View Full Version : Barren Waste Land? (Open To One)

01-22-08, 10:35 PM
Everything is so different within this city compared to the quiet and soothing forests which Luthien had grown up in. All around him buildings stood side by side, obstructing all view other then the long narrow streets which crisscrossed throughout the city. However, even these roads were packed with people as everyone struggled through the crowd, each person with their own ambitions on their mind. Many were simply trying to make a living, but there were the few who had darker ideas in motion. Simply by looking down a street, you could see people being pick pocketed left right at center, whether they realized or not, someone was walking away with their hard earned money and in many cases nothing could be done for the thief who had been there moments before would effortlessly merge back into the surging crowds. Shaking his head, Luthien tightened the strap on his pouch as he continued to push against the crowd heading towards the legendary citadel which existed on the far side of the city.

His footsteps echoed along the cobblestone walkway. The citadel loomed ahead of Luthien as he prepared himself mentally for what as about to happen on the other side of those walls. He had heard stories of the Citadel even in his village when merchants would come by, they would tell the children of great battles where warriors would go toe to toe, in many cases to the death. Then at the end of the battle, the powerful magic of the monks would bring those who fell in combat back to life as if the battle had never happened in the first place. They also spoke of those who were scarred emotionally from the battles. The peoples who took the life of another human whether it was fake or not, and how they were never the same. Thinking about taking a life sent a chill flowing down Luthien’s spine. Shaking the concerns from his mind, he focused on the reason why he was coming to the Citadel in the first place. He promised himself when he left his village that he would come back a stronger man, and this seemed like a good place to start.

Reaching the large doors of the Citadel, Luthien looked at the people who were relaxing outside as if they didn’t have a care in the world. Some sharpened their weapons, where as others were in deep conversations about how they had just ended the ‘life’ of the person they had fought. Taking a deep breath, he could feel his heart pounding as he pushed open the door leading into the entrance hall. As he stepped inside the door swung shot behind him with a dull thud, all around him were people. Some were following the cloaked monks, others were sitting in chairs, and some were even being carried out of the rooms further down the corridor to be what Luthien assumed was healed. Focusing on the nearest monk, Luthien approached him and got his attention by faking a cough.

As the robed figure turned around, Luthien tried to smile despite the wrenching feeling her was getting in his stomach. “I’m new to this whole Citadel scene, and do you think you would be able to help me?” His voice quivered slightly both from excitement and fear as to his upcoming battle.

The monk raised his eyebrow as he looked up and down Luthien, clearly judging his capability. “Well if you’re looking for a battle then follow me and I’ll set you up with an empty room. All you have to do is wait for an opponent who wants a battle.” Before Luthien could answer the monk was already leading the way down one of the many halls, his cloak billowing behind him gently. Rushing to catch up, Luthien thought about saying something but decided against it and simply followed until the monk stopped at a door and motioned for him to step in. “Go ahead, but remember when your opponent steps into the room its not to talk its to fight to the death.”

Stepping over the threshold, Luthien tried to smile but soon found his mouth dry with a new found fear. He had never truly fought against someone, he knew how but he didn’t know if he could actually go through with it and inflict harm upon someone. As the door clicked shut behind him, a flash of light filled Luthien’s eyes. Instantly his hands went to his daggers as the once plain room began to spin. Feeling sick, Luthien closed his eyes preying for it to stop before he screamed in fear. Risking the chance of still spinning, he opened one eyes to find the room completely different. Instead of a plain room with white walls and wooden floor, Luthien was standing in the middle of a barren snow covered land. The cold wind ripped at his face bringing tears to his eyes. As he looked around for the person he was to be fighting he couldn’t help but wonder what he had so foolishly gotten himself into.

((Open to Any)

02-03-08, 02:19 PM
The wind was like a knife against one’s flesh. Eyes screwed up against the weather and arms pulled in close to hold in heat. The body screamed and pleaded for an end to the cold, while fingers wrapped around weapons stiffly and purposely. Teeth chattered violently, but lips pursed sternly. The young man with his brown hair blowing this way and that before his hazel eyes and loose patched clothing offering no real protection from the weather was decided. He was ready to fight.

