View Full Version : The first step is always the hardest (open)

Mathew Amtrum
02-07-08, 11:15 PM
Mathew was bumping up and down holding on to the side of the rickety cart as it made it's way down the bumpy path. Several days have passed since his spontaneous departure from his old life. Several days since he chose to see the world he lived in rather then just hear about it. He was only a few days from his home and already he has seen more of the world then ever before. As one that lived his whole life inside the city it was amazing to see what it was really like beyond the walls that had been a symbol of home to him for many years.

Only a few days and his whole view of the world seemed to be changing. He always considered himself an active person having to run errends for his parents all of the time but now his feet felt about ready to fall off from all of the walking he has done. Even with hitching rides now and then on carts he was just not used to the amount of walking that traveling required him to do. The urge to take off his boots and massage his feet was trying to overwhelm his brain, he would have too if it wasn't for fear of falling off of the cart if he let go.

He was lucky to find a cart in this part of the woods in his opinion, with trees far larger then any he had ever seen inside the city all around him he couldn't see that far off of the road and he dared not stray for fear of wild animals and to a lesser degree bandits or something. He heard dense woods were notorious for bandits.

"How far are we from Underwood did you say we were Sir?" Mathew would ask the grizzled old man up front leading the his work mule with a crop to make sure he didn't stop to graze.

"About another hour." The man would reply gruffly in almost a rebuke. The thought of another hour in this cart in between barrels of Ale being shipped to the Peaceful something or other. Mathew couldn't really recall since at the time he was just happy to be able to get off his feet. But his sore backside was starting to rival his feet. Either way gratitude and fear of the man's crop kept him from complaining. He would just try to pass the time looking at the seemingly never changing, but new landscape. Taking in the intoxicating smell of nature that the old man was probably used to by now.

The next hour passed slowly for Mathew and when the cart finally stopped he released his death grip from the old wood that made up the cart he was foolish enough to ride in. He got up gingerly wincing slightly as he moved from his sitting position to a standing one. "Thank you for the ride Sir." He would say flashing the man a smile being truly grateful since no matter how rough the ride was at least he would have a bed to sleep in tonight instead of having to camp under a bush.

"It was nothing I was heading this way anyways." The older man would say without so much at glancing at Mathew. Taking it as a dismissal Mathew would slowly limp over to the front of the Inn that the man was making his delivery. After all one place was as good as another when you were a stranger. Taking a moment to read the worn sign Mathew would squint trying to form the letters in to words. And after a few moments he was able to decipher what the worn lettering said.

"The Peaceful Promenade huh?" He would say to himself quietly as he pushed open the door to see an all to familiar scene. Having worked in an Inn most of his life he was not surprised by what he saw. Gruff men in work clothing dicing in a corner and several pretty severing girls slipping between tables sometimes dodging a pinch from a customer that may have had a glass to many. The smell of meat wafted to the entrance from the kitchen and as if in response Mathew's stomach would rumble reminding him that he hadn't had anything other then berries and some fruit in days.

Closing the door behind him he would slowly enter the Inn looking around for an empty table to sit at since the look of some of the men at the other tables scared him to be honest. He wasn't a coward but this was a strange land to him despite being so close to his home. Homesickness and insecurity was creeping at the back of his head making him slightly paranoid of anyone that looked at him funny. He shifted his arms slightly as if to test to make sure that the blades were still there in case he wound up in trouble. And thankfully they were undisturbed.

Finally taking a seat in the middle of the Inn, one of the few open tables, though it did make him feel very exposed. He was greeted by a pretty serving girl who had a small glimmer of sweat on her forehead showing that she was not only working hard and had obviously been on her shift for a few hours at least.

"What can I get for you Deary?" She would ask with a small giggle that caused her to scrunch up her nose in a very cute manner. On Reflex Mathew would give her a flirtatious smile which she returned with a wink. He didn't really think anything of it, after all he had seen his sister do the same thing at their Inn back home. It was a trick to get guys to give you a better tip. You flirt a little bit and hoping that you might see them after your shift they give you a nice tip to help you remember them. But even knowing that she was just doing her job he couldn't help but appreciate how cute she was with golden hair that fell down to her shoulders, and sparking blue eyes with a few freckles on her cheeks. If he was back home he would likely have asked her for a dance or something.

"Ummm your cheapest ale and whatever is ready in the kitchen I suppose." He would say as his stomach gave another growl as if he needed to be reminded how hungry he was.

"Alrighty." She would say with another cute smile.

Letting out a sigh of relief Mathew would lean back in to the chair silently wishing that it had a cushion but grateful that it was at least still. His fingers began to tap on the unpolished wood of the table as he waited for his food eager to get some real food in to his stomach at last.

02-08-08, 07:22 AM
(Hope you don’t mind me playing a small part in your story ^^)

Tired from a long, perilous walk, Teefa decided to return to The Peaceful Promenade. A nice meal and then the comfort of a warm bed were the only things on her mind right now. Adventures –especially the dangerous kind- always did require a lot of energy. Using her staff for support, she dragged her feet over the dusty path, occasionally kicking a loose stone or two.

