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01-12-08, 01:07 AM
This is for level 3 because I seem to have skipped level 2 updates. Whoops.

Name: Eltarri Jordel
Age: 18
Race: Human/ (Dark) Elven
Hair Color: Dark brown
Eye Color: Amber
Height: 5.5
Weight: 120

Occupation: No job, but she's trying to find someone who can save her mother. See History if you really care.

Personality: Having weathered a fair share of harrowing experiences, Eltarri is more resilient to the strange and frightening surprises of the surface world and is less likely to behave like a kid at a carnival when caught off guard. She presents an artificial façade of untouchable self-possession and does a rather pathetic job of trying to make herself seem older, wiser, and more experienced than she actually is. She is cheery enough in public, but most of the times her outward amiability is used to hide the guilt and lack of self-confidence that truly define her character.

Appearance: Short and slight of build with a slightly larger-than-average head and pointed but not enlarged Elven ears. Eyes are slanted and large, mostly filled with ocher irises that make her as easy to read as an open book. Dark waist-length hair is worn tied back in a low ponytail, and long bangs are used to hide her somewhat unusual eyes. Eltarri now has four small mythril hoop earrings, three in her right ear and one on her left. She also has a vertical brand of a dagger on the back of her neck, usually hidden by the collar of her jacket or her hair.

Clothing: Maroon and black color scheme of red gauntlets, black calf-high, turn-down boots, black belt, red sleeveless bodice and black form-fitting pants, black jacket with wide sleeves that only reach her elbows. Has a red harness strapped across her chest and around her waist for carrying her scabbard-less sword on her back. Though not always worn, Eltarri has a hooded floor-length black cloak that has a slit in the back for her scabbard. She also owns black gloves that she wears on rare occasions. Both are moderately fireproof.

Skills: Can wield massive sword, but only in defense for now. Due to unwanted practice and wanted training, she now has a growing ability in offensive fighting to accompany her bracers' defense. She’s Pitiful offensively and Surprisingly Good defensively while wearing the bracers. Without them she’s Awful.
Though she is not aware of any growing capacity for magic, the older she gets, the more resistant to magical attacks she becomes. Coupled with her strong-willed nature, she is also resistant to mental attacks and telepathic intrusions. Charm spells, mind-control, and attempts at unspoken suggestion are reduced in likelihood of success by about 10% at present level. (Level 1: reduced 20%)(Level 3: reduced 35%)
Magic attacks are more likely not to work when used against her, and there's about a 5% chance that any spell or rune or magic-using attack will completely fail. (At level 1, this is a 10% chance) (Level 3: 30%)
Magic attacks that hit are reduced in damage by 15%. Natural defenses do not apply when opponent is a magic-wielder at level 4 or above.(Level 1: Spells are reduced 20%) (Level 3: Spells are reduced 35%)

Backpack: Filled with basic survival supplies, this is an easily-replacable tool that is used to make traveling life a tad easier. It contains only a limited supply of basic camping gear that she uses only when forced to sleep outside. (dried food, paring knife, flint and tinder that she doesn't know how to use, soap, a few strips of linen for bandages, and a water flask)

Black iron broadsword: Composed of a four by one foot blade and a red leather foot-long hilt, the sword was made with the capacity to hurt a dragon. It was enchanted to be extremely heavy and even her father had to use the bracers that were created with it in order to pick it up. Both edges of the sword are sharp, but one side is sharper than the other and is curved towards the other edge like a butcher’s knife.

Magical bracers: Though made of the same dyed leather as the hilt of the sword and unimpressive in appearance, the bracers are enchanted to work with their wearer and the bearer of the sword. Practically useless in defense, the bracers are able to manipulate the weight of the sword only for the carrier, so that even though the blade seems to only weight a few pounds to Eltarri, it still packs a mean punch when swung at someone else. Enchanted to protect, the bracers control the arms and hands of their wearer, guiding him or her into a position that they deem the most effective against the approaching danger. They also held fortify the wearer for the hit, bracing her to be able to withstand more powerful hits without being knocked aside as easily as her size and actual competence would normally allow. The bracers will protect anyone who wears them, but they can only work in conjunction with the sword. That being said, they will work to defend the wearer whenever the sword is in contact with the wearer’s body. That being said, if the sword is sheathed and someone swings an axe at Eltarri, the bracers will move at an ungodly speed to draw the sword and have it ready to defend. On the other hand, they do not defend by precognition or ESP. They inexplicably (hey, it’s magic) sense attacks as they are being launched and act with sufficient speed to intercept.

