View Full Version : Grand Purposes

05-18-06, 07:54 AM
(Grander's Order initiation thread featuring Abbie and Khalxaen)

The landscape of Alerar is simply breathtaking.

While Corone has its bustling metropolis and Raiaera its elegant elven grace, this continent has a rustic and primitive yet stunning feel. It has just as much charm as its two cousins, though perhaps, this one is much more beautiful. The gods sculpted it, the mortals were too scared to touch it, thus making it the last bastion for natural beauty in Althanas. Its mountains are filled with untold danger and yet they are the most imposingly beautiful of their kind in the entire world.

There are many who come to see the sights of Alerar, perhaps in case one day it will all be gone, ruined by the invading humans or the dwarves' endless greed. One man though, cares not for such trivial things as beauty and grace. At least not on things that weren't himself.

His name was Raelyse Salidan, leader of the Grander's Order. And as he stared from his mountain fortress of Erebus onto the imposing landscape of Alerar, there was one thing on his mind. The Dwarven mines. Fuck all that stuff about beauty and untold natural splendor, beneath that facade laid the best profit possible on Althanas. Gold, Silver, Damascus, Ore... Whatever. It was all simply there for the taking. All he needed to do was take it.

"Casiba," he said slowly. Instantly the door to his quarters flew open and a short, blonde haired soldier strode towards his leader, bending down on one knee, his head angled towards the ground as if he was not worthy to be in the presence of such a man.

And to the man, he was not. For the moment though, he would be elevated to the point where he deserved to divulge information.

"Progress report on Gold Digger prologue."

The code speak revealed a long line of information that perhaps only the two understood but there was a basic gist. It was going well. Raelyse's lips curled into a smile, but his attention was still firmly on the mountains that seemed to stare at him from beyond his window.

"But Sir... it appears that we do not have enough..."

A word was whispered and for a second, the superior turned around, appearing to lose his ice cool composure. It was quickly regained though and he turned to the landscape with a confident smirk across his face.

"You know what to do then," he said slowly. "Furs Yeria."

Casiba nodded slowly and began to rise, but was suddenly shocked when Raelyse turned around, flashing that wide, confident smirk to his subordinate.


05-18-06, 09:57 AM
It had happened again, Khalxaen Spirits found herself in a land she had never seen before. It was so easy to just go from town to town, but every new sight she saw never ceased to amaze her more than the previous. “Etheria Port…” Khalxaen whispered under her breath as she squinted her eyes to read a sign. It had the writings of several languages, and she had to scan over it to find one she could understand. Not like she needed to, of course, even though she’d never been there before, she still knew where she was going.

Etheria Port was bustling with different kinds of people, and Khalxaen looked around. Most of them seemed very mysterious, hidden beneath cloaks that hid their faces. Those who had exposed faces did them no good, as they had expressions that could intimidate just about anyone. Not for Khalxaen, though—she didn’t care.

The reason she liked traveling to different places were because she loved the excitement, and she couldn’t resist getting into adventures. Most of all, she loved the rewards—wealth. Yes, Khalxaen was a greedy as she could get.

She seemed so out of place as a short elf-looking creature walking in-between antagonistic figures. Something in her wanted to ask just what job she could do to get some money, but nobody seemed to be interested in her inquiry. Crossing her arms, she pouted and sat down on a wooden crate. This was so frustrating for her as people looked at her as they passed, wondering what a girl would be doing in such a place.

“Please, please… I need some work, I need money.” She mumbled under her breath even though she knew nobody could probably hear her, or at the most even care about her woes. “Damn unsympathetic people…”