View Full Version : Sorting out the Mess

The Puppet
05-21-06, 01:38 PM
((I already have one person helping me on this; which means I still need one. If anyone is interested, please PM me.))

Number 14 walked around in the shadows of the small port city. He did not feel safe walking its streets in broad daylight. He feared someone would recognize him as one of the strange thieves that repeatidly stole from the vendors who parked the carts in the town.

He had, of course, been forced to do those evil things, and he had fled from the others who had been with him. He now lived the life of someone who had repented. That, however, did not change the city's view of him. He was sure they would always see him as a thief.

Back in the alleys where he hid no one would care about his past. Everyone who hid in the slums had some shady past. No one chooses to live there because they want to. They all have some dark secret they are fleeing from.

"Yeah, they got everythin'," Number 14 overheard one men saying to another. "Over 20,000 in cargo lost. Krazz' ain't talkin' either. There ain't much hope of gettin' the... um... goods back with him bitin' his tongue, even with the Boss's reward. I doubt anyone is dumb 'nough to take that job."

Number 14's ear, well whatever they were, propped up at the sound of "reward." Being a bum didn't pay well, and there was no way he was going back to the Puppet Master. That meant he needed to find work on his own.

He quickly jumped to his feet in excitment. "Excuse me, sir," he called out. "Did I hear you right? Did you say there was some reward to anyone who could bring you back your..." he paused trying to think of what the man had said was stolen, "um... whatever it was that was stolen?"

The man let out a hearty laugh at the sight of the puppet. "Well, yes, I did," he said clearing the tears from his eyes. "Why? Do you think you could find the goods?" Both men laughed at this. "You might as well try to stop the sun from rising in the morning," the first man choked out between laughs.

I don't need them, Number 14 thought to himself. [i]If they want to be ignorant that is there buisness. Me, I am going to go claim that award. First, however, I will need some help. I guess I could ask around in the bar tonight, once the streets have cleared."

07-22-06, 01:57 PM
Due to inactivity this thread has been closed. If you wish for it to be opened again PM the moderator who closed it and ask them to reopen it. However, do so only if you are going to actively roleplay in it again.
