View Full Version : A special request

01-26-08, 08:48 PM
Jineh really enjoyed the tailor's Shop as she browsed it's dresses and other clothing. The dresses were so elegant and pretty, running from pure silk silver and crimson velvet. Her tail had shivers as she felt the fine fabric and was tempted to buy it but she shook her head and went to the counter with a smile.

"Umm excuse me sir. I have a need for a custom outfit." Her tail swished nervously as she blushed. "I need an outfit for adventuring, something that doesn't have loose parts to get caught and that would look nice too." There was something embarrassing and Alluring about having some clothes that would show of her figure but it was important that it was going to fit her figure. "It needs to be comfortable and somewhat tough... Oh and most important it needs some wire running thought it, like copper, silver, damascus or mythril. I kinda need it since Since once I have the parts I'm going to modify it." Jineh really hoped she could get a good price or at least afford her little idea.

01-27-08, 11:17 AM
"Why, hello there young lady!"

Luc glanced away from a mannequin as he saw Jineh approach the counter, his hands holding an array of bone pins between his fingers. Turning back to the suit he was tailoring, the man whipped his hands about and told his helpers about what more to add to his masterpiece. Soon enough, the tailor removed himself from the artwork in progress to address his customer's need.

"Oh, I see." He beamed and ran a hand through his brilliant golden hair. "A custom outfit fit for a lovely lady as yourself. Allow me a moment to assess your design, madame."

Luc wasted no time and grabbed his personal weapons of trade from behind the counter - a sheet of parchment and a quill pen, complete with a well-used ink well marked "Made in Jadet." Weighing the customer's needs into the design, the tailor knew it was not all that hard to put together.

A pair of denim pants, or shorts if the little catgirl preferred, along with a matching jacket seemed well enough for a rough and tumble sort of wear she was looking for. Luc scribbled a quick outline onto his sketchpad, making sure to throw in the little details such as pockets and copper buttons to add to the "cute" factor. Deciding on the embedded wires, however, was starting to give him a headache. Not only would it mean the outfit's shape would change, but also the price and handiwork it would need to realize the final product.

"Well, now, I require a few... decision from you, my lovely." The blonde tailor spoke with a swish of his hair. "You asked for wiring in the design. May I ask, where do you want them to be?"

01-27-08, 09:44 PM
"oh yeah!" Jineh said before she went into thought where the wires need to be for magitech device to work. "Well I need it to be one wire crossing on the back and twice on the front a few inches below where my umm... you knows are." The girl felt a twinge of embarrassment in her. "It needs to be thin and able to conduct energy thought out it. Also for the bottums I'd like the wires to cross at my sides. I hope it isn't too hard to do but I'm trying to make some magitech clothes and I'm not good at sewing."

01-29-08, 11:32 PM
"Ahhh~" The tailor mused as his nimble fingers whipped the designs onto the paper. "Magitech, what an interesting idea. I do hope you succeed, young lady."

With the overall designs completed, it was now the time to announce his prices.

"Alright~ The design of my custom-tailored line of clothing will cost you 320 Crowns, while one in silver will be about 370 total. For Damascus threads and Mythril, that will be 400 and 450 Crowns for the entire set."

Luc paused to see his customer's reaction as well as taking a sidelong glance towards his helpers to make sure they were still busy at work putting together his masterpiece robe.

"I doubt you would want to go with Silver threads, young kitten." He mused, leaning in close. "It's pricy but not very practical. If you decide on a design, I'll throw in a bit of discount. Doesn't that sound nice, hmm~?"

01-29-08, 11:42 PM
Jineh smiled a little as she counted her gold. She could even afford the mythril design and that would have the least chance of breaking the conduit that would give the special properties.

"A discount! Wow that's great. I think I would like the mythril design. A pair of shorts and a jacket. And since you're being nice and can give a discount, I'll need a shirt to go witht eh jacket, just a pink shirt to go with my hair..." Jineh thought a bit as she felt her mana gun under her robes. "I'll need a belt capable of holding this and some other tools." She blushed as she held out the magitech weapon in both palms so as not to threaten the man. She didn't want to get kicked out on her tail or dragged away in chains.

