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01-17-08, 01:08 PM

Name: Freiherr Djakara Fraye
Age: 16
Race: Unnamed
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Black
Height: 5’10”
Weight: 166 lbs, but will fluctuate


Personality: Djakara is generally quiet, but this is more because he wants everything he says to be substantial than out of any sense of shyness. He tends to be dispassionate and unemotional. In general, he is not particularly swayed by morality, though this is more because of his cynicism than because of an inability to understand moral concepts.

In terms of his humor, Djakara tends to enjoy black humor. In the few cases where Djakara does tend to display visible emotion, his emotions are often seen as inappropriate given the setting.

Appearance: Djakara is fairly well built. His skin is naturally tanned, but he looks pale as if he has been denied access to the sun. Upon first glance he might be mistaken for a vampire, though such an impression would seem particularly unlikely after a bit of inspection. Generally, Djakara gives off the impression of a callow youth drafted into an army, now confused and separated from his regiment.

Accent: Djakara has an accent when he speaks, one that would give the impression that he had spent a substantial point of his life in Anebrilith.


Racial and planet history: Though Djakara himself was born on another planet, his people originated on Althanas and share a common ancestor with the Raiaeran elves. However, in the first few years Minya Coronari, there was a split between the ancestors of the current High Elves and those that would leave Althanas. The controversy was primarily over involvement with other races and whether or not the elves should take to sea. Djakara’s people were both particularly open to interracial marriage and felt like they could not resist the call of the sea. However, the debate was never settled, as the seafaring elves found themselves lost at sea. Despite what the little history regarding these seafaring elves would suggest, this was not the case. The ship was kidnapped by a sterile space traveling species that had evolved from cats.

Along with the females of this feline race who had avoided the sterility of their male counterparts, the seafaring elves eventually helped to repopulate their planet. It eventually gave rise to a race that was part elf and part feline, though after generations, the race more began to resemble humans than either of the other two species. For centuries, this new race thrived, forming numerous administrative states and renaming their planet Feraiaera and themselves Feraiaerans.

These Feraiaerans lived in prosperity for a number of years. They were a relatively advanced race, capable of limited travel into neighboring solar systems. However, Althanas was the only planet they ever found. There were generations of prosperity and generations of warfare among the city states, though over time the city states began to grow increasingly large in size and increasingly dictatorial. Eventually there were only two states left: the Republic and the Aristocracy. Though they claimed to have different principles, in truth there was more similarity between the states than differences, in both states the rich got richer as the poor got poorer and the police grew increasingly powerful. For a few years, the two states managed to live in relative peace, with only a few minor crises, but soon enough there was all out war. Fifteen years later, there were less than one hundred people left.

Personal history: It was a common cliché in Feraiaera to claim that you couldn’t remember how the Great War had started, but Djakara didn’t believe it to be true. After all, he hadn’t even been born when the war had started, and he could remember the circumstances under which the two mighty states that made up his planet had gone to war. He had seen the soldiers marching down the streets in processions for his entire life, and had even remembered a time where he had envied the young men and women going off to war. They were going to bring the principles of his Republic to the rest of Feraiaera, and there had been such electricity in the air at the time, that for once in their lives, all of the planet would be united under the Ethical Law.

Now, the Ethical Law itself had been reduced to garbage. It had been a gradual process. First, the Ethical Law no longer applied to people who had lived in the Aristocracy, then to those who had failed to grow victory gardens, then to women and children until eventually, the Ethical Law applied to no one at all. Djakara remembered the day. He was eleven and there had been great cheering. The Republic had managed a substantial victory and people sang in praise of Citizen Gewron who seemed only days away from uniting the planet under the Ethical Law.

It was in these days that protests had increased, and that these protests had been met with increasing repression by the authorities. Djakara was too young to have been involved himself, but the Frayes were particularly noteworthy intellectuals. Unlike many of the Republic’s lesser citizens, they had no option to even feign neutrality. Djakara remembered the day that they were killed, but only sparsely. He remembered being not allowed to attend his parents funeral, and that his grandmother had even advised against there being one, lest those who paid their respects be labeled as enemies of the Republic.

The protests were eventually quelled not by repression but by Republic success on the battlefield. However as the Aristocracy grew more desperate, they had begun to use increasingly destructive weapons, techtonic bombs capable of decimating entire cities. Eventually, the war ended, not because of a peace treaty but there was no one left to fight it. The Ethical Law was rendered obsolete, and Djakara couldn’t help but to notice the irony.

In lieu of order, bandits ruled the streets. Allegedly, the Republic still existed, but its influence was limited to a few coastal cities. Djakara refrained from joining any of the bandit groups or the Republic Militias that would occasionally pop up, more because he valued his survival than because of any residual indoctrination of the Ethical Law. Djakara himself relied on his grandmother, and his family’s connections in order to see him through.

Life was still hard for Djakara. It wasn’t as much that pollution now blocked sunlight from ever reaching the ground or that most of the land had been reduced to infertile sand, but the fact that there was no hope for it ever getting better. Djakara had grown up dreaming to one day walk freely in the land of the Aristocracy, he found it hard to swallow that he could not even wander outside without a gasmask.

Three weeks after his fifteenth birthday, Djakara heard about a spacial rift that had emerged in a nearby town called Dystopia. The stories were plausible, Dystopia had suffered the effects of the war between the Republic and the Aristocracy more than any other area. The battle of Water’s Edge had been fought in Dystopia, the only battle that had employed both temporal and spacial weaponry. Though his grandmother forbade him to, Djakara left, packing up the few belongings he could legitimately call his own.

