View Full Version : Fashionably late

05-24-06, 01:45 AM
I was level 5, though I forget the exact exp and gold. So, base of level 5 and starting gold is fine, unless someone can dig up the stats.

For anyone who’s been following the character (I guess there could be some out there…) I’m doing a bit of a time jump and changing some details of the past, as well as heavily modifying skills. Go with this as the correct version of things, seeing as I lost the files and can’t remember the old correct version.

Name: Shadar (the last name is hopefully forgotten to time, as it should be)
Age: appears 25ish
Race: dream-being, appears half-elven
Hair Color: silver
Eye Color: deep blue
Height/Weight: 6’ / 135lbs

Appearance: A lean, pale, hawk-nosed man. His hair is cut to a few inches and lays back. At all times, he wears the same outfit, which is composed of black shoes, well fitted black pants, a white long-sleeved shirt, and a black sleeve-less trench coat that doesn’t quite close in the front and has a collar that stands up to the tops of his ears. As well, he has on him at all times a pair of black gloves that reach up to and cover the elbow. If one looks closely at the material (which appears to be leather) they would see color distortions as if looking at the surface of dark water.

Personality: He is more cold and sarcastic these days than he used to be, and it’s very fitting. There are many things he’s stopped caring about. Most of the world is a joke, so you might as well laugh. He also has become somewhat of a showman, though that tends to show more in battle than in casual interaction.

History: Shadar’s been known as many things in his life. Bastard child, disturbed youth, rogue, assassin, vessel of the almighty Diamond Jackal, mental case, noble bandit, goody-two-shoes adventurer, twitterpated fool; in that order. But, none of that is important anymore.

It was the recent descriptors that led him to the crossroads in his life where he decided to throw it all away. While being a good little Façade puppet and going on a journey with Veritas -a woman whom he once had strong feelings for and whom reciprocated them near the end of their time together- both of them were imprisoned in a realm far from Althanas. They were shut away from everything, their only experiences being those in their own mind. Perhaps Veritas went insane in that time. He never did find out. But, with the dream demon known as Diamond Jackal residing in his brain, Shadar had company. Perhaps he would have still lost his mind, for Jackal was and still is set on driving Shadar insane someday. The dream demon had a change of heart, though. Instead of scrambling what remained of Shadar’s sanity, he played psychiatrist and life councilor. Though, those services weren’t exactly what most people would pay for.

From Jackal’s infinite information, though slightly twisted as it is, Shadar began to see the truths of his life that had eluded him for so long. He realized that his decent into evil in the pre-dream demon days was a mental condition brought on by being raised as an inter-racial bastard child in a very racist and isolated village. Upon the demon moving into his skull, the chemistry shifted and basically wiped the slate clean (like a lobotomy without the more negative side effects). This set him on the path of doing good and righteous things. Or, at least what he was told to do by his superiors. It wasn’t always too noble, but it did make him feel good for the moment. From the darker side of Jackal’s knowledge, he saw just how vain that really was. Heroes live in the light of their own fame, then burn out. Heroes who work under people just burn out that much faster. If he was to have anything in life, he’d have to take it for himself without consideration for all those anonymous people and their interests.

Lastly, Jackal enlightened him upon the destiny he would have with Veritas. It was a simple matter of delving into the deeper qualities of their souls. (Jackal had poked around in hers earlier.) He proved, in quite certain and profane terms, that they were truly incompatible. With everything Shadar had though and believed immaculately torn to bits before him, he was empty. But, he had never been so happy. It was a clean start and an escape from the life that chance or fate would have set for him.

Years later, the beings in that realm released him. It was less about mercy and more about getting a dream demon out of their home. Veritas, they kept, and Shadar walked away without any nagging conscience. Most of that, too, had been wiped away.

Early on in his new life, Shadar entered the Gisela Tournament. To compete against the full-scale armies of his opponents, Jackal pulled some strings and acquired the momentary ability to build an army in a small realm of though, which was then released upon the opponents. It was a bizarre group; combustible pixies, Siamese twin archers, and hordes of buxom harpies. The harpy hordes were led by one that was more detailed in her mental inner workings, Brigitte Swiftfeather. At first, Shadar didn’t know what to make of her. But, he soon came to understand why she was so complex. It was simply for Jackal’s twisted amusement. When the tournament was over, he’d dissect his army into the energy from which it had come. Brigitte was the only one self-conscious enough to truly understand that. So, she was the only creature in the army to value her own short-lived existence. Shadar stepped in, though, and protected her. It wasn’t chivalry, or lust, or any of those old emotions that had driven him. It was simply what he wanted, what he felt was right in the fate he shaped for himself now. Shadar is now her guardian as much as she is his.


