View Full Version : Army registrations.

Call me J
02-14-08, 02:24 PM
All Army battles will be 1v1 battles. Player armies can be up to five hundred soldiers, though players, if they are so inclined can have smaller armies. Beasts count as players. People with smaller armies may be able to get more powerful soldiers approved, within reason. Soldiers lost are replaced by new recruits between rounds. There are specific limits on the abilities of the army soldiers.

300 soldiers must be the equivalent of level 0
150 soldiers must be the equivalent of level 2 or lower
50 soldiers must be the character’s level or lower.
No one outside of the main character and two choice NPCs (heroes in the original Gisela) may have more than 1000 GP in equipment.

All soldiers are assumed to have average combat abilities and none other, unless otherwise specified. Players may list as much detail regarding the skills of the rest of their armies as is appropriate, though they should list the level of every type of soldier. Additionally, all battle related equipment must be listed. A minimally acceptable profile might look something like this:

The name of the army of my PG

100 water mages (level 2)- These mages have water skills. They have leather armor and steel shortswords.

260 archers (level 0)- These archers are normal, but they all have infravision. They each have 50 normal arrows, 10 bodkin head arrows and oak longbows.

40 cavalry riders (level 2)- These cavalry riders are experienced warriors capable of riding horses well. Twenty of them have song magic, and twenty of them have pyromancy. They all carry plynt sabres.

40 horses (level 0)- Standard horses. They have seen battle before and are not easily frightened. All the horses come with leather saddles.

William Smith (level mine)- He is a great strategist and who my character will rely on for his skills. He is also above average as a fencer. He has a mythril chestplate and a bronze schiavona

Do not post here until your team has been registered. All armies will be approved by myself or Christoph.

Zook Murnig
02-20-08, 01:48 PM
Ishim - Souls of Fire

300 animated dolls (level 0)
100 Chromanon Rockskin dolls- The industrious kendergoyle is the basis for the construction of these overactive plushies, each equipped with a shovel and a short sword, the business ends of which are all steel. They are quick on their feet, and slightly stronger than their size would indicate. Height of two feet. As a side note, they are all avid singers, though they have annoyingly high pitched voices. The Chromanon dolls are not subject to the curse of the kendergoyle, and thus do not turn to stone at nightfall.
100 David the Zombie Gnome dolls- The ever brainseeking undead gnome companion to Chromanon is the basis for the construction of these plushies. Oddly, the original David is smaller than these simulacrums, as it would be too difficult to replicate him on such a scale. This results in the dolls being the same size as the Chromanon dolls. They have no equipment other than their horrid stench. They are strong little buggers, too, but lacking in the dexterity department. Height of two feet.
100 Caduceus Grimaldi dolls- The sagacious young magician is the basis for the construction of these occult-oriented plushies. They have no equipment other than the matching robes to their master, the real Caduceus. They are capable of elemental manipulation in all of the same ways as Caduceus, though on a proportional scale. Height of two feet.

50 Tel Han elemental mages (level mine)
15 Earth Mages- These spellcasters from the village of Tel Han are specialists in the element of Earth, capable of moving it around and compacting loose soil. Each mage is equipped with a staff of oak.
15 Water Mages- These spellcasters from the village of Tel Han are specialists in the element of Water, capable of directing the flow of streams and altering the temperature to either freezing or boiling. Each mage is equipped with a staff of oak.
10 Fire Mages- These spellcasters from the village of Tel Han are specialists in the element of Fire, capable of carrying unfueled flames through the air and throwing them at foes. They can also redirect magma flows, should it become necessary, through a concerted effort of five fire mages and an earth mage. Each mage is equipped with a staff of oak.
10 Air Mages- These spellcasters from the village of Tel Han are specialists in the element of Air, capable of shooting dense blades of it with some degree of accuracy. They can also use their mastery of the winds to create a small shield temporarily or push a person or the clouds high above. Each mage is equipped with a spear of oak, the head of which is made from steel.

Chic Cicero (level 2 - hero)
Chic is Caduceus' former mentor and now serves as his advisor. He is just as skilled as Caduceus in elemental manipulation, but with less power, bringing him to the equivalent of the younger magician's level 0 profile (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=3342). In addition to the elemental powers, he can also call upon the archangel Michael once per thread, for a duration of three posts. Michael wields a flaming longsword with above average skill, and flies upon wings of flame. Chic is equipped with a rod-like wand that allows him to focus his gathered elemental energy into a blast once every three posts. This wand is made of liviol mahogany with a central rod of magnetized steel, tipped with a small amethyst.

Tabatha Cicero (level 2 - hero)
Tabatha is the wife of Chic Cicero, and an accomplished warrior. She has little aptitude for the mystic forces her husband works with, but what she lacks in magical ability is easily made up for in skill on the battlefield. She wields a damascus-headed warhammer with exceptional skill. For armor, she wears steel full plate with no helmet, such that she can let her hair long black hair fly freely and her enemies can see the expression of glee and ferocity she wears in battle. She and her husband have a common tactic of imbuing her hammer with one of the elements before every encounter.

50 human shapeshifters (level 2)
These normal-looking humans have an aptitude for changing shape into feral beasts, with some becoming wolves, others tigers, and still more becoming other similar predators. Recruited by Karyna O'Feargail for service in protecting the more vulnerable dolls, they are all equipped with studded leather armor and longswords of steel. Every fifth warrior also has a bow of yew with a quiver of 50 arrows.

75 draconian warriors (level 2)
From the distant and wild land of Dheathain come the proud draconian warriors, weilding a variety of well-made weapons, ranging from longswords to battleaxes and various polearms, all made of steel. Each warrior is equipped with a steel breastplate and leather bracers.

23 dwarven foremen (level 2)
These veterans of the Kachuk mines have been hired to direct the animated dolls to the greatest effect. They have a general knowledge of the patterns of the richer veins, as well as how to avoid or break through hard stone. Each wields a steel pickax with above average skill and is equipped with leather armor and steel pauldrons, as well as sturdy helmets of steel.

02-20-08, 05:18 PM
“Hero” (Level Mine)

Name: Lasir (leaf lord) Thurinor (secret brother)
Class: Druidic in Nature
Affiliation: Druid of V’dralla the Fair, Y’edda the Wild, and Draconus the Ancient
Weapons: Azallae – Literally translated, means ‘Life Harmony’ or “Harmony of Life”. The weapon of choice is a pure trakym liviol staff etched in runic script blessed by V’dralla and Y’edda. It allows the strength of the spells being cast to be magnified, the only way the rootwalker can be summoned.
Armor: Wooden plate mail – it is a banded array of solid wood that is pieced together by thin vines. The wood has the crest of V’dralla on the back of each piece, allowing it to be as hard and resistant as damascus, but as light as wood. It covers his chest, upper arms and shoulders, and the front side of his legs to his knees.
Commanded by: None, he commands the troops under Ranger.

Unfettered Mind – The mind of the master druid is almost never distracted in his focus of spells or in giving commands. He has the peace of the forests, the grace of water, and the stability of the earth.
Staff Combat – When called for, and the call is rare, he can wield his staff in combat. His skill with the weapon is very advanced, but rarely practiced or used.
Growth – A spoken word and the plant life around him or in the area he is focusing on grows at an incredible rate. It can stimulate trees to sprout and grow up to twenty feet, or grass to grow to cover the movement of troops if necessary. The area of effect depends on the strength of the spell required. Something focusing on a grouping of trees growing twenty or more feet quickly would not affect an area any larger than five square feet. Something like growing smaller plants quickly would be easily spread to up to forty square feet.
Corruption – A more powerful spell, requiring the focus of the caster to be on a particular object or group of objects. The spell focuses on the deterioration of materials torn from her child, Althanas. Most often used to break down the natural compounds of metal in order to remove the thread of blades, or the protection of armor. When used, it can be spread to an area of fifty square feet or roughly a hundred and fifty opposing soldiers. The spell completely deteriorates any metal weaker than steel, and drops the strength of any metal stronger than steel by a single tier strength. ((Armor and weapons of steel quality look like they have been chewed at by moths, crumbling on the bodies of the wearer or splitting in half at the center of the blade.)) Can be cast twice per day.
Gift of V’dralla – the summoning of the rootwalker is not a spell that is lightly taken. It is difficult to summon the beast, and when summoned is still not as strong as the true fabled rootwalker summoned by Ronus. It stands 200 feet tall, not 400 feet, and resembles the largest of trees. Fire enrages it, and it is fed thoughts by the summoner, though can choose to disobey or disregard any suggestions given… and almost always does if it feels as if it’s being commanded. The composition of the rootwalker is made of an amalgamation of Trakym liviol (20%; resistant to magic), Rywan (20%; dense heavily weighted wood), Ironwood (50%; resistant to fire, heavy wood), and a mix of stone and soil (10%). Can only be cast once per two days, requires zealous prayer daily, and requires the undying attention of V’dralla the Fair (which is no easy task).

The pleas to V’dralla by the prophet and those of the Red Hand aligned with the vain goddess produced the unusual appearance of the elven druid, Lasir. The man drifted like a cool breeze from the forests of Concordia, his eyes closed, his body floating across the surface of the land as if carried by the ethereal hand of the Thayne. For the glory of his goddess, and her sister Y’edda the Wild, the wood elf was given the task of accompanying the prophet and the army of the Thayne’s Blessings.

He stands a mere five feet tall, with all the features common to an elf of the forests. His hair is waist length, a deep black, and as smooth as silk. His eyes are a deep green, like the canopy of the forests themselves. His skin is a heavy tan coloration, mocking the dark bark of the trees within Concordia’s depths. His body is slight, appearing very frail and easy to break, weighing a slight eighty pounds. He looks older than any immortal elf that roams the world freely, having the wisdom of the Thayne and the graces of the forests behind his every step.

Main Military Units (level 0)

~ 300/300 ~

85 – Geohm
Weapons: Self
Armor: Self
Commanded by: Lasir Thurinor

Ta’Rah’s Connection – the Geohm are a race birthed of the earth, given their life through the tears of their mother, Ta’Rah. As such, their connection to the earth is pivotal, and what keeps them going. The ability allows them to slip beneath the surface of the ground, into the earth itself, and travel through any ground as long as it is connected by solid earth. They travel at a speed equal to no more than fifteen miles per hour, and once under the ground can only surface once per day. If they slip between a second time, they remain under for the duration of the night and can reappear and reset the ability at dawn.
Earth’s Kiss – The bodies of the Geohm is made of 60% useless and average stone, while the rest of the beasts are composed of 40% iron. This allows for them to have the chest, outside of arms and legs, and the fists to be coated in some form of metal both used for defense and attack.

The blessings of Draconus the Ancient and the weeping Ta’Rah were given to the Gol’Bron by way of the Geohm creatures. They stand on average six feet, weigh at least eight hundred pounds, and have very little humanoid features other than a pair of eyes and lipless mouths.

50 – Draves
Weapons: Teeth and Claws
Armor: Thick furs and enhanced bone structure
Commanded by: Lasir Thurinor

Enhanced Bone Structure – making them much heavier, the bones of the draves are thicker and denser than normal bones of similar animals (dire wolves). This means the resistance to blunt weapon trauma is reduced, and the ability for a sword to cleave through the bones is reduced.
Animalistic Traits – Enhances smell, hearing, sight, and taste… as well as slightly (1.5x) enhanced speed and strength due to their size.

