View Full Version : The Second Step...

03-26-06, 08:38 PM
((I had 3,750 EXP and 405 GP. I haven’t done a level up before the crash, so I’m doing that now. Updates will be in RED. I have the threads with the spoils saved if need be to verify it.))

Basic info:

Full name: Jared Namarealyen
Age: 22
Hair: dark brown
Eyes: gray/light blue
Height: 6’1’’
Weight: 190lbs
Race: Human


An excerpt from the Tale of the Worlds:

In the beginning there was Gaea, a continent of amazing splendor and richness far in the west from the known world, beyond the huge Maer ocean. It was a land solely made by the Creator for his children and he placed two of his greatest minions, Chodan and Hadios, to protect the land. But the hearts of men are easily swayed and soon their faith turned away from the almighty Creator and towards his lesser minions. Some sided with one, some with the other and in once perfect land wars were fought, dreadful battles drenched the land with blood of the mortals. In the end Creator struck Gaea with all his fury, breaking the land into Ank’him, the Seven Isles, where the cursed Chodanites remained, bound to forever fight for dominance over the land with each others. Hadios minions were given Ferioh, the land in the bitter north, but in their hearts the lust for the Ank’him remained. Yet the precious few that throughout the entire peril kept their faith in Creator and his endless wisdom were given and blissful land in the south, protected not by the minions of the almighty, but by the almighty himself. A perfect land... Our precious Aletha...

In such a land, deprived of all outer influence, in this locked society that edged towards perfection with each generation that was born under the twin suns, Yawannha gave birth to Jared, son of Daelan Namarealyen IV. five years after she gave birth to their first son, Enomen. Enomen, as the firstborn, was given the right to engage a study in the Order of the Tainted Sun, an order that gave birth to leaders and counselors, an order of elite that would with time get access to forbidden magic. Jared as the second child followed the same steps his father followed as a second child and was ordained in the Order of the Shinning Light, an order of clerics and healers.

Jared’s childhood was the usual childhood of every Alethan. In the first years of his life his teachers engaged him in studies of mundane art of healing and basics of wizardry. Not talented any more or less then the others (though his teachers always used to say he has great potential) Jared simply followed the path that was set for him, believing every word that was said to him for no other reason then because he had no reason why not to believe it. Life was good in Aletha and the blessings poured from the skies just like the sunrays that bathed the fertile plains perpetually. Somewhere at the age of four his sister Mareena was born and their family thrived and prospered just like and other middle class family in the land. They had everything in abundance despite the fact that though his father could’ve been a higher ranking member of society by now, he choose to remain in the clergy and help all those that needed help. Their mother, though strict at times, loved them endlessly and each day was a reason to smile for young Jared. They all believed in the Creator and they functioned as a perfect little family with bright futures of which he and Enomen and especially his younger sister Mareena dreamed of and spoke of while sitting on the roof of their house, staring at the dusk.

Enomen, being the oldest, strongest and probably most important of them three (at least in the eyes of the society) dreamed of becoming one of the seven leaders of Aletha and though he knew it was highly doubtful he had that gleam in his eyes that simply screamed at you that if there is somebody that could do it, it was him. Mareena was much simpler soul, yet kind and pure. Her eyes stared in the orange orb in the south and she spoke of the time when she will marry her predestined husband and help all those that are in need, a idyllic dream of bringing equality into the lands of Aletha. But Jared was different, much more different and much more complicated.

“Did you ever wonder what lies beyond?” he asked and the two turned to him with questioning looks. “I mean, there has to be something beyond those islands.” and after that his sister struck him in the shoulder and his brother gave him the “usual” preaching about the defilement of the outer lands and the purity of the blessing of the Creator. He was eleven that day, one year before his age of maturity and ever since that day that thought burrowed inside of him, eating him like a cancer. Maybe it was just his curiosity that enflamed that feeling in him. Or maybe his mother helped by saying he is destined for something greater then the everyday life. Whatever it was, soon there was more oil on that fire.

At the age of sixteen, when his brother was well on his way to become one of the higher ranking members of his own order and his sister just reached her maturity and grown to a beautiful young lass with deep emerald eyes and long brown hair that reached down to her waist, Daelan died. The plague swept through the lands of Aletha and his father, being the goodhearted man as he was, wanted to help as many as possible. Unfortunately, with all the care of other’s health he forgot about his own and the plague took away a life of one of the greatest servants of the Creator. It was a day of mourning in the house of Namarealyen, yet Jared did not cry. Instead there was another feeling inside of him. Its name was anger and it was followed by doubt. It made no sense to Jared that the Creator would take his father when all he did was good for all those around him. It was wrong in the eyes of the young cleric and no words could reach his heart and change that. Yet his faith was there still, wavering but still very much present and he continued his studies, just like his father wanted. Jared kept praying, but suddenly he felt nobody heard him anymore. And the cancer kept eating him.

