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02-08-08, 01:39 PM
{{Updates in ‘wheat’}}

Name: Ranger Nailo
Alias: Tel’Amnrach – “Soul-Keeper”
Age: 358, round about
Height: 5’ 10”
Weight: 220 lbs
Race: Drow
Eye: Silver
Hair: Silver

Class: Prophet
Sub-class: Prophet of the Gods, most specifically the Thayne
Occupation: Wanderer. Miracle worker. Seeker of Truth.

+|+ Appearance +|+
Looks like an elf, pointed sharp ears, long flowing hair that drapes across his shoulders, sharp slanted eyes, thin pale lips, a slight grayish tint to his skin, small frame, and long slender fingers. The drow’s cheekbones are set high, as most of the Alerar kin are, and give him an air of dignity all elves carry. Ranger has built a fine layer of muscle along his arms and chest from mining with the Red Hand, this layer of muscle has become harder and allows Ranger what little protection such muscle mass may provide.

He is calm and collected, reserved even, and it shows in his attitude and presence. Ranger is no longer hasty to engage in battle, unless a reason is proven or a reward on the line. With the destruction of the false god, and the reestablishment of relationships that have meaning, the drow has become much more relaxed. He enjoys spending time helping others, as well as himself. The path of the Thayne has also opened him to many different types of people, allowing him to trust easily, though it could be unwise to do so.

He has never dressed in any clothes besides those that he found comfortable. He wears a pair of black pants, tight across the top of his thighs and tucked into his boots. He sports a white blouse with long sleeves, very tight across his chest and upper arms (showing more of his muscular form then necessary, but not intentionally). And on he wears a light elven boot. They come to his knees, tie up along the sides, and have an additional ‘cap’ of leather to cover his knees that are not tied down. Though all the clothes are tight across his body, Ranger does not mean for them to be so. They were made for an archer, as his original occupation was, but he never had the chance (or notion) to buy anything different because of the lack of need.

Over his shirt is the black studded (steel) leather jerkin he uses as his sole armor. It has a high collar, covering the sides of his neck, and the ‘sleeves’ only extend two inches from their seam at his shoulder. The jerkin of elven make, very old, and is used mainly to deflect/parry small weapons of a common craft. It is not made to stop arrows, cannot stand up against most blades (unless they are either of a tier below iron or dull), and but can be relied on not to restrict movement. Over everything is an elven cloak that covers him well enough from most weather conditions. It is also of elven make and is sleek and gives Ranger a look of pure grace when it flows around his steps. It is of a dull green, brown hue that seems to help him hide when the situation is right. ((NO special attributes))

+|+ Skills +|+ Novice – Apprentice – Common – Mediocre – Advanced – Expert – Legend

Swordplay: Ranger is an expert at using swords, mainly short swords but long also. His past and present experiences have honed his skills to a perfection of the basic arts. Ranger is able to teach the wielding of the weapon, able to use any sword at hand (no matter who made it or what shape it is in), and can often wield objects of similar size or weight as an improvised sword.

Marksmanship: Marksmanship governs the ability for Ranger to fire a weapon of a projectile craft. It is based mainly on sight (aim), concentration, and strength. Other portions are dexterity and speed, which allows the drow to shoot many arrows at a time. Currently Ranger is able to shoot a moving target at 50 yards within a target area of a 5” diameter, or a still target within the same diameter at 70 yards. ((All depends on the make of the bow as well as the pull))

Ambidextrous: He is capable of using either hand with equal power and skill. Since using the swords and axes more and more he is able to use both hands equally, giving him a slight advantage on the field of battle, or in any situation where one hand it no longer functioning due to restraint or injury.

Mining- Ranger is at the level of mining ore at ratios of 45% plynt, 30% iron, 25% useless rocks. This is going up with his increasing ability and learning from Ithermoss how to mine better and properly. With the passing of Ithermoss Ranger has decided that, since he is now the highest and most experienced miner, he needs to learn how to mine better and faster. His mining ratios will increase more and more, while at the same time he must teach new mining member of the Red Hand how to work the trade. ((Level 3: Was 25% iron, 40% Plynt, and 35% useless rock))

When in a mine with a higher quality than the Fist, he is able to mine much better materials. Though the mines are rare, one sits on the outskirts of the newly acquired hold in Salvar, which the Red Hand controls, as well as any of the more famous dwarven mines. Currently he can mine up to 30%% Dehlar, 40% Plynt, and 30% useless rock within the Salvaran mines of the Gol’Bron hold. In better mines he can mine up to 40% Dehlar, 20% Plynt, and 30% useless rock; though none of the mines able to reap that much are currently at his disposal.