Drave are wolf like creatures of Hromagh, much like dire wolves but stronger and faster than average. They are normally solitary creatures, and do not travel in packs as per average, but can and will if necessary. They stand up to four feet from feet to shoulders, and can be as long as five feet from nose to rump. The teeth and claws of the beasts are as strong as iron, and their thick furs allow them to shrug off the elements and minor protection against projectile weapons from a greater distance. They have been grouped into packs of ten for the purpose of surviving in warfare, but can fair just as well alone if the other draves die in combat.

50 – Dwarven Drave Riders
Weapons: Iron war-axes (25); Iron mauls ( two handed warhammers) (25)
Armor: Iron scale mail; medium oak shield with steel rim for axe wielders (25); iron buckler for maul wielders (25)
Commanded by: Lasir Thurinor

Average Skill with chosen weapon
Mount Control

The dwarves of Corone that responded to the call had long since been accustomed to riding a dire wolf into combat, a mount of choice for the small race. However, when they came without them, and instead found the draves of Draconus the Ancient (their god of choice as well) they were more than pleased to take them up as mounts. The foul tempered beasts relented to the riders, albeit with much prayer for the wellbeing of the rider and the temperament of the drave to not turn on the dwarves.

50 – Direling
Weapons: Two Handed Hafted iron axes (25); Two handed six foot iron spears (25)
Armor: Scattered iron mail, banded together.
Commanded by: Ranger

Inhuman Strength – Being, at average, eight feet tall and from the harsh frozen plains of Berevar has given the Direling broods strength twice (2x) that of the average person, and the ability to take a few more hits then normal.
Average Use of weapon of choice

The Direling are a race hardly seen because of their reclusive existence beyond the Blade Mountains in the northern reaches of Salvar. The race is a descendant of Hromagh the Strong, an almost direct resemblance to him in their ugly faces. They stand roughly eight feet, weighing nearly four hundred pounds each. They have a pair of tusks that extend from their wide mouths, making them look even more bizarre, but also sport an extremely pale skin tone, bright blonde or red hair, and long braided beards to match.

50 – Heavy Ka-boom Beetles
Weapons: Themselves
Armor: Chitin shells, act as fragmentation
Commanded by: (Beetle Throwers)

Highly Explosive – Due to the volatile nature of a highly sought after naturally created explosive chemical stored within their bodies, the beetle is able to explode and send its chitin shell flying into the enemy like frag. The explosion is about five yards in diameter, but the shell pieces are lethal within seven yards, and can still puncture lightly armored troops at ten yards.

The Ka-boom beetle does just as its name implies, it explodes, and rather dangerously. The younger and smaller they are the more likely they are to explode when exposed to the threat of an average human. However, the older ones, as these are, are much heavier and much bigger. They do not explode when handled, or exposed to no more than two people – any more and they feel threatened. The beetles are each about four feet in length, and a foot in diameter (very large bugs), with hundreds of tiny feet. They are stored on their back so they don’t crawl away.

5 (10 crew members) – Beetle Throwers
Weapons: None; small steel daggers for the crew.
Armor: Boiled Leather for the crew
Commanded by: Ranger

Hurl Beetles – The actual launchers can throw the beetles up to two hundred yards with the accuracy within five yards of the target. Within one hundred yards the accuracy is nearly dead on. Hitting a moving unit, unless moving forward slowly, the accuracy no matter how close yards is extended five yards. Anything beyond two hundred yards is pure luck.
Calm – The crew members have a natural aura about them that calms the beetles until they smash the ground, upon which time they explode like it or not. This ability is immediately dismissed should more than the two handlers be present within sight distance (ten yards) of each launcher.

Thankfully the Ka-boom beetles were undisturbed within Pandemonium’s Fist and grew to sizes unseen when the Red Hand was using it as a mining facility. A few of the members of the clan remembered the beetles and used their calming aura’s to extend to the grubs, easily able to remove them from the halls and place them on catapult like creations to throw them at the enemy. If more than two members are present the beetles explode, so only two can be present at any time near the stash. There are ten beetles per launcher, and can be launched no more than once per post.

Secondary/Support Units (level 2)

~ 150/150 ~

25 - Wulfgurd Dedicates
Weapons: Spells and steel serrated dagger
Armor: Black robes with white trim
Commanded by: Ranger

Average dagger use
Sleeper Spell – When in immediate danger the Wulfgurd Dedicates resort to forcing their spells against their opponent and tormenting them in their sleep. The dedicates can push the spell against a group of people, putting no more than two people into a deep slumber. If they are free to toy with their minds without another threat present, they will often put demonic dreams into the minds of the slumbering opponents. The sleep remains until the troops are killed by the dedicates, bumped or beaten to wake, or by magical means.
Turn – The only other spell at the command of the Wulfgurd dedicates is the ability to toy with the conscious mind of anyone below them in level (the average level 0 troops). They can push their wills into the weak of mind soldiers they are facing, able to turn them and force them to fight others around them or simply leave the combat. Of course, any troop specially made to combat the mind control can ignore it, or if they are in some way magically returned to normal they can resist it. Otherwise whatever the first command given to them is what they will follow till they are released (either by the death of the superior dedicate or their own).

The dedicates of Wulfgurd are a select group who play with the minds of those that slumber and sleep. They follow the example of their shield maiden, the Lady of the Dream-Gate, able to enter the minds of the weak and repel those that attempt to force their through the gate. Since Wulfgurd is unable to always watch every attempt into the realm of dreams the Dedicates have taken up the mantle and placed their own wills as more shields against those that would attempt to slip through the dream-gate.

25 – Dedicates of Khal’jaren
Weapons: Spells, steel longsword
Armor: Forest green robes trimmed in gold.
Commanded by: Ranger

Average skill with the longsword
Transform – Dedicates of Khal’jaren can transform into an eight foot, six legged mantis. The mantis has the common scissor like arms for the first two, eight foot bladed and serrated arms bent in half. The teeth like serrated portion is as strong as steel, and the exoskeleton is made of a chitin like material as strong as steel. The transformed dedicate is able to strike as quickly as a mantis, and can move quickly on the four legs made for holding the oversized body.

Dedicates of Khal’jaren are often seen as little more than scholars, wise elders sitting in crumbling temples to the great sage god, reading through tomes and volumes. However, they are not all simply wise elders. They are trained to assume the form of their god, Khal’jaren the Sage, and can defend themselves and go to war in the form of the giant mantis.

100 - The Mark of Björmund
Weapons: Soul Blades – the blades of the soul hunter is a fifty pound monstrosity, as sleek and shimmering as the most pure of metals. They are not black because the metal or color, but because of the void like depths within the weapons that house the captured souls. When used the blade can cleave a man through, and in turn capture the soul for the Björmund hunters to wield. Once wielded and released in battle they are sent to the Antifirmament. The blades are four feet in length, a foot wide, and a quarter inch thick, made of an unknown property but equivalent to excellent grade steel.
Armor: Banded black steel armor; black steel helm with face mask to hide the faces of the hunters.
Commanded by: Ranger

Soul Blades – they are able to release the captured souls as screaming banshees or ghastly ghouls in order to strike fear into the common troop. Does nothing more than cause fear, no physical harm done to opponent
Skilled Swordsman

The Mark of Björmund is a highly elusive and reclusive group dedicated to relieving the stress on the death-gate keeper. They wield the blades blessed by the aging and worn direling, and both hunt the souls that escape and use them in battle to strike fear into the hearts of the common troops. Due to their feared nature they conceal their faces and wear all black, as if mourning the constant deterioration of the gate keeper. Normally they wear nothing to define their connection, but for the sake of organization they have donned a similar uniform.

Pivotal Units (lvl 5; Mine)

~ 30/50 ~

15 - Winged Drake Summoner
Weapons: A plethora of steel throwing knives; 2 steel khukri blades (2 feet blades)
Armor: Banded Leather (covering chest and back, forearms and thighs)
Commanded by: Ranger

Deadly Close Combat with thrown weapons and blades
Enhanced speed and agility (3x average)
Summon the Drake – The winged drakes of Y’edda the wild are fierce, small, dragon like creatures. They are two feet high, three feet long, and have scales that are as hard as delyn. The colors range from light blue to a smoke gray. Each one can expel a breath attack with the force of 100 pounds of pressure, and their claws and teeth are as strong as titanium. The true strength and use of the drakes is their agility and speed, making them incredibly hard to strike with distance, and hard to pin down in close combat. Each summoner can call forth two, and they last until they are killed.

From the fields of Khu’Fein dedicates of Y’edda have studied her agile little creations and have found a way to capture them. Though their claws and teeth are worth thousands in the market, the clerics of Y’edda have no will to kill them and collect the hefty bounty, but use the beasts in combat. They are naturally agile and quick in combat, making each one a dangerous adversary, but with the ability to summon the quick drakes they become especially useful in tearing through the flanks and rear of enemy columns.

5 - Maul Summoner

Weapons: Heavy steel spiked chains; steel spiked gauntlets
Armor: Full steel plate armor with helm; spiked for close combat
Commanded by: Ranger

Deadly use with spiked chain and close combat
Enhanced strength (3x average)
Summons the Maul – like the summoner, the beast they bring to the field is a terror to behold. It stands an average of 15 to 20 feet tall, and is covered in shaggy brown fur. Its huge head holds four mandibles that contain sharp, jagged teeth, and his whole body is lined with deadly spikes. It has two sets of arms, one which is placed slightly higher on its body. The hands have four clawed fingers with no opposable thumb. The beasts are under the control of the summoner, but should they fall the maul will remain active and can turn on allies till the spell wears off (a minute in full).

The summoner of a maul is a deadly practitioner in an art that is as dangerous to learn as trying to pet one of the monsters. They must be able to locate and destroy the beast, and then trap its soul with their spells, allowing them to summon it at will. Unlike the winged drakes, they are not truly brought from another place, but the Antifirmament. As such, the destruction of the caster destroys the maul, or killing it like normal.

5 - Gorian Fel Summoner
Weapons: Obsidian War Scythe
Armor: Crimson robes trimmed in black and white
Commanded by: Ranger / Lasir Thurinor

Deadly use with war scythe
Summon the Gorian Fel – No more than three feet tall at the shoulder. Two-legged with a long dark slug-like tail, the Gorian Fel is a disgusting thing to behold. A pair of deep-set black orbs serve for eyes, under which hang five blue tentacles around a mouth much like that of a Lamprey. They are summoned like the winged drakes, once summoned they remain on the field of battle until killed, by either side. When summoned they descend from the sky, in a black ball of fire like a meteor, and hit the ground hard. Instead of a crater, an instant trap-door like hole is created, and any within the vicinity get a severe headache, disrupted electrochemical signals, and blocks them at the synapse between nerves. Prey becomes incapable of thinking clearly. One per day may be summoned per summoner.