Somewhere during that time Jared started to study some other forms of wizardry, forbidden to his Order, but out of sheer curiosity and the fact that information was available through his older brother he decided to overlook this minute obstacle. After all, most of people did it, it was just never spoken about. It wasn’t exactly a crime, this search for more knowledge, but rather a distraction his teachers would say. But in his search Jared found more then distraction. He learned about the history, much more in depth from what was written in the Tale of the Worlds, and his eyes sparkled at the realization that there might be so many other worlds out there. And it wasn’t that he wanted to explore them, but instead he wanted to spread the goodness of this land onto all others. It was a spirit of his father that whispered this in his ear, the noble kind heart that just wanted to help everybody. Mareena understood his vision. In fact, Mareena supported him in his studies because it interested her as well to find out more about this.

But when Jared turned twenty-two, Mareena was gone. It was never known what happened to her, not even the most powerful seers could locate neither her nor her body. Some said she got tired of life and threw herself into the sea. Some said some beast devoured her during one of her hikes. Jared knew better. Jared felt it was something far different then this. The day before she disappeared he could see this weird spark in her eyes and though he couldn’t set his finger on what it was, he knew it now. His vision became so alive in her that she wanted to try and do that on her own. So Jared took this before the council and spoke of what the two of them were speaking countless times. He spoke of the world beyond the borders, the word that was dying while Aletha strived. What was said that day remained in the walls of the council room and the minds of the councilors. Determining that kind of words were preposterous and blasphemy towards the Creator they did what was the best for their kingdom; the exiled Jared before his mind could taint anybody else. The accusations struck his brother hard, because he knew that in a way he was guilty for it by giving Jared access to forbidden documents, but his mother, though she was faced with losing two children in a matter of days, knew better. She knew in a way only mothers know, just like she knew his sister was still alive. Giving him his robe and unlocking the rune that would hopefully lead him through the Cloudy Islands, she planted a soft kiss on his forehead. Jared was set on a tiny boat with a single sail and enough provisions to last him a week. It was more of a custom then giving him a real chance to survive.

“You have a chance to chase your dream, little brother. But is saddens me greatly to see you go. Especially since you are still yet to best me in our little game.” he added with a wink as the ceremonial guard stood on the dock, waiting for the final farewell of the two brothers. Enomen embraced Jared tightly and whispered in his ear. “Mother believes in you. I wish I could too. But you will be in my prayers. May the Creator guide your path...” he said before he let his brother go and moved away. His mother spoke just one sentence, but her eyes spoke for her. It was not a sad goodbye from her. Somehow she knew her son would return and instead tears of sadness, an encouraging smile beamed on her fair face. “You find her Jared... And you two live your dream.”

Those words still echoed in his ears as he fought with the tireless storm, yet the power his mother’s cloak imbued him with gave him just the edge he needed to pull through the stormy sea. With the Cloudy Islands behind his back and gentle wind in his hair Jared made his first steps into the world beyond.

The events that followed Jared’s exile gave Jared the crash course into the outer world. He crashed upon the shores of Corone, on a cold and bitter rainy day, and only by an intervention of a woman called Brynhilde Darkthorne he kept his life on that day. She was a majestic woman, courageous and bold and more beautiful then any maiden back in Aletha. Soon enough he learned why that was so. Brynhilde was a fallen angel, a Valkyrie, and though that was a detail that Jared found rather hard to digest, with time they spent together, he started believing. It was the way she moved, the way she talked, the way her eyes pierced his every thoughts.

However, the surprises kept on coming. The blonde warrior woman wasn’t the only one that greeted him in the lands beyond. An insane woman presenting herself as his sister was there as well, stealing an item from the Valkyrie that saved Jared’s life only moments before. Partially intrigued by the reasons why this thief indtroduced herself as his sister and partially feeling the duty toward Brynhilde, Jared joined with the blonde woman in search for the missing item and the thief. Ultimately that led them to a face-off on a ferry that resulted in a complete devastation of the vessel. But Jared and Brynhilde survived and acquired the missing item.

During this time, Jared learned a lot about the Valkyrie. She was on a mission to acquire all the pieces of something called Yarina Armor that would allow her entrance into none other then the Underworld itself so she could save a man that she damned with her love. It was an insane mission, but seeing that it was indeed his sister that was standing on Bryn’s path, he decided to join up with her. This wasn’t the only reason, though, and certainly not the most important one. Because slowly but surely, the exile Jared started to fall in love with the strong woman.

Their search led them to Alerar and it was there that he first spoke of his feelings for her. But the moment of truth was soon interrupted by a pair of White Knights, the guardians of the armor that Bryn was seeking. In a dramatic turn of events, Bryn was forced to make a decision; either kill Jared and get the needed piece of armor or decide against it and allow both of them to die. With Jared’s reassurance she chose the former and trust her blade into Jared’s chest, killing him on the spot.