Minor staff wielding- Since using the monks spade in battle he has become skilled at spinning and attacking with the weapon. His skills are primarily what he remembers from watching Ithermoss, but he is teaching himself also. The spin is gaining speed, and the blade seems to move like a blur. Ranger is no longer a simple adept, but is slowly mastering the spade, a fresh weapon and twist in his long life of fighting. His spade is primarily used when multiple opponents are present, when he is fighting from/against someone on horseback, or when it gives him a bonus against his opponent.

Axe wielding- He is still learning, but Ranger has recently started using the axe as a weapon for combat, not just chopping trees. He does not use them much in battle, because they seem much more clumsy then his swords or staff, but to know how to wield them wouldn’t hurt.

Nimble- Like most elves Ranger is very quick and nimble and is able to dodge attacks and such quickly. He is also very light-footed, able to walk on top of snow/thin sand.

Acrobatics- Ranger, using his nimble and dexterous attributes, has become rather intrigued with the use of tumbling and flipping. It is a potentially limitless skill, self-taught, and is coming slowly but surely. Currently he uses it more for training with weapon or working out his muscles instead of by conventional means. However, with proper training and discipline his acrobatics skills present interesting avenues of approach for future fights.

+|+ History +|+

Ranger was born of Alerar. As a drow he was taught of all the intricacies of his culture and of Alerar, not only learning for his future as a soldier but also about the superior technology of the dark elves. Since his childhood he was brought up with blades, sword and pole-arms of all types. When he was only thirty years of age his first blades were given to him, bestowed upon him by his father and the Captain of his training brigade in Alerar.

But things went wrong in time, as they seem to so often.

The elven warrior was stationed along the edge of the Mountains of Twilight, in a remote outpost set to watch for the high elves. It was an easy job, being stuck in a post that was relatively unknown even to those of Alerar. Eventually it had become dull though, every so often a beast would come close enough to engage, but it happened rarely. Other then hunting excursions into the forests and mountains, and training there was little to do.

However, apathy creates the easiest of targets. Eventually the outpost was recognized, seen for the first time perhaps, by the Raiaerian elves. A contingency of both the high elves and human allies raided the post, burning it to the ground. Ranger and most of the drow managed to escape, but had ‘abandoned their post’ as surviving happened to be called. They were deserters and were as good as dead according to the Alerar government.

With no reason to remain in Alerar other than to possibly loose his life, Ranger fled the country in search of something more.

Levels 1 through 4
His restless wanting soul carried him to the heart of Pandemonium’s fist, a strong hold held by the dragon kin Ithermoss. He was taken in as a miner, and given his pick axe, wagon and two mules. With a smile and feeling of accomplishment Ranger started his mining career under the leadership of Ithermoss.

Under the leadership of Ithermoss, he still felt somewhat incomplete. After searching with another dark elf named Kaazekhele he met a cleric of Pelor (a deity of light and strength), who brought the two ‘into the light’ and under the leadership of a powerful ‘god’.

With his earnings he bought another wagon, twenty-four sacks to hold his ore, ten more mules, and another pick axe, all to help him further his mining career and bring in more profit.

After joining the Red Hand he found that he was needed also as a part of the Order Within Chaos, and signed on for the working class of the group. His first mission was to chop trees, which he found extremely boring and long, but somehow oddly satisfying. So, he was now part of both clans, but his heart and soul belonged and resided with the RH.

Ranger has decided that he must leave the Order Within Chaos because of conflicts of interest. Nothing against the organization as a whole, but it was not working for the elf and he lost all interest. Despite being an ally of the Red Hand Ranger dislikes the Order Within Chaos, for their power hungry ways, and dislikes the Bandit Brotherhood, because they are all bandits.