Jomil the Hermitess is the quiet Thayne that prefers to be alone, reclusive, and aloof from the world of society. As such, the creatures that clerics to her will summon reflect her every nature. They are dangerous, even to a Dedicate and once summoned have a mind of their own and do not differentiate between friend and foe. As such, the summoner often calls them down far away from their own troops, and as close to the rear ranks, or between ranks of enemy soldiers as to cut their retreat or their support.

02-20-08, 05:52 PM
House of Sora-The Hammer of the People

Banner Symbol-The Hammer of the People is an organization built by the House of Sora's Lodge Bladestorm. It utilizes individuals from both Salvar and Corone. Due to Corone's current Civil War and Empirical rule; Lodge Bladestorm rallied the people in open arms against the Conflict at hand. The House of Sora believes in diplomatic solutions but also believes that diplomacy is not always the best or even the most logical solution. Having many workers make a banner by the people for the people; The House of Sora constructed a sigillium that represented the will of the people. Dyne Corona himself oversaw this project. The Banner of the Hammer is dual pair of hands holding a large hammer hitting an anvil. All etched in black. The flag itself is coloured royal blue and built by the will of the people. This is the people's last stand against the evils of the Corone Empire.

Battlecry:"Remember Gisela!"

Acquring his own estate in Salvar; Dyne was able to rally some of the locals living within his district in Salvar's Knife's Edge. These people became part of the army he was building with the promise of work and gold. Dyne quickly became a hero to the locale populace. Dyne rallied numbers from Salvar and took his soldiers to Corone where they received training from the Monks of Ai'bron in preparation for the rise against Corone itself. The Monks lent Alberdyne Cormyr some trainees of their own ranks and the Corone Rangers; lead by a Ranger named Kastor Troy aided Dyne in his project.

When news of the upcoming Conquest Trials spread through the populace; Dyne Corona saw his chance to revenge himself upon the will of the Corone Empire. He would take the mantle up of a hero and lead his people to victory. The combined will of Salvar and Corone against the horrible nature of the Empire that had formed in the blink of an eye. Dyne gathered his forces and prepared for the Conquest Trial. Notices of employ appeared in the Silver Pub's newly rebuilt structure after the events of the Day Radasanth Sank.

The House of Sora was able to rally a large numbers of the people in response to the evils of the Empire. And before Dyne knew it; he was sitting on an army. An army that was ready to fight and die.

A notice of Corona's forces appeared on the registration desk of the Conquest Trial.

The will of the people had gathered.

Their hammer would be heard across the world.

Army Details:

300 Foot soldiers. ((Level 0)) These people are volunteers from the slum districts of Radasanth and the other district hit hardest by the attack of the separatists from the formation of the Corone Empire. Volunteers; they are mostly motivated by the desire to fight like warrior poets. Headed by Dyne Corona himself; the youth sought to become a hero at an early age and guide his people out of the hands of oppression by a corrupt government. Dyne's organization was quickly viewed as an anarchist movement. In a Nation rumored to be filled with heroes; they were in short supplies these days. Dyne had to depend on the available work force. Training up the locales to be an effective fighting force; they were effectively taught basic combat skills by the Monks of Ai'bron. Just enough skills to be effective on the battlefield and not die. Dyne saw to it. These were his people and he would see that they would be well trained. Out of his own pocket; and the resources available with the Corone Rangers; and the blacksmith shop in Underwood known as the Sleepy Willow, Dyne armed his troops.

The blacksmiths worked to provide his people with equipment. The foot soldiers were men and women from Salvar and Corone. Mostly the bulk of his foot soldiers were people from Radasanth itself. One of the places most heavily affected by the Corone's so-called "Empire." Each of the foot soldiers as a unit was armed with Steel Masterwork swords and shield; and masterwork leather armor. The will of the people would not be undone.

150 ((Half level 2 and half level 1))-The will of the people gathered around Dyne Corona. Specially trained; the Corone Rangers lead under Kastor Troy volunteered to assist Dyne Corona-a fellow Corone Ranger, with the project of the Conquest Trials. They gathered on the pre-assumption of being able to put a stop to the Corone Empire. Dyne accepted the Corone Rangers' help as their expertise and knowledge of weaponry and survival would be invaluable to his army's future. Dyne also noticed that half of his forces were volunteers from the Monks of Ai'Bron. Dyne welcomed all who were willing to take a stand into his army's fold. Half of the group are Corone Rangers; seasoned veterans, and the other half are Monks of Ai'bron. Some are seasoned and some are trainees. All of these soldiers are armed with Masterwork Steel longswords; and steel armor ranging from light armor to heavy suits of armor. The Monks are armed with sigils of Chakra Combat. They do not use armor but instead wear light robes. They fight exclusively with their knowledge of Chi and their knowledge of the Chakras.

Chakra Fighting-It is an elemental based combat art perfected by the Monks of Ai'bron after years of training the Citadel. The art involves using one's own spiritual energy to tap into the elemental energy in their native environment and within themselves. Some Monks carry jewels and crystals infused with the power of the elements. The Monks have to concentrate intensely to release their spiritual powers. The Monks are also skilled at melee combat with short-ranged weapons like staves and other bludgeoning type equipment.

Ranger Combat-The Corone Rangers are specialty units once held in positive standing with Corone's government. But since the shifting of the government into an Empire the Rangers have become outcasts and exiles; wanted criminals by the government itself. Rangers are armed with crossbows, longbows, and longswords. They excel with all of their weapons of choice. They are also extremely adept at survival in the wilderness often setting specialty traps ((The better trained Rangers)) to capture and ensnare the enemy.

50 Units-((Level 3's)) Specially trained members of the House of Sora's workforce. The agents are loyal to Dyne Corona's Lodge Bladestorm as he is the Patriarch of Lodge Bladestorm. Educated in a military educational system from early age; the warriors have volunteered to help Corona's citizen based army succeed at its cause. They are highly skilled warriors and trained with the Monks of Ai'Bron. Some of the soldiers are effective with Chakra Fighting and other mystical arts. They are armed with Plynt weapons and Plynt Masterwork armor. They are fiercely dedicated to defending the will of the people at all costs.

Heroes: Aside from Dyne Corona himself; two volunteer generals have stepped up to help the youth lead his army. The two men are one of the Corone Rangers; a man named Kastor Troy, and a locale blacksmith from Underwood-a man named Karxen Deourouge who was a Mastersmith.

Kastor Troy--((Level 1)) A seasoned veteran of the Corone Rangers; Kastor turned down an invitation to join the Scarlet Brigade. He preferred the quiet life of a Ranger and lived with the large unit at his command in Concordia Forest. The man is a tall individual; standing at approximately 6'5" and weighing in at almost 300lbs. He is extremely well built. His musculature is well endowed and trained from years of combat. He is dual armed with a steel and plynt masterwork longsword.

He is armed with masterwork steel armor that is light in nature and doesn't restrict his movement. He wears a Vlince Cloak that is colored green. It is also emblazoned with the markings of the Corone Rangers. Troy is a typical Coronian male. He has blond hair and blue eyes. He is handsome by most standards. He currently wears a beard. He is a fully trained Ranger and has expert knowledge of swordplay. He also knows how to fight effectively with the crossbow and the longbow. He keeps one of each at his disposal. He has 100 arrows and 50 bolts.

Troy is a methodical man with a serious nature. He has full knowledge of survival in Concordia Forest. He knows what all of the flora and fungi of Concordia do and what all their properties are. He is also adept at setting traps of various complexities and designs. He keeps a few such traps with him; some are lethal in nature and require tripping by potential targets in order to get snared. Troy prefers fighting with wit and blade as opposed to fighting with flashy techniques. Thusly, he has no special powers other than the accumulated knowledge of tactical warfare. He serves Dyne currently as his tactical strategist.

Karxen Deourouge ((lvl 3))--A huge brute of a man. Karxen stands at approximately 7'2" and weighs about 345lbs. He is also a typical Coronian male but instead of blond hair and blue eyes; he has brown hair and dark brown eyes. He also wears a beard. Karxen's hair is shoulder length. He is a Master Blacksmith and has acquired a lifetime's worth of knowledge of the forging arts. He is also a skilled a melee warrior. He fights with an Adamantium forged Warhammer that he has called Styx. Karxen is an exceedingly brilliant individual and provides Dyne with his armies' weapons and equipment pieces. Karxen works the forge providing the hammer for the people of the army.

He has no special powers other than basic tactical knowledge of warfare and combat. He is also a brilliant strategist. He has trained with his devastating Warhammer for many years of his life. He is quite skilled and moved with speed and grace carrying his weapon of choice. He uses a plate mail made of Prevalida. It is a full body armor. He also wears a Vlince Cloak with the markings of the Sleepy Willow on emblazoned on it. Karxen is usually a kind; gentle individual but when stirred fights with the will of a titan. He is currently at work building equipment for Dyne's army.

And there you have it. The will of the people have spoken.

Call me J
02-20-08, 11:11 PM
All armies are approved except Alberdyne Cormyr.

Alberdyne- your heroes can not be level 5 when you are level 3. They have to be level 3. Additionally, if you have two heroes, you have to reduce the other level 3s by 2.

02-21-08, 12:43 AM
Edits made dude. I hope the level changes will be sufficient.

Call me J
02-21-08, 08:15 AM
Approved. Thanks for making the edits.

Call me J
02-23-08, 07:36 PM
The Diesel- The army assembled for Sine Nomine.

People of Interest

Jame Whitizard-Kaosi (Level 6)- The nominal leader of the army. See my profile for more information.

Mylie Rivfader (level 0)- Mylie Rivfader, the daughter of Rainee Miyami, snuck away in a wagon carrying army supplies. She has yet to reveal that she is in fact a member of Jame’s army, and she would probably want to avoid the designation entirely. Her primary skills include sucking her thumb and clinging to the leg of the nearest person with a sword when danger arrives. Profile (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=11483).

Farrior Galilel (level 6)- Farrior is an Alerarian noble. He is very capable with the sword, but his actual genius lies in military strategy. His purpose in this army is to serve as its commander. Officially, he is Jame’s second in command, but everyone, including Jame knows better. He is dressed completely in mythril plate armor. (Hero)

William Holland (level 6)- William Holland is a talented human thief and assassin, who is in charge of The Diesel’s intelligence gathering operation. He is a doppelganger, capable of changing his body into any humanoid shape within six feet of his natural height (he’s 6’0”) and can teleport up to fifteen feet instantaneously. With the exception of Jame, no one is certain as to how he came to be a part of The Deisel, nor why he is motivated to fight along side them. He carries a steel dagger, which he uses adequately.

Holliston (level 0)- Holliston is a deceased knight who, as a ghost, has become an ally of the Kaosi family. He is going to be observing Jame. He has no real abilities, but may be of some limited reconnaissance use should he be inclined to serve in that capacity. Can only be harmed by ghost specific items.

Martin Flynn (level 6)- Son of Captain Sean Flynn of the Salvarian military. Unlike his father, he has not committed himself to a life of soldiering, though he is a crack shot with the bow and crossbow. He carries a mythril-dragonbone composite bow, 50 oak and steel arrows. He also has a damascus short sword, which he is adequate with. He is in charge of

Other Units

Hovering base (level 6 equivalent)- The hovering base is a steel dome, enchanted so that people can see out of it without looking in. It can hover over any area occupied by the Diesel, and it flies fifteen feet above the ground.

