sharon took the Crown of Ashes off and looked at it carefully.

“Ya it is…rats.” She placed it back on her head. “It’s getting hungry.” Wilfred and Dark both just looked at her in utter confusion. “Fine I’ll explain.” She huffed out a loud sigh as she thought about the best way to explain it. “You see, as I continue to use the Crown for augmenting my spells, the leaves in my wreath wilt and die, after a while eventually consuming the Red and Black rose. Should I not replace the leaves or nurture the flowers by giving it other flowers I’ll lose all my power from the Crown.”

“Oh,” Dark said. “Thought it was just because you forgot to water it.” Wilfred and Dark both gave off a very unmanly giggle at the joke, and Sharon just smiled before she grabbed the pitcher of water next to her and doused both of them in it.

“Sorry, I figured I would make you look more presentable in front of Atherian.” Both brothers just glared at her, but not in a hostile way, it was more of a lovingly acceptance of defeat.

The trio all got their things together and walked out towards the room that was asked of them to go to. They each took a deep breath as Wilfred opened the tall brass door. Inside was a small simple room with a circular table and a small window off to the side. A tiny fireplace was lit and Atherian sat at the table with a cup of tea and papers before him. Sitting at his side was Shiron, who perked up to see Dark, and then gawked at Sharon. Atherian deliberately poured Shiron some tea into his lap to return him to a proper state of mind, which caused Sharon to laugh with mild amusement.

“I’m sorry father!” A tiny voice squeaked as a small woman the size of Sharon moved past the Waltz siblings. Her hair flowed eloquently behind her, a dark shine of blue glowed in the light as she took her space next to Altherian sitting opposite of Shiron. The little girl dropped a few papers on the table and exhaled slowly to regain herself before she pushed her thin glasses back up her nose.

“Honored guests, please have a seat.” Atherian motioned to the empty chairs. Sharon sat next to the girl and small greeting chit chat took place between them. Dark sat next to Shiron and lazily placed his staff next to him so it leaned against the table. Shiron laughed at the arrogant show giving off a friendly smile to Dark. Wilfred took his spot at the opposite side Atherian and sat down in the chair. At first glance he thought it was a simple oak design, but as his muscles relaxed he could feel the chair almost morph to appease his every curve.

“I am glad to see you all look well rested, and it pleases me to see you took my generosity in wearing my robes I offered to you. It should all be in accordance with the Black Mage tradition. It’s my humble way of saying thank you for studying our traditions Wilfred.” Wilfred bowed his head low in a show of respect.

“Nevertheless that is not the reason I asked of you three to join me. I have done the research you asked on the two subjects and it pains me to say that the order of the Knights of Apocalypse sent another group to kill you three last night. We dispatched four men, two of which returned to deliver the news we dealt with them.” Sharon winced in silent fear as Dark looked only at the table. Wilfred’s eyes never left Atherian’s as he spoke.

“I am sorry,” Dark said quietly. “I know my family means you know trouble, and it’s because of us you lost two of your men.” Atherian lifted a hand to stop Dark from continuing.

“What’s done is done, and unless you are Sharon Waltz with that amazing artifact we can’t bring the dead back to life. Those that died volunteered for the mission, they knew they would die. This matter is closed.” Wilfred felt that Atherian handled that very professionally, but could tell he was itching to get to his main point. He took another sip of his tea before he continued.

“The Knights of Apocalypse had sent only one Mage, a geomancer. Such magic is very rare on Althanas and to send somebody like that means you three have either done them a serious grievance, or you three know something that they want.”

“Probably how Wil beat the crap out of Vladimir Sigma and his parents.” Sharon said curtly. Atherian looked to his notes and then back at Sharon.

“You are not far from the truth of it, Sharon.” Atherian cleared his throat as he began to read from the paper. “You have defeated the End Bringer Vladimir Sigma in combat, killed the Harbinger of Death Bester Artillies, Crushed and killed the third seat Geomancer Licet, you killed Lord Kisada’s Fortune of Persistence Matthew who was second seat, and you bested the Slayer of the Avatars Xavier Sigma.” Dark felt a small curl of triumph surpass his lips.

“We did all that?” Sharon blurted out in surprise. “But…we didn’t do anything…” Wilfred nodded in agreement.

“I understand that. You three by all rights should be dead, but each time you fight you provoke a darker primal power in yourselves. It’s just enough to get you to pass by the battle to survive to your next, but sooner than later your luck will soon run dry. That Geomancer was playing with you three, he was the reason the frozen tundra was so barren and cold. We were planning to eliminate him anyway. You were picked up by Shiron and myself by pure luck. Today your luck ends.” The Waltz siblings all eyed Atherian carefully.

“What do you mean by that?” Dark said carefully. “Are you going to kill us after all?” Atherian ignored Dark as he peered into Wilfred’s eyes.

“As I was saying,” Atherian said curtly. “Today your luck ends, and you win your battles with Skill. I am taking you three in and I am going to teach you to learn to fight with your powers and hopefully awaken more latent abilities that were stripped from you.” Sharon and Dark both looked at each other with half concerned half excited faces. “In return, I will document your progress and study exactly how your powers were ripped from you. If that power exists in this world it is a danger to the very fabric of Magic.”

“Thank you, for helping us.” Sharon said shyly. “Truly we are grateful you are going to help us.”

“Again, I am asking more from you than you think, for these trials and tests will not be easy on you, and can very well break your spirit. But I think that this training is desperately needed, do you except it?” Dark looked at Wilfred, and saw his brother’s eyes just peering into Atherian.

“I do!” Dark said vibrantly. “I want to be stronger to protect my family.”

“As do I.” Sharon added. Atherian smiled.

“Then it will begin today. Shiron, you are to train Dark in the ways of being a warrior. His magic is strong enough as it is; now we need his warrior half to shine through these dark times.” Shiron nodded and stood up grabbing Dark by his robes and dragging him.

“Come on worm, you now have to earn the right for me to call you by your name.” Dark just grinned as he pulled back grabbing his staff and following Shiron out.

“Sharon, you have much fear to over come, and my daughter should be able to help you overcome it.” The two smiled as they looked at each other. “You have a rare gift, the gift of life after death. Together you both will make each other stronger, and while you learn to battle your fears Sharon, hopefully we can get you to master your element of fire as well.”

“Thanks father, come on Sharon, I can’t wait to show you the training pit!” Sharon looked to Wilfred with expectant eyes, but was a little taken aback by his golden eyes held in an expressionless stare at Atherian.

“See ya Wil.” Sharon said picking up her staff and following Atherian’s daughter.

The two remaining men stared at each other after the door closed and after a few moments Atherian rose from his seat and closed the window and curtains. He paced a little bit before sitting back down and he looked at Wilfred with sad eyes.

“I am going to be fair, and I shall be honest. You are not to see your siblings as they train.” Wilfred crossed his arms against his chest. “Wilfred, have you ever wondered…exactly why you are so powerful?” Wilfred cocked his head to the side not sure of what Atherian meant. “Forgive me, but I will be blunt to forward our progression.

You see Wilfred…you are not of the same blood as Sharon and Dark.” Wilfred’s eyes exploded open in alarm, his voice demanding to protest the thought but he couldn’t speak the furious feelings that this accusation brought forward. “Wilfred, again you are different from your siblings, more powerful than they…yet your power is barely capable of keeping up with them.” Wilfred sat back in the chair, unsure of what to think.

“Wilfred it is not possible for a Black Mage of your skill to combine two elements in a single spell. That is advanced for your branch of Magic, and yet look what you conjured multiple times! Flame and wind, counter spell, swap spell, and casted the spell of death? Wilfred you know these things are just not capable of being done by even the most advanced of your kind. Yet you do them!” Wilfred looked down upon his own hands, and suddenly he felt a betrayal in them. He touched his face and felt treachery in his skin. His eyes darted around the room and suddenly he felt out of place in this world.

“I can tell Wilfred Waltz, that things are starting to make sense. If not sense, than at least you are becoming aware. You have heard the term project more than once. I have an answer for what it is!” Wilfred slammed his fists on the table, tears pouring out his face. Everything he felt before suddenly felt like a horrible lie. He continued to slam his fists for he had no audible way of communicating his frustrations.

“Wilfred, you came to us to seek this answer. Steele your resolve and straighten your purpose! If you didn’t want to hear what you are than why put Dark and Sharon through this pain?” Wilfred felt such complex emotions and suddenly vomited upon the table.

“Purging your weakness is just but a step Wilfred in the road you are about to face! I am going to train you to be ready for what you are, what you will be, and everything you were born for!”

Wilfred’s body began to convulse as his eyes burned with a crimson red around his golden orbs. The room began to softly quake as the tea cups jumped up and down upon the wooden table before they all broke as they leapt off the table in unison. The unspoken question became clear to Atherian, who only grinned.

“What are you Wilfred? That’s simple…you are the Black Waltz Project!”

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 05:41 PM
The ice ruptured through the fabric of space and flowed into reality just inches before the prominent face of Shiron. The warrior tilted his body back to an almost horizontal state before the back of his neck began to tingle with warning. Despite the awkward position and strain on his body he shifted his weight in his body performing a black flip as a large pillar of ice shot up from the sandy ground. Shiron landed on his feet and bent down to place his right hand upon the ground, his left hand held firmly on the hilt of his blade.

A sheet of ice overcame the sandy floor as a tidal wave of dust and frozen tundra flew forward. Shiron let a small grin cross the corner of his lips as he focused all the energy of the magic in the air to the bottom of his feet, and swiftly, as if in a blur, he moved high above the ground over the tidal wave. He pulled his sword out overhead and struck down as he saw the manipulator of elements upon the ground. The Black Mage Dark looked upwards and Shiron’s ears picked up the faintest hint of laughter as the mage slammed his staff into the ground. A small pillar formed around Dark and rose diagonally away from Shiron’s approach.

“You think fast Worm!” Shiron shouted to Dark, and again he used the energy of the magic around him as well as his own to focus it to the soles of his feet. His body flew forwards, and Shiron could tell Dark wasn’t able to track the Blood Mage warrior. Shiron appeared directly behind the Black Mage and thrust his blade forward in a direct stab at Dark. The Black mage turned quickly on his frozen alter and used his staff to control it, lifting it higher and out of harms way. “WRONG MOVE!” Shiron shouted as he began to let out a predatory cry of anger. He stabbed the rock and jumped up, the blades razor edge easily cutting through the ice. Shiron focused more of his raging blood into the steel and the metal began to grow hot as if freshly leaving the furnace. He no longer was cutting the ice but now was cleaving through it as Shiron reversed his grip to rise through it faster.

“AH CRAP!” Dark’s golden eyes shot wide open in alarm unaware of what to do. Shiron reached the peak of the alter exploding upwards higher than Dark quickly twirling his blade placing it before his feet and landing on the small alter pillar cleaving downwards splitting the block of ice in half. Dark lost control of his footing and freefell towards the ground. Shiron pulled outwards jumping away as the tower collapsed upon itself sending chunks of ice scattered around Dark. The Black Mage hit the sand with a thud and a small dust cloud flew upwards in the air. “That was sweet…” Dark said heavily as his body heaved, his limit reached.

“Excellent counters Worm. Get up, we fight again!” Shiron demanded. Dark woozily got up, holding his staff in hand. His eyes looked forward and he knew his body was in trouble as his vision was unable to focus upon one area, the entire world bobbling up and down and blurry. He slammed his staff into the sand in defiance as he prepared to fight Shiron again. The blob that Dark figured was Shiron had quickly vanished and Dark collapsed in exhaustion, his entire world blacking out. The last thing he could hear was Shiron’s foot steps rushing towards him.

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 05:42 PM
Wilfred was lost for words. He had no idea what the hell Atherian was saying, but the Mage’s face was full of pure honesty. Something within all these words was a bold truth, all of it could be true, and it made Wilfred sick. He felt he had been wounded multiple times in the heart, a black rusty blade making sure he knew what the term pain meant. He slowly pulled himself together as he looked upon Atherian.

“I understand Wilfred, these are no easy words to swallow. But if you doubt me, look what you did.” Atherian used his hand to show off the destroyed cups. “Your pure power of will caused this entire castle to quake with you as the epicenter.” Wilfred felt a strange darkness suddenly burst from his mind as it jumped forward into his brain and began to hiss. In his mind he saw the same room, he saw Atherian before him, but every time he blinked a flash of another being showed up.