History:A human Dragon-Warrior by the name of Halek Manne once served his country by caring for the dragons therein; either destroying the evil ones or protecting the benign. One day, upon travelling through an elven village in search of a wayward wyvern, he glimpsed and immediately fell in love with a Light Elven noble by the name of Treya Jordel.
Being human, his attempts to win her as a bride failed, denied by her family, who wanted to keep their bloodline pure. Overcome by love, he went to a sorceress, who agreed to transform him into an elf so that he could marry his beloved. The sorceress,however, was evil, and only did it because she was madly in love with him herself. Halek had known this and had rather stupidly tried to trick her into tranforming him gratis, hinting at possible romance after his current "mission" was complete.
So Halek went and married the elf, posing as the rich son of an elven merchant. The evil sorceress caught wind of Halek's deception and, in a much-regretted explosion of rage, transported him to an alternate shadow plane (she didn't even know which one) and converted Treya and the infant Eltarri to darkness. This was both an external change and an internal one, the latter being an almost disease-like spell that clouds judgment, inhibits self-control, augments negative attitudes, and heightens levels of aggression while boosting physical and magical strength.
Treya, once a high elf, was forced to leave her family and move underground as her family now rejected her for her red eyes and dark skin. She spent her life fighting the evil that the spell cast into her soul, training her daughter to also withstand the instinctive evil that the sorceress had placed in them. But the fight for control proved too much for the strong-willed Treya, and as she daily lost ground to the virus-like darkness, she knew that she couldn't risk loosing herself on the world.
Eltarri was sixteen when her mother imprisoned herself inextricably in the bowels of the mountains before the evil inside her overwhelmed her. Her mother's last mandate was to stay in the cave, but she instead took the only mementos of her father that she had and now carries the huge sword strapped to her back with the help of the magical bracers that enable her to wield the massive and enchantedly heavy weapon. Without them, the slight girl would never be able to even lift the sword, but with the bracers she is even able to survive, the bracers instructing her body as needed to defend herself.
Eltarri does not wield magic, since her mother thought it would be too much of a risk to teach her to use her inherited power. Though she never told Eltarri, Treya feared that it was the usage of magic that allowed the darkness to take such a firm hold in her, and so she prevented Eltarri from awakening her gift in order to keep her from accidentally setting off the spell. With the spell lying dormant within her, Eltarri searches for a cure, desparate to save her mother and herself.
After a series of events on the island of Scara Brae that left Eltarri deaf but for the aid of magical earrings that restored her hearing, Eltarri departed with the intention to not come back unless she had found a way to save her mother. Less naive and more bitter than she had been at the start of her journey, Eltarri despairs of ever finding a way to save her mother and has started to question the values and convictions that used to motivate of her actions. Still somewhat haughty, cynicism is starting to find its way more and more into her mindset towards life. Though she still hopes to save her mother, she's lost most of the passion that drove her so incessantly before.
Undead assailants seem to be a theme in the next chapter of Eltarri’s life. Vampires and undead bears in Raiaera, zombies and vampires in Salvar, undead kittens in Fallien . . . just kidding; she hasn’t been to Fallien. Eltarri has journeyed far and wide and participated in events that have changed her perspective on her own life’s mission. Saving her mother has become a theme of her life, a backburner guilt-trip that nags at her when she’s feeling particularly broody. She’s periodically lets herself enjoy the wandering life, and choosing her next destination doesn’t always depend on rumors of powerful wizards.

01-12-08, 08:36 AM