40 Elite Dark Elf Warriors (level 6)- These dark elven warriors ride on large feline steeds. Each of them is equipped with a large steel lances and steel shortswords. They also wear steel chest plates and have steel bracers, helmets, boots and greaves. They are very adept at melee combat from their steeds, and also possess dark magic. They have been assembled as the elite soldiers donated to Jame’s army by the nobles of Alerar.

41 Rider Cats (level 2)- These rider cats are large felines capable of breathing fire. They are trained to carry warriors into battle and are not easily intimidated by war. They are rode by the dark elf warriors and Farrior Galilel.

10 Elite Spies (level 2)- These spies are very talented. They work directly with William Holland and are very stealthy. Their only other abilities are rudimentary dagger fighting and some shadow magic. They are equipped with steel daggers.

20 Standard Spies (level 0)- These spies have some stealth abilities, and will be spread out along the battlefield looking to gather information. They also have limited telepathic abilities, which they use to relay information to Jame and Galilel.

200 Soldiers of the Sacred Stone (level 0)- Soldiers of the Sacred Stone is an ancient mercenary organization whose roots go deep into the annals of history. However, the soldiers that they have provided for the Diesel do not reflect this. The soldiers are all armed with steel chest plates and carry steel swords.

60 Archers (level 0)- These archers each carry 50 arrows, 10 of which are plynt tipped, the rest in iron. Their longbows are made of rywan.

15 Fire mages (level 0)- Each archery unit (12 archers) has three of these fire mages. Fire mages ignite arrows when necessary, and also serve to provide some cover for the archers should the melee fighters get too close. They are clad in delhar chest plates, but have no other armor or weapons.

33 Terramancers (level 2)- Together, these soldiers are capable of altering the geography around them to make it more suitable for the Diesel. Individually, each is capable of moving roughly 20 lbs worth of land. They are clad in delhar chest plates, but have no other armor or weapons.

20 mediums (level 2)- These soldiers have telepathy and are able to convey their thoughts from anywhere on the battlefield to any other member of Jame’s army. Dark elven by race, they are also capable of transforming into flat discs that blend in to the scenery. As discs, they are immune to blunt force, though if pierced, every wound is critical.

20 lieutenants (level 2)- These are soldiers that are members of the Soldiers of the Sacred Stone, but are considerably more capable than the others. Unlike average soldiers, they are less likely to be intimidated by battles.

5 Imperial Guardsmen (level 6)- Elite Alerarian soldiers that are interspaced with the rest of the melee combatants, these soldiers can be relied upon to lead the army when necessary. Their skills are limited to proficiency with the blade, and their equipment is no different from the Soldiers of the Sacred Stone. However, they are expert warriors.

(consider all weapons to be normal quality)

02-25-08, 06:34 PM
Army approved!

02-25-08, 07:53 PM
Bandit Brotherhood: Wolfshead


Name: Boris Kasparov
Level: 0
Race: Humanoid
Weapons/Armor: Steel Axe & Dagger/Leather & Iron Hauberk

Pyromancy: With the root of his powers tied to the revered Osklav, Boris has become adept in fire magic and has been eager to share his gift with anybody choosing to rear their ugly head. Able to summon fire from thin air and directly influenced by his temper, the flames and fires Boris conjures can reach temperatures so great that they can begin to melt rock if they aren’t snuffed out. With this in mind, the warlock is capable of sustaining his magic so long as he drinks from the Osklav and taps into the fiery vein of his temper, making him a force to be reckoned with. It takes five full minutes for Boris to reach these critical piques of magick, and even so, if knocked unconscious or interrupted mid-chant, any magic he is currently performing will instantly weaken and/or dissipate.

Rekindle: When his temper is interrupted, Boris’ powers quickly diminish, and because of this the warlock has had to develop a way to catch and store mana for emergency use in case such an event should happen. Every time Boris casts a spell during a round, a tenth of its overall potency is stored in a waterskin he keeps on his person at all times. Only twenty spells can be stored this way, and once the round ends, the mana stored will automatically roll back to 0.

Boil: Not taking kindly to helping his sworn enemy, only Saxon was able to convince the warlock to develop this power in order to save a lot of unneeded grief with the superstitious fears of Thamuul and the Khazban. At his pique, this power becomes available, allowing Boris to literally cast flames so hot and so fast that it will flash boil any water within a four yard radius of the pyromancer and evaporate it into a gush of steam. However, because of the suddenness and devastating effects of this spell, Boris’ cache of mana and overall pool will be cut in half for four posts and anyone caught within the immediate radius of the blast will suffer third degree burns.

Warlock’s Ire: Having battled other mages and wielders of magic for quite some time, Boris has developed a handy trick in dealing with the more magically inclined in the heat of battle. Once angered, the warlock may begin to emit an echo of what could have once been construed as radiation and envelop the area around him in 5 yard radius around him that causes an enemy to gain a ferocious fever. Because of this spike, any magic user within range of the aura will find the current spell they are casting to be snuffed out and any magic while under the effects of the fever to be halved of their current level because of their inability to concentrate. This ability lasts for 3 posts, after which Boris must vacate the irradiated field immediately or he too will begin to succumb from the effects of the fever he dubbed ‘Firemind’.

Appearance: Dressed in studded leather and wrapped with a crimson sash across his waist, Boris is as remarkable as his sharp, drunken wit. An alcoholic by trade, the warlock has never been seen in public without a oversized tankard or jug of some kind in his iron grip, much less sober. Rather lean and muscular for such a short and lanky man, he has been known to carry a war axe and a ruby pummeled dagger in his possession, the very need of it essential his survival in the wastes overran by the rutheless Khazban. Rugged and worn from his travels across Althanas, the pyromancer has made a habit of hiding some of his more ghastly of scars behind a thick, basalt beard and bushy eyebrows. One thing is for sure, when looking into the smouldering green eyes of such a man, you’ll see the raw, untapped fury that burns from within.

Description: Gaining the bulk of his prowess and powers from the drought he stole from a bunch of ogre-worshipping templars, Boris ignited his blood feud with the Khazban the moments his lips touched the bottomless jug known to some as ‘Osklav’, and sealed his fate as a drifter turned warlock. As the years wore on, he became better and better at controlling the kindled flames that would often burn from his finger tips and soon began to master them. Persuaded by Saxon with the promise of watching his sworn enemy fall in combat and the chance to demonstrate his fiery prowess, Boris has joined the ranks of the army and will stop at nothing short of death to further the cause.

Name: Thamuul, The Land Leviathan
Level: 0
Race: Wurm
Weapons/Armor: Teeth/Stone scales

Sinkhole: Turning the soil soft and flexible underneath while pulverizing the bedrock below, Thamuul can create soft patches of ground up to 1 yard in diameter. Disguised until stepped upon, these sinkholes can cause a being that weighs 200 lbs or greater to get caught in its grip and sink to their doom (this includes the collective weight of soldiers or creatures who travel atop the sinkhole together). Like a ripple effect, the hole may not become apparent at first, but once enough weight has been put upon it, the ground will begin to cave and act like a dry quicksand that is as hard to detect as it is to escape. Thamuul may only create 2 sinkholes per round, and each last for up to 7 posts if they haven’t been triggered.

Tremor: Moving faster underground than above, often Thamuul will begin to rock the ground with its approach, uprooting trees, undermining the foundation of buildings, and anything else in its wake as the wurm causes the nearby landscape to roll behind it. Although not necessarily deadly to living creatures, the tremor can be devastating to nearby structures, and reduces the speed of all nearby ground units to 50% their normal speed for the duration of the tremor. Each tremor may last for up to 3 posts, and may not be used for more than 2 posts in between.

Tunnel: A subterranean terror by nature, Thamuul can move underground like a snake through water, the wurm’s fins or spikes that make up the greater part of its body guide it through the soil, making its speed rival that of a locomotive. Because of this, Thamuul may course and travel anywhere it may like with the exception of water. At full speed, the wurm’s sense of direction becomes more and more narrow as it tries to detect the path in front of it, looking out for beds of granite or rock that with its collective strength can kill the creature instantly if it crashes into it. Thamuul, despite whatever legends the leviathan might have accumulated over the centuries, also must come up periodically for air in which it will open several leathery nodes about its body and expel the used air it has consumed and takes about five to ten minutes to fully inhale the new air needed into its lungs. Once full, the wurm may descend again for another five to six hours before the need for air becomes apparent again.

Sixth Sense: Unable to see or smell or hear, Thamuul must use the same fins it uses to navigate around the landscape to hear and see the world above through vibrations and a strange form of echo location. Thamuul may pick up vibrations for up to 5 yards in any direction. Thamuul also cannot discriminate between friend or foe, making the wurm equally dangerous to anything that decides to step overhead.

Devour: Sporting three rows of huge, sharp teeth within its mouth, Thamuul’s bite strength is strong enough to crush stone and even puncture steel. But in most cases, those who are caught in the wurm’s wake are often scooped up within its mouth and tumble down its large, coiling form and into a thick, protective stomach where the victims will quickly find themselves being digested, which may take anywhere from days to even weeks.

Appearance: Resembling that of a snake by gargantuan proportions, Thamuul is covered and protected by thick, hardened scales that overlap into a protective covering that is as hard as stone. Unable to see, the leviathan’s face is more of a sheath used to house its rows of sharp, menacing teeth than anything else. Because of its unique nature, the only guidance or ‘sight’ the wurm has are the numerous spikes or fins that jut from every part of its body that detect the vibrations of the world above. Thamuul is approximately forty-seven feet in length and over twenty-three feet in diameter.

Description: Called by many names, Thamuul has been around in one form or another since the dawn of time. The origin of the leviathan is still disputed to this day, but some believe that it is a God trapped on Althanas. Not much evidence has been piled up for this, but it is widely held that a being of this magnitude couldn’t simply exist for this long and not have some sort of divine power.

Whatever the case, the wurm has been lured to the Isle of the Gisela by Saxon and a few others that used strange devices that casted vibrations so deep that it followed them beneath the sea and has been dwelling on the isle ever since. Legend has it that because of its nature, Thamuul may dwell between earth and air, but never the sea. The wurm’s aversion to water is even greater than that of a Khazban ogre, and uses whatever ‘sight’ it has to look out for pools of groundwater and rock beds.


Unit Name/Number: 100 Khazban Warriors
Level: (10 are level 2, 45 are level 1, and 45 are level 0)
Race: Ogre
Weapons/Armor: Clubs & Steel Axes/Ogre skin & Iron Hauberks

Big: Averaging from seven to eight feet in height, and with the waist size of a great oak tree, these warriors are both imposing and have the fortitude of a bull elephant. Their skin is as tough as steel, making the need for conventional armor minimal. Because of their massive size and weight, these ogres are 1.5x stronger than a normal human being, and 25% slower than a normal human being. Unfortunately, this comes as a doubled edged sword because as most ogres will tell you, it is damn near impossible to wear conventional armor and because they are so slow, it is commonplace for the daring to try and ambush them and catch them with their pants down.
Bloodlust: The Khazban ogres have poor anger management. In fact, to piss off one of them is like taking a stick to a wasp nest; it only leads to trouble. Ogres who become enraged have the extraordinary ability to tap into their anger and use it to effective double their strength. All Khazban ogres that fall into bloodlust have 3.0x the strength of a normal human being for up to 2 posts. (Only 10 khazban ogres can be affected by bloodlust at a time.)