“I did much research on the Black Waltz Project. What I have found out Wilfred will continue to confuse you and disturb you. Do you wish to hear it?” Wilfred looked at Atherian but saw instead somebody as tall as Wilfred looking back, Golden eyes with a red trim to them glared back with a look of pure malice on them. His hair was short and spiked in neat rows, beside him was the same staff Wilfred used, but more twisted and gnarled, a sinister air around it. “Wilfred?” Atherian asked concerned.

Wilfred jolted out of his nightmare, looking at Atherian. He wished so badly to voice his words, what he was feeling, what he was seeing, but he just looked at Atherian. “I see,” the Blood Mage closed up the file before him and slowly got up walking towards Wilfred. “This is way too much for you to handle at one time, allow me to take you to our first lesson.” Wilfred slowly got up, not sure what to do or think anymore. He looked back at the chair one last time and was relieved he saw nothing there and also slightly disturbed.

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 05:43 PM
“Thanks for the flowers,” Sharon said politely as her Crown of Ashes erupted into a low flame. “It was really hungry apparently.”

“Uh-huh!” a voice piped back in wonder. “What was that thing called again?”

“The Crown of Ashes. It’s just a nifty artifact that allowed me to return to life after I had jumped off a cliff.” Sharon’s tone was non-phased as she spoke casually about her demise. “It’s also really great at enhancing my magic! I can perform mastery level spells with its help!” Sharon got all excited as she remembered the pillar of flames she casted earlier the morning before. Her companion began to giggle as they left the garden of flowers.

“Ya but I heard from my father you suck at controlling them!” Sharon rolled her eyes and crossed her arms against her chest.

“Well if you want the whole story, Joyce, I warned my brothers that I couldn’t control such a powerful spell. Unlike them I know my limits.”

The two walked down the hallways of the Castle as Joyce led them downwards towards the training pits, Blood Magi walking all around them. The entire atmosphere of the castle was a positive flow of energy and Sharon felt more relaxed just casually walking around then at any other time in her life. She felt at ease knowing that nobody was coming to get her or harm her brothers anymore. Whatever her training was going to entail, she didn’t care. For the time being she was relatively safe and had no need to worry about Wilfred or Dark for once.

The two girls turned a corner and walked down a flight of stairs to a lower basement area, the white marble sheen glowing off the torches. When they hit the bottom level Sharon’s eyes exploded in wild amazement. The training pits were huge and extended off for miles it seemed with square pockets of a pit, sand filling each pit at the bottom. Some were larger arenas, others just tiny squares. Blood Magi filled each hole as others watched. Magic and swords were casted at imaginary foes, and Sharon was startled to see a large flaming Phoenix erupt from one of the pits before it exploded into a shower of fiery darts.

The only sight that Sharon could claim was equal in awesome power was a large tidal wave of pure ice. Without even thinking it first she could feel warmth in her heart as she felt her brotherly connection to Dark. Joyce smiled as she grabbed Sharon’s hand and led her over to the pit that contained Dark.

“Hey worm, you okay?” Sharon’s ears picked up the voice of Shiron, an edge of concern in the words she heard. Sharon picked up her pace and looked down into the pit. Shards of shattered ice surrounded the fallen body of Dark and he laid face first in the sand, his body heaving up and down. “Whoops…too much…”

“Great one Shiron, wait till my father finds out that you over worked Dark in his first lesson! Didn’t he tell you not to go all out at first? Our guests are not used to vigorous training like we are!”

“I didn’t think this was all that vigorous!” Shiron shot back defending himself.

“Of course not, you live, breath, and fart constant battling! Dark on the other hand is a bit more sophisticated than that!”

“Eh…” Sharon said curtly. “Not all that much really.” Sharon took a breath and then cupped her mouth with her hands. “Oi! DARK!” The head of Dark flinched a little at the sound of Sharon’s voice. “GET YOUR LAZY BUTT BACK UP AND SHOW THESE PEOPLE THAT BLACK MAGI DON’T SUCK!” Dark’s hands slowly began to grip the dirt as his shaky body began to push itself back up. “YOU LAZY BUM IF I HAVE TO COME DOWN THERE IT’S NOT GOING TO BE PRETTY!”

“Why…don’t….you…try….this…Sharon….?”Dark’s body heaved out as he grabbed his staff.

“BECAUSE YOU PROMISED ME YOU WOULD BE THERE TO PROTECT ME, NO MATTER WHAT! ARE YOU LYING TO ME LIKE DAD DID?” Dark’s body suddenly convulsed as his father’s betrayal flashed before his eyes. He lifted his body up into a rigid erect state, kicking his staff back into his hand pointing it forward in a challenging way.

“Shall…we….go again?” Dark said woozily as he let a grin cover his entire face. Shiron’s eyes looked to Dark with martial pride as he grabbed his sword and held it forward.

“Steele your resolve Dark, now the training begins! When the body is weak that is when it learns!” And with those words spoken Shiron blurred to the front of Dark and the two began to battle, Shiron using his blade to hit Dark’s staff forcing the black mage to block it. After a few strikes Dark stopped letting Shiron hit his staff and started to deflect the blows on his own will power.

“Come on Sharon, we got work of our own to do.” Joyce said walking away. Sharon stared at Dark for a little while longer before she walked away with a smile of amusement on her face.

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 05:43 PM
The staff clashed against the sword of Shiron, and each bash caused more shards of ice to flicker off. Dark felt his body ache and burn with each collision, his muscles to tense from the over exertion of energy. He knew he needed to end this battle quickly if he was to gain any form of victory.

Dark waited for a small gap in Shiron’s attacks, and was silently timing up the spell he was going to cast. His options were limited given the circumstances, but he knew if he timed it right the element of surprise could give him the upset victory. He slowly began to back up waiting for Shiron’s eager nature to show to get over aggressive. As he expected, the Blood Mage began to pick up the pace and closed in on Dark. The next phase of his plan was ready and set as he waited for the right strike.

At long last Shiron extended himself out a bit longer than he should have and Dark used the opportunity to drop his guard and hyper extend his body as he brought his staff up over head and slammed it into the ground.

“MISTAKE DARK!” Shiron shouted easily sidestepping the attack. As he prepared to dive in for the kill the ground beneath him erupted as his body rose high up into the air, the alter of ice growing taller as Dark used the momentum of Shiron’s lunge against him. “Interesting, but now I have higher ground Dark!”

“Ice….heed your master…lock up your false king…” Shiron’s ears heard every word clearly and he knew he was in a sticky predicament. Suddenly the alter shook as it shrunk upon itself, bars of ice jetting out the sides and forming up on Shiron. The blood mage jumped into the air and grabbed all the magical energy in the air and used it to increase his speed as he blurred away to land directly behind Dark.

“A good thought Dark…” Shiron whispered to Dark. “But not enough to catch me.”

“You think so?” Dark said slyly, barely turning his head to give a sideways glance to Shiron with a look of pure bliss. Shiron felt the ground shift and he quickly used his speed to move in the blink of an eye away. The blood mage looked back at Dark and saw a large pillar of ice erupt behind him and flow towards Shiron as it began to chase him. “Do you not understand Shiron?” Dark called out.

“No Dark I don’t!” Shiron called back as he ran over to a wall. Shiron waited for the exact moment and ducked to the side allowing the ice to slam into the wall. Shards of granite exploded everywhere, a few pieces slamming into Shiron making him annoyed, but his ears picked up the sound of the ice curving in the wall and turning as it continued to chase him. “GODS BE DAMNED DARK, WHAT HELLISH DOG HAVE YOU LOOSED UPON ME?!”

“Cerberus.” Dark said simply. “By pouring my magical properties into my element of mastery, I can control the ice to literally become alive, and I can use it to control and hound you down like a pack of wolves.”

“Intriguing,” Shiron said softly. “But only one head is chasing me, obviously your mastery is not as strong as it should be.” Dark remained silent as Shiron waited for the stream of ice to chase him. He felt vibrations come at his feet and his eyes jolted wide open in alarm. “HOW THE?!” Shiron quickly gathered the magical energy in the air and used it to speed away again, a stream of ice jetting out of the earth like steam venting out of a fissure. It twisted high in the air and curved following Shiron and chasing him down. “HOW DID YOU GET THAT STREAM OF ICE TO COME FROM BELOW?”

“You remain ignorant to my powers Shiron, which is a downfall.” Dark raised both his hands in the air and Shiron soon learned that it was not some strange power Dark had that caused the stream of ice to change directions, it was another pillar altogether. The second stream formed up behind the newcomer and the two twirled into one giant stream of ice. Shiron turned to run away and was alarmed to see a third jet stream come at him.

“DAMN THEY COME TOO FAST!” Shiron cried. The three streams of Ice slammed into the blood mage and an explosion of icy blue chunks showered onto the ground around Dark. The Black Mage looked up to see what remained of his foe, but his heart pounded as he saw a blur escape the collision.

“On any other day Dark Waltz,” Shiron breathed behind Dark’s ears. “That may have finished the job, but your body is weak and your resolve shaky…you are too exhausted to finish me off with your hounds of ice. You put your all into an amazing ability, but you gambled and lost. Lesson one Dark is complete. You have just learned to push to your limits despite the toll of exhaustion in your body.”

“But you haven’t beaten me yet Shiron!” Dark said twirling his staff in his one hand pivoting on one heel and throwing all his weight into the swing. Shiron’s sword shined as the light danced upon the clear edge, the twisted form of the figure eight blade ensnaring Dark’s staff. With a flick of his wrist Dark’s staff was pushed to the ground causing Dark to be pulled forward losing all his balance. With another harsh twist Shiron had shattered the staff into hundreds of tiny shards of ice, each rusty ball and chain scattering to the corners of the sandy arena.

“I believe your staff thinks differently, Dark.” Shiron’s tone was full of wisdom as he spoke evenly in a calming way. “I noticed that your staff was beginning to break apart with each hit my sword connected with. In our first battle your staff was full and unscathed despite some of my harshest blows. Similar to a dying fire, your staff flakes off chunks of ice when it knows the bearer of the weapon is about to die, like the embers of a fireplace desperately looking for something flammable. When those embers fail to find something the flame burns out and fades away, just like your staff that crumbled to ice.”

Dark looked at Shiron with bitterness, his staff no longer part of him he felt a coldness in his heart. “So, I still stand before you undefeated. Kills your theory.” Shiron’s eyes focused themselves upon Dark and the Black Mage felt a twinge at the edge of his hair. Before he knew it Shiron’s fist hit Dark so hard in the stomach his body lifted off the ground and free fell away from the blood mage. He tried to remain aware of his surroundings, but the wind in his sails had long died out. With his body broken and his staff shattered his will to fight had faded. His eyes slowly shut themselves and Dark had for a second time blacked out.

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 05:44 PM
Wilfred looked down into the sandy training pit far from the others with a look of admiration. Its sand was colored onyx black, a rarity in this part of the world, and to have an entire pit was no easy feat. Atherian stood next to him silently with a look of concern upon his face.

“Your brother Dark has completed the first phase of his training,” Atherian said as he placed a locket into his robes. “But he has only begun at this stage. We must catch you up with your siblings.” Wilfred’s face slowly turned to Atherian in minor irritancy. Just hours before Atherian had claimed that Dark and Sharon were not his kin.

“You wonder about something Wilfred, and I have decided to clear up a matter before we train.” Wilfred placed his hands across his chest. “You get irritated when I mention your brother and sister, probably because I seem condescending to my previous statement.” Wilfred nodded his head using a gesture to show that Atherian hit upon what he had been thinking. “Simply put Wilfred, they are not your blood kin, but I was harsh to say you were not related at all…What you have gone through, the trials and battles…that bond you three have only makes you stronger. And that bond is stronger than blood. They are your brother and sister, Wilfred, and I was wrong to say they were not.” Wilfred bowed his head respectfully. It wasn’t what he wanted to hear, but the sentiments in those words were loud and clear.

“Nevertheless, we need you to still grow as they do. Your first training session begins Wilfred Waltz.” Shiron motioned with an open palm to the sand and the Black Mage leapt into the sand pit, one knee resting upon the smooth surface as he dug his hands into the onyx colored grain. “The task is simple Wilfred, defeat my blood golem!” Wilfred’s eyes immediately opened in alarm as he looked up at Atherian. The man produced a small vial of blood and chanted to himself before he popped the top and dropped it into the sand. The blood hit the sand and slowly mixed with the sand until a small blob began to twirl and grow pushing itself up and out like someone trapped in a net.

Wilfred extended his hands out clapping them together dropping his palms down with his index fingers pointed up into the air. He brought his hands close into his chest and released them, a small fireball erupting from his chest that hit the blob of bloody goo. As Wilfred suspected, it had done nothing.