A new clan, but an extension of the Red Hand, has arisen, called the Black Hand. As being apart of the old flame banner Ranger was assigned the position of a soldier within the RH. However, with the rise of the Black Hand, Ranger has become a member of that group as well, and is now under the leadership of a vampire named Azriel Lightbringer. Ranger does not like the idea of being under the leadership of a vampire, and has opted to fall under the ‘cell’ of the leader Thoracis, who he had heard of via rumors about his leadership with the Grand Army of Althanas.

A bit of a conflict arose when the ancient vampire, Azrael, left the ranks of the Black Hand. Ranger was planning on leaving before the disappearance of the vampire, unable to stand being lead by an undead creature. However, when hearing that his good friend and once companion, Hikari, was to take control Ranger was fine with the group once again. That is, until they had a meeting… The meeting started out bad, with an immature young man, Seth, holding the hilt of his dagger as he talked to Hikari. Ranger took action and came to the defense of his leader. From then on the meeting was bad, with undead and idiotic human’s alike coming. Ranger found someone, however, that he could relate to, Dan Wilmhearst. The man was quite a vulgar mercenary, but he was more than outspoken, and what he said Ranger liked. The elven cleric followed suit, directly after the man, and told the congregation what and who he was, an undead hating cleric of the light.

Storming out Ranger’s only mission with the Black Hand was also a disaster. He was teamed with Hikari, who he did not mind being with, and a demon warrior named Vladimir. Needless to say the meeting of the elf and the demon did not go well, Ranger distrusting the thing immediately, it despising the elf. During the rain the elf attempted to make a friendly gesture and help dry the area they were staying in, so that everyone would be more comfortable. This was only met with despise and insult. Shortly following the demon started a fight with Ranger, calling for him to stand up for himself. When Ranger stood he found that his leader burst through the woods and stopped the two. The elf felt little hard feelings towards Hikari, until he was condemned for starting the fight. Anger rose, lack of thought took over, and before he knew it Ranger was telling his leader off. Following that he rushed to the woods for solitude and the word of his lord Pelor. Upon returning he found that his leader and the demon had not only not come to wake him, but had left him altogether. Anger once again overtook his body and soul and he rushed after them to find why. After a few quick words Ranger rushed off, no longer able to handle the pressure and misunderstandings by his ‘leader’ Hikari. So, Ranger is no longer in the Black Hand, and will be seeking the changing of a sign before the end of the month…

Soon after Ranger was praised in the halls of the Theater of War. His strength and prowess in battle offered him a position of interest among those parts of the heated competition. By the end of the first ‘season’ the drow had placed third out of many contenders. It probably had not given him anything beyond minor recognition, but the gratification of defeating so many (including Hikari) was enough for him.

Little of true interest happened during the time since that season though. Ithermoss rose again, though in a form other than that of the powerful miner and drake-lord. Instead the he rose as a human, the man is seemingly weak and rather unimpressive to Ranger. But it was not by the new appearance of Lord Ithermoss that the elven warrior and cleric made his decision to leave for the time being.

The drow, seeing the quickly failing and dying Red Hand, was forced to leave after a long debate within himself. Upon a promise to return he took his equipment and walked away from the halls, leaving behind Pandemonium’s Fist and enough mined Plynt to pay for the wagon and two mules that he had thought his for so long.

His wife has left him, his child with her, and in his mind the voice of Pelor no longer spoke. It was disconcerting to the once persistent cleric, as spells are coming and growing, but the voice of his god no longer speaks. He seeks to find the issue behind the problem and amend it, healing the wounds that wish to consume his soul while he is in his state of depression.

To Level 5

Time passes slowly for the drow, who seems to find life more and more tedious. Tensions rise and fall, alliances are lost and regained, and it seems that the world is just repeating itself over and over. However, in his time he had come to know friendship, trusting fellow members of the Red Hand, and especially the ghoul Lorenor (an undead fellow who he would never have thought himself to ever befriend in the past) and the new leader Sorahn.

He spent some time paired with a ludicrous talking elephant, Chumley, fighting other two person groups in a tournament. The pair bested old enemies, Seth Dahlios most notedly, but the prophet felt little in the way of accomplishment in the matter. They continued through a slew of strange situations till the end result pitted them against the powerful ice mage Thoracis, and the mischievous human Max Dirks. The prophet had battle Dirks in the Bazaar war, but no mention of the fact entered the battle. However, the respect between the two must have mattered at the very least, for instead of simply shooting the drow the human fought him on a level ground, sword to sword.

