View Full Version : Radasanth Nights ( For Kaiser, Bohemia, Striker, Silas)

Fight OH
05-27-06, 02:11 AM
The night life in Radasanth was a lot of things, but the one thing it wasn’t was dull. No sir, there was no lack of people pushing their own agendas through those crowded midnight streets. Granted, this was all in one area of the city, of course there were the residents in their home sleeping soundly, away from all the noise and lights that never went out within those three city blocks. Really, it was like a whole other world.

The hotspot was an inn, a large inn, large enough to be considered a hotel in modern terms. In the lobby of this inn was a dining room, 6 tables covered in unstained white clothes with classy black iron chairs, seats upholstered in the same white as the table clothes. But beyond that was a set of double doors that were the gateway to a room full of addiction… and debt. Tables were set up where dealers threw down cards furiously for the people receiving were staring just as furiously at the cards fate was dealing them. Those cards meant a house to go home to or some extra gold to throw back into the vicious cycle of gambling. The carpet inside that room was red, someone had heard somewhere that red induced spending, or maybe it was eating, whichever way, the carpet was red.

Despite the thousands upon thousand of gold coins that left pockets and entered cash boxes there was one particular treasure this inn had. A treasure many a rumor floated around. A precious jewel, a powerful jewel, a treasure map, just about everything that could be considered valuable was speculated to be ‘it’. Whatever ‘it’ was, was locked up tight behind a firm set of double doors. No one except the owner of the inn and most of the nightlife on those three blocks ever went in. Though she was in habit of switching out security for the room. Miss Diva didn’t like the idea of having the same guard get too comfortable in front of that door, because curiosity was bound to take over some day. She was in habit of hiring a new guard every other week. She looked for 3 qualities, a fourth in certain circumstances. One, intelligence- she didn’t want an incompetent fool guarding her most precious treasure. Two, fitness- she only trusted those who were capable of defending that door if it came down to it. Three, curiosity- she just didn’t hire them. The fourth all had to do with the physical appearance of a man, often if she felt bored she’d ask for an additional service. Her newest hire was Jon. A young man she felt was suitable for the job, whether he was suitable for other things she’d decide later.

“ Diva wants you to keep to this area,” said on of the less bright guards she’d managed to acquire. It was his job to walk around in the corridor that came to a T with Jon’s. “ Basically don’t let any shady people come down this hall, got it? If you can do that then the lady will probably call you in later, heh heh heh.” The way he chuckled made it seem like the prospect of that was some treat. Diva wasn’t old nor fat , in fact, she was rather breathtaking, if you didn’t look at the strange mole conveniently placed right under her full red bottom lip. Otherwise, the woman was a flawless golden haired goddess.

The burly guard left him to his position in the hallway, which looked like it’d be pretty lonely, since all the doors were locked as that hall was off limits to guests. At least he had a chair

The rest of the inn was free to roam, everything from the floor below Jon’s hall and down that is. The floor directly beneath his was in fact the suite floor. The rooms were considerably bigger and had much more to offer in way of extras, but it was all for a price. A price Acellya was in no mood to pay, especially after she’d just got herself into a whole mess of things.

Feeling irritable at the flights of stairs she’d just climbed to reach the 7th floor of the inn, Acellya was spending some time reflecting on why exactly she was here in this hotel, unarmed, and in what they called ‘heels’. It all started about two days ago when she’d passed through this district and run into a little trouble when she’d started -winning-money at the gambling house just down the block from this one. She should have quit while she was ahead, but like most people she thought her luck would roll once more with the dice. No dice. She’d landed herself more gold coins than she’d owned in her life time, in debt. The alternative to becoming the boss’ personal play thing was, well, this. ‘This’ was a pair of black high heels that matched the high cut and low cut silk dress she’d been given in exchange for her usual as kicking attire. They said in order to get where she needed to get she’d have to ‘fit in’. Whatever. The fact was she was unarmed and she didn’t like it, no sir.

“ How am I supposed to steal anything when the sharpest tool I have on me if a shoe?” she grumbled to herself, feeling the pain in her foot’s arch. Steal the treasure was her mission. Steal Diva’s treasure take it back to Boss Martine, and then she’d be debt free, and she’d even get her clothes and weapon back.