With a predatory cry the blob was finished forming, and before Wilfred was a golem a head smaller than he was, his sandy red flesh still pulsating as it was given life. He glared at the creature looking for a way to find a weakness he could exploit, but his thoughts quickly changed to something else he noticed. His nostrils flared in excitement as his eyes fluttered in pleasure. His entire body began to tingle with pure delight.

Blood…Wilfred thought seductively. His body quivered at the delicious scent and he counted this day as his, a favor from a god of luck to fight a creature practically bathed in the crimson life force. He looked to his hands and felt the blood in his veins pulsating in power as he looked back at the creature. I will make this last… Wilfred thought devilishly.

He placed both hands against his sides and flew forwards as wind erupted from his finger tips. His body skyrocketed towards the blood golem and as the creature placed a hand forward Wilfred felt his body tingle with excitement. He watched the hand turn into a spike as it extended out flying at an alarming rate towards Wilfred, and the Black Mage twisted to avoid being impaled just seconds before it connected. He had timed it deliberately so he could smell the intoxicating blood the creature gave off. Wilfred landed on the ground and twirled on the spot thrusting both hands forward.

Rage of the furnaces pour through my arms. Blast my foe… Wilfred felt the energy of the heat boil up in him as he released a jet stream of flame. The golem screamed as half its body exploded into the air, bits of blood landing on Wilfred’s face. At that moment Wilfred felt a sensation so powerful he felt like screaming in pleasure. He danced in excitement as he launched himself into the air holding himself up with a wind spell.

“Do you not question it Wilfred Waltz? Have you not been aware of what you are doing to yourself?” Atherian shouted as the blood golem reformed itself back into one whole piece. Wilfred gave a half assed look of pure pleasurable bliss not giving a damn at what Atherian had to say. “You should look at yourself Wilfred, for you have changed.” Wilfred felt his body convulse with anger as something in the back of his mind was beginning to crawl forward.

You should listen to him Willy Waltz… Wilfred’s body suddenly tensed up as he felt the same aura of darkness he felt before in the meeting room. He clawed at his own brain as he tried to throw whatever was crawling around out. As he thrashed about his leg was suddenly wrapped up and he felt his body ache as black sand flew all around him. The golem’s left arm was retracting from a whip like state and ran forward as the other hand turned into a mace.

Wilfred rolled to the side and avoided the golem’s hammer like impact as he rose to his feet. He knew a fire spell would do no good against it, but he figured an ice spell would work. He produced a small orb of ice in his hand and channeled his magical energy into it before he tossed it at the golem. The blood creature saw the incoming blast of ice and blocked it with both hands, the ice covering each arm and slowly crawling upwards as it began to consume the beast.

That won’t kill it…let me try…I can stop it… Wilfred jolted as he heard the voice again. His body convulsed again as he ran at the beast trying to keep his thoughts on the battle in hopes of distracting him from the voice. But his mind continued to throb as the presence crawled even faster to the front of his mind. He knew it was slowly consuming him and he had to finish the battle quickly. That’s the Willy Waltz Atherian remembers…a calculating, calm Willy. Not this sensation feeling, pleasure seeking mage… Wilfred tripped in the sand, his charge stopped by the voice he heard.

The golem ripped free from the ice and screamed at Wilfred, jumping forward and hitting Wilfred in the chest with both arms in a clubbed hammed blow. Wilfred felt the insides of his body jolt in pain as he twisted in the air flipping away from the beast’s impact. He landed on the wall with a thud and slid down, his eyes growing dim.

“Wilfred the golem will only be stronger if you don’t take it out soon. I’d rather not have to kill a Hydra Golem myself because they can be quite a pain if left alone for too long.” Wilfred gripped the sand as he felt like telling Atherian to shut his mouth, but the news that the creature was a hydra golem was interesting to hear. With that knowledge he now knew that for each time he tried to kill the beast and failed it would only get stronger. Let me do it! I can defeat this thing! Wilfred slapped one hand against his forehead to try to see if that would shut the voice up.

The golem ran again at Wilfred, and the Black Mage used his wind spell to speed away, but to his shock his leg was wrapped up by a bloody whip. He followed it back to the golem and knew his time was up as the beast cracked it. With the momentum shift suddenly changing Wilfred’s insides felt like they were being relocated as he slammed shoulder first into the other side of the arena, the wall shattering. Wilfred’s body trembled for a bit before he was still.

Atherian looked to Black Mage with instant concern, the Hydra Golem waiting patiently for Atherian’s orders. “Wilfred!” Atherian shouted to the down mage. “WILFRED!” Atherian shouted again. A slight twinge from Wilfred calmed Atherian’s nerves, but he felt a new presence in Wilfred’s body, as if his soul had been swapped. The body had a very acrobatic essence to it, like somebody getting used to a new feeling. Wilfred’s hands gripped the sand before it launched itself high into the air, the most disturbing thing was that Laughter was heard coming from Wilfred’s mouth.

“SUN OF THE HEAVENS, HEAT OF THE GOD FORGE BURN A HOLE THROUGH THE EARTH AT MY FOE!” Atherian’s eyes grew wide as a wave of pure white hot flame erupted from one hand of Wilfred’s towards the golem. The golem took the blow and was nearly incinerated on the spot, the onyx sand crystallizing from the intense heat. The golem reformed this time with wings and a tail as it started to grow more dragon like.

“BWAHH HA HA HA HA!” Wilfred’s body twirled in the air as he flipped upwards releasing a whip of ice at the feet of the Hydra. The golem quickly took to flight as its bloody wings beat against the sand. “YOU CAN NOT ESCAPE MY WRATH THAT EASILY WHELP!” Wilfred shouted as he lifted a single arm curling his hand into a ball. The stream of ice curved back upon the golem and slammed into it smashing it into the ground. “GUARDIANS OF THE HELL PITS, DIRGE OF THE UNDERWORLD! I PRESENT YOU A FEAST, EAT CERBERUS!” The guardian of the underworld heard the prayer of offering and frozen pit formed below the Hydra golem. A shower of ice erupted upwards splintering into the Hydra exploding it into more bloody pieces.

Atherian was lost for words, the magic employed from Wilfred was stronger than any Black Mage human could master let alone know. The Hydra reformed yet again, this time into a colossal sized dragon. Atherian knew that if he didn’t intervene the Hydra would be too powerful even for him to handle. Closing his eyes he lifted a single hand ready to obliterate his own golem, but he felt a cold grip around his wrist as his body was tossed to the side. He looked at the intruder and found it was Wilfred, his eyes still golden with a twinge of red, but the whites of his eyes were turning a dark green.

“Don’t ruin my fun…” Atherian knew that his lesson had gone way to far, and he jumped into the air producing another vial of blood. He dripped it over his hands and clapped them together before he pushed them both forward towards Wilfred. Wilfred lifted his hands up preparing a spell, but suddenly all the color in his eyes faded, his golden orbs returning. Atherian turned to his hydra and snapped his fingers, the creature exploded into a shower of blood and with a gesture of his hand he gathered it all back into the vial it came from. Atherian looked back at Wilfred with a look of concern and he landed next to him. He was relieved to see Wilfred had only passed out, but his thoughts began to run wild as he saw the scar from the wound on Wilfred’s throat return.

“That was not a good sign Wilfred…” Atherian said lightly as he began to administer some minor healing to Wilfred’s cuts and bruises.

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 05:45 PM
The entire training pit was in total awe as a large jet stream of ice impaled the Blood Golem. Shiron and Dark both had stopped walking towards the healing den to bare witness to the destructive power of magic well beyond anybody in the castle. Dark’s Canine’s of Cerberus began to burn on his chest as he felt a horrifying presence fill the air from near the pit. As he saw the powerful Ice spell erupt at the bloody golem he felt his powers wane in pale comparison to the destructive nature of such a feat.

Sharon and Joyce both looked up from their pit as Sharon felt coldness in her heart. Fear began to grow in the back of her mind as she could hear a sinister laughter bellowing in the destruction. It was a demonic laughter, and the power she could feel from it caused her Crown of Ashes to erupt in fire surrounding her as if protecting her from something evil.

“Amazing! That spell’s magical energy was off the charts!” Joyce said clapping her hands together near her chest. “I was so overwhelmed I nearly passed out! What about you Sharon?” Joyce turned her head to look at her friend and was caught off guard by Sharon’s sudden flaming appearance. “MY GOD, SHARON ARE YOU OKAY?”

“Yes Joyce…I am fine…really I am!” Sharon said shaking her head and dusting the flames off. Slowly each bit of her body returned to a normal state. “It doesn’t burn me when that happens, it just means something is very unusual.”

“Hey Joyce!” Shiron called out at the top of the sand pit. “Did you feel that energy?” Joyce nodded enthusiastically.

“I did!” Joyce called back up. Shiron’s body blurred out of sight before he stood next to Sharon. Dark’s body woozily climbed down the ladder and Sharon instantly ran to her brother much to the dis-pleasement of Shiron.

“You look beaten up Dark…” Sharon said in a low tone. Dark turned to her with a grin on his face as he poked his sister in the ribs causing her to flinch away from him.

“You look like you haven’t trained.” Sharon rubbed the spot where she was poked and was thinking of a comeback before Shiron interjected.

“You didn’t start her training Joyce? Sensei is gonna whip you!” Joyce turned on the spot and hit Shiron in the head with the back of her fist. “That wasn’t needed…” He whispered rubbing his jaw.

“Sharon and I had things to discuss first. Why don’t you take your student and leave us alone.” Joyce’s tone was snobbish and rude as she walked over to Sharon and linked arms with her. “Come on Black Mage, we got work to do.” Shiron walked over to the wall where Dark was and leaned up against it.

“Actually Dark and I are done for the day, I figured we would sit here and watch you two go at it.” Sharon’s eyes slowly saw a hint of mystery behind Shiron’s own eyes and she put on a smirk.

“Want to see what a female Black Mage can do?” Sharon said in a dark tone. “Better watch out for what you wish for, or you may get burned!” Sharon lifted up a hand and a small dart of flame erupted from her hand landing inches away from the left side of Shiron’s head. The Blood Mage laughed at the attack looking at Sharon.

“If that was it than sure…you wanna show me what you got?” Dark suddenly produced a small grin as he slowly got up.

“Ya…why don’t you show us Sharon…I still don’t know what you can do…” Dark said eerily as he stood up, Shiron standing tall next to him. “Even with an empty tank I can take you out, sis. So show us what you are truly made of…” Sharon’s eyes began to quiver as the two warriors stood before her. She felt a sudden rush of fear fill her mind and she was about to start panicking if it weren’t for Joyce who stood up next to her.

“Well then Master Dark…why don’t I show you what Blood Magi can be capable of!” Shiron’s mouth formed into a toothy grin as his eyes flashed wildly at the excitement of another battle. Joyce lifted up a single vial of blood and began to slowly turn it before her eyes. “Ouuu…Dark your blood is so…dark to be blunt. That shows strength…but I see a twinge of white in there. Your inquisitive mind keeps you from being a mighty warrior. You seek out knowledge only for knowledge’s sake. You seem to have no drive Dark…I don’t see that hint of purple passion in your blood.”

“I wonder what I’ll see when I look at your frozen blood!” Dark shot back unafraid of what Joyce had said.

Sharon felt lost and frightened at the power Joyce was showing. If she knew all that just by the blood Dark gave the previous night, then who knew what she knew about Sharon. It made Sharon feel so small in comparison.

“LET’S START THIS!” Shiron blurted loudly as he jumped high into the air, his sword coming down on Sharon. She shrieked in shock and stood paralyzed by the swiftness of her foe. She would have been ripped apart had it not been for a long bloody tentacle hitting Shiron in the side. The Blood warrior hit the side of the walls with both feet before he jumped back out landing in the sand on one knee. Sharon looked over to see Joyce standing next to a large bloody ape like golem.

“Fuji Rizu, attack Shiron!” Sharon was lost for words or actions as she felt so helpless with all the power going around. She felt so out of place. She was shocked to see a large shard of ice hit the monkey golem in the head.

“Oh no you don’t! I wanted to see what you are capable of…and this blood you brought to me is just SO INVIGORATING!” Dark’s body rose up to his tip toes as he sniffed the air. “YOU ARE NOT LEAVING MY SIGHT SO LONG AS SUCH A NARCOTIC IS AVAILABLE TO FIGHT!”

“Sharon!” Joyce screamed. “Snap out of it! Nobody is going to really hurt you! Just get into the battle and start casting spells!” Sharon felt a small twinge of life in her fingers and she slammed both her palms into the ground conjuring a pillar of flames around her. Shiron stopped just before the wall and tested it with his hands.

