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02-13-08, 08:17 AM
Wandering through the streets of the trade district, Teefa's attention was suddenly caught by a store that sold hats and other head gear. Curious as she was, she decided to take a look inside.

"Oh wow" Teefa was struck with amazement as she entered the store. All kinds of wonderfully decorated hats as well as tough leather caps were lined up behind the counter. One headpiece in particular caught her attention; a white fur hat with a single red feather. Her eyes fixated on the hat as it was probably the cutest thing she had ever seen as far as hats were concerned.

"Excuse me" she said to the store owner who was just sorting out his wares "would it possible for me to try that one on please?" she asked politely, pointing at the hat.

Moonlit Raven
02-15-08, 01:38 AM
Keller ingnored the chiming of thebells over the front door. He figured whoever it was would come to the counter when they were ready. a few moments later a soft woman's voice reached his ears and he turned around to greet her. For a moment he paused, his voice stuck in he throat as the young woman on the other side of the counter reminded him of his daughter when she was a lot younger.

"Of course it is, my dear." Smiling at the girl he reached for the white and red hat then handed it to her.

02-18-08, 10:05 AM
Teefa's mouth fell open as she was handed the white hat. A beautiful smile decorated her face. Carefully she pulled the hat over he head and seemed to fit like a glove. It was soft to the touch and felt really comfortable.

Teefa walked over to a small mirror hanging on the wall and when she saw how the hat looked on her in combination with her garment, it was almost as if she fell in love.

"Oh, it is magnificent! I love it!" She said with much pleasure in her voice. Spinning around a few times to take a better look from the sides, there didn't seem to be a doubt in her mind; she wanted it.

Teefa walked back to the clerk behind the counter -who looked pleased to see her in such a delightful mood.

"I really love the hat and I would like to buy it. Um... How much is it exactly?"

Teefa almost held her breath waiting for the answer, hoping she could afford it.

Moonlit Raven
02-24-08, 09:16 PM
Grinning, Keller eyed the hat perched on the girls head and chuckled quietly.

"60 gold my dear."

03-05-08, 02:42 AM
Without hesitation, Teefa took the money out of her pouch and put it on the counter. "I'll take it!" she said with glee. Beaming with delight, it was pretty clear that she was extemely happy with her new acquisition.

"I'm really happy. I've always wanted a hat and this is just what I like" she said to the man behind the counter in a way as if she wanted to show it off a little while longer.

With a giggle she bent through he knees and hopped back up quickly while holding on to her new hat while looking in the mirror again. For a moment she looked like child who had been given a new toy; in a way, it was cute to see.

Moonlit Raven
03-07-08, 04:43 AM
Ingorning the gold place on the coutner Keller watched the young girl, pleased to have made her happy.

"Now you take care of yourself, young lady. I'd hate for the hat to lose such a cute owner." Keller smiled teasingly at the girl before pushing the gold into a pouch and tossing it under the counter to keep it safe.

Transaction complete. Squ loses 60 GP, gains 100 EXP for IC interactions.