“ Pardon me,” Said Acellya brushing shoulders with the guard who’d just left Jon at his post. It took a minute for the man’s brain to catch up, but as soon as it did, she was stopped.

“ Where do you think you’re going, missy? This floor is off limits to guests,” he said ushering her back the way she came. How inconvenient. Well alright. If that’s how he was going to be. She’d just have to think a little harder about a plan of action. Running through the possibilities in her had Acellya returned to the casino hall and took a seat on a leather sofa to think things through. Meanwhile, the guard made sure to give Jon a heads up.

“ I just had to escort some broad back downstairs, so keep an eye out. And don’t go weak at the knees just because they say sweet things. Boy do I have a story about that,” he seemed like he was ready to dive into a long winded story about how a woman tricked him into SOMETHING, but in the end he realized she never loved him. Typical. “ You look pretty young, boy. You probably don’t care about the troubles with love. But I tell ya, it started like this…,” and off into memory lane he strolled taking Jon along with him.

05-27-06, 03:03 PM
Diva’s treasure, it was known as quite a couple of things, a priceless jewel, or maybe it was one that contained a great power, there were also many speculated guesses at what it looked like to, but there was one thing that truly caught her attention, it was also called a treasure map, to what, well that was the interesting part. Kaiserin stepped into the ‘Hotel’ as what this oversized inn was called, wow, it was certainly not an inn that was for sure “Wow … I am glad I am not staying … this place would make me bankrupt” she muttered under her breath, afraid that if anyone heard her they would toss her back onto the streets of Radasanth. Kaiserin wore her attire a little differently than usual, her jacket was now tied around her waist by its sleeves, and her scarf had also been tied around her waist making a long sash, also considering she was in a place where she thought a silvet would draw too much attention, her tail was hidden under her jacket.

Kaiserin walked over to the flashy bar, it was certainly not what she was used to, stood behind it would be what you would consider a good looking guy, but no doubt an airhead, “Hey your boss is Diva Right?” she asked while leaning against the bar, the man nodded “Yes that’s right, why do you want to know” Great, not five seconds into this and already she was going to have to explain herself … or not “Just go and get her, I have … err … a business proposition” The man just stood there, seemingly dumbfounded, and Kaiserin grew annoyed at the airhead “… I’m waiting…” she said more to herself but it snapped the guy to attention and … he then got someone else to go in his stead, Kaiserin nearly knocked herself out with her own hand to her forehead.

“Total airhead!” she groaned, and turned around looking for somewhere to wait for the owner of this establishment, this treasure must be worth it, her ruby red eyes danced around, the clothes these people were wearing, they made her feel like the lowest of the low, hey wait, why should she feel that, sure they had more gold than her, but given the chance she could beat each one of these losers where it counts. Kaiserin must have waited for what seemed like an eternity, catching eyes looking at her in disgust and returning there gaze with one of, how should we say … “I am gonna bite you head off” kind of look. Thankfully the wait was not eternal as she glanced over to the bar, indeed this so called ‘Diva’ was there and the airhead pointing her in the right direction. Dive walked over to Kaiserin with a face mixed of emotions, she could not read them though “I heard you have … a business proposition for me?” Dive inclined wishing to get straight to the point, which suited Kaiserin just fine. “Yes … I understand that you have in your possession a certain item that I have heard to be a treasure map” the mere mention of it was enough to cause Diva to frown, one Kaiserin noted instantly, this was already not going as planned “I would like to see this so called map, if it is a map, and I would be interested in seeking this treasure out” Diva then started to laugh, before grinning at Kaiserin “And what makes you think I am going to let anyone see my treasure, a treasure map … ha!” she shook her head amused by the concept, of cause this could have been a bluff, she did look like she was over acting a little. “I think not … I do bid you farewell and I thank you for making me laugh on such a slow day” she then turned and left, and before Kaiserin could say anything else a couple of bouncers, or rather, Diva’s personal bodyguards stepped in her way.