“CRAP!” He said backing a bit away before he thrusted his blade forward. Sharon dodged to the side next to Joyce and looked at her with confused eyes.

“Don’t look at me for ideas! Do something crazy! How did you defeat your foes?” Joyce yelled as she had her golem fight Dark. Sharon suddenly felt weak again as she couldn’t recall what the hell she did to summon her powers.

“Come on Dark! You can move faster than that!” Shiron shouted.

“BUT THEN I CAN’T SMELL THE DELICIOUS NECTAR OF LIFE!” Dark was in a frenzy as he bared his teeth in a grin that spread ear to ear. Sharon didn’t know how to react to everything around her. Dark was obviously in a blood trance and Shiron’s blood sang at the call of battle. She felt no elation at such trivial things. She looked to Joyce and saw something that made her lose all will to battle. Joyce’s eyes showed the same confusion of what to do. Yet there was a small something that was different about her. Sharon had no clue what it was and in that moment of hesitation she felt her body soar high into the air before she was slammed into the wall. As her body free fell she felt two hands gently grab her as she landed on the ground safely in Shiron’s arms.

“I am sorry Sharon!” he said frantically.

“FUJI RIZU!” Sharon’s lazy eyes saw the ice entrap the blood ape before it shattered into thousands of tiny pieces. Joyce fell to the ground grabbing her arms rubbing them quickly as her teeth clattered from extreme cold.

“I am sorry!” Dark said, his tone less darker as he ran to Joyce. “I didn’t know you were spirit linked!” Joyce just shivered as Dark took his robes off placing them over her body. Shiron held Sharon tightly as he looked over to Dark.

“How is Joyce?” Dark gave him a concerned look, but his eyes didn’t show any hint of worry. Sharon looked up and saw Atherian standing at the edge of the pit.

“Shiron!” He said sternly. “I told you to train Dark, not help out Joyce! Joyce…you knew better than to go into this battle recklessly! Both of you are to report to me in my office in an hour! Dark and Sharon, go to your rooms until dinner is served please.” He walked away from the pit and Sharon felt her arm go numb as Shiron gripped it tightly.

“Sorry Sharon…” Shiron said as he gently put her down before seemingly teleporting away. Joyce shrugged off Dark’s robes and motioned him away as she walked over to Sharon.

“Never be afraid to do something!” Joyce was in hysterics as she shouted at Sharon. “Even if you are horribly outclassed you should still fight with everything you have! Hesitation like that just gets people killed. If not you, then someone you care about!” Joyce’s mouth was barking out as her face turned red with anger. “That much fear is unforgivable! If that was a true battle Sharon, a real fight to the death, you would have been killed, and so would I!” Sharon was lost for words as she looked up at Joyce.

“I’m…” Before Sharon could finish Joyce kicked dirt in her eyes.

“DON’T APOLOGIZE FOR THAT!” Joyce grabbed Sharon by the head and forced her to look into her eyes. “If I hear you say ‘sorry’ I will punch you in the nose you got that!” She said in a deadly tone.

“I got it!” Sharon said defensively. Joyce let up her grip on Sharon’s head and smiled as she dusted herself off. “Good. Lesson one was a complete failure…but I think you got the jist of it!” She said in a perky tone.

Sharon watched as Joyce climbed out of the pit before she turned to Dark. Dark just shrugged as Sharon looked up at her mentor.

“Creepy.” She said plainly. “But at least she’s bubbly!” Sharon said full of energy. Dark’s jaw dropped in shock at the random statement his sister had made.

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 05:46 PM
Wilfred slowly opened his eyes as he felt his body ache in ways he never imagined. Slowly he rose up to see he was in a small cot in one of the towers of the castle. He looked over to the opposite side of the desk and was Atherian. The Blood Mage was smiling when he saw that Wilfred was awakened.

“You gave me quite the scare there for a second. I thought I had lost you, but then again you are strong. Do you recall what happened after you became intimate with that wall?” Wilfred gruffed in his form of laughter as he shrugged. Atherian turned his chair so it faced Wilfred and he leaned in to talk in a low tone.

“I don’t really have an explanation for it yet, but Wilfred your body continued to fight on.” Wilfred’s body leaned back on the bed, he shrugged with no clue as to why his body had continued to fight on. “But the more disturbing fact Wilfred is that…you began to use your voice again.” Wilfred’s eyes cut quickly over to Atherian’s and he could tell the Blood Mage wasn’t lying. Wilfred suddenly tired to use his voice, excited at the prospect of being able to use his throat again, but the immense pressure of pain overwhelmed him as he grabbed his throat in alarm.

“Did I forget to mention that it wasn’t you that was doing the talking?” Wilfred just glared his response to Atherian. “The point is Wilfred, that I obtained new information. First off, the spells you were casting are in fact, disturbingly, a form of very powerful Black Magic. However, it is so powerful that only demons could really master it. Human’s have tried for ages, but the only chance they had was to write the spells down in a book and hope future generations could use it. Do you know what book I am referring to Wilfred?”

But as Atherian spoke his words of wisdom Wilfred had already entered a world of his own. He remembered the time he was a child, sitting on a bench next to his father. They were talking about magic and the limits human had obtained, and they talked about how they would be the family to go beyond the limits. His father had ranted about a powerful book called the Book of Zeus, a tome that held all the demon magic within its pages. While in no way nearly as powerful as the spells of the Tome of Ancients, it was still a very real and very powerful book. The day his father got a hold of that book was the day Wilfred’s world changed forever, and he was stripped of his powers so his father would grow more powerful.

“Wilfred,” Atherian said politely. “This next part is worth your attentions.” Wilfred snapped out of his day dream as he looked to the Blood Mage with expectant eyes. “You see…what you are Wilfred…” Atherian was lost for words and he stumbled looking for the right ones to say. After a moment he looked at Wilfred, and behind his cool stare he made up his mind. Wilfred could already tell he wasn’t going to get the full truth.

“Residing inside you Wilfred is a demon spirit. A very powerful demon Wilfred. So powerful I didn’t trace him inside your blood. Just who and what he is, what his purpose is when it comes to the project is not for me to understand, but for you. I am wondering if you and this demon have begun to become aware of each other?” Wilfred nodded his head quickly. “I see,” Atherian stood up and walked towards the door.

“Then until you complete your second lesson I can train you no further. You need to find a harmony with this demon or you will be consumed by raw power that you will die. Take all the time you need, Wilfred. I will know when you have passed this lesson.” And with that Atherian walked out of the room.

Wilfred gave off a long sigh as he wondered what Atherian could be thinking, and he came up with the conclusion that in order to figure it out he had to do what he had been running from. Engage this other soul in his body and come to grips with it. Wilfred sighed again as he stood up and walked to the same chair that Atherian sat on and he turned it so he was facing the mirror before him.

As he expected to see, the demon half of his soul was in the opposite side of the mirror, a toothy grin covering his face, his eyes a dark green with red pupils. His hair was in neat rows, each strand spiked in a very low cut. Wilfred looked deep into his demon’s eyes.

“Demon’s don’t fear death Willy…” it taunted.

Oh really? Wilfred thought. You should… The demon began to laugh as the mirror quaked with each pitch he made.

“Give me a break, Willy! I am a Black Magus Lord with the power of gods at my command, and with your body I can use them to fulfill my goal!” Wilfred reached out with his hand and conjured up a fireball placing it very close to his face. The trim of his Black Mage hat began to grow warm and the demon’s eyes suddenly exploded in terror. “HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”

Setting some ground rules… Wilfred thought sinisterly. If we don’t live in harmony, then I’ll just kill us both and be done with you. The demon lifted his own hand in a gesture to coax Wilfred to lower his own hand.

“You force the opening play, Willy. What do you want to know?”

Wilfred closed his thoughts as he lowered the flame. He contemplated those words for a moment before he suddenly slammed his fist on the desk in anger.

What do I want to know? he thought bitterly.

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 05:51 PM
When Dark and Sharon both entered there room they had found dinner and drinks placed upon the central table with fresh new robes to wear for the next day. Dark hit the bed he was sleeping in with a loud thunk as his body clenched up in pain. Sharon sat at the table and downed the glass of water before testing a bit of her food.

“God Shiron is brutal!” Dark said as he turned onto his back looking at Sharon. “But I was able to produce a new spell! So I think training is going well for me!” Sharon felt a stab of pain in her heart as she looked at her brother.

“I don’t think my training is going to happen at all. I totally tensed up during that battle! I am such a hopeless case.” Dark slowly got up leaning on one arm.

“I want you to learn this Sharon, and I am being honest with you because I love you.” Sharon looked to her brother nodding in understanding. “You need to stop worrying about not being in the same league as the rest of us. Your magic comes from your heart and your passion. Female Black Mages feel their power when they are upset or when they are protecting something they value above all else. It is why you cannot Blood Trance. If you were pissed or trying to protect us you would be able to get a rush of sensation like we do, but instead of this twisted pleasure feeling it’s more of a feeling of purpose.”

Sharon thought about it for a moment and then smiled. “Hey ya!” she stood up grabbing a glass of water for her brother. “My powers were powerful when you guys needed me the most! If that’s all it is then I can do anything if I can just get over my fears!”

“Ya that’s right,” Dark said encouraging his sister. “Girl power!” He raised his hand for a high five. Sharon looked at him with a cold glare before she splashed the water in Dark’s face. He jolted in alarm and fell out of the bed onto his head rolling forward. “Ok, I deserved that…” He said in a defeated tone. Sharon cemented her point by walking on Dark to get to her bed. She put herself into the covers and snuggled up with the pillow.

“Good night Dark, I love you.” Dark walked over to the table grabbing a vine of grapes as he mumbled his response. Shortly before he was done he heard a knock at the door. The Black Mage walked cautiously over slowly opening the door.

“Hey Dark,” Shiron said in a half whisper. “Meet me at the training pits for lesson two.”

“What is it about?” Dark asked excitedly. Shiron pointed to his apprentice with a half smile.

“We’re going to learn to become one with your weapon!” Dark grabbed his Black Mage hat and put it on as he ran back to the door. Shiron was already gone when he looked down the halls. Dark took one last look at Sharon before he gently closed the door.

“Ughhh,” Sharon said to herself. “Boys….” And she went comfortably back to sleep.

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 05:52 PM
“So then if you won’t ask me questions how are we supposed to work in harmony?” the demon said in a bored tone as he leaned back in his chair lazily.

Okay I got the first question, Wilfred thought clearly. Why me? Why did you soul bond with me? The demon looked at Wilfred with a quizzical eye before he leaned onto the chair intently.

“Bloody cakes didn’t tell you yet?” Wilfred shook his head in a negative manner. The demon began to chuckle before he exploded in a fit of laughter. Wilfred crossed his arms across his chest, tapping his foot onto the ground. “Willy Waltz…you are not a human…” he said seductively. “Hell I am more alive than you really are!” Wilfred looked at him quizzically. “Stupid Willy, you are nothing more than a golem!”

Wilfred’s body immediately tensed up at the word golem. He suddenly felt every inch of his body begin to betray him as he slammed his fist onto the table. I’M A WHAT? Wilfred’s mind exploded into thoughts of rage.

“OH DELICIOUS DRAMA IS UNFOLDING!” the demon screamed. “Does your body crawl inside now that you know. Can you feel that fake pulse of a beating heart? You are nothing and you now became aware!” Wilfred stood up agitated by the words he heard. His blood boiled inside, but he didn’t feel a deep seated connection with his own body. “You are more worthless than the blood golems these magi create in these very walls!”

IF MY LIFE IS FORFEIT THAN YOURS IS BENEATH EVEN THAT CONCEPT! Wilfred’s thoughts snapped back at the mirror. The demon instantly stopped laughing as the news slapped him harder than any physical touch. Heh, didn’t even cross your mind did it? The demon grew angry as it picked up the chair and tossed it at the mirror shattering the glass in the real world.

Enough of this, why don’t we just have a contest to see who shall be king of this vessel. First one to kill Atherian’s Hydra Golem wins total control. The demon crawled to the front of Wilfred’s mind and Wilfred could feel half his face beginning to contort. He lost all vision in his right eye and as he looked down at the shattered mirror a broken image of himself was seen. While one eye was bright and golden with the white’s still in place, the other eye was blood red with the white’s dyed a very dark green.

Very well, Wilfred thought. But I hope you like dark places… Wilfred thought as he broke the door open walking out to find Atherian.