Description: Having scored a major victory in turning the Khazban Horde to his side, Saxon has turned the potential of turning the tide of the Gisela with quite literally blood. In all forms, these ogres believe fervently in the spilling of lifeblood, and will do anything at any cost to see that their primeval blood god, Haz-Ahknar receives a proper sacrifice. Khazban warriors possess the ability to channel their lust for blood into a rampaging rage that is almost as impervious as their skin’s natural rock-hard toughness. These warriors are primarily used for the frontline with crude, primitive weapons guaranteed to maximize the pain inflicted upon their enemies.

Unit Name/Number: 20 Khazban Elite
Level: 2
Race: Ogre
Weapons/Armor: Steel Tulwars & Iron War Hammers/ Ogre skin & Leather

Big: Averaging from six to seven feet in height, and with the waist size of a great oak tree, these captains are both imposing and have the fortitude of a bull elephant. Their skin is as tough as steel, making the need for conventional armor minimal. Because of their massive size and weight, these ogres are 1.8x stronger than a normal human being, and 30% slower than a normal human being. Unfortunately, this comes as a doubled edged sword because as most ogres will tell you, it is damn near impossible to wear conventional armor and because they are so slow, it is commonplace for the daring to try and ambush them and catch them with their pants down.
Bloodlust: The Khazban ogres have poor anger management. In fact, to piss off one of them is like taking a stick to a wasp nest; it only leads to trouble. Ogres who become enraged have the extraordinary ability to tap into their anger and use it to double their strength. All Khazban ogres that fall into bloodlust have 3.0x the strength of a normal human being for up to 2 posts. (Only 10 khazban ogres can be affected by bloodlust at a time.)

Description: In most Khazban raids, these warmongers serve as the invisible hand of the war chieftain, and they are the sole driving force behind moving and governing the horde in its savage ways. They are the captains and the taskmasters that each and every warrior must answer to during times of war, and it is said that these ogres alone are often the most bloodthirsty and ruthless of their kind upon the battle field.

Unit Name/Number: 90 Khazban Shaman
Race: Ogre
Level: 0
Weapons/Armor: Clubs & Iron Axes/Ogre skin & leather

Big: Averaging from eight to nine feet in height, and with the waist size of a great oak tree, these captains are both imposing and have the fortitude of a bull elephant. Their skin is as tough as steel, making the need for conventional armor minimal. Because of their massive size and weight, these ogres are 1.3x stronger than a normal human being, and 20% slower than a normal human being. Unfortunately, this comes as a doubled edged sword because as most ogres will tell you, it is damn near impossible to wear conventional armor and because they are so slow, it is commonplace for the daring to try and ambush them and catch them with their pants down.
Bloodlust: The Khazban ogres have poor anger management. In fact, to piss off one of them is like taking a stick to a wasp nest; it only leads to trouble. Ogres who become enraged have the extraordinary ability to tap into their anger and use it to effectively double their strength. All Khazban ogres that fall into bloodlust have 3.0x the strength of a normal human being for up to 2 posts. (Only 10 khazban ogres can be affected by bloodlust at a time.)
Blood & Fire Magic: Some of the strongest magick in their region, the Khazban shaman have the uncanny ability to create flames hot enough to melt steel and cast spells to manipulate the strength and weaknesses of their horde. Although primitive, these shaman have led the horde on countless campaigns and burned anything that stands in their way to ash in order to please their Blood God.

Description: The alleged prophets of Haz-Ahknar, these ogres serve as the speakers of their God’s will that is written in both fire and blood. Possessing the same toughness their warriors have, some have even admitted to saying the magi of this ogre horde are superior to their fighter-counterparts. Possessing some of the strongest fire magic their race could conceive, the Khazban are often used to raze enemy territory and quite literally burn anything in the air to ash. For some reason however, the Khazban have an aversion to water like that of a dragon and will stay away from it at any cost.

Unit Name/Number: 20 Jotun
Level: 2
Race: Giant
Weapons/Armor: Body/Rockskin

Giant’s Might: Averaging between twelve and eighteen feet in height, these giants can even rival buildings with their mass. Made from the mountains of Salvar themselves, the Jotun tower over most landscapes and make ideal scouts as well as excellent warriors. Devastating by nature, the giants possess 3.0x the strength of a normal human being and travel 1.2x faster than normal human being. Because of their size, the Jotun cannot wear conventional armor and are so easy to spot and hear in the distance that it is a daunting task in itself for them to get the jump on the enemy.
Reach: With their impressive size, the Jotun are not only capable as a destructive ground force, but are literally able to pluck anything within reach that decides to take flight in the sky.

Description: True to their name, the giants eat anything and everything that is in their path and only stop to consider the potential food if it bears a special insignia. The Jotun, having lived for eons within the vast, desolate tundra of Salvar have been reduced to a trickle of their race’s glory, and it was for this reason that Saxon managed to befriend these benevolent giants in the hope they can mop up any unforeseen problems within the Gisela.

Unit Name/Number: 10 Trackers
Level: 0
Race: Humanoid
Weapons/Armor: Iron daggers & Spears/Leather skin

Track: Doing what they do best, these creatures use their extraordinary sense of smell to hunt down its target. Their sense of smell is so powerful that once locked onto a scent, they are able to follow its trail that is good for up to 60 yards.
Alacrity: Trackers can travel 1.5x faster than a normal human being.

Description: Found within the shimmering flats of a mysterious wasteland, the H’Mosep tribe are a throwback and distant ancestor of Althanian humans. Having adapted to the harsh conditions of the wasteland, the beings dubbed as ‘Trackers’ have an acute sense of smell that allows them to survive in places where normal human beings would never dare to venture. The nose making up a great part of their face, the H’Mosep do not the conventional mouth as most living creatures are used to, and get by through sign language and their nose in some cases may double as a mouth as being the only connection between the outside and the stomach. It is little wonder that the average lifespan of a Tracker is 23 years.

Unit Name/Number: 34 Black Coats
Level: 2
Race: Unknown
Weapons/Armor: Steel long swords & Steel Daggers/Cloth

Cloak and Dagger: Possessing the means to hide amongst the living and kill discriminately, these assassins can turn the tide on an ambush on either side. The traditional black duster they wear allows these beings to become less than tangible during nightfall for a few seconds to a few minutes. Once in this phase, A Black Coat’s weapon may do 1.5x more damage than normal to their opponent and is good for 2 posts, and they sustain 50% less normal damage than they would if they were corporeal. Cloak and Dagger must have 3 posts between activation periods to be triggered again.
Anchored: Black Coats are just that; coats. The beings that possess them make up the entirety of its form unless you consider the weapons and the hat. Little is known on how this bond was formed, but these assassins are bound to their weapons, flamenco hats, and dusters they possess and treat them as if they were own limbs. Because of this, Black Coats are 1.5x more resistant to normal damage than a normal human being and naturally resistant to magic. However, these invisible men have a great fear of fire for obvious reasons and can be carried off in a good wind since there is nothing really holding them to the ground besides incorporeal feet.

Description: At one time, these invisible men were tangible and very much alive, and were among the best of their trade all those centuries ago, but greed gets the best of most men and somehow this order of assassins was cursed with immortality and the knowledge that they will forever become the coats they had used to hide amongst their fellow man. Black coats can be deduced as both complex and deadly, and have not been in the way of the public eye for much of known history except for a few suspicious political assassinations of leaders and kings of pivotal countries.

Nobody really knows how Saxon found them, much less how he got them on his side, but the eldritch nonetheless has these invisible men at his disposal. In appearance these assassins look like normal black dusters, flamenco hats, and the weapons they carry with them and stand very much upright like a normal human being.

Unit Name/Number: 50 Dumoth Cutpurses
Level: (17 level 2, 33 level 0)
Race: Human
Weapons/Armor: Steel Kukris, Dirks, Daggers, throwing knives/Cloth

Scrapping: The thieves and rogues of Dumoth certainly know their way around a knife, and are probably even more skilled with one than their pick-pocketing trade. These cutpurses do 1.5x more damage than a normal human being with their daggers and are twice as accurate too.
Puffing: Nicknamed ‘Puff’ by their cohorts, these pickpockets have been bewitched with a rather extraordinary ability; Teleportation. Most men would consider it hopping in time/space while others simply call it cheating, the Dumoth have used it to their every advantage. When Puffing, the rogues may fade and pop anywhere within a 2 ft. radius, reappearing in a cloud of viscous smoke every time (They may not, however pass through natural barriers such as rock or conventional walls). This ability is so disorienting and dizzying that when using it in succession more than 4 times in a span of 2 posts, these cutpurses become dazed with vertigo and vulnerable for up to 1 post.

Description: It doesn’t take much to get these hotheaded individuals to prove their worth, and when they fight these cutpurses are far more intimidating than the thieves and criminals the typical person is privy to. Redheaded and argumentative, the band of thieves hail from the port city of Dumoth off the coast of Corone and are a fiery bunch by far. Having found them in an altercation a couple years back, Saxon returned to the port and made a deal with the leader of the gang, Harris Murphy, to join them in the tournament in exchange for a cut of the winnings and the promise of Brotherhood cooperation in future jobs.

Unit Name/Number: 36 Vezebi Combat Medics
Level: 0
Race: Human
Weapons/Armor: Hands & Feet/Cloth

Triage: With an encyclopedic knowledge of medicine, the Vezebi double as doctors and are excellent in the times of a crisis. These combat medics possess the tools and knowledge necessary to repair and treat the wounded during battle, while at the same time discriminating between the lives they can save and the ones that are too far along to be treated. The Vezebi are also 1.5x more perceptive than a normal human being when treating the wounded, and it takes 1-3 posts to fully treat somebody based on their injuries.
Martial Arts: Far too poor to possess typical weaponry, the Vezebi have trained their medics in a fighting style used to disable or cripple an enemy that stands between them and the injured and use it well. With this in mind, the medics are 1.5x faster than a normal human being and can use their medical knowledge and prowess to break bones and disable an enemy.
Description: Skilled in the arts of medicine, the Vezebi were recruited from the slums of a warring city state on the fringes of Althanas. These healers, despite their ability to heal and mend broken bones, know how to break them equally as well.

Unit Name/Number: 3 War Zepplins
Level: 2
Race: Zepplin
Weapons/Armor: Cannons/Steel plating

Flying: Off the ground, these dirigibles are the terror of the skies as they move to and fro across the battlefield and rain fire down from above. Each zeppelin possesses enough fuel per round in order to take flight, and will refuel between each round. War Zepplins travel 2.0x faster than ships upon water, and are twice as tough to boot.
Bombardment: Fully manned with crews of the most fearsome, bloodthirsty sky pirates Althanas has ever known, every zeppelin is armed with six cannons, three on each side. Built like that of their sister ships, they can fire a volley of cannonballs and arrows once every 2 posts, but many to bring down the enemy. The zeppelins do 1.5x more damage to enemies that fly than those that are grounded.