“Now, now … that’s no way to treat the entertainment” she said over her shoulder calling them off, good thing too, Kaiserin had her left hand ready to call on her sword, that was the advantage of her sword, it was very easy to conceal despite being a 5 foot blade. Eh this was a problem, of cause she should have known Diva was going to be awkward … but what could she do, Steal the thing, now that was too much for a treasure map, all she had to do was look at where it pointed, ah wait there goes her imagination again. Kaiserin walked over to one of the empty tables and chairs and sat down carefully planning her next action, if any at all, she sat there, running her fingers through her straight white hair.

05-28-06, 10:42 PM
The glowing night moved on over the boy's head in silence as shutters were drawn close against thje encroaching chill. The drunks were at home on their barstools, and the hard working sober folk were just now bedding down close to ten in the evening, leaving the worn cobblestones quiet aside from the echo of his own footsteps. A hood was drawn up and over his face, keeping the sterile light of the half moon from his eyes, though it illuminated his jaw whose flesh had sported a healthy tan about a week ago, the color now waxing and waning like the very satellite above as each minute brought it closer to the sun's advent.

But there were many hours left to the night.

From his pocket he removed a pocketwatch that appeared to be in several years of disrepair. The silver that once shone was tarnished and dull, and it's face resisted his inital press of the button to open it, the latch sticking. After a few frustrated raps of his knuckles against it, it popped in, revealing the blood red roman numerals to him, and the several hands pointing to them. "Time is running thin," he muttered as he stopped in the middle of the street, conveniently in front of an alley in which a young woman; blouse torn from her naked, pert body. To the cockeyed belt at his waist his hands went, drawing a pair of long knives, like the broken jaws of alligators, brushed steel glinting in the moonlight. Gathering both of them in one hand, he got their attention with a Peacekeeper thrown into the back of the one pantsless man's skull.

He was outnumbered, ten to one as he walked down into the lightless alley, placing Gnash back into his left hand. But the alley was dark, crooked, and narrow....

The hot water from the marble sink of Miss Diva's spacious inn washed the fetid dust from his hands. The woman had ran off without a word of thanks, arms frolded over her nude breasts. He could guess why, but it didn't bother him. A smile graced his lips, his good mood returning with the color of his skin. That ghost like quality to his fading eyes had left as well. Drying his hands on the towel the attendant held out for him, he picked up a foot and a half long black tube from the counter. It had been a welcome gift from Miss Diva, from his hands to the long time guards when he'd arrived for duty yesterday. A twist of it would deploy thhe collapsible steel staff from either end. it was handy, no doubt, and a lot less heavier than Punishment.

The guard that followed him to the heavy, thick vault doors that he was to guard told him everything he knew ten times over. The boy just nodded and forgot that he was there, falling back into the lone chair provided and dropping the new weapon into his lap. And once the guard left, and he thought he had the evening to have his own peice and quiet, the jackass came back, giving him a warning of something he was able to hear down the hall. Instead of returning to his post, though, he lapsed into some old, boring story that Jon couldn't give a rat's ass about. "Hey, I don't really fucking care, eh?" The boy patted the guard on the chest and sunk back down into the chair with bad posture. "The kitchen called up, the chef has a tall glass of shut the fuck up for you down there."

"Hell, you were a lot nicer...and dimmer duiring that Lornius Tournament," remarked the guard, frowning as he slouched away, shoulders slumped. "Yeah, well, people fucking change," Jon muttered bitterly, the weight of the pocketwatch a reminder of that fact.

Fight OH
06-01-06, 05:38 PM
Acellya was about to just march right back up there and spill her entire story out, hoping the guards would pity her and just give her the damn ‘’treasure’. The whole thing was very unlikely, but it seemed the most plausible way to gets her hands on her sword’s ransom. Until, that is, Kaserin was so kind to make her small scene just feet away from Acellya. Eavesdropping let her in on the situation, a very fortunate situation, for her.

What better than two people after the same thing? A treasure map? She’d heard it was raw jewels. Oh, who cared. The white haired woman could go on believing it was whatever she wanted to believe it was, whatever would make this work.