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 06:00 PM
Dark met with Shiron deep in the pits of the underground training area. Shiron was sitting crossed legged in the sand, his blade unsheathed lying in front of him. His eyes were shut as his face was bent low looking down at the blade. Dark stood before him in awe as he dared not disturb whatever warrior tradition was taking place.

“Dark,” Shiron said not moving an inch or opening his eyes. “My blade says you are a very appealing prospect. It has not felt such elation and thrill of battle in a long time. Sensei Atherian refuses to fight me with his powers, but his training of me proves I am no where close to him, but you on the other hand…my blade dares to call you an equal.” Dark was speechless as he bowed to the blade, feeling a little silly as he did.

“I am honored.” Dark whispered. Shiron opened one eye and gave off a small grin.

“I told my blade it was full of shit.” Dark nearly collapsed as the words so casually flowed out of his mouth.

“WHAT!?” Dark said heated. Shiron raised a hand to calm Dark down.

“Sit brother,” Shiron said sagely. Dark did as he was told and sat across from Shiron. “I and my tribe of warriors believe in the souls of blades and weapons. Each one is crafted with the skills of artificers, but it is in the forge of the fires that the blade’s soul is born. Your furnace was with the most prominent source of heat. A staff born in the hellforge of battle!” Dark felt his blood rise in anxiety as he listened to Shiron talk. “While the name of my blade is for me to know only, you need to find the name of your staff…do you feel it having such a name?”

“Cerberus…” Dark said without hesitation. Dark closed his eyes as he remembered the battle against the Lord of Sins, the Hex Mage Arkham. It was when his body was in a blood trance and his confidence in his own abilities grew to the highest he ever could imagine. But that happy memory faded as he remembered the blade that Shiron held broke his staff into thousands of tiny pieces.

“You remember your blade well, Dark. Now you must find a way to allow it to manifest again. The Canine’s of Cerberus is not your true source of power. They are nothing but a necklace to the true power you have inside. Take it off.” Dark did as he was told, removing the Canine’s of Cerberus and placing it before him. “Now…talk…become one weapon.”

Dark let his thoughts go as he closed his eyes, looking deep into his own mind. He felt like he was walking down a hallway, and each door he opened along the way was another memory. When he reached the end of the hall he saw a very large door. He placed his hand upon the door and shivered at the touch. The door was freezing and it nearly felt overwhelming, but Dark summoned his courage and opened the door. Before him was a large room covered in ice, and sitting lazily on its haunches was the biggest monstrosity Dark had ever seen.

“Dark Waltz…” the monster called out in a deep commanding voice. “I lost your scent. What happened?”

“I failed to gauge my own powers and allowed you to shatter before me. I have felt empty inside.”

“My power is not a toy, child.” The monster said again, this time the tone coming from a different direction, the tone a bit more high pitched. “I came to you because you had the strength to use me!”

“I understand that I have abused that power.” Dark said coolly. “But I had to win…” he whispered.

“Why do you feel that, child?” The monster’s tone was back to the deep commanding tone. Dark was caught off guard by the question. He had no real rational reason other than to just defeat Shiron.

“Childish games is not what my power is meant for, Black Mage.” The monster’s tone was now a low, deceitful pitch that came from a third direction. “You know that this is true, and yet you used me anyway. Why should I return to you? So you can prove to the other child you are just as good as he is?”

“Pride and jealously are two sides of the same coin, child Waltz.” The voice was back to the second tone. Dark nodded his head in understanding.

“Than explain yourself Dark Waltz.” The commanding voice returned.

“I wished for power to grow in the ways of mastery. I seek knowledge for the sake of understanding. But I now see that this does not equate to passion. I had been bested by Shiron multiple times, despite the fact I was using incredible power, but I had no will, no resolve really to want to do something with that power. I now wish to seek knowledge for the sake of protecting my family. I want that knowledge to make me stronger and wiser to achieve that aim! I want to surpass Shiron so that I can prove I can protect my family!” The monster howled at the ceiling causing chunks of ice to fall to the ground. Dark didn’t flinch as the ice collapsed fatally close to his body.

“What do you want then, Dark Waltz?” The commanding voice asked in a begging tone.

“I WANT THE PASSION TO PROTECT THOSE THAT I LOVE! RETURN TO ME CERBERUS! ALLOW ME TO BE YOUR MASTER AGAIN AND TOGETHER WE CAN BOTH GROW STRONGER!” Dark shouted full of confidence. The monster came out of the shadows, and Cerberus roared loudly in front of Dark.

“I am with you then Dark Waltz! I am your servant and use my power to achieve your goals and protect your family and those you love!” All three voices barked at once.

Dark’s body began to pulse with magical energies causing Shiron to awake from his meditation. He grabbed his blade and jumped into the air using his blink technique. When he turned to see what was going on he saw Dark zooming at him at an alarming speed on one of his heads of ice. Two more jetted behind him and both broke off going opposite ways. Shiron cursed to himself as he moved swiftly again to the ground away from Dark, but was shocked to see Dark was almost on him again.

“YOUR HOUNDS ARE FASTER THAN BEFORE!” Shiron cried jumping away avoiding being crushed. Before he knew it another sheet of ice blasted into him knocking him high into the air before he landed hard into the sand. The Blood Mage warrior looked up at the sky and found Dark standing atop one of his spears of ice as the other two returned to him awaiting for the order to attack. He twirled in his hand lazily the Staff he had before.

“Steele your resolve and strengthen your purpose Shiron! When the body is weak, that is when it is all left out on the line!”

“Well met!” Shiron called back allowing the blood in his body to course around him making him stronger. The two let out a mighty barbaric cry as they slammed into each other.

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 06:00 PM
Atherian looked at Wilfred with a look of deep regret as he watched the once civil Black Mage now seemingly torn in two. The demon half if his soul was manifesting and slowly taking over and it seemed all of his training techniques were ineffective against him. And now they both wanted to establish harmony by proving dominance over the other by killing the blood golem they didn’t before.
“I am sorry…you…two…” Atherian said awkwardly. “But if I release it now than it will just revert back to it’s original form. It needs a chance to mellow out. My golem is unavailable to you.” Wilfred grabbed Atherian by the cloak and looked him deeply in eyes with his one good eye left. Atherian could feel the thoughts being channeled and he slowly sighed shaking his head as he pulled the vial out.

“I do not think this is the only way, Wilfred, but I understand that this is from the outside looking in. My opinion is vastly different than yours and so far my ways have not been exactly efficient, let us go to the pits. Hopefully you two will not let it grow out of proportion.”

The two magi walked down the spiral stair case and Atherian gasped in shock to see a sheet of ice erode over one of the pits into another. In the sky were three jets of ice followed by a tiny dot of a person.

“Shiron?” Atherian whispered. Wilfred felt a sudden warmth as he knew this damage was Dark’s doing, seeing that his brother had grown exceptionally higher. Wilfred wondered how he himself would fare in this coming battle, and how to even use his powers against a hydra golem that was already the size of a colossal dragon.

Getting the chills Willy? Wilfred ignored the comment as he just loosened his body of tension and got ready for the battle ahead. Atherian turned to Wilfred with a sad look on his face.

“I am not letting loose my golem with the two of them in a battle, I am sorry but they won’t be able to stand up to it if it sees them.” Wilfred nodded in understanding. Well that’s just sucks for them… Wilfred felt his body suddenly grow cold as the darker presence forced his right hand to hit the blood mage which knocked the vial out of Atherian’s hands into the void of the black sanded pit. Quickly the blood began to form into the colossal sized dragon, the blood flaring in Wilfred’s nostrils. It didn’t take long before the sinfully pleasurable feeling returned to him.

“YOU FOOL!” Atherian shouted. Wilfred felt the darker half of his soul raise his left hand again and with a powerful bang Atherian flipped from his feet onto the ground, sprawled out unconscious. Wilfred felt his throat slowly tingle as the demon half of his soul took control of his body.

“Rules are simple Willy! We each get three spells to use and then the other soul gets control! Whoever defeats the golem first wins control of the vessel! I go first!” The demon was now in total control of Wilfred’s body, causing the Black Mage to panic, but he knew there was nothing he could do. The demon leapt into the air and with little thought placed a small wind spell at his feet causing him to float in the air. “Watch and learn little mage, what a lord is capable of doing!” Wilfred watched as the hydra golem finished forming into the colossal sized dragon, it’s head roaring a disgusting gurgling cry of battle. “With the hammer of the hellforge and the fires of the burning stove, I call upon the heat of the forge to burn my foe!” A bright white light formed between Wilfred’s hands before it struck out like a ray of light. It hit the dragon head on and obliterated its head into nothingness. The body flopped to the ground flailing around without a head. Blood splurged everywhere as Wilfred looked at the hole the scorching heat ray did into the walls of the cavern.

Uh…. Wilfred thought as he heard his own voice laughing insanely. Better look before you celebrate. The laughter ceased immediately as Wilfred watched with gross interest. With a disgusting splashing and popping sound the beast re-grew the head, and with it was two other heads joining it. “Eh…that wasn’t supposed to happen…” Wilfred grew annoyed by the comment before his body flew forward, both hands forming up with flames wrapping around his arms up to his shoulders.

The beast struck out with the third head trying to engulf Wilfred in one bite, but the demon jolted to the side and released a powerful pillar of flames at the feet of the dragon. The second head jolted forward, its tongue like a whip as it nearly ensnared Wilfred’s body. The third head made a disgusting regurgitating sound as it poured blood out of its mouth onto the pillar of flames dousing the flames and ending the life of the pillar.

“SON OF A BITCH!” The demon cursed loudly. “SUN OF THE HEAVENS, HEAT OF THE GOD FORGE BURN A HOLE THROUGH THE EARTH AT MY FOE!” The ground beneath the dragon began to rumble with a small earthquake, and quickly the dragon used its mighty wings to take to flight, all three heads dropping low and spewing blood on the spot. The quake slowly began to diminish before the spell was effectively countered.

As the heads rose to meet their foe Wilfred’s body began to turn to fly away, but the dragon flew forward and in one gulp swallowed Wilfred hole. Satisfied with that small meal it turned its attentions elsewhere for sustenance happy with finding two young magi fighting each other.

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 06:07 PM
Dark’s body surged with power as he rode his three streams of ice. He felt powerful to be atop them as he chased down Shiron, who was effectively using the magic in the air to continue to blink out of the way just in time, and with his blood mage powers he was able to mount a small offense from time to time.

Wilfred brought his ice “hounds” to bear next to him as he looked around for his target. He was getting better at figuring out where Shiron was when he blurred away, but he was still not fast enough to figure out where he moved to and he easily lost track of him. He grew irritated with waiting for Shiron to make a move and decided to scour the area in ice. He lifted his staff and began to twirl it before he felt something move up quickly behind him. Before he had a chance to react Dark was knocked off his stream of Ice free falling to the ground. Shiron blurred in next to him swinging his deadly blade. Dark mounted a small defense before they both hit the ground hard. Shiron’s body was already back up to a vertical base as Dark slowly rolled in pain.

“I got you now Black Mage!” Shiron cried in elation. Dark smirked as he felt the ground vibrate beneath him.

“Sorry but you don’t really have anything!” Dark shouted as his ice hounds flew up from the ground, one of them hitting Shiron right in the chest as the other two cris-crossed to protect Dark. Shiron’s body slammed into the wall as the jet of ice pulled back. The Blood Mage’s body had impacted hard into the wall creating a small hole which he had trouble climbing out of. Dark sent all three back out, but this time Shiron was prepared as he growled low before letting out a loud warrior’s cry charging forward, his blade glowing a dark red. He swung into the first hound of ice cleaving through it and using the momentum he twirled his body to bring his blade down vertically cutting into the second. He twirled again and used a bit of magic to fly high into the air cutting up the third hound of ice leaving Dark open. He brought his blade in close as he charged forward still screaming at the top of his lungs.

Dark slammed his staff into the ground creating a large pillar of ice around his feet and using it to climb up into the air; the Blood Mage sprinted faster as he brought his blade out horizontally slashing into the pillar with all his might. The Ice block rose up into the air a little further before it slid down and slammed into the ground sending Dark spiraling end over end across the ground. Woozily Dark opened his eyes and as the world spun around him he felt small droplets of something familiar begin to fall upon his face. Soon his body began to feel relaxed as his eyes fluttered in pleasure. He could feel the blood trance taking over his body and thought about what could give off such a delicious narcotic. His eyes focused themselves and saw what was giving him such a sinfully pleasurable feeling.

