View Full Version : Darkness visits an innocent's heart

02-18-08, 11:04 PM

For some reason it was very dark out, clouds like thick black marshmallows littered the blue-black sky. It seemed a very ominous sign to the blue haired half cat. She was sitting on the balcony of her home Grace Manor. Before it had been a bright, peaceful night, their was a warm, cozy breeze. The air smelled sweet like honey, but now, all of sudden with no warning, these storm clouds had rolled in. The warm air had turned bitter cold, their was a hint of ice in the wind now. it felt as if some sign, some hint was being given to the cat-girl that something worse was yet to come.

Putting her book down, the half cat mother pushed herself out of the cozy velvet backed blue rocking chair she had been reading in. Throwing her shawl over her shoulders, Rain quickly ran inside to check on her daughter. As she walked over the smooth oak boards that decorated her lovely manor, she shrieked, a bright yellow bolt of lightening had crackled from one of the dark clouds, it caused Rainee to slip and fall with a loud meow to the porch floor.

Whimpering a bit in fear, Rainee thought What the hell is going on? I thought I got all memories of Corin out of the house! I thought the evil that was hear was cleansed...but shaking her head, Rainee forced herself to her feet. Her silver eyes were angry as she shouted "Damn it all! He is gone! This weather is just a freak accident! Mylie..." not bothering to finish her sentence, Rainee carefully made her way to the large double front doors.

As rain begin to fall like heavy diamonds, she pushed it open gingerly. Her muscles were aching a bit due to pushing open the heavy door. As she walked into the lovely foyer, her eyes immediately went to the stairs that led to her own bedroom and her daughter's. Moving hurriedly she bounded up the plush carpeted stairs. Once she was on the second floor landing, she turned swiftly to a small oak door, on it was a plaque with the name Mylie carved on a cherry wood plaque.

Cautiously Rainee opened the door to find her daughter playing with a toy. Or so it appeared to be a toy. Moving across the sink into me soft pink carpet. Rainee looked at her daughter, clearing her throat, she asked in a soft voice "What toy is that honey?"

Mylie looked up, happiness in her eyes as she exclaimed "Look mommy! Lookie! Daddy left me something! He left this for me!" tears were shining like little diamonds in the kitten's green eyes as she cooed "It's a toy! a pretty orb that shows me anything I want!"

Rainee's heart plummeted, fear was in her eyes as she looked at the little multicolored orb. It was made of a milky glass, inside she could see little pictures of unicorns being displayed. But she felt something wasn't right. In a strict voice Rainee asked "Can you give that toy to me darling?"

Mylie's lips quivered, a pout was coming on as she yelled "No mommy! Its mine! Daddy left it for me! NOT YOU!" Mylie then hugged the toy to her little chest, as she looked mutinously at her mother.

02-19-08, 08:16 PM
Damn it! Why did Corin have to spoil her so? He always had to get his precious little gem whatever she wanted. Whether it be toys, or a new set of clothes, or even freaking jewelry! He gave in to Mylie's needs for material goods. His greed to please her with these things should have been obvious to me. But, no....it wasn't. What is the end result I get of my ass hole of an ex-husband's greed in spoiling his daughter and letting her own greed shine through...a spoiled little brat of a girl! Trying to placate her daughter, despite the cat mother's thoughts, Rainee said lightly "Aww come on honey....remember that picture we found? When we were with Jame? Wasn't that suppose to be your way of remembering daddy?"

Mylie shifted her position on the soft plush carpet, moving from the floor, she scurried her way towards a light blue velvet backed rocking chair. Hugging the orb to her little chest still, she plopped into the chair. She then proceeded to move the orb behind her back as she said stubbornly "No mommy! Its mine! MINE! MINE! MINE! DADDY LEFT ME ANOTHER GIFT! I WON'T LOSE THIS ONE!"

The orb due to Mylie's insistent whining and stubbornness, seemed to glow a crimson red. It seemed to be feeding off the little girl's desperate need and wants. The emotions the little kitten had for the father she lost, those desperate pleas that was coming from Mylie's heart, was causing the orb to gain energy that it required. Rainee noticing this, soon lost her patience, walking rigidly towards her daughter, she said in a no nonsense voice "Give me that orb Mylie Rivfader! Give it now or else I will give you a spanking!"

Mylie's green eyes went dark, her little tail curled around itself as she jumped out of her little rocking chair, moving swiftly using her natural agility, the little cat soon jumped into her princess-style bed. Pulling up the thick silk pink comforter that surrounded her queen sized bed, she hid herself and the orb within the comforter's decadent folds. Only her little face was visible. Sticking her tongue out at her mother she shrieked "You can't spank me if I'm hiding mommy!"

