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01-19-08, 07:09 PM
Jasmine opened the door of the armory shop and looked around. The walls were lined with full sets of armor in a wide variety of materials. They were very nice, but Jasmine knew exactly what she wanted.

She approached the front counter and rang the little bell. She could hear the sounds of armor being made in the back and hoped the bell was loud enough to be heard.

"Hello? Is anyone here?"

((OOC: Due to previous problems, I request that Karuka NOT handle this transaction, thank you.))

Moonlit Raven
01-21-08, 07:23 AM
Standing far enough back from Haldis and his forge to escape most of the heat, I watched the molten metal manipulated, pounded and scored until the first hints of a breastplate emerged. I looked at his callused and scar roughened hands and shook my head just a bit. It had to take more dedication than I could imagine too love a job like Haldis'.

A faint high tone caught my attention; it took a moment for me to recognize the sound as the bell that rested on the counter. Carefully I waved a hand to catch Haldis attention without truly disturbing him in a dangerous manner. I caught the glance he sent me and tilted my head towards the front of the shop then left.

"Good day, I am Elena. How can I help you?" I called out the customary, polite greeting as I spotted the woman standing at the counter. Absently I tugged at the cuff of the leather armor I wore, trying to get a bit of cooler air to my now sticky skin.

01-22-08, 02:31 AM
Jasmine smiled at Elena and rested her hands on the counter.

"I've decided that I've gone long enough without armor. The thing is, I don't want to be dragged down by weight or a loss of flexibility. What do you have that I could wear under my dress, but still strong enough to actually do me some good?"

Moonlit Raven
01-23-08, 07:33 PM
For a long moment I stared at the woman, frowning slightly as I thought over her request.

"To be honest I'm not sure what could be worn under a dress and still give you your desired flexibility yet protect you. Perhaps..." I trailed off and gestured for the woman's patience then hurried off. Moment's later I returned carrying small pieces of cloth wood and metals. Spilling them on the counter I arranged them by type.

"If you're willing to be a bit odd a corset of Trakym wood and Vlince could be built. Trakym is remarkably flexible and will stay that way until destroyed. Vlince resists slashes and punctures, unfortunately neither would provide much protection against a well-placed blow. You'd still feel the blunt force of it." Taking the Trakym in hand I bent and contorted the wood displaying its unique properties.

"A light metal such as Mythril or Damascus could be used in making a sort of scale mail body suit.” I drew out a sheet of paper began a rough sketch of what had popped into my mind.

“Yes, cloth base, probably Vlince strength or perhaps a denim to keep the cost down. Scales of metal over lap the desired section… Yes, that could work quite well.” I said more to myself than to the woman that stood on the other side of the counter.

01-24-08, 12:36 AM
Jasmine watched the woman sketch, thinking carefully. The idea of a mail suit interested her greatly. She could always let the seams of dresses out a little to allow for the armor to fit under her dress.

"How much would a mythril suit cost me?"

Moonlit Raven
01-26-08, 01:20 PM
I looked down at the drawing and glanced at the woman before looking back down at the sketch. Quickly I tallied the cost of metal and cloth and double-checked my figure before I finally spoke up.

“For a suit made of mythril, you’re looking right at a thousand gold.” Inwardly, I cringed at the cost then offered more information as an after thought. “Damascus is about half the weight of steel and it will knock the price down to 750 gold.”

01-28-08, 02:07 AM
Jasmine thought for a moment. She could afford the suit fairly easily without much trouble. She knew she couldn't talk herself into the corset idea, and she did want the strongest she could get that was also very light. Nodding decisively, she returned her gaze to Elena.

"A mythril suit will be just fine, please, Elena."

Moonlit Raven
01-29-08, 11:23 PM
Nodding I pulled out several sheets of paper, on two of them I drew up a receipt for both of us. I laid both sheets in front of the woman along with one of the small, sharpened feather I used to write with.

"If you'll just sign both papers, we can start. Oh don't forget to keep one for yourself." I dug under the counter for the tape measure then beckoned for her to follow me back to the dressing room. Half way to the dressing room I realized I had forgotten the sheet of paper I needed to write down the measurements on and hurried back for it.

02-02-08, 09:08 PM
Jasmine took the quill in her right hand and signed both papers in a very precise, flowing script. Then quickly followed Elena to the dressing room. Once there she unbelted her sword and laid it down.

"Just so I have an idea of when to come back, about how long is it going to take to get the suit done?"

Moonlit Raven
02-06-08, 01:23 AM
For a moment I hesistated, debating on the time needed to make the item.

"Give me three days and it will be ready for you. I'll want to do a fitting at the time to make sure it fits properly, if anything needs to be adjusted it will take about an hour to correct. Payment is due when you are sastified with the suit."

02-08-08, 08:01 PM

Jasmine waited with her arms held out so Elena could finish taking her measurements. Then she belted on her sword, pocketed her receipt, and exited the armor shop.

Three days later, Jasmine walked back into the shop.

"Elena? I'm here for my suit."

Moonlit Raven
02-08-08, 11:30 PM
As the bell above the door chimed I looked up and smiled at the familiar face that just walked in.

"Good day, the suit is ready. Just a moment and I'll get it for you." Digging under the counters it took me only a moment to find the cloth wrapped bundle that was far too light for it's size.

"Try it on in the dressing room if it doesn't fit correctly in any place make sure you remember the location of it... actually." I pulled out a grease pen and laid it on the bundle. "Make a mark so I know the location. It will take less than a hour to correct if the fit is off."

02-09-08, 01:04 AM
Jasmine took the bundle with a hurried 'thank you' and disappeared into the dressing room. There she unbelted her sword and laid it down, then pulled her dark blue dress and laid it atop the sword.

Now for the moment of truth. She held the suit of mythril up in front of her, marveling at how light it was in her hands. Carefully, she pulled the suit on and looked at herself in the mirror. It seemed to be absolutely perfect. It came down to just above her knees and did not chafe under the arms or anywhere else for that matter.

Picking up her dress, she pulled her dress back on, pleased to find that the material was stretchy enough to slide over the mythril with no problems whatsoever. It barely looked, or felt as if she was wearing any armor at all, which is exactly what she'd wanted. She nodded happily to herself, put her sword back in its customary place, then exited the changing room.

"It's a perfect fit, Elena. Now, I believe you said 1,000 gold, correct?" she asked with a satisfied smile, setting a money sack on the counter. "That sack should contain exactly a thousand."

Moonlit Raven
02-10-08, 12:39 AM
With Jasmine's approval of the mythril suit I let out a breath I hadn't known I was holding. I smiled and nodded slightly.

"I'm pleased it fits so well. Truth be told, I was a little worried when the arms were joined. I was afraid that it would pull some of the links into an awkward alignment." With a careless hand I swept the pouch of gold over the edge of the counter and closed the box it fell into.

Transaction complete. Jasmine loses 1000 GP and gains 100 EXP for good IC interactions.