As soon as Acellya saw the area around Kaserin was safe from eavesdroppers like herself, she moved from her seat on a lounge chair to the table. With a friendly smile she pulled a seat out and took it, across from Kaserin. “ Good evening.”

Arranging her story in her head, she began her recruitment. “ Listen. I overheard your conversation there…,” Acellya paused, so Kaserin could catch up with what she was talking about. “ It just so happens, you and I are after the same thing. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not about to fight with you over it…,” Her eyes darted back and forth, surveying the crowd briefly before they turned in focus on Kaserin. “ My name is Acellya. I’m a detective sent here on a special undercover job.” her voice was hushed and straight to the point. “ This Diva happened to steal something very important to my client. It’s my job to get it back. It’s an old treasure map. The treasure’s already been found of course. But the map itself is an antique. At any rate. If it’s gratification you’re after… my client is paying a handsome reward for the return of the map…2000 gold pieces. Now I don’t see me getting up there and retrieving the map all on my own, so I’d be willing to half my pay, for a little assistance, of course.” She hoped the lady followed. Telling the truth about this would probably get her no sympathy for someone else after whatever was up there. She’d figure out how to take the treasure after everything was said and done.

“ What do you say?”


Visibly irritated by Jon’s attitude the guard paced up and down the hallway all in huffs and puffs. His massive shoulders heaved, and he mumbled under his breath about ‘ damn kids’ and teaching someone a lesson.

“ You look awfully upset, Bernard,” said the voice smooth like chocolate. Bernard looked up from his pacing and humbled himself immediately with a salute. He stood with a rigid back and blushing cheeks.

“ M.miss Diva!”

Dive curled her rich red lips with a hint of a smile. Bernard was such an ignorant fool. And that’s how she preferred it, she only wished he’d clean up his act, what a hideous mustache he wore. As she passed Bernard whiffed her lovely perfume and sighed.

“ Vigilant, I hope,” cooed Diva turning down Jon’s hallway. She approached with a saunter and seductive sway in her hips. She’d picked this new guard because of his youth, mainly. It was so refreshing. “ I’d like you to keep an eye out. There’s a young woman with white hair fluttering about. I dare say she wants my ‘treasure’,” Diva made a short chuckle and brushed her golden locks over her bare shoulders. “ If you’d like anything, feel free to ask, just send Bernard. I don’t want all this guard work to be unpleasureable for you.”

06-02-06, 06:50 AM
It wasn’t good news, it wasn’t even news she liked, all of this girls words, they seemed to be just bringing on a headache. All that searching and asking around, and for what, this treasure had apparently been found, well according to this girl it had. But there were still roomers around that it wasn’t a treasure map, that it was indeed something else, it was hard to judge what she was even feeling at the moment, disappointment was a big one on the list. This girl’s story, it seemed a little farfetched, she was a detective trying to get back this item from this Diva. Kaiserin saw one flaw in her story; Diva had owned this ‘Treasure’ for some time now, how else would these roomers spread into such tales. It was a big enough flaws, for Kaiserin to groan out loud, that was the last thing she needed, someone out to use her, even if it did mean she would be able to piss of this Diva by doing it.

“Sorry … but I don’t feel like being used at any time soon” well, for all things considered, despite her mood, Kaiserin still had that sharp edge to her personality, but now she was starting doubt if it was a treasure map she had been after. Not only that but was this girl’s tale if that treasure being found or not was a lie, the so called reward too. Kaiserin got out of her chair, a little dismayed, but overall depressed that she had wasted time on a pointless goal. “Good luck with what you want to do, I am in no mood to stop you” she said before walking on, it still felt funny without her tail swinging left and right with each of her steps, she could even feel it wanting too as it was safely tucked away.