The half cat shook her head at her daughter's insolent behavior. She hated when Mylie acted like a spoiled brat, she didn't like that the behavior had been ingrained in her since the time when Mylie had become her little sweetheart. When Mylie had been little, Rain had barely raised a hand to her, she had barely given her little kitten a spanking, but now, now it seemed like with Corin gone and dead, Mylie was becoming more infantile when things didn't go her way.

With pain in her heart, Rainee's slippered feet moved swiftly across her daughter's princess fantasy room. Taking a firm grip on her little angel's comforter she yanked it heavily planning to pull it down. Looking at her daughters's scrunched up face she pleaded "Come on baby. Just give me mommy the orb. You have the picture! The picture is a sweeter memory then this dank old orb!"

Mylie thinking quickly rolled to the side of her bed, with a soft PLOP she landed on the cushioned floor. Scurrying away she stuck her tongue out yet again at her mother and shouted "Catch me if you can mommy!" She then pushed the door open and ran out into the hall.

The silver eyed half cat groaned deeply, this game was becoming tiresome. Moving to chase after her daughter she thought worriedly Just what magic does that orb possess? I saw it flash red when Mylie was shouting it was hers....just what did Corin do to that orb? Furthermore...why? Why did he leave it with Mylie? hurrying out into the lavishly decorated hall, Rain looked worriedly around for her daughter. Hearing the little patter of feet heading downstairs, she headed towards them. Hopefully she'd be able to catch her swift little girl soon, she didn't know what trouble the orb was, but she hoped to prevent that trouble before it came into fruition.

02-20-08, 05:00 PM
The foyer seemed deathly quiet once Rain had descended down the stairs. Looking left and right all the worried mother could see were the lavish paintings that decorated the entrance to her home. The colors were bright, exotic, but right now they seemed out of place. Fear was rooted deeply in the mother's heart as she looked to her right, the door to the right she knew led to the servant's quarters. The pathways their were only lit with candle light, and were extremely narrow. If her precious baby had decided to hide their, it would take Rain the whole entire night to find her. However, if she took the left door, which led to the kitchen and the pantry, then Rainee would have trouble their as well. Many hiding places could be found in the cavernous kitchens cabinets and storage areas, and in the pantry, Rainee didn't even want to think of hard it would be to look for Mylie in there.

Biting her lip, Rainee's fears soon turned into black seeds of doubt. She begin to doubt her capabilities as a mother. Moving to wrap her arms around her slender figure, she shouted "MYLIE! HONEY PLEASE! COME BACK TO MOMMY! YOU...REALLY HAVE MOMMY WORRIED NOW! PLEASE-" as her shouts got no response, the half-cat crumpled onto the polished cold floor of the foyer. Staring at the black and white swirls, she could almost see herself and Mylie as they had been. Hugging each other, being each others only support once Corin had vanished. When her eyes closed, this vision was soon replaced by one of Jame, hugging her, comforting her, protecting her from her fears and her past. Shaking her head her mind wailed Why does it seem like I am a failure? Why? Why does it feel as if I deserved Corin's punishment? It...seems...that...I-I can't protect anything precious to me! My judgements are skewed, I can't tell what is real...and...and what is false!

Buried in her own self-doubt, the mother did not hear the sound of little feet pattering quickly by her, her only sense of reality was her self blame. However, when the large front door slammed behind her, Rainee jumped. Her world was quickly bumped right back into reality. The seeds of doubt were still there, but...sniffing the air, Rainee caught the familiar scent of her daughter. Her sweet little angel who...had just gone out into the ominous black storm.

Rising from the shiny black and white swirled floor, the half cat swiftly headed towards the shiny oak front doors, which were still slightly a jar. Pushing them the rest of the way open, Rainee let out a scream. She could see her little daughter, looking at the orb with awed eyes. However, the little girl didn't seem to notice the thick drops of rain that were making her brown hair and her soft fur grow wet. The mother could see that the orb was displaying a happy family.

It was Corin, Mylie and herself, as they had been before, but now it seemed Rainee was at a distance. Horror filled Rain's heart as she heard her daughter's gleeful laugh and shouts of "Daddy! My daddy!"

Shaking her head, and trying to will her feet to move, Rainee shouted "Baby! BABY!" her words were being drowned out by the hard rain that was hitting Grace manor's grounds like a drum. Ignoring her fears, the worried mother finally managed to will her feet to move. Moving one in front of the other Rain moved out into the storm. Heading towards her daughter she shouts "Mylie! ANGEL PLEASE! GIVE MOMMY THE ORB!" Mylie however did not seem to hear her mother, as she continued to stare transfixed at the orb as her mother moved slowly towards her, still shouting for her little darling to drop the dangerous toy.

