View Full Version : Martial arts training

Dallas Texas
01-19-08, 10:49 AM
I was struck by the grim realization as soon as I got here that I had no weapons and no skills other than writing. I knew that that was not going to be enough to get by. Not even close. I needed some training. I tried thinking back to the posts I had read in the bazaar. Nothing came to mind. After a bit of thinking, I decided to head into the weapons shop. Hopefully, someone there could tell me where I could learn to defend myself.

Moonlit Raven
01-21-08, 07:09 AM
With the chiming of the front door's bell Rashid looked up with what passed for a pleasant smile. It had the unfortunate effect of displaying a mouth full of yellowing teeth, black gaps where a few were missing and set his face in unattractive lines. The two-day stubble covering his lower face did little to hide or soften his face. Hurrying out from behind the counter Rashid bowed to his newest customer.

"Ah, good day my dear customer. I am Rashid. What can I help you find this glorious day?" Comfortably folding his hands on the soft, bulging fat of his stomach Rashid smiled once more at his customer.

Dallas Texas
01-21-08, 08:47 AM
I really hadn't expected too much out of the shopkeep, lookwise. but this was rediculous. Still, who was I to complain. I just needed somebody to help me out.

"I am new here and I would like to learn to defend myself. I would really appreciate it if you could tell me where I can find some place that could train me in the ways of combat. I'm thinking that I should likely just go for self defense and martial arts training right now, because I have no clue how much it will cost, and I don't feel like buying a weapon and then not being able to learn how to use it, you know?"

Moonlit Raven
01-21-08, 09:32 AM
Rashid's smile slipped a notch or two, after a moment he recovered.

"Of course dear sir. There is a temple in this wonderful city in which battles are held all of the time. The Ai'brone, the monks that run the temple, have magics that can revive the dead and heal all wounds within the limits of their walls. Go there and wait for a opponent to enter the arena." Rashid beckoned for the younger man to follow him. Outside he pointed to a stone building that towered over all other buildings.

"To fight costs nothing but pride, blood and pain." Rashid's face twisted as he thought of the potential profits to be gained in the Citadel and sighed.

"Is that all sir? Most people walk about carrying blades of some sort or they use magics. So be wary. Armor, even thin armor would be of assistance to you."

Dallas Texas
01-21-08, 11:02 AM
I looked at the shopkeeper intently. He didn't understand. He wouldn't even if I tried to explain it to him. He would likely just laugh at me.

"I would go there, but I know not the first thing about fighting. I am a writer, by trade. Thing is, I really need to find a certain someone that could likely destroy me if I'm not careful. I need that person's help. It's impossible to explain my situation any further than that, so if there is anything else you can do for me, I'd appreciate it. Otherwise, how about some fisticuff weapons and some lightweight armor. Got anything like that in stock?"

Moonlit Raven
01-23-08, 07:03 PM
For several long moments Rashid simply stared at the perplexing man, mildly confused and not really caring as long as the man was willing to buy something.

"I'm afraid my dear sir that I do not know of whom you are speaking of. Your terms are too vague and this world is full of people most dangerous. Come let us talk about your fisticuff weapons and armor. I carry brass knuckles, with and without spikes, prices vary on the metal and spikes." Rashid cocked his head, making him look like a nearsighted bird as he looked the gentleman over.

"A fitted Vlince shirt or jacket will protect from slash damage but will provide no protection from blunt force. Perhaps something with metal scales could work."

Dallas Texas
01-24-08, 08:19 AM
"I see. You know, I've always heated the term Brass Knuckles. It just sounds like the material is already listed. Still, I think I'd like a price check on Iron and steel Brass Knuckles with spikes, and also, I think I'd like a price check on Iron and steel armor." I said, thinking carefully about how to spend my money.

Moonlit Raven
01-26-08, 01:44 PM
Rashid bowed slightly to the man.

"I too have always thought the name, wrong, my dear sir. I believe it is a tradition to call them such though most are no longer made of brass, which is a poor quality metal." Rashid smiled what was to be his version of an endearing smile.

"Steel are priced at 80 gold, Iron at 60. I'm afraid that I charge per spike added, luckily for you due to the small size the cost is not much. Only 10 gold per spike. Have you given thought to what form of armor you wished to look at or perhaps buy? A breast plate would most likely be a good choice."

Dallas Texas
01-27-08, 01:01 AM
I pondered this suggestion for a bit before replying.

