View Full Version : The Souless & The Heartless ((Closed to Legion))

Rogue Virus
01-12-08, 03:05 PM
The dusk and darkness was more of a welcome to Felicity than any other part of the day. In another life, she probably could have assumed she lived as a vampire. Living as a vampire now wouldn't have been that bad. Her own past was beyond her, something she had no recollection of, and it just made her wonder what she really was like. Perhaps that was why she acquainted herself so well with the darkness. In the darkness, no one could see who Felicity was, and Felicity didn't have to become anything in particular. The darkness provided shadows, and shadows were tricky, sly... masks. How fitting.

Fighting in the Citadel was something that Felicity was still getting used to, but she enjoyed it because it meant she was in her own element. Her own element was always secluded, dark, and intimidating to some point. Somewhere that had an edge to it. And in this case, her element really did have an edge. A cliff edge. Below the cliff was the loud crashing of waves against the rocks. The sun's tip was just shining over the horizon, and all Felicity could do was watch it. Soon the moon would take its place, though that wasn't the only light that would be shining against her and her opponent, whoever he or she was. Away from the ocean, away from the cliff, there was what looked like a baseball diamond. However, it was lit with massive torches that stood a good 30 or 40 feet in the air. Outside of the torches and diamond was field, and it only got darker as one would leave the diamond.

Felicity stared out over the water, curious about the coming opponent. Man? Woman? Animal? She never knew. It was impossible to know what to expect anymore. All she could do was wait and wonder. Though, being the first one on the grounds, she had the ability to check everything out. For example, she knew that the darkness eventually turned into exactly that. No sky, no ground... just black, and it was something she wasn't sure she'd like to get too close to. As well, the steel poles that held the torches were completely immobile. If she wanted to smack her opponent into one, it wouldn't fall. Or, at least, it could withstand a few hundred pounds. Hopefully whomever she was fighting would be much more than that. The young woman sighed and bit her bottom lip as she stared at the sun disappearing. The moon, did in fact, quickly take its place, and she waited patiently for the fight that would come.

01-12-08, 03:38 PM
Legion sat as his fire outside the Citadel, watching the flames and thinking of home. Distrupting his thoughts, as always were the thousand plus voices, all whispering the same thing. Enter the Citadel. Battle the woman. Sieze her untapped power. The voices repeated. If Legion hadn't spent the last eternity hearing the endless screams of tortured souls it would have driven him mad.

A chill breeze drifted through the air, along with the scent of the ocean. Sitting in a concealed part of the woods neighboring the citadel, Legion didn't even flinch at the crisp wind. After all, hellfire flowed through his veins, even if he couldn't weild it yet. Leaning back, he streched his arms and wings at full length, and upon felling his back pop, he sighed with relief.

A twig behind him broke, and within the next few seconds, the flame was out and Legion found himself running at full speed through the forest. Ahead of him he could see what it was he was chasing. A deer, bounding around trees trying to escape. He himself didn't go around the small trees. He just collided with them, breaking them down. He was gaining. As he neared, he unsheathed his broadsword he kept on his back, under his wings, and prepaired to strike. The blow landed, and the animal fell.

A few minutes later, Legion found himself entering the Citadel region that he was sent to, carring the full grown headless form of the deer in his right hand. He was standing on the edge of a roughlr diamond-shaped field. It was even darker here than it was outside, though torched set on sturdy pikes littered the area, lighting it up far better than his campfire could have.

Perhaps I am early? She is supposed to be here. Legion thought, bringing his sword out of it's place, plunging it into the ground. I will wait. the demon thought, bringing the deer to his mouth, biting a huge chunk out of it's side. He chewed as blood ran down is chin, then his body.

Rogue Virus
01-13-08, 04:01 PM
That ever familiar pop rang in Felicity's ears; her opponent had arrived. She inhaled deeply, slowly releasing the breath as she watched the last few waves crash against the very cliff she stood upon. There was always that sense of slight fear that jolted through her before she faced her opponent, whoever or whatever it was. As the young girl slowly turned, knowing she came here to fight and had to do so eventually, a rather large figure caught her attention. And it was... eating something? Felicity's brow perked curiously and she took a few steps forward, only seeing shadows of what was actually in front of her. Nearing the patch of dirt and grass, Felicity saw what looked like a totally mutilated, headless body of a deer. And it was being eaten by... whatever the hell she was going to fight.

A mix of disgust, horror, and amazement formed onto her facial features. This was not a good sign for her. Why in hell would the monks place her with something like... this?! Then again, he had to have quite a few weaknesses on his side if he were paired with her, weaknesses that hadn't yet been perfected, weaknesses that Felicity could find and use to her advantage. Even standing 20 feet or so away from the demon-looking creature, she already concluded in her head that this was about how far she always wanted to be from him. He was just about her height sitting down and there were muscles bulging from every part of him. Given, size didn't always mean everything, and one couldn't judge a book by its cover, but as of a now, drawing conclusions in her head was getting the best of her.

Felicity wanted to say something, to start their battle, but though her mouth opened, words just wouldn't come. She felt as if she interrupted his... meal, he might be even more pissed than he would be regardless. She wasn't really scared of this thing, but the sudden shock kind of threw her back. Felicity wasn't used to seeing creatures like this, let alone actually battling them. Well, she had to face him sooner or later.

