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View Full Version : Godhand Level 5

01-16-08, 06:38 PM
((Updated are in bold. I also screwed around with Atlas' strength to reflect the new material system.))

Name: Godhand Striker ((May or may not be real name.))

Age: 35

Hair Color: Silver

Eye Color: Crimson

Height/Weight: 6'2, 205 pounds

Occupation: ((Currently unemployed, as he has become more selective of his mercenary work. If anyone asks, he proclaims himself a wine collector and enthusiast.))

Appearance: Godhand has a rather ominous look about him. His gaze is relentless and most weak-willed find it unnerving. His body is well sculpted and powerful, but occasionally marred by stabbing and bullet scars. By far the most prominent of these is the violent-looking tear over the right side of his abdomen. Normally his entire body is concealed in coats of various makes and sizes, with his protective blast-suit recently figuring rather consistently. When wearing a business suit however, he oozes a peculiar charm no doubt acquired during his tenure a Mafia soldier.

Personality: Godhand takes things as easily as he can. As a youth he was willing to go toe-to-toe with some of the most savage fighters there were, ready to fight at the first sign (real or imagined) of disrespect. However, years of bad injuries, brutal beatings and disastrous ambushes have taught him not to take himself or the world around him too seriously. Most psychoanalysts would accuse him of being afflicted with all manner of neuroses, which is why he’s never put much stock in psychology. People barely know or understand themselves; how are they supposed to help you understand you?

A hard life has left him wounded and world-weary, and he silently wishes for death. However, when confronted with someone that is openly brooding or suicidal he’s quick to request that they “man up and quit being such a pussy about things.”


((This was pathetic and truly some of my worst work. I’d like to delete this history from the…What? The canon? Well whatever it was, since I never mentioned his early history in a thread before just assume it never happened. I’ll hash out in a solo later.))


Godhand can now leap 40 feet into the air; 45 if he has a running start.

Expert Swordsmanship.

Skilled Marksmanship.

Godhand is a master of Shaolin, Long Fist, and Iron Fist.

Colossus Strength: Godhand now has the ability to lift a maximum of up to 9001 pounds. He can also snap Mythril and bend Titanium. (Albeit not without some difficulty.)

Increased attributes: As a result of his exhaustive physical training, Godhand's speed and reaction time have been upgraded to about twice that of the average human.

Weapons Training0: Godhand gains great skill for any weapon he's possessed for three or more levels. This ability works retroactively.

Wendigo Immunity: Due to Godhand's peculiar biological make-up, he has developed an immunity to any form of skill absorbing attack. None of the swordsman's abilites may be assimilated in any way, shape, or form unless the exchange is done willingly on his part.

Wall Run: As a result of his extensive martial arts training, Godhand has discovered that he has the ability to focus himself and achieve extraordinary results. The first application he has uncovered is one which effectively frees him from gravity's effects. It allows him to run at full speed on a vertical surface for 40 feet.

Note: Due to his inexperience with the nature of this focused state, the swordsman must also employ his body's physical prowess to it's fullest. He is unable to walk on a vertical surface; it must be a run or he'll simply fall.

Obtained From Quest:

Pheromone Aura: During the events of Something Wicked This Way Comes, Godhand was forced to spend a large amount of time in close proximity to an enormous concentration of lustful Moontae Succubi. As a result of the density and unrelenting tide of pheromones, much of the chemical managed to literally get under his skin. As a result, when members of the opposite sex are in proximity to Godhand they are irresistibly drawn to him. The lower the other character’s level, the stronger the effects with a female of level four already enthralled by him fairly intensely. As of the moment he has no idea he possesses this skill. It is passive and constantly in effect.

Call me J
01-16-08, 06:40 PM

Though I'm disappointed to see he no longer lives in the wild and windy night.