02-20-08, 11:27 PM
"MYLIE!" Words still seemed to be lost to her little girl. Shaking her head, Rainee moved her way into the pitching storm. She could smell the electricity in the air, but this seemed different from her own internal magic. This felt as if it could rip through one's soul, with the way her little girl was oblivious to the lightening and to the ice cold rain, she feared that her daughter would catch pneumonia if she did not get her back inside. Moving so that she was now near her little girl she could finally hear what her daughter was saying.

"I've been a good girl daddy! Can I please have my treat now?" It seemed that a real voice was answering her little girl, one that sounded much like Corin's hand. The sweet almost false tone was inside Rainee's head as she could have sworn that she heard her ex-husband answer yes but no one was here.

All Rain could see was the storm, hard dark blue drops of rain were pelting her grounds. A tree, one that was near the ornate and pretty stables, had been fried to a thin black stick. The mother was surprised that her little girl had not noticed these fatal signs. From what Rainee had remembered, Mylie had always been afraid of thunderstorms, she had always come to her bed shouting "Mommy! Hide me! The storms scary!"

Now though, it seemed as if the orb had her little angel transfixed, fascinated so much that the little kitten had forgotten her own safety. Despite the fact that Rainee was doubtful in her own capabilities as a mother, despite the fact that she was afraid, anger was a new emotion that was welling in her heart. Anger at Corin, her bastard of a husband. It seemed that not only had he wanted to kill Rain, but he wanted to take their innocent daughter with her. Gripping her small hands into fists, Rainee aburptly smacked the orb from Mylie's little hands.

A scream escaped from her daughter's lips as the orb fell with a shattered CRACK, red light seemed to erupt from the broken shards as her daughter's last words were ""D...Mom..h-" help seemed to be the word her little darling wanted to say, but a bright puff of smoke whirled suddenly around her daughter.

A voice seemed to appear from the storm. A voice that was both handsome and familiar. Walking through the thunderstorm, glints of silver hair could be heard. A gentle voice said "Rain? Are you there?" It seemed all of a sudden Jame had appeared, Mylie's disappearance was shocking enough, but the appearance of Rain's heart interest was another matter.

In a weary voice Rain called "Jame? Is that really you? If so...where is my daughter?"

"Don't worry my dear, your little loved one is safe. I've come to take you away for a romantic get away! I brought Natsuki with me! Your little dove is with her!"

02-21-08, 04:57 PM
"But, Jame...I did not hear Natuski's voice when you appeared," worry was still lodged like a hard nut in Rainee's heart as she finished worriedly "she must have disappeared...we have to-" the half cat's voice was lost as she was swept into a very romantic hug. She found herself looking into Jame's alluring deep red eyes. Before she could say another word, lips were pressed seductively against her own. The kiss was much more deeper then any she had ever had before. Gasping for breathe, Rainee tried to push Jame away to finish what she was trying to say.

Rain pounded on them both, wetting Jame'a soft white shirt and well pressed black slacks, he was wearing a long dark blue pea coat, which seemed to shield most of his body from a majority of the Rain. For the cat-girl however, her simple blue blouse and long black skirt was getting soaked. Shivering a bit as the Rain soaked straight into her skin. Rainee couldn't help but press her body against Jame's warmth. In a long suffering voice she whispered "I guess...we can wait to find Mylie. I-' closing her eyes, salty tears intermingled with that of the harsh rain that fell onto Rainee's delicate skin. She wanted to go look for her little angel, but the harsh storm was turning her body into an icicle. " want to find her Jame, but" a finger was pressed gently against her soft lips.

In a warm voice Jame said soothingly "Don't worry about it honey. Like I said Natsuki is with her! They are staying in a hotel in Radasanth! Now," lifting Rainee up easily he begin to carry her light frame towards the house, with a twinkle in his eye he cooed "Let's start that romantic time together!"

Rainee felt her heart flutter again, but, this felt all to good to be true. As Jame easily pushed the door open, she felt herself being put down on the warm marbled floor of her foyer. Turning to look into Jame's twinkling eyes she asked "How though? How did you know I wanted to see you? I..." blushing slightly she said evently "thought you were battling in Carnelost?"

The demon laughed jovially, in a suave voice he whispered "Didn't I have time to see you in Ettermire babe?" turning to press her against him he said warmly, breathing pheromones into her ear "I promised to make time for you! So...here I am!"

A shiver passed through Rainee's slender body as the pheromones begin to do their work. Dazzled by his scent now, Rainee's eyes appeared glazed as he murmured eagerly "True, what did you have in my mind honey? Thoughts of her daughter became like a distant star in her mind as her hidden desires and needs for Jame's begin to surface as she stared into eyes that were so like her loves, but had a slightly different hue to them. However, it was too late for the half cat to notice this, as Jame begin to carry her gently up the stairs, whispering sweet promises into her ear.