But gods were merciful to Jared and they restored his life under the condition to help Bryn in her impossible mission. They finally admitted their love for each other and now as a pair walked the path that was previously threaded by only one.

But that path proved to be frivolous indeed. Mareena once again made her appearance, stealing yet another piece of armor known as Yarina’s Circlet, fleeing back to her home... Jared’s home... Aletha. Bryn and Jared gave pursuit only to land on the shores of a devastated dark land. As it turned out, the cesspool of drunkards and nomadic barbarians that lived on the island called Ta’aleh was in fact the real Aletha Jared was from. The land of dreams and the perfect memory of it was just an illusion crafted by his mother, giving him a fresh start and ridding him of the horrid memories of the past.

But the memories came back on that day, introducing Jared to the cold truth. He was a son of a whore and a fallen wandering paladin. His brother was the local drunkard and his sister... His sister was once upon a time his lover. His mother, seeing how Aletha was corrupting him, created a perfect memory for him and sent him away, to start a new life. But what goes around comes around and so did Jared. The realization nearly crushed him, but with the help of the Valkyrie he endured and faced his sister in one last showdown. With Mareena beaten, Jared and Bryn were indeed given a new start, and though the past still taints his soul, he managed to cut enough ties from it to feel free.


Though seemingly unremarkable in any way from any other humans, Jared’s heritage, though rather dark and tainted, granted him some rather interesting gifts. His light hued eyes that shine during the night almost as if somebody poured moonlight in them capture attention of many eyes. On top of that his oversized monk robes have a tendency to glitter in their silvery hue. His hair is dark brown neatly and shortly trimmed. His facial features might be completely average back home, but ordinary humans might find elven fairness in them, only in a much rougher and mundane manner. His body is athletic, perfectly built as if it was carved from stone by the Creator himself, just like any other Alethan, but far from overly muscled and bulky. Below the huge robes that surprisingly don’t drag behind him, but rather seem to hover half an inch above ground, there is a ceremonial scale mail made out of silvery steel equipped over a light gray undershirt. He also has an ordinary pair of dark gray denim pants and light soft soled boots of the same color. Unlike many people of the outlands, Jared never walks bowed though his head is always hidden by the hood. His stride is firm and decisive, almost soldier-like if there were soldiers in Aletha.


Ever since Jared can remember he was different from the rest. By no means better then the rest, but just simply different. He didn’t like what others did, he had different views over different things and that made him move more and more into himself. That turned him into a silent yet remarkably wise person, that speaks only when and what is needed and speaks it with simple wisdom. Furthermore, after his doubt in the way of their life and in the Creator himself he became more introverted and mostly held to himself. However, inside his chest beats a good, pure heart and as a, what people of outer lands like to call a cleric, he is always ready to help. In fact, deep down inside he feels the duty to help and though his fate in the Creator veins, his belief in life and its preservation is still strong as ever. Jared is highly doubtful about many things and though he knows little of the ways of the outside world and he will not be easily tricked. However, here and there his innocence comes to surface, especially if somebody is in need and in such situations he is ready to do everything that is in his power to help. On the inside, he is highly emotional, his head buzzing with thousand of thoughts and emotions, but there is nothing that can make him take of his façade and reveal those emotions.

Weapons and Items:

Ceremonial scale mail – Made out of steel scales, this armor fits perfectly to Jared’s torso. The scales have a silvery sheen to them but that is the only thing that differentiates this armor from any other generic scale mail.

Enchanted robes - Made out of silver threads and finest silk, these robes are the gift of his mother to him when he departed from Aletha. It took twenty years for his mother to make those robes, covering the entire surface with ancient runes of protection. ((The robes will never be sold though they can be upgraded. Also the runes can be unlocked, but they have to be quested for like any other skill or added at level up.)).

Ulder staff – Given to Jared by the White Knights, this staff is approximately six feet long. The staff itself has no distinguishable details, but regardless of that, it is enchanted so the power of the impact made by the staff is nearly doubled. Other enchantments are contained within the staff, but the wielder has to unlock them if he wishes to use them (via quest as a spoil or at level up, level 2 minimum)((NOTE:This was awarded as a spoil.))


Even though he found out the truth about his heritage, realizing that he was not exiled from a perfect holy land of Aletha, Jared’s physical and mental attributes remained for some reason. Given the fact that the true origin of his father is unknown as of yet, it is possible that this elevation in attributes comes from his father’s gene pool. It makes Jared’s strength, dexterity, stamina, wisdom and intelligence twice that of a normal human during the day. However, during the night his strength and dexterity are halved while the rest three remain the same.((This is not an upgrade. This was the way it was at level 0, I just changed the description due to the change in his history.))