* * *

“Look, Alan, why don’t you go into the Citadel and give everyone a good show?”

Blank was not happy. He had been dragged all over Althanas expecting answers to questions he didn’t even know. All he had to show for it were a string of unfinished missions, incomplete quests, and probably many would-be allies angry at his sudden disappearance before anything really started.

Now he was back at the Citadel. It was one of his first (remembered) experiences of Althanas. It had been a strange one. His opponent had been a kid, Damon Kaosi, who had somehow gotten past all the Ai’bron monks and found his way into a dangerous mountain aerie to get a “battle.” Blank had given the kid his “battle”, probably looking a fool for giving an easily beaten kid a victory.

From that first experience, things had gone downhill. He had found himself all over Althanas planning quests and missions with newfound friends only to suddenly disappear as Alan dragged him off with a “Life is calling!” He didn’t even remember really leaving. The whole thing was more a blur than anything else.

Now he was back at the Citadel and Alan was yet again pushing him into an unwanted fight.

“No one wants to watch a geezer like me swing around sharp things,” said his older companion. “Besides, you need to get something supple to sleep with.”

Blank’s face went red as the older man walked up to the lobby counter and began setting up a match. Alan might have had the body of a seventy year old man, complete with saggy, wrinkly skin and a sage’s long silver beard, but for one reason or another his libido was like that of a 14 year old. At least Blank could be proud of his own self-control.

As he waited for Alan, the younger man took out his staff and got his fingers re-acquainted with it. It felt like he hadn’t used it in months. Being in a relatively open area of the lobby he went through a few simple, quiet routines. His clumsiness definitely seemed to be from a lack of use.

“You always that clumsy, or did something catch your eye?”

Blank looked up to see a familiar set of deep brown eyes behind a curtain of black.

“Hey! It’s you!”

A pretty girl let laughed lightly as she approached Blank. She was a passing acquaintance he had met the last time he came to the Citadel. She looked almost exactly the same as last time, dressed simply in a shirt, breeches, and vest, with a messenger bag over her shoulder, the strap exposing the valley of her bust under her clothes.

“Blank, right?” came the girl’s voice.

“Yeah, yeah! How have you been?”

“I’ve been well. Still delivering messages.” She lifted the bag to show her point which made her breasts move ever so wonderfully.

A mischievous smile crossed her face. “So you remember me?”

“Of course!” he replied, a little taken aback.

“So then my name is…?”

Blank’s smile froze in a look of shame. “Re… Rebecca?”

That wonderful laugh came again, which also moved her breasts exquisitely. “Close. It’s Reva, or Raven.”

“Raven! Right. I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t worry about it. You here for another match?”

“Yeah, Alan’s signing me up again.”

“Going to finish this one.”

His face went red again. “Yeah, sorry about skipping out, I’m not sure what happened.”

Her lips pouted playfully as she replied, “Oh don’t worry, I know what happened. You just didn’t think I was worth your time so you skipped out before you could see me again.”

“No, no, it’s just that…” He really didn’t have an answer.

Her laugh came again, his eyes having trouble staying on her face. “Don’t worry about it. I’m free again for the afternoon. Mind if I watch? Maybe we can ditch the old man afterward and I can show you around Radasanth?”

“Yeah, that would be awesome!”

“Well, what have we here?” Alan had sidled up beside Blank, giving Raven an appreciative look. “Has my young companion here caused you some annoyance my lovely, young friend? He just never seems to be able to not be an annoyance.”

Raven raised an eyebrow and let a sardonic smile appear on half of her lips. “Maybe it wasn’t as much an annoyance as an attraction?”

Alan was silent for a moment. Only for a moment.

He was still laughing as Blank made his way off toward his match. Raven had sent him off with a good luck which had him smiling besides the old man’s taunt, then made her way with the crying and laughing Alan toward an observation room.

Now he was in a field of white. And cold. He was so cold.

His apparent opponent stood a little ways off, looking around for him.

“I’m Blank,” shouted the young man, trying to stop his shivering and put up a defense. “I’m ready when you are.”