Description: Like so many others, the sky pirates of Alerar have been recruited by Saxon and his cohorts in order to take the skies by storm. The crews of the Sky Fury, Lead Deluge, and The Magellan, once fierce rivals, have agreed to an uneasy truce and cooperate with each other, if only to ensure they get their cut when everything is said and done.

Unit Name/Number: 117 Alerian Sky Pirates
Level: 0
Race: Humanoid
Weapons/Armor: Anything they can get their hands on/Cloth & Leather

Fleet footed: It has been an old custom upon ships to break in the newest members of the crew by making them climb the rigging, fix the masts, etc. Basically, they get thrown on the shit detail. However, since every member has gone through this process it gives a considerable advantage when on foot. Sometimes sailors are put into situations where they cannot even think of the consequences of their actions and just begin to develop a snap-stick reaction in the event of that kind of situation. Because of this, each pirate is twice as dexterous and agile as a normal human being and run 1.5x faster.
Deadeye: These pirates are crack shots whenever it comes to aiming and firing a weapon. Ranging from bows, slings, crossbows, guns, you name it and chances are one of the crew has either fired it or have been used as target practice for the others.

Description: From the skies of Alerar and into the heat of battle, these pirates have made a living off war and bloodshed, and Saxon could see it. The eldritch recruited these men and women in order to level the playing field and bring the more illustrious and lavish enemies down a peg or two.

Other units:

18 Cannons

02-25-08, 09:30 PM
Saxon: Both of your heroes are a bit overpowered for level zeros. Drop one skill from Boris and he should be fine. As for the wurm, you can leave it as is and I'll trust you not to powergame the tooth strength listed in his Devour skill. I figure it won't matter since he'd swallow most victims whole anyway. Other than that, drop the cannons from the zepplins unless you have each cannon take up its own level 0 slot or higher.

02-25-08, 09:36 PM
Dropped smolder, will use Thamuul appropriately, and I took you up on your offer to make the cannons into units as deemed appropriate.

02-25-08, 09:48 PM
Thank you, sir. You are APPROVED!

02-25-08, 09:59 PM
Double post...

The Legion of Night

The soldier stock:
(All are assumed to have leather armor, rope, common quality climbing gear, an iron hatchet, and a small spaded shovel)

The Shadows – 90 – Level 0
These dark warriors hail from an ancient and sophisticated warrior clan that occupies the darkest mountains in Salvar. For these shadowy dealers of death to join the ranks of Cipher Nex was a logical fellowship. The Shadows are the basic foot soldiers of the clan, trained to lurk in the shadows and strike without warning. They know how to use their steel short swords, but they are better known for being fairly skilled shots with their repeater crossbows. They are adept at moving through rough and dense terrain, though they have no formal training in maintaining a standard battle formation. Each has five magazines of steel bolts. (Each with six bolts)

The Master Shades – 10 – Level 2
These skilled warriors are a class above their lower brethren in the clan. They are stealthier, better swordsmen, and deadlier marksmen than the Shadows. They are trained to act as low-level commanders, coordinating the maneuvers of their lesser comrades. Each has five magazines of steel bolts and two of Plynt.


The Stalkers – 60 – Level 0
These stealthy, agile warriors are apprentices from a secret guild of unusual assassins that specialized in fighting with pole arms. When the guild was absorbed into Cipher Nex, these warriors came with it. Though they have little real armor of their own, they are armed with short steel glaives capable of hacking through most shields and punching through armor.

The Reapers – 10 – Level 2
The Reapers are a step above Stalkers in their guild. They have taken their skills of silent killing to the next level and wield their short glaives like extensions of their bodies. At this rank, the warriors’ glaives are crafted from Cyper wood and high-grade steel. They fill similar roles as the Master Shades, coordinating their brethren on the battlefield.


The Dark Rangers – 60 – Level 0
These sinister woodsmen and wilderness warriors were recruited from various parts of Althanas. They were chosen for their ability to track men and animals silently in the wilderness. They are armed with heavy oak longbows and have the upper body strength to use them. Unfortunately, due to the focus such a weapon requires, these warriors have little ability with other forms of combat. Each has 30 steel arrows and 10 Plynt arrows.

The Hunters of Terror – 10 – Level 2
These warriors are charged with coordinating the Dark Rangers. They are lethal sharpshooters with their longbows, skilled trackers and cartographers, and trap artists. In addition, their ability to move without being heard or seen has surpassed that of the Dark Rangers.


Repeating Bolt Throwers – 10 – Level 0
Smaller than ballistae, these war machines fire off barbed bolts the size of heavy spears. They were designed as portable, anti-cavalry weapons, but have since filled a variety of battlefield roles. A single machine can fire up to five shots in six seconds, but then takes fifteen seconds to reload. A singly fired bolt can typically punch through iron plate armor, while multiple shots can usually pierce chain and scale mail. Each machine requires two crewmen to operate effectively. If there is only one, reloading takes twice as long.

Bolt Thrower Crew – 20 – Level 0
These mercenaries were hired for their skilled marksmanship, and not much else. Each keeps a stock of 10 steel bolts.


The Heralds of Woe – 60 – Level 2
These horsemen fit the nightmarish description of dark riders. They are skilled riders and deadly shots with their repeating crossbows. Also in their arsenal are lethal cavalry spears and sabers. These warriors are lightly armored, relying more on speed than durability.

Black Stallions – 60 – Level 0
These horses are less bulky and muscular than a full warhorse, but they are faster, more agile, and have more endurance.


Apprentice Necromancers – 20 – Level 2
It was a naturally union for these sinister beings that master death to join the ranks of the dealers of death. These necromancers have basic skills in cold and ice magic, able to fire off ice shard projectiles at targets up to 50 yards. They have also undergone the basic Cipher Nex stealth training, allowing them to fit with the rest of the army. Their main talents, however, lie in their namesake art. Each can create up to five zombies per day (the corpses must be available), but can control no more than five at once. They are also invaluable assets to their masters in the performing of rituals.

Master Necromancers – 10 – Level (mine)
These unnatural sorcerers are the masters over their younger, more human students. They wield death as a warrior might wield a sword. They are shriveled and emaciated men, feeble and fragile, yet they are powerful foes that can drain the life out of a man. Each is able to summon ten zombies in the same way as the apprentice and can call upon five deadly wraiths each day. (These wraiths are equal to a level 1 in power; they can hover in the air, phase through walls, and have a chilling touch that stuns unsuspecting enemies -- they wield rusty daggers) They also have an impressive repertoire of disturbing and horrifying rituals.


Apprentice Illusionists – 16 – Level 2
The tricksters of the army, these spell casters are valuable assets. They can create full sensory illusions that take the form of anything from a rock to a group of soldiers. Unless an illusionist focuses on his apparition, it will vanish after three minutes. They can also cast charms that deaden sound and visually obscure the subject for up to 20 minutes. These conjurers are still limited in their skill and power, however, and cannot create any spell with an area of effect larger than fifteen cubic feet. In addition, each has novice electromancy, able to fire off bolts of electricity that can stun and injure average soldiers.

Master Illusionists – 8 – Level (mine)
These crafty wizards have the same skills as their students, only more so. Their illusions can last for hours unattended and their ability to mask the presence of themselves or their allies has reached new heights, allowing them to even hide from most forms of magical detection. They can also fire off lethal jolts of electricity when angered.


Harpies – 10 – Level 2
These feral winged creatures were absorbed into the army for the sole sake of scouting. They are as strong as an average human and their teeth and venomous claws make them deadly in their own right, but their primary function is that of flying through the sky and locating enemies. This particular wing of harpies was trained in telepathic communication and can relay information to any of the low or high-level commanders in the army.

Gargoyles – 14 – Level 2
These gothic beasts of legend are a terror to behold. They are three times as strong and durable as a man and can take to the skies by gliding on their mighty wings. Their claws can rend flesh and bone and allow them to climb almost any surface. However, they have on fatal flaw; they are completely useless during the day. As soon as the first rays of sunlight peek over the horizon, these deadly beasts turn into stone statues


Ashkore War Mounts – 7 – Level (mine)
Of the same species as Chris’s riding beast, these giant lizards are larger than full warhorses, as stealthy as any wilderness predator, possess an almost feline agility, and have the constitution of a pair of oxen. All of that says nothing for their massive teeth, thick scaly skin that can shrug off most weak and average strikes, and mighty tale that can cut a man’s stomach open. Since they were bred in Salvar, these monstrous mounts have little trouble in cold climates. In fact, they often tend to be more trouble in warmer regions because their voracious appetites increase with the temperature.

Giant Panther – 1 – Level (mine)
This large cat is as long as a horse, though it doesn’t stand quite as tall. Still, it is strong and fast, able to carry a full-grown man easily while running circles around any horse. It’s claws and teeth are deadly weapons. It is the favored mount of Sir Ciaphas Gellunberg.

Ashkore Knights – 6 – Level (mine)
Such is the might and ferocity of the Ashkore that only warriors of equal levels of strength and valor can master them. The only troops in the army to have studied both combat and magic, these human knights can nullify magic with a power equal to or less than theirs. They are deadly with their lances and long swords, twice the strength of an average man, and they ride into battle clad in full steel plate armor and large steel kite shields.


Caelgrar Warriors – 9 – Level (mine)
These massive, black and white humanoid tigers were recruited from tribes in northern Salvar. They stand nine feet tall and are about four feet from shoulder to shoulder. Their strength is four times that of an average man and they are three times as swift. They are not proficient with any form of armor or weapons, but they are very durable and have sharp claws and jaws that can crush bone with ease. In addition, they are competent, stealthy hunters, able to stalk the wilderness for their prey and strike without warning. This made them a natural addition to the Legion of Night.


Geomancers – 6 – Level (mine)
Though they lack any combat abilities, these casters can alter the landscape around them in dramatic ways. Whether by forming natural shelter for the army to commanding the very ground the enemy walks on to swallow them, these arcane artists are valuable battlefield resources.


Temujin – Level (mine)
A mysterious character known for always wearing a large black coat and black gloves, Temujin is a brutal fighter in hand-to-hand combat. He carries no weapons and wears no armor, but his own arms are made from a magical polymetamorphic metal that’s slightly softer than mithril. The material responds to his thoughts and can typically act as regular limbs, though they allow him twice the strength of an average man. In combat situations, however, they also are able to transform into a variety of implements of death from swords, to axe heads, to hammers, to spikes, etc. The more mental effort he puts forth, the faster and more dramatic these transformations become. However, the more he uses his augmented arms, the more psychically fatigued he becomes.


Sir Ciaphas and Sir Alexander, the Gellunberg brothers – 2 – Level (mine) – Special characters
The Gellun brothers hail from a noble house in Salvar and formed the order of knights specializing in riding the bestial Ashkore into battle. They share blood relations, both have blonde hair and brown eyes, and are both brilliant strategists, but their similarities end there.