02-21-08, 06:40 PM
'Wait! Wait!" Rainee's voice was desperate, almost pleading as she pressed a hand against Jame's chest. Trying to fight the lust that was coursing like a drug through her system. In a weakening voice she pleaded "Jame, please baby, I...I need to..." a deep and erotic kiss cut of Rainee's desperate plea. Trying to break the kiss, the half-cat managed to finally get free, before Jame could give her a full and passionate kiss.

Choking a bit due to the sickly sweet smell that seemed to be lodged in her throat, Rainee beat her hands against Jame's chest whispering "Please...let me down. I n...-I...need" her chest was heaving up and down, her pert breasts bouncing due to the exertion she was putting her body through. "know, where is Mylie! Natsuki would have at least said hello!"

Jame had a ready answer for her, with a warm intoxicating smile he reassured her "Mylie was whining for candy. She really wanted it, so Natsuki had no time to say hello to you sweetheart." moving to take Rain into his arms again, His eyes flashed a brief silver as he said coaxingly "Come now, your princess train to heaven awaits!"

Tears well in the cat mother's eyes as she was choking against the pheromones sweet seductive power. Falling to her knees, Rainee tried to grasp anything, anything that was solid and real. Her hands managed to grab a priceless porcelain vase, one that Corin had picked up for the house in Alerar. On it there was a painted fantasy of a carriage train being run by steam, however now it was nothing but pieces of marbled porcelain. Screaming from the sound the vase had made when it crashed to the floor. The noise temporarily gave Rain power over her own body. In a soft, weak voice she murmured "No...no...I can't-" a headache was coming fast as rain was losing the race against the poison that had infiltrated her body.

With blurry eyes, Rainee tried to see during her brief moment of clarity, who this man in front of her was. She could swear it looked like Jame, but the eyes, those eyes seemed to glow with power. Was he? "Ugh..." Rainee moaned as she felt herself swooning. Collapsing on top of the sharp shards of porcelain, the half-cat barely felt the sharp sting that pricked her arms and her ankles.

Sighing Jame shook his head as he whispered "Aww baby...you shouldn't have done that. There is no need to fear, no need to question. I"m here to protect you, to honor you..." he then lifted her off the cold floor, his eyes roaming over her slender body that was accented by the transparent blouse. The wetness of her clothes only seemed to add to her beauty. Inside his facade the demon could feel his lust growing. Grinning softly he whispered "Come on love. Lets get you warm in bed..." he then carried her towards her bedroom. Pushing open the door a smile on his face as he was about to claim his prize.

Though as soon as they entered the plush bedroom, a child's voice begin to reverberate around the walls. It sounded scared as it shouted "MOMMY? WHERE ARE YOU? MOMMY I CAN'T FIND YOU! MOMMY I'M SCARED! HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" the voice then faded away as the demon Jame groaned. It seemed his cube where he had trapped the kitten was weakening, if her intoxicated mother noticed her child's voice, he knew that his spell over her would be lost.....

02-22-08, 06:33 PM
The room was quiet, almost surreal, the surroundings seemed familiar to the dazed half cat's silver eyes. But something seemed to be wrong. Where her king sized bed with its blue satin sheets and silk canopy was suppose to be, there was a cube, a circular clear cube that seemed to be holding something. However, the cat-girl thought it was an illusion deduced from drinking to much. Shaking her head as the illusion cleared, Rainee once more saw her bed, saw her bed and groaned as her body jolted under the strain of the pheromones.

Gripping Jame's arm, she shook her head as she said weakly "I feel sick...I can't..."

The demon groaned as he caressed her side, trying to keep his patience, he cooed in a seductive voice "But flower, angel of my heart...we love each other! I came purposely for the sake of romance! Won't you give your darling knight a chance?"

Wooziness was working its way fast through Rainee's stomach as she tried to regain her consciousness, suspicious she was of Jame's current behavior. He had never been this forward to her, never and-

Her worries were interrupted when another shout came around the room. This one sounding much more frantic and worried. Mylie's voice was loud and clear as she wailed "MOMMY! I'M AFRAID...I CAN'T TAKE THIS...THE DARK...THE DARK IS SUFFOCATING ME......."

That voice...its...baby? recognizing the voice, her maternal instinct begin to overpower the needy lust that was pulsing in her stomach. Slowly the glazed look in her eyes began to disappear, meowing a bit in pain. Rainee shuddered as Jame touched her arm. She could see concern in his eyes, but she saw something....more....

"Honey? Honey?" Jame's voice was different...it sounded deeper, more seductive. As the man in front of her moved to take her into his embrace. He could tell he was loosing his prey, moving to kiss her deeply, he let his powers flow through his veins, his dark magic moving swiftly like wine up and into his full red lips. Smiling as the smile reached his eyes he purred "Come now darling, forgot....don't worry, you have no responsibilities, remember your little kitten is safe, she is in good hands!"