01-29-08, 11:56 PM
The tailor nearly bursted from the smile stretching across his face. He loved happy customers as much as he loved making the customers happy in the first place.

"But of course~ A pink linen undershirt, a sturdy leather belt to match~ That will be 45 additional Crowns, then. In total, that's 495 Coronian Crowns for the entire set."

Luc passed on the design to his apprentice who immediately whisked it away, leaving the two people to continue their transactions.

"And as promised, I give you a nice little discount. So~ I will charge you only 475 Crowns total, including labor cost. If that's fine with you, I shall have your items ready within a few days. Good deal~?"

01-30-08, 11:00 PM
Jineh smiled at the offer, it seemed fine to her kitty ears and she happily swished her tail with excitement. "Okay, in a few days." She smiled and waved as she left the shop for a few days and waited for her requested clothes to be finished.

*** Time passes for a couple of days***

Jineh didn't sleep much that morning as she was curious to what her new outfit would look like and the potential that it would bring to her creation. She couldn't help but grin as she rushed through the entrance.

"Hey, is it ready yet?" The catgirl asked excitedly before she tried to calm self down and avoid fidgeting with her tail.

01-31-08, 06:39 AM
"Well, well! There you are!"

Luc beamed at the kittygirl as he was supervising his apprentices in putting together a new dress outfit, this time sporting a knee-length skirt with an array of white frills around the shoulder area and bust. Placing a frilly headband on top of the tailoring mannequin, he called in another apprentice who disappeared into the backroom.

"Here you are, as you ordered." Luc announced as his helper reappered with the clothes in his arms, to which the tailor presented to his young customer. "Would you like to try it on first so we can make sure it fits? The fitting room's out back. I'll send one of my seamstress make sure the clothes are not too loose or tight, dear."

01-31-08, 10:09 PM
Jineh let out a purr as she held her new outfit and she rushed into the back behind the curtain followed by an elfin woman. It felt strange to change in front of someone else that wasn't a machine and the kitty girl blushed as she loosened her robe and then carefully take it off and hang it up before she slipped on the shorts and shirt.

"Miss hold on a moment before you put on the jacket, I have to make ajustments." The elf said and stopped Jineh and went to tightening up certain points with a thread and needle and a little bit of magic. The work caused Jineh to giggle at some parts and yelp at others and then she was able to put on the jacket and go through the process again but it wasn't as bad.

Once done the cat girl came out with a beaming smile and twitching her tail as it perked from the hole made for it. The clothes fit tight but comfortable and was cute in how it held her form. "It's perfect. How do I look?" Jineh asked as she placed a bag on coins on the counter.

02-01-08, 04:19 PM
"Wonderfully charming, dear!" Luc beamed, clapping his hands ecstatically. "You look just absolutely charming!"

While the tailor was not one to worry about money, he nonetheless made sure to pay careful attention to the bag of gold. Making sure that the amount paid was accounted for, he turned back to the kitty-ear customer with is customary wide smile.

"So~ Is there anything else you are interested in looking at, miss?" Luc asked, seeing if the girl wanted to buy anything else she might want after her purchase.

02-10-08, 10:44 PM
Jineh smiled widely at the compliment. She never thought of herself as vain but complements would warm her heart and also the potential that her new outfit would be for her to work with. If her idea worked she would create a very nifty piece of protectinve gear but even now she was happy to look good.

"Thank you sir! I'll be sure to come back if I need anything more."

02-11-08, 12:54 AM
With a satisfying grin, the tailor nodded in return. He loved seeing satisfied customers wearing his designs. Besides, it was also a good practice for his apprentices to create something new and challenging to prepare them for the world of fashion.

"Good work, everyone." Luc clapped his hands. "Now, gather your design notes and measurements. We are going to take a look at what we did..."

((Transaction Complete.

Doomsday loses 475 GP and receives the following:

- Denim Jacket lined with Mythril wires
- Denim Shorts with Mythril wires
- Pink Linen Undershirt
- Leather belt
- 75 EXP

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