“SHIRON!” Dark cried out in alarm. Before Dark was a three headed bloody dragon that roared in a predatory cry of battle. Dark quickly summoned his hounds of ice to bear as they all flew out from beneath Dark towards the dragon. Each spear of ice slammed into the body of the winged nightmare pushing it out and into another pit. Dark felt the magical energy pulsate near him as Shiron blinked into view next to him.

“I have no idea what that foul beast is, but we’ll need to work together to stop it.” Dark nodded once as he called his hounds back, all three sheets of ice returned quickly, but on their way a bloody tail swung forward smashing into all three hounds breaking the ice sending shards everywhere. The bloody dragon clawed its way back into view looking down at Shiron and Dark. All three heads roared as one, but the middle head suddenly stopped looking down in confusion. Dark wondered himself what was happening as the other two dragon heads looked at the third in confusion.

With a loud pop the head suddenly exploded outwards as Wilfred stood floating in the air, a wind spell and a flame spell in each of his hands respectively. He pointed both his arms at the other head as the flaming twister slammed into the dragon beheading the other head. Wilfred’s body flew forward and landed next to Dark before turning on a dime and sending the twister of fire forward again blasting the dragon in the chest.

Without a word of prompting Dark sent all his energy back into his hounds as the three sheets of ice returned rising up and slamming into the dragon from the opposite side the flaming twister hit. Shiron dove up next using his Blood mage powers to behead the beast’s final head. The body limped forward before slamming into another sand pit. Wilfred dove up into the air and began to prepare another spell but his body was smashed by a giant bloody tentacle sending him hard into the ground next to Dark.

“Holy hell!” Dark exclaimed as he slammed his staff into the ground creating a pillar of ice and using it to rise up and away. He carried Wilfred with him as the pulled back. The dragon’s body had somehow morphed into a twisted creature; the bottom half like a giant octopus, the top half still the three headed dragon. Shiron blurred into reality next to Dark with blade in hand drenched in blood.

“I think this foul beast is a hydra golem. Sensei Atherian controls one. He would know how to defeat it. I need to contact Joyce so she can find her father and alert him what is going on. Cover me as I do so.” Shiron ordered as he dropped to one knee and began chanting something as he pulled out a vial of blood. Dark just gruffed.

“Easier said than done…” he murmured in sarcasm. He prepared his hounds of ice to fend off as the dragon began to assault them again.

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 06:08 PM
Sharon felt comfortable inside her bed as the blankets kept her warm inside the cold castle tower. She slept lazily as her crown of ashes sat upon her head angled awkwardly as she slept. She felt total bliss inside her bed, and when she heard a knock at her door her first words were not the normal questioning of who was there, but instead a few choice words about letting people sleep.

“Sharon it’s Joyce! Shiron’s in trouble and he needs our help! Come on and get up!” Sharon Grumbled a few curse words as she rolled out of bed and placing on her robes opening the door. When she saw Joyce she immediately knew something was terribly wrong. Without prompting Joyce exploded with answers to the questions forming in Sharon’s head. “Apparently a Hydra Golem is inside the training pits and is beating the tar out of your brothers and Shiron. My father is missing and isn’t communicating with me. We need to get down there and figure out what is going on and see if we can find my father!” Sharon nodded once and they both ran off.

As they climbed down the steps into the training pits they could feel the walls quaking, spells being casted left and right. Sharon’s body began to tense up as she heard the craziest scream of battle followed by a predatory roar of anger. She gripped herself in silent fear and when they hit ground zero both girls stopped in shock and terror, horrified by what they saw.

In the center of the training pits was an enormous bloody half hydra, half octopus creature. Surrounding it was three spears of ice, Wilfred floating in the air with Shiron on the opposite side sword drawn and ready. The bloody beast had six heads and each acted independently as two tried to consume Wilfred, three trying to fend off the three sheets of ice, and the final head dueling in a sarcastic manner with Shiron.

“What the hell should we do?” Joyce whispered in terror. Sharon grabbed Joyce’s arm in fear.

“I have no idea what to do…it’s so big…” Sharon’s voice wavered in total fear as her knees began to shake uncontrollably. With an ear piercing screech the golem slammed its colossal head into Shiron bashing the young warrior mage down into the pits below. Wilfred dove in and twisted creating a large block of ice above his head and thrusting it downwards towards the hydra. The block of ice slammed into the beast, causing all the heads to pull up in alarm, allowing Dark’s three headed hounds of ice to slam into the necks of the beast beheading a few of the heads and pushing the others down and out of the fight. Before the ice could pull back the tentacles of the beast wrapped and shattered the hounds into dozens of tiny pieces. Another tentacle shot up at Wilfred, but he quickly used a flame and wind spell to send a flaming twister at it disintegrating it before it did him harm. Wilfred flew backwards away from the beast.

“It’s too big! They can’t possibly stop it! Look the heads are reforming!” And as Joyce shouted the obvious the heads regrew back into existence. “Left alone for to long the hydra will split into another one and then we’ll never stop the beast.”

Sharon looked at the beast with total fear. She couldn’t move any of her muscles even if she wanted to as the pure terror of watching her brothers get bested by this beast proved that she had no chance of being able to stop it with her magic. “FATHER!” Joyce screamed. Sharon, alarmed at the sudden scream, was able to move her head as she saw the mighty Blood Mage Atherian lying upon the ground unconscious. Joyce instantly ran towards her father leaving Sharon all alone.

“Sharon!” The female black mage heard her name and followed the source to see a bloody Shiron slowly climb out of a pit. Without even thinking it Sharon’s legs carried her over to him as she knelt by his side. “You need to get out of here…that beast is too powerful…Dark and Wilfred and I got it under control for now…but you need to run…you need to get away from this beast…” Sharon had no idea what to do as her hands began to touch Shiron’s face in a motherly way. “DO IT NOW!” Shiron shouted as he gripped his sword turning on the spot and sending a red wave of magical energy outward. The hydra had homed a tentacle in upon Shiron and his magical blast sent the beast cowering back for a moment. Wilfred’s body flew overhead and Sharon could have sworn she heard her brother Wilfred speaking, a very powerful blast of ice freezing the whole lower half of the blood golem. Dark was rising up upon a pillar of ice, his staff in hand as he began to prepare a powerful spell. “SHARON RUN!” Shiron cried out again as he jumped upwards slashing his sword at one of the heads of the hydra.

Sharon got up and ran towards the stairs, her body full of fright as she ran as fast as she could. She had no idea why she had come down in the first place. Her powers were nothing compared to her brothers, she was useless to them. She began to remember the time when Vladimir attacked her brother Wilfred, and the time Bester was torturing her brothers. She had been unable to do anything then and she felt just as useless now. Her body began to grow cold, and her crown of ashes began to wilt away and fall apart as she ran up each step, another memory of her running away.

Stop running… A voice called out. Sharon continued to run as her Crown continued to fall apart. Tears began to stream down her face as she pumped her legs faster. Stop running… Sharon threw her body against the wall as she reached half way up the spiral staircase. Now turn around… Sharon shook her head in a negative manner as she fought with whatever voice she was hearing inside. You need to turn around…

“I can’t!” Sharon cried out as she fell to the ground weeping in fear. Her crown continued to fall apart.

Why? Your body isn’t wounded…you are not harmed…

“I can’t do anything to help them! I am useless...” Sharon wept loudly as she argued with the inner voice.

But you have magic do you not? Sharon shook her head again as she spoke with sobs.

“My magic isn’t even close to the levels of my brothers...” A branch of her crown fell before her.

Sharon Waltz…What do you fear? What are you truly afraid of? I do not understand… Sharon continued to weep as she slowly began to think about it. Suddenly a small warmth filled her heart.

“I…I…I don’t know…I honestly don’t know…” She whispered as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

Sharon…didn’t you eradicate the golem created by Kycoo with your magic? Did you not best Victoria Sigma with your magic? Did you not blast that Hex Mage with fire created by your magic? I do not understand Sharon Waltz…They were all so much more powerful than your entire family combined, yet you alone, the self proclaimed weakest defeated them all…Why are you so afraid? Why do you run? I don’t understand it… Sharon slowly thought about each victory she performed. Suddenly confidence burned in her heart. Did you not want to fight to protect those you love? Sharon began to nod her head.

“I do want to protect those I love…”

Than you are running the wrong way Sharon Waltz…Turn around and fight! Sharon slowly rose as her body shivered. She could hear the screams of the golem, and her body trembled. Do not worry Sharon Waltz…I shall protect you from harm…You have already done more than anyone else you know. You have died and rose again like the phoenix! What more is there to fear than death? You have conquered death Sharon, you should fear nothing!

Sharon nodded as she slowly began to walk back towards the training pits. Again the scream became very audible, but this time she did not tremble or shy away from it. With her new found confidence she continued to walk forward. She knew deep down she had no reason to fear anything, for she had died and rose again. Her powers were not pale in comparison to her brothers; she knew they were just as great. With all her energy she focused her feelings of protecting her brothers into her heart, and with a loud explosion her body became covered with flames as the Crown of Ashes burst into life, the flames licking the air around her. When she reached the bottom level she looked at the Hydra Golem. It now had wings and was flying after Wilfred with eight heads all snapping at him. She rose a single hand and focused all her energy into protecting her brother. With a loud snap all the flames around focused upon her hand and stretched outwards in a long flaming strip of fire.

The strip grew in size until it was the size of a large boulder, the very end taking the shape of a dragon as its mouth opened slamming into the mid section of the golem burning away the neck area, dropping all eight heads ending the beasts pursuit. She put her hand down as she slowly walked towards the edge of a sand pit waiting patiently. As she expected the beast began to reform.

“I will fight with my all to save those I love…I pray for you little beast that you can not feel fear for to incur the wrath of a Black Mage is to invite death into your heart.” Sharon placed both hands upwards as a pillar began to form in front of her. “Heavens of the sky hear my cry, the gods of the pits of hell listen to my plea, burn the heart of this foe and wipe from the earth their foul presence!” The pillar of flame began to grow hotter as the color went from an orange red to a pure white. “With the winds of magic and the heat of the forge increase this spell to burn thy foe! LET THE HEAT OF THE SUN SCORCH THEIR BODY SO NOTHING REMAINS!” The pillar flew outwards towards the Hydra and slammed into the body of the beast setting the whole body alight with fire. The beasts newly reformed heads screamed in agony but as the twister burned away the Hydra still remained. Slowly it began to beat its wings as it rose from the ground.

“No, I figured that wouldn’t end you beast…but with my brothers we can do just as our traditions state. We are Black Mages, and we shall supply death in surplus!”

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 06:09 PM
Dark watched in total awe as the pillar of flames struck the Hydra Golem enwrapping the whole body in flame. While the spell didn’t defeat the beast, Dark could tell it left a serious wound upon the beast. With his staff in hand he placed it before him preparing a large sickle of ice to stab the beast in the heart. He could feel the energy in the air shift and Shiron stood next to Dark heaving heavily as his body was covered with cuts and wounds.

“Your sister Sharon cast that powerful spell…pretty interesting.” Dark nodded.

“Yup, that’s Sharon…Always leaving her hand held until all bets are in. Makes me kinda proud.”

“Problem is though the beast is still not dying…in fact its really only getting pissed.” Dark nodded as he dismissed his own spell knowing it was futile. “I have no idea what it will take to end this thing Dark, but I was wondering if we make it out alive I could ask your sister out.” Dark chuckled softly for a moment.

“Sure. If you live past this beast I’ll love to see if you live past her response.” Shiron clapped Dark on the back.

“Appreciate it.” The two laughed despite the situation at hand for a brief moment before Shiron stretched his body and walked a few feet towards the edge of the alter of ice. “Can you summon your hounds? I’d like to stand atop one of its heads and get in close. Even with my magic to move swiftly I can’t seem to get in close enough, but your heads always seem to make it into range.”

“Ya, I think I can do it one more time, but every time it gets defeated it drains me of energy. Even with the Canine’s of Cerberus my power has been diminished greatly. So if we’re going to do this we’ll need to make it count.” The alter of ice began to shake violently and Shiron grabbed Dark and blinked towards the edge of a pit. “Is it just me or are you blinking shorter distances?” Shiron just nodded tiredly.

“Like you I’m hitting the wall myself. Getting thrashed around takes a toll on my body, and I’m still learning to use magic in conjunction with my warrior abilities. Ya know, the whole spirit is willing but the flesh is weak thing.” Dark nodded with an over exaggerating look of understanding. Casually Dark looked over to see what caused his alter to crumble and was saddened to see Wilfred slowly getting up with a punch drunk way of moving. He knew that they needed to beat this beast fast and quickly because all mages involved were tired and losing steam. Though Sharon was an awesome addition to their forces it was a little to late. The Hydra was already nearing the size of a quarter of the room and it was getting ready to brush the ceiling with its massive size.