Many abilities and skills remain to Shadar from his time as a normal mortal. The abilities granted from Jackal’s presence remain as well, though he is more integrated with them now. That means more control and less asking for permission.

Shadar is very skilled in the use of arm-mounted blades, which he has used since his teenage years.

-Visual: Shadar or Jackal (or both at the same time) can create illusions about the size of a small house. They are highly detailed, but easily seen through if a viewer knows they’re just illusions. Cloaking illusions are limited to shadows and misdirection, as even the dullest creature has a subconscious sense of those near it, and therefore would see through an attempt at invisibility in broad daylight.
-Audio: Sounds can be created that appear to be at any pitch or volume, but they can do no harm.
-Tactual: The nerves of a targets body can be made to feel as if they are sensing something. It is limited to as much as a brush, tickle, or pinch, though.

Shadar can jump high in the air off of any surface he can get a grip on. At any height, he can hover in one place. If he attempts to move in the air, he will also descend as it is a simple glide and not flight.

Soul Sight
-Detection: Both Shadar and Jackal can detect when someone’s thoughts are focused on them, though they have to concentrate unless the thoughts are intent or angry. If that person’s thoughts stay focused for a few seconds, their general location can be sensed within 90 degrees of sight.
-Interrogation: The agitation or nervousness of a nearby target can be sensed, therefore acting as a lie detector test. If Shadar isn’t paying attention, or if the liar has a firm grasp on their emotions, it won’t work.

During the Gisela, Shadar too entered the realm of Jackal’s design. There, the will of both the dream demon and himself reshaped him. His appearance changed to what it is now, and he transcended many mortal limitations. But, more importantly, he gained a great power. Initially, the gloves were given the power to generate shape-shifting blades. But, upon the conclusion of the war and the collapse of the realm (with the whole army in it minus Brigitte), the energy and structure of it weren’t completely destroyed. It drained into Shadar’s gloves, where it now exists as unlimited storage as well as a laboratory where he can combine matter as he sees fit.

-Digestive system obsolete: While the organs exist, Shadar has no need for food and therefore no bodily functions that would result.
-Respiratory system obsolete: Again, the organs exist, but are not used.
-Emotional energy system in effect: Shadar gains sustenance by being near someone who has positive emotions toward him. It is always Brigitte who he goes to for this need, hence the reason they are often in physical contact. Extended contact will heal wounds, but it takes hours without being disturbed.

The Void
-Absorption: Shadar can absorb any material into the realm of thought that he has dubbed “The Void” simply by touching it and draining it in. There are heavy restrictions, though. If another person owns it and Shadar is aware of that, he will not be able to absorb it without permission. The bonds that a person forms with an object they own and use is as of yet unbreakable to him. Therefore, there will be no stealing of swords or catching of bullets. Also, if he has absorbed an object and later learns that someone has a bond with it, he will be forced to remove it from the Void lest he wants a painful headache and a burning sensation all along the gloves. After a minute or so, those effects are severe enough to cripple him.
-Expulsion: Objects can be ejected from the Void in a manner that makes it appear that Shadar has either pulled them from the air or they are growing from his gloves.
-Combination: Materials can be combined in the Void to create new objects. Magical energies can be combined as well, but they require a lot of experimentation before they are stable enough for him to expel without simply blowing up in his face.

Magical Combinations (that won’t blow up in his face)
-Malleable Steel: Using the steel that once made up his wristblades, Shadar can create medium length blades that sprout from his arms. While in transition, they are a liquid that, if disturbed, will retreat into the Void. Once hardened, which takes about a second, they can be in any shape he chooses.


Sunburst dagger: A steel dagger with a ruby on the pommel. When it is moved quickly, its blade is enveloped in flame that can be drawn through the air and remains there for a few seconds.

Chainmail vest: Vest of mythril chainmail, enhanced with a lightweight rune, that he recieved from Yari in his last moments alive. Exists as a moldable material in the Void.

The following characters are essentially familiars and will be rped in battles only if the other players agree to it.

Brigitte Swiftfeather: A very buxom harpy (due to Jackal’s design, which me mocks regularly) with long, fiery red hair. She has wings in place of arms, which make her capable of sustained flight, and talons which she is quite effective with. Also, her shriek can be painful at close range. She has the same need for emotional energies that Shadar has, which is one of the reasons she stays close to him, the other major reason being that Jackal would like nothing more than to wipe her out of existence, given the chance.

Cyrus the virus
05-24-06, 12:11 PM