But then Kaiserin stopped and looked over her shoulder at the girl, as she feeling sympathy, she could have laughed at that, no one got her sympathy unless they were very close to her, so how did this girl gain it. Kaiserin guessed it was down to her own dismay at failure, so she walked back up to the girl placing a single hand on her hip. “You give me half of whatever you got and we got a deal … now, don’t go spreading this around, but you caught me on a bad day, so I don’t know why I am going to help you out, maybe its so I will be able to give Diva the finger when we are done I don’t know”

Kaiserin then sat back down in her seat, and looked around the room again; all the strangers here seemed like blur’s to her anyway, each face looking the same, the walls white, the floor a bright wooden colour. Diva sure knew how to run an inn, or rather the Hotel, Kaiserin would admit she liked the place if asked, shame she wasn’t too keen on its owner. Quietly she then said softly “If you got a plan then tell me, I know nothing about this place, I am guessing there will be guards and all, but I should be able to handle them” Kaiserin stopped to think, would she be able to handle all the guards in her way, maybe they would have to use sly wits for this instead, still her sword was at the ready.
“Oh and another thing” she said in a hushed voice but a grin crept across her face “If you back stab me in anyway, I swear I will hunt you down, got it?”

06-03-06, 08:19 PM
Silas sat at a gaming table with five cards in his hand. His face was expressionless as those black-gloved fingertips tossed a few chips into the pot. "I see your ten...and raise you twenty." The words were calm, yet had a hint of arrogance to them. One of his four opponents balked at the move, refusing to believe that this man really had anything.

"Dammit, you're bluffing! Again!" he said, throwing his chips into the middle of the table.

"I fold," another man said.

"Just because I've bluffed the past two games, and won the past two games, does not mean that I am bluffing now. Of course, it also doesn't mean that I'm not bluffing yet again." He smirked to the angry man. The guy was certainly down on his luck. A few minutes ago, he was muttering angrily about how much he lost at the craps table, and then how he was unstoppable at roulette until that last game, where he lost almost everything he had gained. And now, Silas was taking even more of his money, and giving him an ulcer to boot. "How about you two?"

"I call," the next one said. He didn't look so sure about himself as he tossed in his own few chips.

"I fold," was the definitive answer of the older gentleman at the far end of the table. "Good playing with you fellows, but I have other business to attend to." He smiled to them all as he stood from his seat. As he was leaving, he gave Silas a pat on the back. "Keep it up."

Silas gave him a nod and a smile in appreciation and turned his attention back to the game at hand. The dealer told them all to show their cards. The nervous man laid his cards on the table carefully, looking to the others. Silas put a hand to his lips to keep from laughing. "And this guy thought I was the one bluffing," he remarked, gesturing to the angry one at the table.

"Oh yeah, well what've you got?"

"I've got..." he placed his cards on the table. "A full house, aces over queens."

The angry man went red-faced and haphazardly dropped his cards onto the table. "This is bullshit!" He pounded the felt with his fist, grabbed his few remaining chips, and stormed off. Silas watched this and grinned. "You've gotta know when you're defeated," the alchemist called after him as he raked in his chips. He pulled out his pocket watch and pressed the button to release the lid. The springloaded lid snapped open, and Silas looked to the mother-of-pearl face. He sighed and poured his chips in a leather pouch. "It was a fine game. I wish you all luck, but never when playing against me," he said jokingly before standing, picking up his cane, and leaving the table.

It just had to be showtime when he was starting to warm up, didn't it? He muttered something under his breath as he approached the cage-windowed booth where he was supposed to cash in his chips. He dropped the leather pouch on a metal tray, which was pulled into the wooden booth. The girl behind the cage-like bars of the window smiled to him, and soon the tray popped out again with another leather pouch. He picked it up and looked in, his eyes lighting up at the sight of gold. He shoved the pouch into a pocket of his black frock coat and began to make his way towards the stairs.

Silas's path crossed with Acellya's as she made her way back down the lavish staircase from being escorted out of the target hallway by the guard. He hadn't seen her in the past few days, and so he and Striker decided to go ahead with this plan alone. He looked to her strangely, but didn't say a word, prefering to pretend that they didn't know each other. What was she doing here? The look she had on her face told him that something had gone wrong in the past few days. That could not be worried about right now, however. The mission had to be completed. He only prayed that Striker was in position and that the damned woman who he just brushed shoulders with wasn't getting him into trouble again.