“My brother Wilfred is looking a bit out of it himself. I don’ know what to do anymore Shiron. Even with three Black Mages this thing won’t go down, how the hell are we going to do it?” Shiron just shrugged his shoulders.

“Meh, so we die fighting…could think of worse ways to go ya know.” Dark nodded in agreement.

“Very true…” And together the two warriors prepared for war as Dark summoned his hounds to bear one final time.

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 06:09 PM
Wilfred’s body took a few moments to slowly regain full sight. That last hit into the alter of ice drained him greatly of his magical energies as his body was already well beyond its limits begging to collapse in exhaustion. Even with a blood trance he knew his abilities were only being augmented by the demon soul in his body. But that was only going so far as he could feel his demon side giving in as well. Dark and Shiron both seemed to be draining in power as well. He noticed the Blood Mage warrior was not able to move as far when he gathered the magical energies near his feet and blur away. While he was deeply impressed with the power Sharon unleashed she was just a bit too late to join the party, her magic just barely unable to finish the deal along with everyone else.

So…you really messed this up didn’t you… Wilfred thought dully. It’s your turn again. The demon half pressed forward in his mind as he felt his body slowly switch control. What are you going to do now?

“I honestly don’t know anymore Willy…we’re just a few levels of power too short to truly beat this thing. I’m starting to figure it out. Each head represents a certain level of power that it can conquer and return from. So when it had three heads we were on equal footing. It would have been a very powerful spell to take it out, but the three of us could have done it. Now with eight heads we’re just screwed. We need a mage of considerable power to help bring it to bear. And by the way in case you didn’t know…” Wilfred’s thoughts interrupted the demon.

Ya I know, it’s about to split, and that’s not a good thing…So what do you propose we do? You knocked out Atherian you know. Wilfred’s body shrugged. Wait a second…did you say we need a powerful mage to even things up?

“Ya, but this mage needs to be exceptionally powerful.” Wilfred wanted so hard to slap the demon, but knew he could only think out his thoughts.

Then why don’t we just wake up…oh I don’t know…the Blood Mage powerful enough to have a Hydra Golem in the first place? The demon remained silent for a moment before cursing to himself.

“I hate you.” he said plainly. Using all his might he casted two wind spells in both hands and used them to increase his speed as he flew past the Hydra. Dark had once again summoned his hounds of ice but kept them back as he and the Blood Mage warrior Shiron seemed to be talking about a strategy. The demon searched for his goal and after a moment found Atherian being dragged towards the stairs by his daughter. He dived in to intercept her but a large tentacle slammed into his side sending Wilfred’s body careening off into the wall of one of the pits. A large crater was formed as Wilfred’s body lazily collapsed to the floor below. “Damn! We can’t take anymore hits like that…I’m pouring all my energy into keeping our body standing.”

Slowly Wilfred stood up in pain as each part of his body ached in total exhaustion. He realized the demon half of his soul gave him control of the body again. What are you thinking? The demon side said nothing, but Wilfred could feel a sudden rush of energy fill him, but he could tell it wasn’t going to last for much longer. I see, you’re just helping me stay standing. I take it that means you are done with this contest? Again nothing was even spoken from the demon. You piss me off, you know that? Wilfred thought darkly. All he heard was inner laughter.

Swiftly Wilfred placed both hands downwards and with a quick thought the wind returned to his feet and hands allowing him to fly upwards as he made way for the Blood Mage Atherian. He rotated his body far to the left as the Hydra seemed to suddenly concentrate solely on Wilfred, ignoring Dark and Shiron altogether as it chased after the Black Mage. Painfully Wilfred continued to twist and turn his body as he avoided each slamming tentacle and claw swipe. Every time a tentacle missed it slammed into the training pits below destroying the walls. Just as he was about to be blasted by one of the heads, a large strip of flame slammed into the side of the beasts head knocking it away from Wilfred. Thank you Sharon… Wilfred thought dismally.

At long last he reached the body of Atherian landing next to his daughter. With a careful look of concern he pushed her aside as Wilfred looked at Atherian. What in the name of the gods did you do you moron? This is not a sleep spell this is a full blown soul sleep! What the hell man are you insane? Wilfred was in hysterics as he looked at the terrible destruction his demon half caused. The demon soul pushed forward taking control of Wilfred’s body as he looked deep into Atherian’s eyes before waving a hand quickly returning to powering Wilfred’s body.

Atherian’s eyes fluttered for just a second before he grabbed Wilfred by the cloak and tossing him off to the side like a rag doll, his strength immensely more powerful than he first would ever guess. “MAY THE GODS DAMN YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME WILFRED!” He turned to look into the pits and was shocked to see his hydra golem so large and beating the crap out of the complex. “YOU FOOLS! WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE TO MY TRAINING PITS?” Wilfred slowly rose to his feet and could feel Atherian blur right behind him punching him square in the back causing the mage to fly forward and tumble on the ground.

“Father, what’s wrong?” Atherian’s daughter shouted.

“JOYCE GO UPSTAIRS AND TELL THE COUNCIL TO FLEE JUST IN THE EVENT I CAN’T HANDLE MY OWN GOLEM….THANKS TO OUR GUESTS WE NOW HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM ON OUR HANDS!” Atherian was beyond himself as he stalked up to Wilfred. “YOU CALL THIS HARMONY WILFRED? THIS IS DESTRUCTION IN ITS PUREST FORM! YOU AND THAT DAMN DEMON MAY HAVE JUST KILLED YOUR FAMILY! HAPPY NOW, YOU FOOLISH BLACK MAGE?” Wilfred just remained quiet as he slowly got back up. He shrugged pointing to the beast. Atherian took a long deep breath before he stood next to Wilfred. “You see how the beast is thrashing the pits around it?” Wilfred nodded. “It’s making room so it can split. Already we are seriously out classed, how many heads has it now?” Wilfred took a moment raising eight fingers. “Well, that’s good, only four heads on each beast if it does split…” Atherian pointed to his chest and spoke softly before he closed his eyes. After a moment he opened them.

“Shiron will be here soon with Dark. Sharon unfortunately will need to be on her own for a moment. I’m happy to see she got over her fear.” Wilfred nodded. After a few moments Shiron blinked into view with Dark at his side before they both landed upon the ground before Atherian. “Listen very carefully, everyone here!” Dark and Wilfred both moved closer to Atherian. “The Hydra is preparing to split itself and if that happens we got a bigger problem than this on our hands. As the beasts master I can still reclaim it and make it return to the vial it spawned from, but here is the problem,” Shiron spoke cutting off his master.

“It’s grown so powerful it doesn’t view you as a master anymore.” Atherian nodded.

“In order for me to take control of it we need to attack this beast in multiple ways until its power wanes back to a level where I can control it. If we fail gentlemen than kiss our lives goodbye, that beast will split and now we will die here. I for one do not wish to do so. Anyone with me?” Everyone nodded.

“Shiron, I want you to sit upon the hounds of Cerberus and allow master Dark to get you in close. Use all your power to cut into the beast and get inside the stomach and start hacking away at it. When that happens, Master Dark you will need to use your hounds to beat up the lower half of his body. Wilfred, you are in charge of the heads. I will personally dive into the fray and do my best to coax it back into listening to me. Hopefully that will happen.”

With a sudden swiftness everyone moved into position.

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 06:15 PM
Wilfred watched as Shiron and Dark both worked together to get the Blood Mage warrior close enough, the heads all began to charge in, but with a powerful twister of flames spell Wilfred beheaded any head that got to close to the beast. Sharon was using her pillar of flames to continuously burn the tentacles to keep them from rising into the air to swipe any mage away.

Atherian dove in using his own magic using his bear hands to tear at the very flesh of the bloody dragon beast. Each piece torn caused the beast to scream in agony, and after a moment Shiron’s body flew forward from the hounds of ice and with a mighty swing of his sword a burst of red energy flew outwards tearing a large hole into the Hydra where de dove in. Quickly the hole patched itself up and Shiron disappeared from view.

“It’s working! Master Dark keep the tentacles away from me, Wilfred keep the heads away as well!” Wilfred and Dark both were blasting spells left and right as they did everything in there power to stop the beast from getting close to Atherian. It was working, and Wilfred knew something was wrong. He nearly missed it, the tentacle moving to fast was not targeting Atherian but instead moving elsewhere. It clearly dawned upon him what is was and despite what he knew he had to do he started to fly towards Sharon.

What are you doing Willy? We got a few other heads left! Wilfred felt the demon half pushing for control.

Sharon is in danger! The demon half took a moment and then suddenly he could feel every ounce of energy the demon had left vye for control of the body.


What do you mean by that? Wilfred was confused as the demon spoke.

That’s what the project was about! Getting you to learn to be strong and when your two watchers died there power would be added to yours! When Sharon died the first you’re your body was filled with a powerful energy. That wasn’t a blood trance Willy, that was pure power rushing into you. The power Sharon had. When she came back to life you exhausted that power in your fight with the elf Licet making sure he died. But when she returned from the dead her power returned.

WHAT THE HELL IS THIS PROJECT FOR? Wilfred thought hysterically as he continued to move toward Sharon.

The Project is about making a powerful golem, capable of being able to function without the use of a controller, and as you grow in power and strength you will die and go to Haidia where I will take control and add my power to the golem’s power so I can kill Kycoo! That is what the project is you fool. It’s the last best chance to defeat the Hex Mage Kycoo forever!

Well then the project will just have to wait! And with that final statement Wilfred dug deep down into his heart. He knew he was a golem, but the love of his family was more real than anything else in his life and he used that power to push the demon back and take control. With total control he used his flaming twister spell to increase the speed of his body as he rocketed towards Sharon. He landed just before her body taking the brunt of the attack the Hydra was going to do to kill Sharon and his bidy tumbled all across the ground.

“WILFRED!” Sharon screamed as she ran towards him. Wilfred’s body was beyond its limits and he could tell he was starting to fade into unconsciousness.

You bastard…don’t you dare stop now…give me the power to stand.

Why should I Willy? You won’t listen to me. Wilfred was about to retort, but instead stopped and thought about something for a moment. Suddenly he had a burning question he demanded to ask.

Why did you agree to lock your soul inside a golem? The demon half suddenly tensed up before Wilfred could feel energy flow into his body.

Now is not the time…I will grant you all the power I have left Wilfred…let’s just do this thing already! Wilfred slowly rose his body up and he looked towards the Hydra. Sharon stood next to him, about to touch him, but she retracted her hand looking at the beast.

“Come on Wil,” Sharon said lightly. “I want to go home.” Wilfred nodded his head and both of them began to prepare their most powerful spells. Wilfred could see a head of Ice drop off Dark as he stood next to Sharon.

“Ya Wil,” Dark said softly. “I’m with Sharon. I just want to go home.” All three began to chant their own spells, but Wilfred felt the demon half returning to take control.

Trust in me Wilfred, I’m not going to let anything harm your family to the best of my abilities. Wilfred let the demon take control and Wilfred’s throat opened up as if a magical device repaired his sore and destroyed vocal chords. Okay Wilfred, you got one spell. And it’s your turn! Wilfred could feel the energy starting flow and wane at the same time, he had one powerful spell he had yet to cast all battle, and decided now was as good as ever to do it.

“GOD OF THE HEAVENS, LORD OF THE MOUNTAINS, CHARIOTS OF THE SKY FORM ABOVE! MAY THE GOD ZEUS FORGE A POWERFUL BOLT AND LET IT BE LOOSED BY MY BOW! I CALL UPON ALL THE POWER OF THE HEAVENS TO STRIKE A DEATH AS SWIFT AS LIGHTENING! COME AND FORM AT MY FINGERS AND BLAST THIS FOE!” Energy coarsed all around Wilfred until at last he placed palm over palm and released a powerfull spell as lightening as white as snow shot outwards and slammed into the Hydra golem. As the blast hit the beast, it continued to coarse all over the body slamming into each head over and over again. Shiron and Atherian both blinked away from the beast as the lightening coarsed all over. After a moment the ceiling quaked and exploded open as a large blast of lightening struck down onto the Hydra from the heavens it seemed. And the Hydra fell to the ground in exhaustion. The lightening still coarsed all over the bloody carcass making it unable to concentrate upon reviving itself. Atherian dove in and after a few minutes of hectic waiting the beast began to shrink in size.