“Ow…” she huffed, as her delicate feet couldn’t handle any more of the stress from the constant walk. Not wanting to stop, she decided to rest anyway. Sitting down on a little patch of grass, she took off one of her boots and gently started squeezing her foot. It was painful yet relieving sensation. With the pain fading sway, she arched backways, placing her hands on the grass and looking at the sky. While stretching her legs, blades of grass tickled her toes.

Not noticing before, she saw a cart riding by. Inclined to ask for a ride, she didn't want to bother getting up just yet, the cool grass against her feet just felt too good.

After some time had passed, Teefa felt confident that she would be able to continue onward without too much strain. Putting her boots back on, she got up from the ground. After taking the first step, the pain returned as if it was never gone. “Ow!”

Half an hour later -that felt like ages- Teefa finally arrived at the establishment. Thanking the heavens, she hurried for the door. In the corner of her eye, she could see a man unloading barrels from the cart she saw earlier and regretted that she hadn't asked for a ride. Oh well…

As she opened the door, the smell of food immediately hit her nostrils, causing her mouth to water. Food! she cheered within. “Let’s see now…” Teefa looked around to see if there was a quiet place where she could sit; preferably not anywhere near men as they would probably end up pestering her and disturb her dinner.

A blond serving girl passed by with a plate of food and a mug of ale and placed it on a wooden table where a young man was sitting; apparently he had chosen a spot where Teefa would’ve picked: as far away from scruffy looking men as possible. Not really wanting to bother with spending much time to pick a spot, she looked down as she bravely strode towards the young man’s table and sat down at the other end of it. She gave the young man a brief nod, as way of saying enjoy your dinner. Resting her hands on her lap, she peered around the room, hoping to make eye contact with a serving girl. She sighed quietly to herself as they were all very busy serving the other customers.


Mathew Amtrum
02-08-08, 08:42 AM
Not at all you are very welcome to post. ^_^

Mathew fingers stopped drumming on the table abruptly when the same pretty serving girl from before brought him a nice tray with stew that was causing his mouth to salivated from the aroma. Not that it smelled particularly good but more that it was hot food and in front of him. At this point though Mathew didn't care how it tasted as long as it filled him up.

"Thank you." He would say as he flashed the serving girl another one of his smiles before digging in to his pouch and pulling out a couple coins handing it to her. "This is for you, buy yourself something pretty." He would say and would be rewarded with a smile from the young serving girl before as she thanked him before being pulled away to attend to other customers.

Looking at the meal in front of him Mathew picked up one of the wooden spoon that the serving girl had brought with her and he would take a bite quickly, eager to finally be able to eat. At once his mouth was packed with flavors as he could taste the meat and vegetables as well as the seasonings and spices that made up a wonderful blend of flavors. When coupled with the fact that he hadn't had a real meal in days the taste was enough to make him emit a sound of pleasure from the dish.

He didn't have time to enjoy his meal alone though, as soon as the first bite was taken he was joined by another customer. Though to his delight it was not one of the scruffy looking men but rather a pretty young woman who gave him a small nod as if saying 'don't mind me'. But Mathew wasn't one to ignore a pretty woman that chose to sit by him. He would flash her his most charming smile as he let his eyes quickly scan her openly and honestly. Though he kept it at a quick scan rather then a leer.

"Mathew." He would say. "My name is Mathew, you see it is always polite to introduce yourself." He would continue on hinting that he wanted her to tell him her name before taking a sip from his ale as he waited for her to choose whether or not to give him her name as well.

The ale as expected left much to be desired, he ordered their cheapest not having an abundance of money to spend left and right and what was brought to him tasted like heavily watered down piss. There was little doubt that this was indeed their cheapest and worst ale. The taste alone was enough to put a foul look on his face as he looked at the contents of the mug with disgust. Putting it down with a silent resolve to not drink any more of it Mathew was forced to take another bite of stew if only to get the foul taste out of his mouth.

02-08-08, 10:27 AM
Resting her elbows on the table and her hands against her cheeks, Teefa was waiting for someone to notice her wanting to make an order. The sound of a wooden spoon hitting the surface of a plate caught her attention. She turned to look at the young gentleman sitting in front of her. He gave her friendly smile and looked at her with some interest; he then went and introduced himself as Mathew.

“Mine is Teefa” she replied, returning him one of her own shy smiles “pleased to meet you.” Her eyes shifted from Mathew’s, down to his plate. The look and smell of the food was so good that she bit her lip and began to imagine herself eating it. Quickly looking around, she noticed one of the servant girls standing near the counter, scanning for people that needed serving. Not wasting time, Teefa motioned for her to come to the table.

“Hey there, what can I get for you?”

“I would like the same as what this gentleman is having, that and a cup of water please.”

“Sure, coming right up.”

“Thank you kindly.”

With that, Teefa faced back to Mathew, a broad smile on her face as she finally managed to get her order taken. “I don’t know if it is any good, but it sure looks tasty enough” she chuckled while Mathew just took a sip from his mug. “What?” Teefa asked when she saw the sour expression on his face “it’s not?” she giggled jokingly, realizing fully well it wasn’t the food but the drink.

