View Full Version : In Search of Answers (Open to all)

01-19-08, 08:41 PM
Hmm.... Not too bad.
That was Shorik Arlion's reaction as he entered the city of Scara Brae. It didn't really seem different to the other towns he'd visited on his journey. Of course, that was no reason for him to leave now. The was a chance that his brother, Aerigen, might be here.

For ten minutes, Shorik asked random people on the streets if they had seen anybody who matched Aerigen's description.
"Do you think I'd honestly remember?!" was the typical reply. This didn't help Shorik's spirits. Hell, it was bad enough that it was pouring rain outside.

The young warrior sat upon the edge of a fountain that depicted a mermaid amongst numerous fish. It really was a beautiful piece, but Shorik was too preoccupied with his brother to appreciate it at the moment.
We'd play in the streets, and laugh.... I'd show him what I had learnt about swordplay with my wooden sword, while he would amaze me with his magic fireworks, and summoning talents. Things were fine, weren't they?

"Why'd you leave us?!" Shorik shouted, catching the attention of those near him. The warrior noticed this, and quickly said, "Uh.. Sorry." He then got up, and walked over to an abandonned alley, and sat down on the ground, looking up to grey, and cloudy sky above. He sighed as he tried to think where would he find his brother in a town like this.

01-23-08, 08:49 PM
A soft growl bellowed in her chest as she popped her neck. It had been close to three weeks that she had been sitting around in bars simply waiting for something exciting to come along. Whether it was the booze coursing through her body or just growing stir crazy from being in such close contact with the dregs of Scara Brae, but she swore she was going to end up killing someone if it continued a day more.

Most would have just paid for a boat to Corone or even farther to the mainland, but Kelsey had planned to find something to scavenge that would pay for her way for a while, but she hadn't expected the distinct fact that everyone and their dogs had scoured the island free of all but the most forgotten of treasures.

Her long tail twitched behind her as she leaned back over the bar, her fingers idly spinning an empty beer bottle on its edge. Her eye twitched the more she thought about it, she was just about to stand up and leave when her body shuddered from the sudden feeling of cold beer being spilled down the back of her neck followed by being shoved hard against the bar.

“Mother fucker!”She growled as she turned, two men laughed at their third companion who was just righting himself from his collision with the feline. He turned away from her as if nothing had happened, continuing his conversation.

Kell's hand gripped his shoulder hard as she stood, her forehead just making his chest as she pulled him around.

“What the fuck bitch?” She yelled at him, rage filling her eyes.

“Piss off shorty!” he laughed as he shrugged her hand off.

The front window of the bar exploded as the feline rode the flying body of the dreg into the street, as they landed she drove her knees into his gut, her hand in a death grip around his throat. She paused only a moment to stabilize herself before her fist began driving into his face, the blood clinging to her gloves as it splattered across her face and clothes.

He groaned as he weakly flailed his arms in an attempt to stop the barrage of blows. Kell halted only after he found her face with a weak hand, his gurgling pleas for her to stop reaching her ears.

She stood and dusted herself off, smearing blood across her coat. She watched him a moment before spitting on him, giving a momentary glare at his friends who had finally made it outside to watch.

She walked for a while, before seeing a dark ally to take a moment to rest in. Her eyes watched the street for a few moments before she began to search the alleyway, taking a moment before realizing she wasn't alone.

She watched him silently as her tail flicked back and forth.

06-18-08, 11:43 PM
He had been walking for a long time now. Shion was not used to this. As time went by he understood less and less why was he there. Still, he was willing to live it up and make the most of the situation. After walking for a while, he arrived at the city of Scara Brae.

It was not much. It looked a lot like the medieval towns he would encounter in the video games he played back home. All the same, this was the real thing, which made it all more fascinating. He found himself walking down what seemed to be a market place. He was surrounded by a crowd of people walking up and down the street. There were small stands built of wood and old cloths as long as the eyes could see, each one selling unique items. Above all the noise coming from this very busy avenue, he could make out some of what the vendors were saying.

“Buy your weapons here! Special sale on iron scimitars!”

“Be stronger! Be faster! Khilig’s Power Enhancers here! Accept no imitations!”

“Looking for a good time? Fixed outings with the loveliest ladies! Sing up now!”

For a moment, Shion thought he would be frowned upon considering how he was dressed; however, everyone in this place was so unique that he found it impossible to feel out of place, in spite of him being new in Althanas. He smiled for a moment actually enjoying the site of this market place; people running from here to there going about their business. He usually did not fall into the game of comparisons, but such noise and movement and crowded places made him feel right at home.

After a while he made his way to the end of the avenue and found himself standing in what seemed to be some sort of plaza. This part of the city was a bit quieter. There was a fountain in the center with mermaid decorations engraved in the stone. As he walked into this plaza, the noisy market faded in the background. His attention was caught by a man, a very young looking man for that matter, sitting at the edge of the fountain. He noticed that for the first time, he had seen a human like himself in Althanas. Even though he had not spent much time there, Shion had encountered various races; some quite human-like, but none all human. He kept on walking.

“Why’d you leave us?!”, said the unknown man all of a sudden. This man caught the attention of everyone near him. Shion turned his head, distracted by this. He smirked for a moment finding the situation quite embarrassing and funny all at the same time. “Uh… sorry.”, said the man, standing up and walking into an alley.

Suddenly, Shion was startled by the front window of a bar exploding in his face. “What the...?!”, he shouted. He noticed a feline-looking woman kneeling on top of a man with her hand griped on to his throat. After giving the man a good beating, the woman stood up and dusted herself off. He could not but help staring at her; Shion actually found her quite interesting. The woman walked away into the same alley the other man had walked into moments earlier.

Shion found a coin among the broken glass on the floor. Without thinking twice, he picked it up and followed the woman. If it did belong to her, he would do her the chivalrous favor of returning it… if not, it would only be a cheap excuse to talk to her and perhaps meet someone new in this mystery land he found himself in. Either way, he would gain something positive out of this. It was a win-win situation. “Ummm… miss?!” He walked into the alley and held up the coin. “Miss… is this yours?”

06-20-08, 05:03 PM
Walking down the street, his hammer leaning lightly on his shoulder Alex's one good eye took in the peasants and details of the semi-crowded street. Ignoring the odd looks of the people that passed him by he continued on his way, his face alight with his typical cheerful smile that often mislead an enemy into thinking he was soft.

A small comotion down the street caught his attention, with people running and scattering, their shrill voices harsh against his ears. Continueing along the street, ignoring the people running by him he arrived at the scene of the commotion, a local bar's front had been shattered through Typical barfight I guess He thought lazily, then realizing the bar front had been smashed INTO not out of his interest quickly rose.

Looking into the bar he quickly spotted a pink haired woman walking out of the bar, walking into an alley, soon followed by another man. Interesting He thought, his curiosity aroused he casually followed the two into the alley.

10-02-09, 03:19 PM
This thread has been waiting for over a year. If you would like to complete it, or work on it further, you can PM myself or another staff member and ask for it to be moved. However, till that time, it will be resting in the Scara Brae Archive forum.