Wilfred felt his throat close up as he watched the Hydra go back to a smaller form. He fell to the ground next to his kin and promptly could feel the energy in his body give out. Blood exploded from his shoulders and his nose as the magical energy the demon had keeping it in gave out, and Wilfred’s body began to bleed and suffer each wound he had ignored until that moment.

“Eww…” Sharon said breaking the tension, and together with her brother Dark, they began to administer first aid.

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 06:18 PM
The sun of the morning poured into the castle lighting up the halls of every corner, a few shadows casted along the ground by the beams being used to begin repairs upon the giant hole in the castle ceiling that ran down all the way to the training pits. It seemed despite yesterday’s battle that nearly destroyed everything, the blood magi moved on as normal, non-phased by everything going on around them.

Up in the hospital wing were the brothers Waltz along with the Blood Mage warrior Shiron. All three were resting, magical properties and healing spells working to heal major wounds, but good old fashioned rest doing the brunt of the work in healing the three. Wilfred was covered in bandages, but despite the protests of the caretakers, Wilfred had demanded his traditional hat be left on his head. Giving up they allowed it. He spent most of his time with inner thoughts, but he never once tried to talk with his inner demon.

Dark on the other hand was heavily bandaged around his ribs, apparently two or three bones severely broken in the battle. He rested by doing what Sharon claimed he did best; Sleeping and being lazy. Despite the ribs, his body was relatively unharmed. Shiron however was a mess of bandages, rivaling Wilfred’s. He had suffered a concussion in the final throws of the battle, not to mention the numerous bones he had shattered in his arms. It was a miracle and a testament to his warrior spirit he fought on, a trait he just grinned hearing over and over.

Sharon walked in with Joyce every day to check up on them, but Atherian had insisted Sharon continue to train, now under his watchful eye, while her brothers healed. Even though she knew she had nothing to fear, she still needed to learn to stop hesitating. It took her a while, but as she told Wilfred and Dark, she was getting better at fighting and not hesitating as much.

At night when Dark and Shiron were both sound asleep Atherian would walk in and talk with Wilfred, telling him more about the project, but Wilfred only half listened. He already knew what he was about and, all he really wanted to know was why. A question he knew who to ask, but didn’t. He wasn’t scared of his demon half, more he was terrified of the path fate laid out for him. It was on the seventh night, after Atherian had left Wilfred that he decided to ask his questions.

Hey you…demon. Wilfred thought in the deepest parts of his mind.

I do have a name you know, Willy.

My name isn’t Willy, you know. Wilfred thought bitterly. What is your name anyway? We never really did introductions did we? The demon half just laughed softly.

My name is Ghul’avar, and I believe you have a question for me. Wilfred knew it wasn’t a question he asked, he had called out Wilfred to speak his thoughts.

Why did you suddenly change? Why did you let me take control? Ghul’avar sighed deeply before he replied.

You see, several years ago I was a Black Magus Lord, someone who was close to being able to use demon magic. My friends and I all wanted to learn how to cast the spells, and we created the book of Zeus, that tome is my legacy of work. Eventually we came across a person named Mordechi who promised us the power we sought so long for. He had but one condition, and that was to release his child from a demon prison in Haidia. We agreed to it and we ventured to Haidia in order to save this soul. We were so blinded. A noble quest we thought we were undertaking, a journey to save a lost soul. We couldn’t have been so far from the truth. A pack of demons had warned us of our goals, telling us the child was a beast far fouler than anything in the universe. It was progenitor of destruction, and with its malicious nature the demons had sealed him away to protect everyone from the beast.

It wasn’t to be, we didn’t think Demons could be so trustworthy. We broke the seal that imprisoned the child… the child was named Kycoo. That seal that held him in was the Seal of Kycoo… We brought the most destructive Hex Mage ever imaginable to life. The child thanked us by sealing us up in the Seal and taking our souls away. If it were not for the demons I would have been killed as well. Seventy demons were imprisoned inside the Seal of Kycoo, his power growing with every one he imprisoned. He also laced inside his seal the souls of my friends. Two my own kin… Both mages remained silent for minutes as Wilfred let the information sink in.

What happened then? Wilfred wondered aloud.

The demons that saved me were working with a group of people to find a way to destroy Kycoo. During this time Althanas seemed to be in a state of war. The drow and Black Archipelago, Lavinya and the traitor generals, the demon war, even the great prophecy of the End Bringer brought civil war to the Knights of Apocalypse as well. You see, Hex Magi were created as a weapon to defeat demons, but the power they wielded corrupted those who wielded it. Highly respectable warrior’s minds were warped with corruption; it didn’t matter about their previous life. Mordechi created them all to out show his brother Lazarus, and his greatest pride was Kycoo. Not only was Kycoo a powerful Hex Mage, but he was a damned Artificer, as well as a powerful warrior. Based off the success of Kycoo other “families” of Hex Mages were created. The only other example I can think of is the Dahlios family.

So then what is the project then? Wilfred was so close to finding out his heritage that he could taste it upon his lips.

Your family, along with a few other families of well known Magi, had decided upon a way to destroy Kycoo and eliminate the threat of Hex Magi forever. Two great things must be done in order to achive this goal. First off, Kycoo must be killed. The other Mordechi, must die as well. A warrior known as Kai Atari, the Saint of Swords, vowed to kill Mordechi, and has done his own measures to ensure his goal, as for the death of Kycoo…

The demons who saved me granted me the ability to rise to demonhood. I was grateful, and the power that flowed in my veins was strong indeed. But I even knew it was nothing in comparison to Kycoo. I agreed with the demons as well as the families of Mages to place my very essence inside of a construct. I placed my soul inside you Wilfred, just a golem at the time. While I waited for you to die, you Wilfred were supposed to grow in power like a normal Golem would. With your father as the controller and your siblings blessed to be your watchers even before their birth, the seeds were planted. To test to see if the project was on course you and your watchers were stripped of your powers. You were to survive and grow and eventually kill your own controller to prove if the golem could work despite the death of its controller.

I want to know…who made me? Ghul’avar remained quiet before he answered.

I do not remember the name of the family, but it was the Blood Magi. Of that much I am certain. Inside you Wilfred flows the same blood as a hydra golem, but instead of growing larger, you are able to grow more powerful. Your very skin…I am sad to inform you of this, but you must know Wilfred…your very skin is that of Sharon’s and Dark’s beautiful mother. Wilfred closed his eyes, his body feeling so cold.

After you defeat your controller, you are to await death, when your watchers die you are spirit linked to absorb their power, granting you enough power to retain your magical abilities when you yourself cross over. Then after that I am to grant you my power and bring you back to full power so you can go into Haidia and kill Kycoo… That is what the project is Wilfred. It is titled The Black Waltz Project. Black for the magic you control, Waltz for respect of the family that bears the toughest burden of sacrificing their family lineage, and project because, well, we still don’t know if you’ll succeed like we planed. Wilfred remained silent for a moment before he thought softly,

That didn’t exactly answer why you suddenly changed during the battle. Ghul’avar laughed again before he repied.

The way you fought with me, despite the obvious choice, was the same way I fought with the demons who took me away from Kycoo. Your devotion to your loved ones reminded me of why I participated in the project to begin with. Wilfred Waltz, I just want to let you know I am no longer going to interfere with your life. I will be there to watch you, but from now on I am done meddling. My power is yours Wilfred, and I will help you in anyway I can to spend the rest of your life in peace. Wilfred thanked him before he had a sudden thought.

Possession, can you still possess my body after I black out? Can you fight on for me when I no longer can? Can you heal my throat? Wilfred felt a dozen questions fly outwards at him, but Ghul’avar cleared his throat before he silenced Wilfred’s thoughts.

No, no, no, and no. Sorry Willy, but I can’t do any of those things anymore. This was a one time deal for control, and as a man of my word, it was your magic, not mine, that defeated the golem. You win control Wilfred. Enjoy it. Wilfred just sighed and smiled to himself.

Figures…thank you Ghul’avar…and goodbye. Before long Wilfred could feel Ghul’avar’s presence in his mind suddenly dwindle, and after a few minutes, it was gone.

The Black Waltz Project
01-10-08, 06:20 PM
“Thank you again, Atherian, for everything you have done for our family.” Dark said politely. Wilfred nodded and shook the elder Blood Mage’s hand. Shiron was standing next to him grinning as he looked at Dark, and removed the grin as he looked at Wilfred and shook his hand with a sense of awe in his eyes. Shiron turned to Sharon and suddenly his face turned red before he took a deep breath and asked her to step aside with him. Everyone became curious as the two walked out of ears listening distance.

Within a minute Shiron was flat on his back, Sharon walking back towards Dark and Wilfred with a large grin on her face. Dark took a moment before he exploded into a fit of laughter leaning upon his staff for support. Atherian allowed himself a small grin as he patted Sharon on the back before returning to his castle. Wilfred just ruffled his sisters hair before they all walked away towards the edge of the mountains.

“So what now Sharon?” Dark asked casually. “Did you tell him no?”

“Actually I didn’t.” Dark and Wilfred both stopped walking as Sharon continued onwards. “I told him he needed to train a bit more before he could have my heart. Then I decked him to prove my point.” Dark just sighed with Wilfred as they caught up to their sister and began walking again.

“Where to Wil?” Sharon asked as she tossed a flower upon her crown, it igniting in flame as it burned upon her head.

“Ya bro, where to?” Dark asked tugging on his Canine’s of Cerberus. Wilfred looked at them both and then up to the sky before he dropped his head back to earth and shrugged. Both of them began to protest their dis-pleasment as they both punched at Wilfred. He snatched up Sharon and rubbed his hand deep into her hair causing her to squeal in pain. Dark came at him, but Wilfred just pushed him away before running down the hill. Laughing, they chased their brother, just like they would chase him until the ends of the earth.

A journey is defined as a voyage, an adventure into unknown lands for reasons of gain, knowledge, or power. It is on a voyage that one’s character is defined, as his limits are stretched out to near fatal levels. Only the strong usually survive, wiser and more powerful than when they left. For these reasons one will travel around the world to gain what they desire.

For The Black Waltz Project, that journey was just beginning.

01-26-08, 12:02 PM

Continuity - 9
You knew where to take the story and how it relates to the characters. This is particularly easy for a one-writer quest, which you took full advantage of here.

Setting - 7
While very descriptive and effective at times, there were some parts that seemed too passive for a story as action-packed as this. Much of the scenery was placed in passive narration with some very interesting active interaction in the middle parts of the story.

Pacing - 7
Well-told. Asides from several loop-backs between posts, each one flowed smoothly into the other very well.

Writing Style

Mechanics - 6
Be aware of uncommon spelling of seemingly common ones, such as "non-phased" in place of "unphased" or "dis-pleasement" in place of "displeasure". While not overtly gramatically wrong, it does create a cause for concern for people who are unaware of these "uncommon" spelling. Also, watch out for homophones with radically different meaning and spelling, such as "...in the final throes of battle" in contrast to "...final [/i]throws[/i] of battle." If you meant the literal meaning of it, however, it does paint a rather vivid scene. Also be aware of punctuations as well, such as common usage of commas in sentence structures.

Technique - 7
Very good use of literary techniques, even though some of the ones you used were all over the place. The ones that were effective, however, were very much well done.

Clarity - 5
I still have some problems getting a clear picture of what you wanted to relay in certain posts. Much of this comes from long-winded descriptions that end up in massive run-ons, such as the complex fight scenes between Dark and Shiron against the full-grown Blood Hydra. I also attribute some of this to language complexity and sentence structure used, which is somewhat unorthodox to me. And I still can't figure out why Shiron and even Atherian called Dark "Master" in the final bout against the Hydra...


Dialogue - 7
Well done. Not super-superb, though much of the character's personality really shines out in your narration.

Action - 7
I was a bit iffy at how powerful the Waltz family has become, despite having relatively low "level" of experience. I'm willing to let the power issue pass by, as you have shown limitations to each character. Just... don't go around blowing up Super Fortresses anytime soon with a single Lightning Spell...

Persona - 8
You played the Main and Foil bits quite well and really drew out your character's special personalities. Sometimes, though, their erratic behaviors lost me. But overall, it's really not that bad.


Wild Card - 10
I rarely give these out... Ever. But yours take the cake. Love the story, love the character development. Love the Drama!


((Rewards + Spoils))

The Black Waltz receives 2,500 EXP as well as 350 GP gains.

I ecstatically look forward to your next installment of the Black Waltz Saga! Until then!

01-26-08, 01:16 PM
EXP and GP added!

Black Waltz levels up!