"Plate mail? I suppose that would work. What kind of price we got on Iron plate mail. I don't want to get anything too heavy because I don't want the excess weight to affect my ability to move." I said. There was another reason I wanted to keep to Iron, of course, and that was my budget, but I wasn't about to bring that up just yet.

Moonlit Raven
01-29-08, 10:47 PM
"Plate mail sir?" Rashid parroted, he mentally tossed the thought aside. What the customer wants is what they get, provided they have the gold.

"The cost of iron plate mail, for the torso, is 140 gold."

Dallas Texas
01-30-08, 03:03 AM
"Actually what would you reccomend? I'm looking for something lightweight, easy to maneuver in, at least somewhat protective, and around eighty to one hundred twenty gold, if possible. Sorry If I sound undecided. As stated earlier, I don't know thing one about combat. Yeah, I know, it's sad, but true." I said sensing some concern in the shopkeep's voice

Moonlit Raven
02-01-08, 10:09 PM
"Iron, sir, is a dense, heavy metal that is more often than not brittle. One unsuited for armor unless you happen to be an ogre or troll. You seek protection yet you wish to keep the weight on the light side. I would recommend a ring mail shirt rather than a plate mail shirt, the reduction in weight is noticeable and the cost of ring mail is less than that of plate mail. A ring mail shirt of steel is 100 gold. A much better, and lighter, alternative to the iron plate mail."

Dallas Texas
02-02-08, 05:53 PM
I nodded, a bit embarassed. I had always thought that the weaker materials were lighter with a few exceptions, but as I remembered my classes at school, I realized how wrong I was.

"Alright, I'll take that and... wait, you said you charged 10 gold per spike, does that mean one spike on each of the fisticuffs would add on 10 or 20 gold?" I asked, needing confirmation on this before I continued placing my order.

Moonlit Raven
02-06-08, 01:14 AM
"It is 10 gold per spike on the brass knuckles sir. Did you wish to buy two of them? Of the brass knuckles, I mean." Rashid asked, growning a little confused. Blinking, Rashid glanced around the shop to check if any others had entered.

Dallas Texas
02-07-08, 12:39 AM
"Yeah i'd like a pair of Steel knuckles with one spike each... I'm assuming the price you gave me of 80 gold for steel was for a set. If, by chance I'm wrong, I'll settle for one with two spikes on it. Either way, that plus the armor comes out to 200 even, I believe. I'm sorry to have kept you so long, though. I've wasted enough of your time with my stupidity." I said, noticing her looking around as if half-expecting another customer to show up at any minute.

Moonlit Raven
02-08-08, 11:13 PM
Rashid shook his head.

"Stupidity, no. Only questions that have no value or merit are stupid, sir. You wish to find answers. As for my goods that only things that come in sets are items such as throwing knives and the like." Bustling about Rashid gathered up the items before presenting them to the gentleman.

"Here we are good sir." Movement out of the corner of his eyes caught his attention, glancing at the figuring entering the door Rashid wished he hadn't.

"Sir, I'm afraid I'll have to cut our time short. It would also be in your best interest to leave by the back door. It's down the isle and on the right." Nervously tugging at his stained and soiled shirt Rashid smiled at his customer all the while keeping an eye on the man that stood up inside his door.

Dallas Texas
02-09-08, 09:57 AM
I quickly picked up the equipment and tossed the shopkeeper a bag of 200 gold, even, before hurrying out the back door. I had no clue what was going on, but there was some urgency in the shopkeeper's voice, so I followed his directions to a T.

I broke into a run as soon as I left the store. Something told me I didn't want to be anywhere close to the shop right now.

Moonlit Raven
02-10-08, 12:21 AM
Rashid swept the pouch of gold over the counter and down into the lockable box. He waited until her heard the back door slam shut before leaving his station at the counter and approaching the man waiting at the door. A wide grin split his face and he offered his hand in a friendly handshake.

"Melkor is been a long time my friend." Rashid said, his normal near groveling attitude gone faster than a drunkard could spend gold in a tavern.

"Who was the man that just exited from the rear of the shop?"

"No one in particular, I just thought it best to hurry the transaction along, lunch? It's on me." The wide grin grew into a mischievous expression. Hastily changing into a much cleaner shirt and flipping the sign on his front door to close, Rashid slammed the door shut behind him and headed for a near by tavern with good food.

Transaction complete. Dallas Texas loses 200 gold.