The dazed look returned to Rainee's eyes as she settled on top of the silky soft comforter. Moving to get comfy she parrots 'Yes, no responsibilities...my daughter is-"

"MOMMY! SAVE ME! I CAN'T FIND MY OWN! I'M CRAMPED, TRAPPED! MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMY SET ME FREE!" Mylie's fear filled voice rang loudly in Rainee's ears as the voice bounced around the bed, this caused the cat mother to shake her head as the spell was fully lifted. A scream escaped the mother's lips as energy swirled around her once she was released from the grip of the pheromones. Panting as she felt the dark magic that was already filling her she gasped "W..what did you do to me? W..who are you? You aren't Jame!"

The demon shook his head wistfully as his face begin to change, his face softening into that of a baby face, his hair was dark black, his eyes a shining blue, black wings spurted from his handsome back, in a coy voice he murmured "Little kitten, you should have kept up with the facade...now, now you'll regret your choice!" He then moved swiftly towards her, pinning her to the bed, he then breathed more dark magic into her mouth, giving her no room to struggle. In a powerful voice he cooed "Now give in, give in to your hate, your darkness. I know its there, you just need to release it my little pet....."

02-23-08, 03:28 PM
Rainee's body felt as if a large fire was coursing freely through her body. Wherever this demon's power touched, she felt warmth. However, it wasn't your normal warmth. Warmth that could be brought on by a loved one's touch, or by a friend's touch when you felt close to them. No, this warmth was one that was bathed in lust. Rainee wanted to scream, she wanted to bite, but she couldn't. Firm hands were pressing her body deeper into the bed, she was looking up into icy blue eyes. But those eyes weren't warm, weren't filled with love as the false Jame's eyes had been. These eyes were filled lust, for a need to devour Rainee's innocence.

Shaking her head, tears were in the half cat's eyes as she bit into the demon's full lips. Tasting blood, she tried to push him off as she saw anger flash in this alluring blue eyes. With her mouth free from his tormenting kiss she gasped "Release my little girl! I won't, won't give into my darkness! I have none..."

A laugh issued from the demon's full lips. He was enjoying watching his prey struggle. Leaning down he placed a hand gently on Rainee's cheek. In a soft whisper he coaxed "Come now darling, my little pet. You know you want to be free." moving to nuzzle Rainee's neck he groaned when the cat rolled to the side of the bed to avoid his tender manner. Pursing his lips he said coldly "If you won't respond to my gentle nature. Then I'll have to get more restraining kitten."

Rainee simply answered his words with an angry hiss. Staring up at him she shouted "DO WHAT YOU WILL!"

The demon laughed as she said jovially "Ah to think, a little toy trying to mock the great demon Belial. You know I've made many a girl my pet, so many that I was trapped. Sealed away by a great wizard! The only way that I could be released was by strong negatative emotions! Those emotions that your little girl displayed!" moving so that he was a hairs whisper away from Rainee's mouth he whispered "Your dear ex-husband discovered the way to release me. He left me with your daughter to finish up his plan." Grinning as he rose to look down on her once more he cooed "Now if that doesn't make you angry, doesn't make you want to hurt me. I don't know what will!"

Anger swelled in Rainee's heart upon hearing these words. Her soft silver eyes were darkening to stormy gray as she bucked against Belial's firm grip. In a dark voice she yelled 'LET ME GO YOU BASTARD! I SWEAR I'LL-" Rain's words were cut off as a vision formed in front of her eyes.

Mylie was struggling, squirming like a fish caught in a net. It looked as if her little girl was drowning as she saw a real air bubble pop frantically from her darling kitten's mouth. Fear soon replaced anger as Rain fell limp on her plump pillows. Groaning as tears welled in her eyes she shouted "What are you doing Belial? Stop! Don't don't hurt her!"

02-23-08, 08:38 PM
"You want me to stop little mother?" Glee was in Belial's dark shining eyes as he purred "Then give in, become my pet and I'll release your little girl!" his fist then clenched a little more tightly together. Within the vision, Mylie's eyes were slowly closing, as if her air supply was being cut off, as the little cat's small body begin to float upward in the invisible bubble, Rainee let out a scream.

Moving to grab Belial's arm, she pushed with all her strength to open up the demon's fist. It was hard for the half cat, as her body was small and already under great strain from being held down by Belial's immense strength. Whether it was by dumb luck, or her great love for her daughter, the half-cat managed to just barely open up Belial's fist, causing his spell to break. Relief filled the mother's heart as temporarily she saw her daughter gasping great gulps of air. Smiling she whispered "Your spell isn't as great as you think, your nothing but a-" another scream erupted from Rain's gentle lips as Belial's hand slapped her harshly against her cheek.

Tears welled up in Rain's eyes as the force of the blow caused her to fly heavily into her bed's hard headboard. She could feel a bruise swelling on top of her back as she slumped once more into her bed. Stars were in front of the cat mother's eyes as the only sound that could be heard in the quiet bedroom was the sounds of sobbing meows.