Looking at the young man, Teefa studied his features. Although there wasn’t anything particularly unusual about him, there was something about him that made him fall out of place. One thing was for sure, he didn’t look like someone that would crawl out of a mine after hours of hard labor. No, he was decent looking, and charming as well. Teefa guessed that he was about her age which added to her growing curiosity.

“So, um, are you someone from around here?” She began asking, hoping to start a conversation and find out more.

Mathew Amtrum
02-08-08, 08:42 PM
"Bleh" Mathew would say again about the ale. It truly was god awful. Pushing the chipped glass mug away from him Mathew would return his attention to the pretty girl in front of him. The pretty girl that just introduced herself as Teefa.

"It's better then the ale thats for sure. I think you were smart to just get water..." He would say as he flicked his brown bangs from his eyes with a fluid motion of his left hand before returning to his piping hot meal eager to finish wolfing it down.

He just felt at ease here in the Inn, it was an environment that he was comfortable with. The drunken cheers from the men dicing in the corner to the general sound of chatter as the men and women at the other tables chatted among themselves. It even smelled a bit like home. The smell of spices and fresh bread wafting out from the kitchen. Though he felt another pang of homesickness at all of the parallels to his home, but the fact that despite this he was still resolved to go on and see the world surprised even him. It had always been a dream, but he had never spent so much as a day away from home before this little adventure. He would try to push thoughts of home out of his head before he started to wonder how worried his parents and sister were. Before he started to wonder if they were doing ok without him there. Teefa's question would bring him back down to earth thankfully.

"Well... I guess you could say that. I am from Radasanth actually, but this is my first time out of the city. I do have to admit that traveling the world is not really what I expected it to be. I don't know... I guess that is what I get for leaving the comfort of my home on a whim wouldn't you say?" He would ask as he moved his right hand through his hair to the back of his head with a weak chuckle. "What about you? Are you from around here as well? I mean I would assume you are since I would imagine it is dangerous for a woman to travel alone. I mean I know I have been a nervous wreck since leaving home." He would say with a nervous laugh before taking another bite of his meal making sure to fully swallow the still steaming hot dish before continuing on. "But maybe I am just too used to city life. Maybe all the stories I have heard are just exaggerated." He would say with a shrug that seemed to say that it didn't matter either way. It didn't matter to him because dangerous or not he was going to follow through with this. This was his chance to see the world while he was still young, he would have his whole life to work at an inn and settle down with a nice girl or something. Right now he was craving adventure, well craving it under his anxiety, and currently hunger and exhaustion.

02-11-08, 05:20 AM
Teefa watched as Mathew took another bite from his food. It looked like he was just as hungry as she was but he was already in the process of solving that problem. Although watching him eat distracted her, she listened intently to Mathew’s story. She would occasionally nod with a brief ‘uh-huh’.

“No” she started, answering his question on whether she was from around “I’m just like you, just a traveler who is far away from home” she said, holding her hands close together on her table, slightly lowering her head as if her mind was about to delve into bag of old memories.

Shaking her head, she looked up to Mathew again and smiled “Oh—well” she began, nervously waving off her hand “travelling can be a fulfilling thing” She felt silly saying that, but it was the best thing she could come up with. “But anyway, you said you’ve left the comfort of your home on a whim… Pardon my rude questioning, but do you mind if I ask why?” For some reason, Teefa felt some sort of correlation between her and the young man in front of her. He was a traveler, so was she. He left his home, so did she. What other similarities did they share? Teefa began to wonder.

The sudden clatter of a wooden plate and a cup hitting the table diverted Teefa’s attention as the serving girl had finally brought the food “There ya go, love.”

“Oh, thank you very much, I was really getting hungry” Teefa smiled while handing over some coins.

“Well then, I hope you will enjoy” the serving girl replied, taking the money before leaving to tend to other customers.

“This smells so good!” Teefa said gleefully as she took a deep breath through her nose, smelling the food's aroma. Not wanting to waste any more time, she took a bite from the warm food. Upon chewing the food, she moaned with satisfaction as the many flavors aroused her taste buds. Some of the men turned their head in her direction, grinning. Teefa didn’t notice the men looking at her, neither would she care if she did, she was enjoying her meal and that was all that mattered right now.

“Delicious!” she exclaimed, causing almost everyone in the room to pause their chattering and stare at her. Teefa whipped her head around as she noticed the sudden silence. “Oh… I’m sorry” she spoke softly, blushing in embarrassment after she realized she had everyone’s attention. She turned her eyes to Mathew, hoping he didn’t get a wrong impression about her. “This is good food…” She whispered to him, explaining her excitement. Shrugging, she composed herself and continued eating her food. The other patrons resumed with what they were doing.

"Now, where were we?"

06-02-09, 03:56 PM
This thread has been sitting since before the beginning of this year (2009). Since no response has been made to create activity I am going to be moving this. If you would like it to be reopened please feel free to PM myself or another admin and they will be able to move it for you back to the Peaceful Promenade.