Ciaphas, the older brother, is crafty warrior, preferring to use sneaky hit-and-run tactics. He is a talented rider and handy with a sword and spear, but he’s more renowned for his devastating marksmanship with his Talymer bow, and his strength to use it repeatedly for extended periods of time without tiring. He wears mithril chain mail and greaves, and dragon hide riding gloves, and wields a Damascus saber. He keeps a quiver of 50 mithril arrows. He also is a skilled enchanter, able to put a variety of spells on his arrows ranging from small explosions to sleep charms.

Alexander is the more noble of the two, perhaps compensating for the fact that he would never inherit his father’s estate due to being the younger. He is a mighty warrior who proudly leads his knights into battle from the front. He wears full plate armor like his knights, but his breastplate and helmet are both made from mithril. His lance is made from steel, but his long sword is made from Damascus and carries an enchantment that makes it have a razor edge capable of cleaving through just about any mundane metal. He is a mountain of a man, at least twice as strong and tough as a normal man. His skills with his lance and sword reinforce his rightful place at the front of his knights, and his own magical training amplifies the magical nullification of his fellow Ashkore riders.

Call me J
02-25-08, 10:04 PM
This might just be me, but when I think of wraiths, I think of things that are about level 10 or so. Could you edit in to your master necromancers what the powers of these wraiths are? Either that or edit in that the wraiths are no better than level 1s.

02-25-08, 10:15 PM
That's a good point. Edit made.

Call me J
02-25-08, 10:26 PM

Max Dirks
02-25-08, 11:21 PM

Name/Position: Logan McCloud – General
Weapon(s)/Armor: The “Silence Blades” – two Pravalida short swords/None
Abilities: Advanced Telepathy (see profile (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=12))
Appearance: Logan is distinguished by his long silver hair. He dresses very similarly to Dirks, though his apparel is more tarnished than the criminal’s.
Description: There is not a soul in Corone that does not know the name Logan McCloud. Logan met Dirks in battle and the two formed a loose relationship. Once a bandit, Dirks’ influence has molded Logan into a revered warrior. It was only natural that Dirks would ask Logan to join him in Vice. Prior to the tournament, Dirks had Logan’s body infused with magic. The magic aids Logan’s telepathic abilities, making them stronger and improving their ranges (i.e. Logan will be level 7 for the duration of the tournament).

The character Logan McCloud is used with permission from Logan.

Name/Position: Drax Piston - Commander
Weapon(s)/Armor: PSG-1 Sniper Rifle/None
Abilities: None
Appearance: Drax has long blonde hair styled in a ponytail. He is tall and built.
Description: Drax was the winner of the 3rd Gisela Open. Following the tournament, he opened “Piston’s Pleasure Palace” on his island, which has become a staple for Althanas gambling. Recently Dirks contacted Drax demanding that the gambler participate in the Conquest Trials to repay the debt he owed Dirks for the Gisela. Cocky and headstrong, but never willing to pass up an opportunity to battle, Drax rejected Dirks, only to rescind five minutes later. Drax then called in some old favors to build Vice’s army.

Unit Breakdown:

Unit Name/Number: 50 Informants (LEVEL 0)
Weapons/Armor: Iron Daggers/none
Abilities: none
Description: These are street informants from Radasanth, complete with questionable loyalities. They joined Drax’s army after he promised them that he would give them legitimate jobs at the casino. Dirks went over Drax’s head and offered them GP in addition to ensure they didn’t sneak out of a fight.

Unit Name/Number: 150 Althanas Mercenaries (LEVEL 0)
Weapon(s)/Armor: Swords, daggers, wrist rockets, etc. (whatever can be found)/ Iron plate armor, clothing, newspaper (whatever can be found)
Abilities: None
Description: Althanas’ finest mercenaries. Each one was promised a fickle amount of GP, but an exorbitant amount of exposure to join Vice’s army. Though poorly armed, every mercenary fights as though he has everything to gain and nothing to lose.

Unit Name/Number: 100 Demon Soldiers (LEVEL 0)
Weapon(s)/Armor: Swords, bows and claws / Leather Plate Armor
Abilities: None
Description: General Zieg’ ag’Tulfried has offered 100 of his demon soldier’s to Vice in exchange for a promise to eliminate any enemies of Salvarian descent. The General hopes that the exposure of the demons will bring more to Haidia’s cause. In general, the demons are faster than ordinary humans and can easily slip into the shadows unnoticed.

Unit Name/Number: 25 Knights / 25 Horses (LEVEL 2)
Weapons/Armor: Iron Swords/ Iron Breastplates, Iron Helmets, Iron Shields
Abilities: None
Description: This is head of Vice’s infantry. They are almost always put on the front lines. Off their horses, they are slow, but very formidable in close combat situations. Their armor also protects them from poorly aimed long distance attacks as well.

Unit Name/Number: 50 Light Mages (LEVEL 2)
Weapon(s)/Armor: Staffs/None
Abilities: Basic healing spells
Description: These clerics form a great defensive team. Individually their healing magic is weak, but together they can quickly rejuvenate injured warriors and send them back to fight in the exact same battle. They are also astute in the lighter forms of magic such as light, thunder, and holy.

Unit Name/Number: 50 Dark Mages (LEVEL 2)
Weapon(s)/Armor: Oak Staffs/ Long Robes
Abilities: These mages have limited control over the darker of the elements including fire, earth, gravity and time. Because of the complexity of the elemental magic they perform, each mage can only focus on one element. They are divided equally among the listed elements.

Unit Name/Number: 13 Vice (LEVEL 7)
Weapon(s)/Armor: None (or any) / None (or any)
Abilities: None in particular, but are highly trained in every art known to Althanas.
Description: These humans are Dirks’ dirty secrets. They are shape-shifters in every sense of the word. Though they do not physically take the form of another, they are able to fool even the most knowledgeable foes. The Vice are lead by James Spade, a former soldier in Dirks’ army. Spade is an enigma. He is recognizable by few, but his actions have had a great affect on Althanas’ history.

Unit Name/Number: 12 Disgraced Ai’bron Monks (LEVEL 7)
Weapon(s)/Armor: Sliver Staff / Steel Plate Armor.
Abilities: Illusion- using their powers, the monks can create an illusion double of every living unit in Vice’s army. To the naked eye, there is no difference between an illusion and the real thing. Illusions cannot be harmed, but likewise cannot deal any harm. They exist to confuse the enemy. The monks can create multiple illusions at one time, but cannot be distracted.
Appearance: Old and warn.
Description: Former Ai’bron monks have joined with Dirks to rebel against the society that rejected them. The leader of the monks is Phagan Slater De’bron. Phagan befriended Drax during the gambler’s winning Gisela campaign. It is believed that Drax, not Dirks, was actually responsible for their participation.

Unit Name/ Number: 13 Rouge Valkyries (LEVEL 7)
Weapon(s)/Armor: None / None
Abilities: Seduction, Healing
Description: Rejects of the ToW, these Valkyries have devoted their lives to mischief. The women serve multiple purposes in the army: 1) they are far greater healers than the light mages 2) they have the ability of seduction and can bend the wills of even the strongest men. Though unarmed, the Valkyries are extremely formidable in battle.

Unit Name/Number: 10 Armored Steam Powered Transport Carriers (LEVEL 7)
Weapon(s)/Armor: None / Steel plated
Abilities: None
Description: These mobile assault vehicles serve as Dirks’ base of operations and last line of defense. They are heavily insulated to protect against the elements, but could be breached by directed magic. Though they have no weapons of their own, several units usually defend the vehicles at all time.

Call me J
02-25-08, 11:27 PM
Dirks is approved.

02-27-08, 06:41 PM
I have 141 NPCs that are level 2 or 1. Instead of making the last remaining 9, can I divide their power in between the NPCs marked [level 2+]?

Hexxen Nacht

The Coven [13]

Sati Sarasvati [level 0] See Profile. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=11085)

Sapna Sarasvati [level 0] See Profile. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=11085)

Cassock, Dover Patriarch [Hero: level 2+]
Description: Whether he is the father of all Dovers or simply the current leader is unknown, but he is very much alike these smaller demons. He has the same watermelon-shaped head, the same globulous, amber eyes, has no nose or ears and has livid, sandpaper-colored skin. However, he is slightly taller, has three bluish-green scars run down vertically on each of his temples, and unlike his lesser counterparts, he has a mouth with which he can speak. He also wears a black cassock with a purple sash, while Dovers are usually naked.

Equipment: 100 Mythril Fishhooks

Farsight - Capable of scrying for information. Can provide a clear view of an area as long as he possesses an item linked to something or someone within the aforementioned field. Can garner information that he should not have access to by plucking out his eyes (which grow back after three days) and swallowing them. By letting someone sink his or her hands into his head, he can share with that person everything that he sees.
Hive Mind - Can communicate with his Dover Demons no matter what the distance, and can thusly relay orders to other units with relative ease. Can also share the abilities of whoever has sunken their hands into his head to his Grand Dukes. If an ability has a limited number of uses, they are deducted directly from the unit lending his or her powers.
Psychokinesis - Though the uses are diverse, an adequate reference point of his skill is that he can lift up to 600 pounds with his mind.

Orarion, Lich of the Asphodel [Hero: level 2+]
Description: A renegade from a Necromancer Order. By shedding his mortal skin, he attained great powers as a Lich, though it has not bee long since his transformation. He dons a heavily-ornate robe of deep amethyst with gold trims.

Equipment: Dragonbone Half-Plate, Spidersilk Robe

Reanimate - Friend or foe, he can bring them back to life as long as they are fallen. He can raise thirty units each day, and an additional ten for each of his levels.
Drain Life - Can rob a portion of any unit’s life force, and transfer it to himself or any other unit for healing. Once every battle, he may target an area with a fifteen foot radius instead of a single target.
Create Abomination - Using an assortment of dead bodies, he can create a giant construct that possesses three specific abilities that belong to its components. Can only be used once per battle.
Necrophage – Eating dead bodies replenishes his energy. As such, each corpse eaten whole will allow him enough power to reanimate five units.

3 – Moonshed Wretch [level 2]
Description: Mysterious entities from the deepest swamps of Dheathain that were captured and chained down by Orarion. They are gangly, bald, exude a viscous sheen from their blemished skin and constantly drool black and bubbling grease. Because the wretches walk barefooted, their feet have become nothing but bloody stumps.

Equipment: Oily rags and rusty chains that are nailed onto their body, rune-etched iron bars that keep them apart

Banshee Bedlam – Disrupts all unfriendly frequencies in a radius of fifty feet, thus jamming within this field all matter of magic, scrying or other psychic methods of warfare on the enemy’s part. Lasts three posts, can only be used once per battle. Requires all three wretches for successful casting.
Cast the Midnight – When their chains are broken, the wretches unite. Impenetrable darkness falls for an instant until the dimmest of lights returns from the black moon overhead. All friendly units within this field temporarily gain a level. Three specific units may gain three levels instead. Lasts five posts, can only be used once per battle. Requires all three wretches for successful casting.

3 – Hound of Gevaudan [level 2+]
Description: Barghest, Gytrash and Drummer are black hounds, each twice as big as a full-grown bear. Their fur seems like curling tendrils of black smoke, though they are constantly caked in blood, both stale and fresh.