Grinning the demon crawled across the silky sheets, moving to pick up Rainee by her hair he instructed "Behave slave, or else I will have to punish you again!" Moving to lick Rainee's cheek where he had bruised her he cooed "I can see why Corin wanted you, you have this innocence about you, this innocence that makes a man or demon want. For Corin I'm sure he wanted you as his little trophy wife, for me I want your power, your heart! I want to consume it with my darkness!"

Rainee groaned as her vision was waning, she could see little pin pricks of darkness that slowly were replaced with a blurry vision of her bedroom. However she could also feel the steady beat of her heart, she could feel her emotions swirling. It felt as if some seed was blossoming in her heart, but it felt different then any other seed that had taken root within her mind. IT was alluring, comforting and soft, it felt as if she could use this seed to protect her. Closing her eyes Rainee's mind cried out What do I do? Do I give in to this unknown seed? Do I grasp its power to fight? Or do I continue to wait? To see? Someone...anyone please help me...I...I can't do this on my own! Rainee then curled up into a ball, wrapping her arms around her slender frame for defense, tears were like bright diamonds in her eyes as she begin to rock back and forth, praying, hoping that someone would come to her aid.

02-24-08, 05:16 PM
Belial laughed as he flapped his wings jovially, he felt in his element. He knew that the half cat's resolve was weakening. He could see it in the way her body folded in on itself. The way she curled herself up, rocking back and forth with bright tears in her eyes. He had seen it before, in his last victim before he had been sealed. His last victim had been a girl, a girl with bright brown hair and eyes the color of freshly budded leaves. The green in them had been his allure point. He had wanted to see those strong eyes fall, had wanted to taste the innocence that was like a bright light in the girl. He had managed to succeed in seducing the girl, he had tasted her, stolen her pure flower, but then right before he could make her his pet, his concubine, the wizard had appeared.

Anger swelled in Belial's heart as he looked at the cat-girl, something had clicked with in his mind. That girl, his little flower as he remembered her, had curled up in the exact same way. Then her savior had come. He had managed to extract a shard of darkness from his first blossom's heart, but this girl, this mother seemed harder, he could see that her heart was blackening, that the shard was still a seed, but it had not blossomed yet. Shaking his head he said smoothly "Cry all you want little cat. But help won't come. We are alone!" He waved his arm around the quiet bedroom, no sound, not even a stuffed animal moved. Grinning as he crawled closer to her, he looked down at her frightened form and cooed "Give in and be mine and I won't hurt you anymore!"

Rainee let out a wail as she looked up into Belial's gleeful blue eyes. In a soft but strong voice she shouted "I won't give in! Darkness...light, they all are the same side of one coin! You need both to survive! I won't turn to your cruel ways! I won't do that to save myself!"

"What about her?" Belial said coyly as once more a vision, this time different appeared of Mylie.

This time Mylie was choking, a rope, thick and strong was tied around the little kitten's throat. Tears were swelling in the little girl's large green eyes as she screamed through the vision "MOMMY! MOMMY HELP ME! IT HURTS...I...I-CAN'T-BREATHE!" The vision then slowly disappeared as Belial released the tight choke hold on Mylie's throat. Letting his victim breathe, he grinned and turned once more to his prey. Bowing he said "You want to save her don't you little mother? The only way is to-"all of sudden the demon's words were cut short as a blue light glowed around him.

The light lifted the demon into the air and threw him against Rainee's ornate vanity table. A loud shatter could be heard as the vanity table broke under the demon's weight. The light then hovered over to Rain as it tried to give the half cat comfort. However, it was pushed back by a black aura.

The second vision of her daughter's torture had been too much for the mother. The seed had blossomed giving birth to a new power for Rain. Gritting her teeth, the cat-girl stalked heavily towards the fallen demon. Ignoring the blue light which hovered urgently in the air trying to get Rain's attention. The half cat seethed "You'll die! I swear it! I'll kill you now! I swear! I won't let you harm her anymore you bastard!" energy then begin to crackle around Rain's body, though this energy was different from her normal lightening magic. Her anger had given birth to a darker form of her lightening magic, this energy crackled a dark black-blue. The hatred in Rainee's eyes was palpable as she charged her magic. She was ready to kill this bastard, and nothing, not even the mysterious blue light that was trying to get to her, would stop her from this goal.

02-25-08, 05:56 PM
The room was deathly quiet, the only sounds that could be heard was the whispering wind that came when the blue light moved to try and reach the half-cat, and the sounds of crackling, charging electricity. Soon though a new sound appeared, the sound of wood being crushed underneath heavy feet. Belial had finally mustered enough strength to rise from his fall. Anger was swelling deep within in his heart though. He had tried to be tender with the girl, had tried to be sweet, then he had been forceful, but now? Now help seemed to have come to save yet another one of his prized flowers. Growling low in his throat, his teeth begin to change from perfect white to sharp pointed fangs. Eyeing the blue light menacingly he shouted "Just what are you light? How? How could you have the power to force back me? A mighty demon!"

