View Full Version : Giest Fox come one come all

02-11-08, 12:50 AM
Arriving earlier in the day the Ice leopard had found one of the more comfortable and least broken chairs in the whole Inn. With a stack of twelve shot glasses and three drained mugs of mead, Kell was fairly well on the side of buzzed. The noise had risen steadily as she waited for happy hour, knowing it would be the busiest time.

Pulling the now soggy stick of what had been a blueberry sucker from her mouth and dropping it into one of the empty glasses, she eyed everyone in the bar.

Cut throats, killers, brigands, pirates, swords for hire...all of them willing to make a buck over a life.

The thoughts made her think more and more about if she was really willing to do this. Tomb raiding had failed as profession due to every Tom, Dick and Harry and their dogs scouring just about every old stone in the known lands.

She coughed, clearing her throat as she slid her chair back a little and stood up. Placing one foot on the chair she climbed up and placed the other on the table.

Holding her hands up she let a great arch pop between them, making a sound like a small gunshot. With the room momentarily silenced she spoke with as much command as she had.

“Listen up ya crazy fuckers, any of ya that think you got the balls or the lack there of. I'm looking for a group of dirty bastards and bitches willing to fight for their worth. Be it ya want money or pride or any of the other spoils there of, I got a list of jobs I know of that are going to pay a killing.”

She pulled out a small black flag with a circle and a white fox in it and pinned it to the wall behind her.

“So any of you that got the stones to join the Giest Fox, step on up!”

with that she sat back down and waved a waitress over for another round of fire water.

02-29-08, 03:38 PM
Sharp Claw sat up after being woken up from noise inside the Alehouse. He stood on his hind legs put his front paws on a tree and stretched. After a stretch he walked towards the door and tried to turn the handle. But to no avail was he able to get it open. So he walked up the door with his front paws and added pressure. The door burst open from the pressure but didn't break it down. He then got back down on all fours and made his way inside the alehouse. As he walked in he seen a cat woman put a flag up on the wall. He walked towards the woman as everyone got out of the way of his massive frame. He sat down in front of the table and said "So what is the flag about?"

03-02-08, 03:06 PM
Even though Kell had seen many a strange thing in her travels, this had to be one of the more peculiur ones. Granted that the irony of that was lost on her, being just a humanoid cat herself, but this bear was a good deal outside the norm.

Let alone when it spoke.

“well uh...” Kell stuttered a little, still torn in the realm of the strange,” it's the flag of my mercenary group, if ya want to join then speak up.”

Would this bear be more than just a curious soul? Or would he be the first of the group of her dreams. Her eyes began to dissect him, scanning him for experience and what else that might be his strengths and weaknesses.

(ooc sorry for the short post)

03-04-08, 05:59 PM
Sharp Claw smelled sweat and beer. A human could hardly smell these smells but a bear like him he could smell it so well it made him noxious. He looked at cat woman and said "May we talk somewhere a little bit more...private." He gave a very loud sneeze that slung snot on the floor and the table. He slowly stood and looked back to see if she was following. If she was he would lead her outside to talk. But if she didn't follow him he would leave and head back outside to finish his nap.