Lay on hands –Jared is able to heal medium wounds but with certain limitations. The healing process is instant, though before it Jared has to focus for at least five seconds and say the Prayer of the Creator after which his hands are imbued with emerald light that he transfers to the wound with a touch. Due to focus needed to summon the power needed, during those five seconds Jared has to remain still and close his eyes, shutting himself out of the surroundings. If his concentration is disrupted the spell is wasted and he has to go through the recharge time (which is only two hours due to the fact that the spell was never cast) before using it again. He can use this once every four hours, but if he uses it more then four times a day he becomes exhausted and collapses.

Telekinesis field – Jared can create a field of energy that pushes small objects (about 50lbs) away from him with a power a grown man can throw them. However, the field is only ten feet in diameter and he can only sustain it for thirty seconds. After that he has to wait for two hours (or 10 posts in a battle) before he can use it again. Note that this skill is scalable, so the shorter he sustains the field, the shorter the recharge time (this doesn’t work in a battle). Also, if he uses the skill again before the recharge time is done, he suffers great drawbacks as the field is four times as weak and the diameter is only five feet. Also note that attacks (such as arrows, darts, thrown weapons, slashes) can pass through this field if there is enough power behind them but they will be somewhat slowed.

Hand-to-hand combat – His style is mostly made out of predicting the movement of the opponent and countering with a right blow or a throw, making this skill highly defensive. Still, Jared he is far from master of this skill, but his proficiency with it is far beyond that of a normal human.

Dispel - Revealing the truth about his past and his true home made the exile to recollect some of the spells he was forced to forget about. Though a multitude of them are plaguing his mind at the same time after the revelation, Dispel was the most prominent one. It allows Jared to nullify spells, enchantments, conjurations, illusion and similar sorceries, whether over a small area or on a single individual. If cast as an area spell (area being 20 feet in diameter), Dispel nullifies every person in the area (or the area itself) from one spell, enchantment, conjuration, illusion... If cast on a single person, it dispels every enchantment that the person may have. ((Note: Dispel is unable to dispel constant enchantments and traits, whether on a person or on a weapon or apparel.)). However, because of the significant power of the spell, Dispel has some drawbacks as well. Jared can cast it only once every 12 hours (for battles, once per battle), and since the effects of Dispel are momentary, every spell cast afterwards is not affected by Dispel. Also, it takes Jared 5 seconds of pure concentration to summon enough power for the casting and if he is physically obstructed during those five seconds, the spell is wasted. NOTE: This ability is awarded as a spoil.))

Robe runes:

Rune of Clear Sight – This rune is a constant enchantment on his robe that allows him to see farther and clearer then any other creature (it is equivalent to elven vision) even in the dull hour of the night. On top of that once per hour Jared can close his eyes and his mind creates a three dimensional image of his surrounding in his head. This size of the image depends on how much time he spends focusing and during that time he is unable to do anything else. The image is created basically as a sonar creates the image, only in Jared’s case his body is emanating waves of energy that bounce off objects and leave a different trail as the image appears in his mind. Needless to say, the bigger the image, the greater the fatigue.

Rune of Demon's Bane – During the battle with his sister, Jared (more instinctively then knowingly) unlocked the second rune on his Robes that were given to him by his mother. This ability gives Jared the power to exorcise the demons from an individual (or a small group of the weaker minded ones), whether their demons are real ones or just sins that infest their minds. The ability works in a manner that it gives Jared insight into a person’s mind, revealing to him the demonic presence (or the presence of the sins committed), and granting him the power to present these images to its owner in one overwhelming concentrated mental image. When an individual sees this image with his mind’s eye, the disgust and the sheer dark power of it makes him renounce the demonic presence and the demon is banned from the mind and the body. (NOTE: This works only on PC’s with their consent) The person on which Jared uses this ability is also imbued in a flame of white fire that makes the person feel that he is being burnt alive, but this is just a mental reaction to the flames that can do no physical harm. The strong-minded people (meaning people that are of a higher level then Jared) can tone down this as well to a point where the burning fire is nothing more then a tingle on their skin (the effects of the fire losing the power with each level, meaning that the character at the same level as Jared might feel like somebody placed a torch near his hand, while a level three character would feel as if he it sitting about five feet away from the fire). (NOTE: The flames work without the PC consent, meaning every person that Jared uses this ability will feel the burn, only how much of it is depending on the level). Jared can use this ability once every six hours and it takes him five seconds of pure concentration to make it work. Once the ability is used, it lasts for ten seconds before the flames and the mental projection cease. ((NOTE: This ability is awarded as a spoil))

Sighter Tnailog
03-26-06, 08:46 PM
Looks good. Approved.

3,750 EXP
405 GP