The light simply hovered around Rainee, still trying to get the angered cat's attention. However, when it heard the demon's voice, it simply sparked a purer blue, its anger was flashing. But, now was not yet the time for him to act, first he had to get his precious sister to calm down. He could not let her dark flower bloom, he could already see the intricate bud sprouting, the stem had already flourished and its roots had wrapped themselves greedily around Rainee's heart. Worry was deep in the light's soul as he thought Damn it! I have to hurry! If that heart shard pulsed any darker...then it will be too late to save her!

Despite all of the soft blue light's effort, a saucy smile was forming on Rain's lips as the dark electric ball formed easily in her hands. Licking her lips she purred "Looks like something caught ya off balance! Maybe..." releasing her attack, a larger grin laced over Rainee's normally soft face as she finished with a loud laugh "you should learn not to pick on girls!"

Belial growled as he folded his leathery black wings firmly around his body, the electricity crackled against his tough hide. Despite Rainee's magic powers, her small electric shot was no match for Belial's tough hide. Noticing this the demon laughed darkly as he cooed "Little baby, your dark powers aren't strong enough! You need to hate me more! Learn, live and breathe that power!" willing to help her, Belial was about to yet again torture Rainee's daughter.

However, before he could a small water-like orb formed around Belial's hand. It encased it firmly, preventing the demon form using his magic to suffocate, maim or torture the young kitten. Sniffing it, he felt power scorch his nose as he realized what it was. Holy magic, that is what the blue light possessed. Narrowing his eyes as he studied it he spit "Show yourself light! I know your more then what you appear!"

The light slowly begin to solidify, a young man soon stood near Rainee. His brown hair shining, his eyes a light with hope. In a firm voice he murmured "Let my sister go you foul snake! She does not belong to you!"

Rainee ignoring this, soon begin to charge up yet another attack, this one she put more mind power and more energy into. As it crackled she screeched "DIE! DIE! DIE! YOU HARMED MY LITTLE ANGEL! I WONT' LET YOU HARM AGAIN!"

03-14-08, 06:30 PM
Mylie's body was weakening, she had been trapped in this colorless prism for hours now. Her little green eyes were half closed as she thought desperately Mommy...I can't breathe. Help me...save me.... A meow of pain issued from her tiny lips as frailly she tried to beat against the solid magical walls of her prison. The last thing the little kitten remembered was whispering greedily that she had found her daddy again, that mommy didn't matter. Then she vaguely remembered her mother's scent reaching her keen nose, but then, nothing. When she had finally a woke, it was to find herself here, wearing a glowing black choke collar. She could see her mother vaguely through the prism's clear wall, but she could not reach her physically. Much to the little cat's luck, her voice could reach her precious mommy and that is what saved her mother from the mean demon that had appeared out of the orb she thought had been a gift from her daddy. But no, instead it had been a power trip from hell, one that her poor mother was currently trying to fight off.

Anger welled in the proud demon's dark heart as he watched his little precious pet build up yet more magic. Growling deep in his throat he barked out "Its useless girl! Your spell can't hit a powerful demon like me! Your better off just being mine! If you relent and give in to me I shall release you daughter!" he then tried yet again to gain his connection to the black choke collar he had magically bonded Mylie to. However, much to his dismay the brown haired boy yet again placed the water like holy bubble around his claws. Rage vibrated throughout his body as he hissed "Stupid angel! Quit interfering! What connection do you have to this-" his words were cut off as the dark ball of lightening, pure and shining with Rainee's malice headed straight for him. Growling low, he shook of Omarion's binding curse and flew straight for the large ball of power.

Wrapping his wings securely around him as a barrier, he ignored the crackle and sizzle of the magic as they tried to find his flesh through his protective layer. A large cold grin was on his face as using her own attack as a way to get close to her, he reached for Rainee fiercely with one clawed hand. A grin flashed on his face as he saw her look of angry shock. When he heard the movements of her bare feet, he grinned and wagged a menacing finger saying idly "Think again there precious!" moving his already outstretched hand to the right, his claw connected with the tender flesh of her throat. He then with fury and glee thrust her hard into the opposite wall. Where two expensive paintings were displayed.

One a picture of a quiet lake, with a blazing orange sun sinking under the horizon fell with a resounding THUD, the other a quiet picture of snow capped mountains and ducks remained where it was, the frame became off kilter. The half-cat had sunk to the plush white carpet, her eyes glazed and dazed despite the fury she felt. Whimpering a bit in pain, as her already bruised face was throbbing now from the shock of the collision, she managed to hiss out "Damn it! I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO DIE!" she then aimed an angry claw swipe for the demon's face.