06-04-06, 02:28 PM
Walking up the stairs in a pair of new black leather shoes, Striker simply could not surpress the vast, toothy grin on his face. This truly was a red letter job, and a red letter day. Pretty soon he'd have to get serious, and he would most certainly have to get ready to tango with pretty much anything that came his way, but until then, well... how could he not be happy?

Striker adjusted the white bow tie. He looked down again, and basked in the glory of it. He was wearing a tuxedo! For the first, and arguably last, time in his life, Striker was wearing a tuxedo!

It had been Silas' idea. I mean, they all knew that security for an inn of this size would most certainly not be going around shirtless. And, sure, they could always low-ball the idea, but it was a far greater thing to look overly competant than the opposite.

Walking again, Striker rounded the corner in front of his post. There was a man there - Striker didn't realize just how early this job would be starting. Cracking his knuckles, he fell into his role.

"Best clear out, sonny. You know who's door this property is? Eh? This is--" Oh dear. This was clearly another guard. He'd probably just been hired. Why would the Diva want double duty tonight?

"Well, Let me lay it out to you. I'm getting paid for four days of work, and I'm workin' four days. I didn't bother to dress up in the monkey suit for my own amusement. My name's Striker, and I guess we're working together tonight."

Leaning against the wall, the question of why continued to nag at Striker. What did she know that he didn't know? Oh well. Best to wait and see what happens...

06-09-06, 05:08 AM
Just when he thought he'd get a few minutes of peace and quiet, further disturbance set him groaning and flinging his head back over the top of the chair's back, slapping a hand to his face.

That voice, the exact perfect timber one would want to hear whispering in their ear as they awoke the next morning, floated down the hall before she came into his line of sight. she was that one type of woman that screamed trouble; the one that set off all the warning bells in one's head...but you still managed to ask for her number. But not Jon. It wasn't that he had the better sense not ot, it was more that he didn't like her color. Those fake looking peroxide blonde tresses falling over her shoulders was the case ruled against her. Get him on the topic, and the boy would waste your day about how much and why he hated blondes. Back home, the media had touted them as that perfect dream girl. They were always either bright and bubbly, or total sluts, and Diva looked to be more the former than the latter. He resisted the urge to tell her to shut the fuck up and go powder up, before her vagina fell out of her dress again, but he stifled it and stared off into the space beyond her head.

Superfluous, superficial, Diva was everything that made him hate a blonde. He assumed she'd hit the millionare jackpot by sucking the right crusty old dick before it's owner croaked. "Yo Bernard!" The stocky guard came around the corner quickly, eager to get another eyeful of Diva. Jon snapped his fingers vigorously to get his attention. "I'm gonna call you shithead. Get me some rum, shithead!" As the sulking guard shuffled away, the whore gave him a smirk and turned as well, her intent obvious to draw Jon's eyes to her well toned behind...but it wasn't working.

"Fuck this guard shit. Not like anyone's gonna get through those thick doors, even if they came past me. I'm gonna get roaring drunk and shamble down into the casino and screw some redhead on the blackjack ta -- aw, fuck." It seemed like every other asshole and his mother wanted to give the boy grief this night as some dim man crowned with cat's ears waltzed down the hallway, cracking his knuckles and spewing a mouthful of garbage that Jon returned with a sneer. "Sonny? Sonny? Motherfucker, how big do you think your dick is? Cause the way you're acting, you think it's the motherfucking Godzilla of cocks, smashing buildings and shit. Well let me lay it out for you, I don't give a shit that you dressed up for grunt work --" A fact which was evident in his own wardrobe, a pair of scuffed shoes, jeans, and a torn red shirt that lay snugly over his torso. "You just keep your furred up trap shut the fuck up and I think will get along famously."

Jon shot him a cynical grin and snatched the bottle of rum that Bernard held out. "Thanks, shithead. Now screw off, I'm getting stinko."

Fight OH
06-13-06, 02:56 PM
It crossed Acellya’s mind she shld stop making her stories so wild, then maybe people wouldn’t do what Kaiserin just did. That is, detect they’re being used. Whatever, the point was. She was still agreeing to help. Acellya knew that Kaiserin would definitely be able to give Diva whatever finger she wanted, and half the treasure. Well she’d think about that. It all depended on how much she’d need to get her things back.