Equipment: Reins made of bones and ox nerves

Spectral Blink – They can flicker in between Althanas and their native realm, where time flows faster. As such, by leaping in between planes, they can travel great distances in a short amount of time each time they vanish and reappear. Can travel up to three kilometers in a single dash, but can only do so once per day. Because of this, they usually make one to three meter jumps every few seconds.
Beast of Hell – Being demonic hounds, they are frighteningly strong, capable of ripping an ordinary man apart with a single bite or mauling one to death with a few swipes. Like their fangs and claws, their hide is incredibly resilient, almost as strong as Dehlar. Moreover, they can call upon rapid regeneration after ingesting fresh meat or blood.

3 – Undertaker of the Marrow [level 2+]
Description: They are regular skeletons at first sight, but closer inspection will reveal ribplates instead of a ribcage. They also have longer bones for their arms and vestigial horns upon their skulls.

Equipment: Quiver of Spines, Dragonbone Bow

Bow Proficiency – They are highly skilled with the use of a bow and arrow, and have an astounding aim, especially for creatures with no actual eyes.
Tears of Bone, Splinter Rain - By using the spine of a dead unit as an arrow, they can make sharp splinters of bone rain from above like a volley of arrows.
Desecrated Geomancy - Can manipulate earth and rocks in various ways and at a substantial degree. Can also literally poison a sizeable tract of earth by desecration, making simple contact with it torture.

The Familiars [130]

2 – Gemini Poltergeist [level 2]
Description: Only their face is human, the rest of their appearance being a web-like mist of grey ectoplasm.

Equipment: None
Incorporeal - They cannot be hurt physically and spells only diffuse them momentarily. They are, however, unable to interact with matter in this state.
Body Snatching - Can take over the body of any corporeal unit unless stated otherwise (does not apply to heroes). Can also fuse with inorganic materials to give them motion or become golems themselves. After five turns, can fuse their hosts into a hybrid entity (considered the sum of each host’s level, minus one).

5 – Golem of Flesh [level 2]
Description: Giants over ten feet tall, made of different types of flesh knit together in a patchwork pattern. The right arm is an oversized cluster of bulging muscles, with huge, steel bolts or studs on the shoulder and knuckles. The left is a tangled mass of tentacles wrapped around a slimmer arm. They have no head, but possess a mouth on each of their chests, with two circular rows of jagged teeth within. On their back are tubular endings that serve as organic exhaust pipes, reminiscent of large, coronary pumps.

Equipment: 8 Damascus Studs

Undead – Feels no pain, has no blood, and thus cannot be brought down unless adequately destroyed.
Organic-Fueled Tank - To function, a Golem of Flesh needs to ingest large quantities of fresh blood or meat. Can survive four posts without fuel, is weaked after five and ceases to function at six. Can eat either with their chest mouths or the tendrils on their left arm.
Burst Charge – Golems are natural powerhouses, capable of tearing down a small house by simply charging through. Right after devouring between five to ten man-sized preys, it can effectively plow through an army for about thirty feet before becoming inoperative for three posts.

10 – Wraith Operative [level 1]
Description: Unknown, as they cannot be seen through natural means.

Equipment: None

Incorporeal - They cannot be hurt physically and spells only diffuse them momentarily. They are, however, unable to interact with matter in this state.
Spying – They can glean information with great ease for they make no noise and are invisible to the naked eye, but because of this they cannot steal from or dispose of enemy units as other spies may.

13 – Dover Demon: Grand Duke [level 1]
Description: They have a watermelon-shaped head, globulous, amber eyes, have no nose, mouth or ears and have livid, sandpaper-colored skin. Though they are just as small, they differ from their lesser counterparts by the layer of small, green horns that coats their skin.

Equipment: Dehlar Claws

Hive Mind - Can communicate with other Dover Demons no matter what the distance, and can thusly relay orders to other units with relative ease.
Ability Sharing – Whoever has sunken their hands into the head of the Patriarch will instantly transfer their abilities to the Dukes. Though the action has no repercussions on them, it will become increasingly taxing on the person sharing his or her powers.
Claw Proficiency - They have slightly more than average skills when wielding claw weapons and their nimbleness gives them an additional edge.
Close-Range Telepathy - Though they have no mouths, they can still communicate with other units by means of telepathy, save for those beyond their limited range.

15 – Maggot Mogul [level 1]
Description: Swarthy men who mark their bodies with soot and the white pigment of crushed maggots. They wear large strips of silk from the waist down but leave their chests bare to exhibit their markings.

Equipment: Incense Rods, Steel Cleavers

White Swarm – Can summon hordes (their maximum mass equivalent to that of an elephant) of maggots to do their bidding. They move faster and are more voracious than the regular kind.
Carrion Titan – By combining the maggots they wrangled, they can each create a colossus of a maggot. These can swallow a man whole and transform its corpse into more of their kind.
Rot – Moguls are capable of lobbing globes or launching streams of rot. Anything organic that is touched will slowly begin to decay. After one post, they will emit a smell that maggots adore. After two, the rot will begin to spread in earnest.

20 – Warden of Death [level 1]
Description: Their faces are always concealed beneath the white hood of their chasubles, but their hands are withered horrors, dry, wrinkled and cyanotic.

Equipment: Silver Ankhs

Heal – By applying their ankh’s on a wounded unit, they can close wounds, knit flesh, mend bones and the like. They are also capable of curing all kinds of poison by extracting them and storing them inside their ankhs.
Question the Dead – By restoring consciousness to a dead body through the stimulation of its remnant soul, the Wardens are capable of questioning them. These reanimated beings do not possess a will, and are thus bound to answer to the best of their knowledge.
Ward – Using their ankhs, they can erect protective wards around allies and themselves, capable of absorbing the brunt of physical attacks or negating lesser spells. Can also create nefarious wards that bring a blight upon their foes in the form of an enfeebling illness.

25 – Laughing Crone [level 1]
Description: Basically giant crows with a few silver and white streaks on the feathers of their wings. Their eyes are, however, variegated, with a shape similar to a sparrow’s.
Equipment: None

Flight - Can soar at high altitudes and travel there at great speeds.
High Resistance to Magic – Crones are beings of magic, and thus are drawn to it like moths to a fire. However, unlike moths, they do not suffer from the ill effects of most forms of magic.
Witchcraft – Crones are adept at hexes and curses of all kinds, but they mostly enjoy transforming weak units into toads, frogs or mice, which they can devour to their leisure (only average-sized or lower level zeroes can be transmogrified). This, however, requires the target to stand still, and it can only be cast at a relatively close distance.

40 – Basilisk Dragoon [level 1]
Description: It is easiest to see them as reptilian centaurs. Their lower body is that of a drake and plated like a war mount, while their upper body resembles a human, thought most of their features are hidden under their wicked looking armors.

Equipment: Dehlar Half-Plate Armor, Dehlar Battalion Lances

Poison Spear - Not only are Dragoons quite skilled with their weapons, they are also capable of imbuing them with a sorcerous poison that can rapidly induce dizziness and confusion.
Petrifaction - Though their faces are hidden beneath their dragonhead helmets, the sinister glow of their eyes can sometimes be seen through their visors. When one witnesses the glow turn from green to red, they are momentarily stunned. Those who look directly into the eyes of a dying Basilisk, however, are turned to stone.

The Neophytes [350]

The Stranger [level 0]
Description: Nondescript upon first glance. The most notable thing about the stranger is his or her attire, a plain brown cloak with its hood always pulled up.

Equipment: Purportedly None

Ambiguous Toying - It is often unclear whether the stranger is on the side of Sine Nomine, or against it. He is a ghost amongst their ranks, noticed only by a few, but the repercussions of his actions can shake the entire legion itself.
Cannot be Killed – Though the stranger rarely ever openly participates in a battle, there have been times when it was targeted and even struck down; yet, it still walks on today. (As any other common unit, he can be incapacitated and put out of service by both physical and magical attacks - only, he can never be permanently disposed of, and may very well reappear unscathed at a later time.)

13 – Prometheus Catapult [level 0]
Description: They are the despicable work of Orarion. Using the bodies of thirteen great giants, he has sectioned them from the waist down to mount them on the base of a wheeled catapult.

Equipment: Steel Base, Armored and Spiked, Huge Steel Mallets

Throw Stuff, Hard – Because they’re apeshit strong, they can throw stuff really, really hard and really, really far.
Living Plowmen – Using their spiked base, they can mow and plow through the enemy ranks, given they are on a descending slope.

36 – Gateformer Ghost [level 0]
Description: As most would imagine ghosts, they retain humanoid features within their blurry outlines. However, the Gateformer Ghosts are always wailing, whick distorts their mouths and eyes into frightening, black hollows.

Equipment: None

Incorporeal - They cannot be hurt physically and spells only diffuse them momentarily. They are, however, unable to interact with matter in this state.
Flight - Can soar at high altitudes and travel there at great speeds.
Vortex - When three ghosts gather and spin, they can form a vortex through which one unit can pass, and this unit will be transported to the other end,also formed by three ghosts. When the vortex closes, those at Point A are also transported to Point B, making any repetitive use of the same ghosts impossible. However, a group of six ghosts can transport up to three people, one of nine can transport up to 9, 12 up to 27, 15 for 81 and 18 for 243 units.
Nexus - Considered to be the Legion’s second communications network: the gateformer ghosts can create an information pathway between each other, allowing units to deliver information or assessments in case the Dovers are unavailable.

50 – Dover Demon: Devout [level 0]
Description: They have a watermelon-shaped head, globulous, amber eyes, have no nose, mouth or ears and have livid, sandpaper-colored skin.

Equipment: Steel Claws

Hive Mind - Can communicate with other Dover Demons no matter what the distance, and can thusly relay orders to other units with relative ease.
Claw Proficiency – They have average skills when wielding claw weapons, but their nimbleness gives them an edge.
Close-Range Telepathy – Though they have no mouths, they can still communicate with other units by means of telepathy, save for those beyond their limited range.

250 – Sine Nomine Zealot [level 0]
Description: Soldiers from different countries who have been swayed by Sine Nomine.
Equipment: Steel Chain Mails, Steel Long Swords
Sword Proficiency - They have above-average skills with a sword and their fanatical devotion makes them almost fearless in battle.
Fanaticism - Due to certain drugs that were used on them, it is harder for them to grasp the situation. For example, were they to see their own ranks do commit horrible acts that go against their own ethics, they would still not question the will of their commanders.

02-27-08, 10:03 PM
My only issue is with The Stranger. I realize that you probably won't use him in combat much, but having a unit that cannot be killed no matter what is a bit much. I'd be more comfortable if you made him (it?) immune to physical attacks, but able to be incapacitated by magical attacks. (Or the other way around if you prefer)

02-27-08, 10:34 PM
You're right in saying he won't be used in combat much, if not at all. Though, it was implied (perhaps badly) that he can be taken down. Just that, well, he keeps coming back is all.

But I'll edit that in!

02-28-08, 07:55 PM
Oh, all right. Just make that clearer and we'll be all set. It's fine that he keeps coming back, so long as he can be taken out of action for a while.

02-28-08, 08:15 PM
It's done!

02-29-08, 08:00 AM
I hereby declare your army to be approvatized!