View Full Version : Conquest Trials Rewards

Call me J
02-10-08, 10:59 AM
There are two main types of benefits in this tournament, benefits for finishing battles and benefits for advancing rounds. The benefits for advancement start at the quarterfinal stage, even if the first round of the tournament is the quarterfinal. Additionally, there are some individual rewards for players that make participating in Conquest Trial battles more enticing than participating in other battles, but the main rewards are going to be given to power groups, not to individuals.

Finishing rewards

For finishing any army (Gisela style) battle: Since army battles can be a bit more involved than any other kind of battle, and the Gisela open rewards double EXP and GP for these battles, the EXP and GP rewards will be doubled for battles that have conclusions. The judging moderator is the sole arbiter as to whether these rewards are deserved. Additionally, participants in completed battles get the right to add one NPC from their army to their PG permanently.

For finishing a single or two player battle: These battlers get the EXP and GP from winning their battle normally, but then, get EXP and GP again based on the success or failure of their team. The team bonus is calculated the same way that normal EXP would be, except the winner is determined by the winning team as opposed to the winning individual and is divided by two.

For posting in a battle that completes ten posts: Players will receive a steel item with the name of their Conquest Trials team and the PG name as a memento of the tournament.

For finishing all three battles: Each PG that finishes all three battles in a round gains 3000 GP for their PG.

Advancement rewards

EXP and GP bonuses: Modifiers are placed onto all completed battles based on the round. Quarterfinal battles have a modifier of one, semifinals have a modifier of 1.5, and finalists have a modifier of 2.

Champion bonuses: The champion of the tournament gains an HQ for their PG, and the participants for that PG each gain 1000 GP.

Advancement bonuses: Each team that advances to the semifinalist gains the right to create a politically connected NPC in any of the Althanas continents, though they must get the approval of that continent’s writer. Each team that advances to the finals gains 20 identical items in damascus that will be engraved with their PG’s name. The exact nature of this item can be determined by the PG and distributed by the PG leader, in addition to a second NPC.