Some soft pink locks fell over her shoulder as she turned her head to face Kaiserin after the little threat she whispered in her direction. She’d been threatened worse before, it was nothing new, and nothing to heed.

Without glancing back at the stairs she looked at the clean table cloth and trailed her fingers across it as she spoke. “ Everything is fine until we reach the 8th floor. I the first hall, perpendicular to the one with the ’treasure’, there is a large guard, not very bright but big. Things would be much easier if we took care of him first. The second guard… well I’m not sure since I was stopped before that point. But I’m sure the two of us can figure something out.” she stopped trailing. “ Since you’re carrying around that big thing,” she nodded towards her sword, “ You can handle the first guard. I’ll distract him and then you can sneak up from behind.”

Acellya’s plan seemed good enough, but only Acellya knew she was coming up with it on the spot. Really if it didn’t go as planned she wouldn’t mind. But with Kaiserin’s ridiculously big weapon it wouldn’t be much of a problem.

“ You follow after me, keep some distance,” Acellya pushed her chair out an stood, brushing her dress off and giving it a straighten out. She wasn’t sure how she’d distract the guard, but she’d figure it out when she got there. Walking steady on the silly heels Acellya weaved around the tables of parties towards the steps, just like she were going back up to her overpriced room. But a quick glance of a familiar beard caused her to grimace. What was Silas doing here? Oh, she could answer that right away. He was ruining everything, that’s what he was doing. Great, undoubtedly the tiger would be around too, they were probably trying to steal the treasure.

Her footsteps quickened in pace as if she were racing Silas to the treasure, even though she knew he probably had his own plan which was just as wild as hers. Up the stairs she went, all 7 flights of them. She could have taken the lifts but she didn’t like the idea of being in a small box room while ascending inside of a building, it was nerve wracking.

On the 8th floor, just as before Bernard was pacing back and forth through his hallway, mumbling about fair treatment. A young woman, probably around the age Acellya looked passed Bernard in the hall. She was carrying a tray with some drinks on it. Probably a hostess.

“ Oh good, you’re here.” The woman handed Acellya the tray smiling her ruby red lips. “ My feet are killing me. Good luck, the guy in room 8C is a pig,” she patted Acellya on the shoulder and pulled her shoes off, making a small skip down the stairs. Would the real hostess show up? OH well, it looked like things were taking a convenient turn for Acellya. Nonchalantly she left the top of the stairs and made her way towards Bernard with the tray in hand.

“ You look exhausted. Here, have a drink,” Acellya forced a smile on her face and took a glass off the tray, holding it out to him. Bernard looked like he’d just won the lottery. His eyes were big as was his grin. Eagerly he took the glass.

“ Are you new here? I haven’t seen you around.” he examined Acellya’s face as she poured whatever drink was in the bottle. Acellya nodded and set the bottle back on the tray. She needed to get him to turn his back to the stairs where Kaiserin would be coming up.

“ I better keep working,” Acellya rounded Bernard so that he turned in tow.

“ Oh wait, what’s your name?” he asked after a sip from his cup. Acellya just smiled and cleared her throat.

“ Err… Ersela.” Where was Kaiserin?

06-14-06, 09:46 AM
Kaiserin had been following, with an expression that gave out the impression that she was bored. Then again it was boring walking up those flights of stairs, why hadn’t they taken the elevator; it was after all some kind of technical genius. Kaiserin did pay enough attention to keep a distance, a whole flight of stairs infact, the whole principle of espionage missions, and all she was truly doing was following behind the half elf. ‘of all things you had to feel, you had to feel pity ’ she scolded herself within the own confines of her mind, that was also why she probably had the bored expression.

The walk didn’t last long enough, soon enough she was outside the closed 8th door floor and she knew that somewhere behind this was the item she wanted, but then again exactly how easy was this going to be. She inhaled deeply, knowing that she had a choice now, leave Acellya alone to deal with this situation, or go and help her out. Suddenly the door opened and someone stepped out in a rush almost bumping right into Kaiserin.