Djakara had decided, one way or another, that he was going to see a sunrise. It was one of the few memories from his childhood that Djakara had a fond recollection of. That made it all the more precious.

In the process of escaping to Althanas, Djakara experienced an accident that accelerated the natural magical proclivity that all of his people had due to their Raiaeran elf ancestry. Djakara found that he had considerable power when controlling electrons, and has used this to develop skills and a high powered offense that resembles lightning magic.

Once Djakara arrived on Althanas, he was provided with what he considered a once in a lifetime opportunity. After discovering an important secret about High Graf Schynius of Alerar, he turned it into a position as a Freiherr.


Retrieval: Djakara is capable of projecting his consciousness into different dimensions, through his ability to modify electricity. Doing this allows him to potentially gain information that will help him in Althanas. However, he does not know for certain if he will be successful in getting the information he seeks and it is unlikely that he will be able to retrieve any information that would not be of particular note in these other dimensions. As a practice, information about other player characters will not be discovered, and under circumstance that it is, it will only be obtained with advanced permission.

Sparks Flux: Djakara is capable of exciting electrons in the air in order to create sparks. For the most part, Djakara is not capable of creating sparks that are all that much more dangerous than a light shock that would cause a momentary stun. Djakara’s favorite Fluxes are listed below.
Sliding Flux: This is when Djakara compromises in the strength of the sparks in order to gain enough of a spread that he can escape from close quarters.
Capacity Flux: This is when Djakara uses his ability to create sparks to light up dark areas. He sacrifices the limited offensive capacity of his sparks in favor of light.
Power Flux: This is when Djakara concentrates the totality of his sparks in one area. This ability is very difficult for Djakara to aim, and at this point where it would land is mostly just random.

Electron Blitz: Djakara refers to his abilities that turn his electricity into projectiles as Blitzes. His favorite Blitzes are listed below.
Thunderball Blitz: This Blitz is a simple projectile the size of a tennis ball that Djakara can throw. It causes minor damage if it lands, but nothing that couldn’t be shaken off in a battle. However, the Thunderball Blitz obeys Djakara as it moves through the air.
Brigs Blitz: This Blitz is a more ferocious projectile than the Thunderball, larger and capable of doing enough damage for a fatality if it scores a direct hit. Unlike the Thunderball Blitz, the Brigs Blitz can not be controlled.
Screen Blitz: Djakara creates two Thunderball Blitzes that hover around him for defense.

Lightning Thrust: These spells have considerable power, but they require there to be contact between both the victim and Djakara. His favorite Thrusts are listed below.
Takedown Thrust: Djakara’s hands become imbued with electricity, creating an electro magnetic force that forces others to fly off into the air at speeds of up to seventeen mph. Djakara suffers from this himself, and is knocked to the ground with enough force to possibly break a bone if he lands incorrectly.
Blitz Thrust: This ability combines the best aspects of the Thrust’s power with the Blitz’s ability to project. Djakara knocks back his bow as if firing an arrow, and soon the arrow is imbued with electric energy forceful enough to cause paralysis, though most effected will escape with lesser injuries.
Reproach Thrust: This thrust imbues Djakara’s spear-scythe with sufficient electric energy to cause paralysis, though most effected will escape with lesser injuries.

Blizzard Screen: Djakara uses his abilities to create electric screens that provide him with some defense. His favorite screens are listed below.
Half Screen: This ability allows Djakara to create a mobile screen the size of a tower shield.
Hurricane Screen: This ability allows Djakara to create a small storm around him that lasts for up to a minute. The storm is penetrable by metal projectiles, but super effective against most other things. The screen is set around and above Djakara, two feet from his body. Longer swords may penetrate through, but at risk of electrocution to their users.
Body Screen: This screen creates a thin but powerful coat of electricity around Djakara’s body. He can create enough electricity around his body so someone touching it directly or with a weapon that conducts electricity would be fatally electrocuted, but in this case, the ability would take 30 seconds to charge and only last 30 seconds. A screen that only causes a light shock to an opponent could be turned on only instantly, and would last for a half hour.

Minimal defensive skills: Djakara is competent with the spear-scythe, and not completely helpless without the weapon. Djakara stands an above average chance against a layman or woman, but is unlikely to strike fear into anyone who prides him or herself on her confidence.

Racial abilities: Though Djakara does not look any different from a human, he has certain elven and feline qualities. The most noteworthy of these are an uncanny ability to land with minimal damage after large falls and a heightened intellect that allows him to concentrate on multiple tasks at one time. He has also found that his reflexes are far superior to that of the average Althanian, as he is capable of acting almost immediately after either a conscious thought or subconscious impulse.


Spear-scythe: This weapon may seem a bit strange, but what it lacks in convention the spear-scythe makes up for in efficiency. The weapon is mostly made of a four foot polycarbon shaft that is roughly the strength of iron. Molded handles are on both edges of the shaft. Weapons extend from both ends. One end has an oak spike, while the other end has a sharp steel spike.

Heartplate: The heartplate is a steel triangle that is roughly big enough to cover the area of Djakara’s heart. Djakara wears it over his tunic and it is strapped in place by leather.

Survival kit: Djakara is equipped with a three extra tunics and pairs of britches, as well as various other items he would need for hygiene, such as a razor and soap.

Liviol and Bone composite recurve bow- A bow, not particularly interesting other than it once belonged to a vampire (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=3631&page=5) who had attacked Underwood.

01-17-08, 04:19 PM
Looks reasonable. You are approved. Welcome to the next level.