01-13-08, 05:50 PM
Bones and gristle. Thought Legion, taking one last look at his finished meal before tossing it aside. Bad thing about wild animals. They never eat as much as tended livestock, and most of the time are finished in about 3 of his bites. He had always been a fan of steak, though he imagined there would be few places in this world that would let the demon enter for a meal.

Finding some bits of flesh caught between his teeth with his tongue, Legion bent down to the carcass of the beast he just consumed. There was little left of the animal, just mostly intestines mixed with soggy, red skin covering the skeletal frame. He reached for a small rib with both hands and broke it half way, and stood, using it as a toothpick. With his other hand, he pulled his blade and pulled it behind him, creating a groove in the soil.

Legion walked around the small field, beginning at the entranceway from the Citadel, headed for a small path leading to the sounds of waves. Water doesn't hurt the demon, but he doesn't like it either. He remembered travelling to Althanas. He landed right in the middle of a lake. Had to walk along the bottom, holding his breath. Not a pleasant affair. The demon thought, while glowing yellow eyes scanning the battlefield. Where the hell is she?

Rogue Virus
01-13-08, 06:41 PM
When the demon stood, Felicity could see the full height of the creature. He towered over her easily, and it was something that could almost be used to her advantage. Larger creatures were usually slower moving, and Felicity was not a slow-moving individual. She reacted quickly, so it benefited her. Slightly. Though, she noticed the broadsword on his neck. They shared the same weapon. That wasn't good - broadswords could be a scary weapon, and though she wielded two herself, she didn't like them coming at her. Wonderful, she thought. Hopefully there wasn't much else to this creature. Well, in all actuality, there couldn't have been much more to him, or else he would not have been a suitable fighter for her. Pairing a human at her level with the likes of her opponent just seemed unfair. Either someone messed up, or this was one hell of a test. ... It was almost annoying.

The demon had turned to face the field again, from where he originally stared out over the cliff. Felicity closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She rubbed her forehead and hoped for the best, the best being to just stay in one piece and not lose any limbs. Though not fully by choice, her legs carried her to direct line of sight with the abrasive creature. Oh, he was uglier face to face, even if face to face was plenty of feet away from one another. With a slick screeching, Felicity reached back and removed her broadswords from their sheaths. She held them on either side of her, staring intently at her opponent.

"Demon," she said quietly, barely above the sound of the crashing waves.

01-13-08, 07:04 PM
Legion watched with quiet amusment as he witnessed a frail-looking woman walk out of hiding, right in front of him. Just as he thought the woman would be, small. "Demon." the woman said. Was she acting on a level of intelligence that the demon placed all humanity on, or was this some sort of greeting? The voices of the souls told him the latter.

"Demon," laughed Legion, once again plunging his sword into the ground, "as if you know the true meaning of the word. Let it not strain your mind too much. I am Legion, for we are many." Legion has always introduced himself in this way, ever since the possession. Even in the ground, the blade stood almost as high as the woman herself.

Looking her over fully for the first time, he assessed the strength of her blades. Steel, and fashioned in the same was as his, though smaller. "Why have you come to face me? I am bigger, stronger, and probably faster. The minds of the Legion that live in me have told me to come to evaluate your power, but why are you here?" He almost had to shout. The wind was increasing and the waves were slamming against the cliff harder and harder.

Rogue Virus
01-13-08, 07:56 PM
In his favor, this was the most conversation she had ever had with one of her opponents. In this current situation, Felicity didn't mind at all. Many she met were so turned off by too much talk, but it was one of the best ways to learn a lot more about the opponent. Or so she thought. Felicity's gaze fell to the broadsword sticking out of the tough ground. It was large, and Felicity could see this much easier. Fighting this creature wasn't going to be an simple task in the least. He spoke with an aristocratic tone, and Felicity could feel the nerves twinge in her body. For a moment, she actually forgot about his physical features.

"You have come to face me. Do not forget it," she growled. Though, her growl was nothing next to his. And what the hell did he mean the minds of the Legion? The minds that lived within him? The prospect of this large demon being mental would have been nice, but Felicity was sure that wasn't the case. "Why I am here is of my own knowledge. The voices in your heard can evaluate me all they wish."

01-13-08, 08:28 PM
"You have come to face me. Do not forget it. Why I am here is of my own knowledge. The voices in your heard can evaluate me all they wish." The woman scowled. Hardly an intimidating gesture on her part, Legion thought. What did she know about what she was getting into.

"I didn't come by choice, young human." Legion said, pulling up his sword and hoisting the blade up on his shoulder. "The Citadel staff placed you into battle with someone else. They'll find his body later in the woods. All I had to do was show the men outside this slip of paper, and they let me in." Legion brought up the object, a Citadel permission to battle card. Filled out for this time and day in the Oceanside Field room.

"The strange part about this is," continued the demon, "is that I'm not from here. I didn't know about this place, or you. My belief is that one or more of the thousand souls inside me knows you." Legion widened his eyes to the fullest. "They told me what to do, where to go, and who to find. It is they who told me to evaluate you, and I shall."

With that, Legion shrugged the shoulder his sword rested on. With that action, the blade scraped against his iron-like skin. As sparks flew off of him and danced accross his skin and blades, he laughed. With the handle of his sword firmly held in both hands, be prepared to strike.