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Riley Gardner
05-25-06, 12:15 PM
((Just a single post to show riley joining Step))

One hundred gold in the pocket since he had left home. One hundred gold in the pocket that he had kept. Using his superb skills, he had managed to eat for free for the past few weeks. One would be surprised how much nobody would noticed a 'merchant' taking his own merchandise or a 'soldier' collecting 'tax money' for his 'king'. Riley's skills at hiding among the people by becoming one of them had aided him greatly.

He was in concordia today, laying low until the heat was off of him. Recently, there had been a string of thefts in broad daylight. Normally, this was not a thing the guards of Corone would even bother with, but the fact that these thefts were happening in such quickness, so repeatidly, was almost a taunting of their abilities to guard the city. The theif behind the apprehension of all this delicious food, ranging from fruit to plain bread, had been none other than the heir to the Gardner estate.

However, nobody here in Corone had prolly ever heard of Riley's home town of Nico. It was such a small town, with such a seclusive Lord that the name 'Riley Gardner' would have no real relevence among anyone in the big city. He could not take his chances, however, and was cleverly disguised as an elderly lady, a leg limping among the dirt of the forest as she nibbled on a Aleran orange. 'She' must not have been paying much attention to where she was going, because she bumped into a stranger.

Riley sold the act well, even so much as having stole a pair of dentures so thatwhen he hit the stranger, the teeth came flying out. The man looked to 'her' with a straight face, and helped her up. "I'm sorry ma'm, I wasn't watching where I was going," this tall, bald man said, straightening out his black suit. "That's ok sonny," Riley said in his best old lady voice, "These eyes ain't what they used to be, after all. I'll have to be more careful myself, seeya sonny."

As Riley began to trudge off, a smile appeared on his face. However, the youth paused when he heard the man speak again. "Now why would an old lady leave her dentures on the ground, dirty, but sneak off with a perfectly good leather belt? Perhaps we were wrong about you, Riley Gardner." Riley had gotten used to hearing his name from the vbillage, so it was everything he could do not to turn around. "Fraid I never heard that name before sonny. As for my teeth, I've got another pair at home."

"Then explain how the detures don't match the bite marks on that orange." Riley looked down to the fruit he was still holding in his left hand, swearimg under his breath as he turn around. "Alright, you caught me. Keen eye you got there. I take it you're part of the guard?" The man shook his head. "Actually, I'm with a more....reclusive bunch. We've been looking at you for a while now Riley Gardner, and we have a proposition for you, if you'd just come with us...."

It was then that riley was explained aboput this organization. About it's people, about it's goal. He was also told how a man of his talent could be used in this organization. Riley normally wouldn't have gone with this man, or joined his little group, but something told him that this man, these people, this 'Step', was part of his destiny...

09-24-06, 10:32 AM
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