“Hey …Watch out”

Kaiserin yelped stepping back to press against the banister, the action had caused her tail to come loose and become visible from below her jacket, still tied snugly along with her scarf around her waist. “Oh … sorry about that … err this place is off limits you know” The waitress commented, and Kaiserin was inwardly swearing with the power of a god at her own luck, of cause this seemed just typical. “… look I just came here to get away from those jerks from downstairs who are hitting on me” Kaiserin lied, but started to dread it, suppose this woman starts reflecting on her own story, she could be here for hours. “Oh ok, well its off limits ok, just don’t let Diva catch you here” and then she started to set of down the stairs, while Kaiserin watched curiously after her. ‘ Humans are strange ’

‘… Oops I nearly forgot ’

Kaiserin then opened the door and immediately saw Acellya talking with one of the guards, she was clever, Kaiserin thought. While talking to him she had managed to get him to turn with her, but now it seemed that she was in an awkward situation. Kaiserin slowly approached; thankful that her shoes were a lot more silent to those heels that Acellya was wearing, but as she approached she became curious, how was she even going to silence this guard quickly and effectively.

Maybe Kaiserin should have told that half elf that this thing was her style, she preferred to go with strength and range, to go in direct with her sword swinging. In the End Kaiserin decided that the sword would be too showy, so with two quick movements she snaked her arm around his mouth, and with the other gripped onto what hair she could, and then she threw his head into the wall was surprising force. There had been a curious crunch, but she doubted that she broke the guys head, well either way the guard, Bernard was now limp in her grip and she simply let go.

“…he should have declined that drink … it’s not good for him”

Kaiserin almost laughed at the stupid joke, but she had somehow managed to say that with only a sly grin, and looked back up to the half elf still bearing that smirk as she noticed the tray in her hand.

“What? Get a day job while waiting for me?”

She said sarcastically, the comment managed to widen her smile more as she then peeked down the corridor wondering what was down there. She was really waiting for the half elf to make a move now, Kaiserin had no idea which way it was to the treasure room, or exactly what it was for that matter, all she did know was that it was somewhere in this building.

“… Why do I get the impression you have not thought your cunning plan all the way through”

She commented, this time not from observation but rather by the way she was feeling, she knew it was about to go downhill from here, make that a cliff. Kaiserin looked around curiously wondering, and furthermore wondering what to do with the guards body, corpse, was he even dead or just out cold? She didn’t know.

06-18-06, 05:12 PM
Footsteps could be heard from the adjacent hallway. He was staring at Striker now, a bit of confusion in his eyes. How many bloody gaurds did this treasure need? He didn't expect there to be an extra. This created a problem. He didn't want to share the treasure more than he had to, and he could hear footsteps coming down the connecting hallway, so he'd have to think quickly. Unfortunately, the gears in his brain refused to move.

Silas looked nervously between the two. "Umm..." He felt very awkward in front of them. He looked to his bodygaurd and made a fairly meaningless gesture with his head. "I just...you know...looking for the bathroom..." Why was there another gaurd? There was only supposed to be Striker, and Striker was supposed to break down the door...or something. Why did his plans never work out? He couldn't get a break! Your plans never work because they're awful, you dunce, he heard a voice in the back of his mind say. He grimaced, not wanting to admit it to himself.

"Striker..." What? Striker what? What the hell should Striker do? This guy didn't look like the type they normally bumped off on their path to local, short-lived infamy. He looked tough. He looked like the type that could take a hulking humanoid feline who weilds a wicked polearm.

"Striker...don't hit him," he said. It wasn't what he usually told Striker to do. Usually he was telling Striker to break arms, legs, faces, and cause general mayhem for everyone involved. "Yet." As usual, some ridiculous, ill-advised plan was brewing in that skull of his.

"Sir, How much do you think the item behind those doors is worth?" he asked the second gaurd, leaning on his cane. "I'll estimate it for you. A whole, whole lot. Much more than you're getting paid to stand in front of it. A portion of that could be yours, just by aiding us." He smiled. "C'mon...it'll be fun."

09-24-06, 10:20 AM
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