Soon after, he relinquished himself to the wills of the Thayne. In his surrender he discovered the ‘god of light’ that he had followed for so long, had fought for and killed for, was nothing more than a deamon of old. Aerian, as he was truly known, was hidden deep under the mire of Haidia. With the assistance of a soulless man, a spirit of an ancient mage that took over his body, and the Thayne’s strength alone he was victorious in the destruction of the old god. During the fight his spade was destroyed, leaving him with the titanium head and bladed end, which he kept. He also gained a new perspective on life, willing for little more than to give to others, gain the good will of each god, and return the Red Hand to its former glory.

+|+ Magic +|+


---Base spell--- Light Manipulation: Ranger has been blessed with the ability to manipulate the light that surrounds him. This ability allows him to change the light into different shapes as well as change the brightness given off.

--+Branch off manipulation+-- Light Shield: A shield about the size of a small shield made of pure light and minor heat, forms on Ranger’s arm, whichever he chooses. It may be created up to twice in a battle and lasts for a maximum of ten minutes. Tier level equivalent to level 4…

--+Branch off manipulation+-- Light Beam: A large beam, circumference the size of a soccer ball, made of pure light and heat. Is emitted from the fingers/hands with a hand motion, this beam can be brought to a point via manipulation of the light and pierce the target as well as bludgeoning it. Only usable thrice per battle, or per day…

--+Branch off manipulation+-- Light Shards: This spell is a simple spell, creating shards of light, like large chunks of broken glass. It is cast much the same way as the beam of light, but instead of the small orbs at the finger coming down to meet that of the palm the hand is thrust forward and they take shape as they work their way towards the opponent. Also, instead of a single large orb of light at the palm, two small circulating orbs grow and are launched with the others. The total number of attacking shards is six, at tier 3 instead of tier 4. Again, this is a minor offensive attack and mainly used for only for a quick attack or distraction.

--+Branch off manipulation+-- Permanence: The spell ‘permanence’ is another gift of Pelor, this time one that is more lasting and can be seen by any and all. The spell allows Ranger to call forth his light manipulation, and actually make it stay in the shape that it is, permanently. After using the spell the item must sit for a mandatory four days, if the item is under the size of a short sword, and five days if it is over the size of a short sword. The tier of the item is equal to that of the light manipulation power, tier 4, and can be changed after it is made. The shape and decorations of the item can be made and molded, but the more there are the longer it takes to make the item. Any and all items created by Ranger appear either as a glossy foggy crystalline solid, bright yellow almost white in coloration, or a bright white metal. The crystalline solid looks much like foggy glass, but has the high tier level of a metal; the metallic white looks much like fine smooth silk. The metallic one has a very high reflective property, allowing a person to wield the light along with the blade. ((May only be used once per quest thread, items created may only be equal to an overall… volume of a greatsword))

--|Branch off permanence|-- Alter: This spell is directly correlated with the spell Permanence. It can only affect items ‘created’ by Ranger via the spell. This spell allows the elf to alter one aspect, out of two, on the item. The two aspects are either tier or appearance. After changing the item it is mandatory that it sit for a time period equal to that of the spell. Once completed the item can once again be used after the time needed to wait. ((This will allow me to upgrade weapons and items as the spell upgrades))


---Base Spell--- Delve: Ranger, upon laying his hands on a sickened person, can ‘delve’ into their person and find what ails their body or mind. Though the elf can find what is wrong with a person, he cannot always heal what is wrong with them. No limit on use, because it has no use other than to find what is wrong with a person.

--+Branch of delving+-- Healing Hands: Ranger is able to lay hands on a soul and heal them of many forms of viruses and ailments. This spell also mends large wounds and most broken bones, but only has slight effects against sicknesses of the mind. Currently it cannot return arms or legs to their rightful place, cure blindness or natural birth defects, or raise the dead. Unknown what happens when used on an undead creature -- can only be used twice per battle/day and not on himself.