Belial simply growled low as he moved pressure on her neck, effectively cutting off her ability to talk or move. A coy grin then traced his rich lips as he traced a clawed hand against her throat, creating rivets of blood where his claws opened her skin. He could also smell the dark energy taking route in her heart. Soon, soon he'd have a proper pet, one that he could make into his own satisfying love slave.

Omarion seeing this disgusting display rushed forward, pulling out not just one, but two mythril katanas, his normally gentle eyes were blazing red as he shouted loudly "I SAID TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF HER BASTARD!" He then rushed forward, snow-white wings sprouting from his back. He was clothed in a simple white tunic, his tanned skin showing just barely the healed scar of an arrow from his living life. Fear and anger were both on his face though as he worried for the state of his sister. The dark heart shard in her heart was blossoming, a closed bud now snugly rested against his precious sister's beating heart. Licking his lips as he aimed his two blades for a flying slash he thought I've got to get her to calm down, if she doesn't...not only will I lose a sister, but Mylie a mother!

03-16-08, 03:50 PM
The room's air was laced with fury, with dark intent, but their was also the slight pulse of hope. Hope came from the brown haired angel who was currently trying his hardest to save his precious adopted sister. As his wings flapped wordlessly in the still bedroom's air, he could see Belial's distracted form cooing over his incapacitated sister. A wry grin spread over his smooth, youthful face as he thought keenly Stupid fool, he doesn't realize that I could attack him at any moment. That I could stop his movements with just a word! Demons, they are nothing but power hungry jesters, bent on relishing in their own power. As he neared the monster's powerful back side he finished his thoughts Or they try to bend others to their will... he then slashed both his twin mythril blades at Belial's back, using his flying air motion to strengthen the power behind his blades attack.

Belial was so intoxicated by Rainee's soft scent that he could not hear the whiz of twin blades that sung quietly through the air, all the unruly demon could hear was the sounds of Rainee's heavy breathing as the cuts on her neck bled still. His little flower was whimpering too from the pain the dark man could smell coursing through her body. Moving to lick the blood from her neck he whispered "Come my pet, give in to me and I'll heal your hurts. Renounce your daughter, renounce who you are and I'll-" his words were aburptly cut off as pain sung through his thick flesh. His eyes bled from its gentle victorious color, to an eerie deep red.

A long roar escaped from his fanged mouth as he hissed angrily 'Get the fuck out of my way you angel bastard! Keep out of business that IS NOT YOURS!" closing his eyes a crackling sword of black lightening formed in his hands as he screamed, his magical energy surging angrily around him "FOR YOUR INTERFERENCE ANGEL, DIE!" he then took one heavy step towards Omarion his crackling dark lightening sword waving menacingly in front of him.

"BRING IT YOU DEMENTED ASS HOLE!" Omarion screamed in response, the light of battle bright in his soft brown eyes.

As the sounds of their battle became thunder loud in the quiet feminine bedroom, the mistress of the house was still dazed. Her body felt bruised, broken, her eyes were half-closed. A low moan escaped her lips as she thought woozily Did Kedx send me back to hell? Why? Why is my body so sore? What happened? willing her mind to focus, the half-cat saw brief images of her little girl playing with a deadly orb, the orb then had flashed, much like the orb had flashed for Jame and her back in the little hovel that had been her bastard of a husband's last home.

The next thing she knew, Jame had appeared, yet it had not been Jame. Instead it had been a monster from hell, a demon twice as bad as the fire wolves that Jame and her had defeated back in the hell realm. Whimpering as she realized that she needed to fight, she tried to rise to her feet, only to stumble again to the cushiony softness of the floor. Tears welled in her eyes without any other way she called for her daughter weakly "M...M...MYLIE! COME HOME! I-" before she could finish her sentence though, her brief moment of clairty ended.

Rage once more filled her heart, its intensity overriding her bodies trip into pain. Rising albeit shakily to her feet, the enraged half-cat turned darkened silver eyes to the sounds of battle. Inside the softer Rain saw her brother and wanted to cry out, but the heart shard that had latched itself around the cute half-cat's heart prevented this. Instead of asking for help like her brother desired, she instead slunk into a shadowy part of her bedroom.

A light had once been there, but thanks to the battle raging it had shattered into tiny miniscule pieces. Delicately the half-cat stepped over the tiny shards of glass, until she was hidden in the room. Her eyes glared hatefully at Belial, she wanted to hurt him, wanted to end his horrible reign. She could smell the blood thick in the air and it only further caused her want to end the awful demon's life. Looking down at her hands and feeling her magic, the half-cat called to her inner self Help me, let me find a spell to slay this demon whose tormented my family. Please, I beg ye help!