View Full Version : Moar shopping!

02-07-08, 10:21 AM
Okay, so maybe the kris daggers I purchased a while back weren't such a great idea.

They just weren't as great as I thought they would've been. I almost missed my old steel daggers; the way they easily cut through flesh and muscle, spilling that person's precious red blood all over the place...

These suckers? No. The wavy blades were just too impractical for my uses. So, it was time for a change.

I walked into one of the weapon shops in Radasanth, hoping to find something that would catch my fancy. I had a vague idea what I wanted, though. It was just a matter of hoping that they had them.

My heels clicked lightly as I walked up the stone stairway leading to the shop. I opened the heavy door, peering inside. Swords, staves, crossbows, and other such implements of physical pain adorned the walls and shelves. The air was thick with dust.

I closed the door behind me. "Hello? Anyone here?"

Moonlit Raven
02-10-08, 12:49 AM
Erin hummed to herself as she sneezed and mentally scolded herself for letting the shop get so dirty and dusty. The sudden call from within the shop startled her, she dropped her dust rag as she jumped. I didn't even hear the bell over the door chime, shame on me.

"I'll be there in just a moment." Glancing around Erin laid her dust rag on a shelf and wiped the dust off of her hands using her apron. Bustling, she hurried for the front.

"Sorry about that dear, I was attempting to clean up this mess a bit. What can I help you with?"

02-10-08, 09:14 AM
I casually glanced around the store, noting the dire state of it but choosing to say nothing smart.

"Yes," I addressed her while unsheathing my kris daggers and placing them on the table. "Two things. One, how much would I get for these?" I pointed at my weapons. "Two, I'm looking for a pair of eight inch long damascus daggers. By any chance do you have any?"

Moonlit Raven
02-13-08, 09:54 PM
Erin picked up one of the two kris blades and inspected it for the normal wear and condition of the metal and hilt.

"The daggers are in good condition I can give you 80 gold for the pair. As for Damascus daggers I'm sure I have what you are looking for. Follow me please." Headed head for another section of the shop, oddly enough the shelves were free of dust and cobwebs of time. It took a moment and a stretch to find them grab one of the daggers she was looking for on the top shelf.

Turning the blade in her hand and looking it over quickly Erin handed the 8-inch dagger to the young woman.

"Here you go, sweetie. It's of normal craftsmanship, and it is 80 gold. For two of them like you wish it will be 140." Erin smiled, her mind wandering to the problem of the dust in the air, defeating her cleaning.

02-13-08, 10:49 PM
I picked up and held the dagger as if it were my first born child. Slowly turning it around in my hands, I examined it. The light gray metal shone brightly in the sunlight that poured through the window.

My right hand slid down the side of the blade and wrapped around the hilt. It felt just right. But, there was one more thing to test...

I pressed my left forefinger against the sharpened edge of the damascus dagger and swiftly drew the blade against it. It cut through my skin like it was nothing, evidenced by the trickle of blood that began to run down my finger. My black lips curled into a smile, despite the sharp pain running through my hand.

"Yes, this will do nicely," I said as I wiped the blood off of the dangerous weapon with a sleeve. Sucking on blood that was pouring out of the wound, I placed the dagger back down on the counter and began fishing through my satchel for my coin purse. "How much did you say it was--one forty? Let's see, after the eighty I'd get back from the kris daggers..." I trailed off as I did some quick head math. I fished out the remaining amount I owed the girl and set the gold on the table.

At that moment, I remembered what else I had set out to get. "Oh, and you wouldn't happen to know where I can find about fifty feet of wire? It has to be very flexible, like string, and as strong as steel." I called out a small length of the wire hidden in my left sleeve as a visual aid for the shop girl.

Moonlit Raven
02-15-08, 01:53 AM
Erin gasped as the girl cut her finger deliberately. Reaching into pockets that held much more than they looked like they could she dug for the pouch that help a few wound care supplies. Grumbling under her breath she pulled out two books and a small wrapped bundle of baked goods before she found the pouch she was looking for. Snipping a large piece of gauze she held it out.

"Sucking on it it's the best of idea my dear. Mouths can cause wounds to pick up a infection. Flexible wire? I carry some in stock but I'm not sure the wire is as thick as you would want. The stuff I have is about a quarter the size of my pinky finger. For fifty feet it would cost 50 gold."

02-15-08, 09:03 AM
"Yes, I know," I said as I took the gauze anyway and wrapped it around my bleeding finger. I could've explained to her my weird habit of drinking blood, but decided against it.

I quickly glanced at the girl's pinky finger, guestimating how thick the wire she had was from there. "Actually, its a bit thicker than I'm used to using, but I can always adapt. I'll take it." I took an extra fifty gold out of my purse and dropped it lightly onto the counter.

Moonlit Raven
02-17-08, 08:31 PM
Nodding Erin hurried to fetch the wire. A moment later she returned, the wire coiled in one hand the wire cutter in the other. Coiling it so it wouldn't pop out when laid down and knock things off of the counter.

"Here you go love. Less see, is that everything? Daggers, wire and gold. Yup, we're good." With a lazy hand Erin swept the gold, after a quick glance to count it, into a pouch.

"You have a good day and take care. There are men out there that think a woman bearing blades are more sport than a unarmed woman."

Transaction complete. Black and blue eyes loses 110 gold and gains 100 EXP for IC interactions.