--+Branch of delving+-- Healing circle: Ranger can cast a healing circle that covers a circumference of ten feet other way. The healing spell is relatively strong, in comparison to the beginning healers, and is able to mend large wounds and heal small broken bones. Has no effect on sicknesses of the mind. It is unknown what happens when used while in the proximity of an undead creature -- can be used only once per battle/day and DOES work on himself.


---Root Knowledge--- Gods Will: Ranger, as a true follower of his god, knows what his god enjoys and what he loves. Through this knowledge he can give others what they would require to follow his lord. [No power or use, just knowledge]

--+Branch of Gods Will+-- Miracle: This spell allows Ranger to call upon the spiritual power of his ‘deity’ and bring for miraculous miracles. Miracles are only passive things and cannot be used as an offensive weapon against an opponent, directly. A miracle, for an example, would be like blessing a patch of land so that the farmer is able to grow again on it, or bringing forth rain from a clear sky to allow thirsting people to drink. It will not work if there is any malicious intent behind the plea.

Pathway of the Thayne –
The pathway of the Thayne is the guided steps towards better understanding of the will of the gods. As he follows the long and winding path he will come across many different abilities that the Thayne will bless him with. These are, exactly like his former spells, a divine power and not an arcane power.

[b] N’jal

---Base Spell--- Shadow Manipulation: With the blessings of the Dark Mother the prophet Nailo has been granted the ability to wield the shadows. Currently his strength with them is about average, but requires consistent concentration in order to fully form and manipulate, unlike his abilities with the light. However, whereas the light wounded creatures that fear it, the shadow wounds those that fear the darkness.

+|+ Weapons +|+
~~Medium Yew crossbow
~~Damascus headed bolts (x36)
~~Yew short bow
~~Ash arrows (x24)
~~Elven short swords, steel (x2)
~~One handed axe, Plynt (x2)
~~Monks spade, titanium head and oak shaft: In the aftermath of the fight with the deamon Aerian, the spade was split and the shaft shattered. All that remains of it is the titanium head and the crescent bladed end that was undamaged. He keeps both as part of his display in his small house in the Red Hand’s new town.
~~Copper throwing knife (x5)
~~ Hromagh’s Blades: Each blade is 35 inches in length, with a six inch pommel, without the common hand guard. The blades are each straight, curving just slightly towards the tip, and single edged. They weigh below 2 pounds, almost a pound and a half each. The material used is a marble hue of mithril and an unknown material. Due to the unique and extremely rare material and quality of both blades, the edges of the swords will never be blunted or need sharpening and the surfaces of the swords will never dull or become worn with use. The edge is sharper than almost any edge possible to modern weapon smiths. Both blades have a unique ability, but both abilities are locked for now.


Blade One: The blade has more raw unknown material along the blades edge. Because of the magical resistance that the black metal presents its edge is made to cut through and destroy spells being cast at it. It is a powerful and explosive offense against spells of all natures.
Blade Two: The blade has the pure black material along its edge but more impure mingled through the flat surface, allowing it to be a more impressive defensive weapon against all types of magical threats. In battle it acts as a shield against spells cast at the prophet.

+|+ Items +|+
~~Medium wagon, 1000 lb limit (x2)
~~Mules (x12)
~~Pick axe, Damascus (x2)
~~Sacks (x24)
~~A little glowing necklace - Granted as a reward from the fight between Ranger and Oberon
A shot glass from the Citadel gift shop which has a picture of a cowboy printed on it and a little speech bubble saying, "This town ain't big enough for the two of us, pardner!"- Granted as a reward for fighting against the dark elf assassin Praenuntio.
~~Land bought from the RH- The land was unused for some time, the interest of the prophet not lying in the blank land but in the resurrection of the Gol’Bron, the destruction of his former god, and the numerous tournaments. However, it became very useful when the Red Hand needed a new base of operation, and the drow gladly donated his land to the clan. It is now the center of their reach, currently a bit light on defenses, but quickly growing.

Beneath the Mire (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=446) – Hromagh’s Blades.

A Time of Prophecy (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=5926) – N’jal’s will and spell

Reestablishing what was lost (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=5803) – The establishment of the Red Hand’s town and loss of his personal hold on the land.

Zook Murnig
02-08-08, 06:30 PM
By the powers vested in me by the administrators of Althanas, you are hereby approved.