View Full Version : Little Better than a Christmas Tree

02-19-08, 05:11 PM
Level 1 re-do, because I feel like it. I'm giving her some minor powers that'll actually be useful to her and anyone she's questing with. Kinda sorta maybe.

Name: Seraphima ("but that's something of a mouthful, so I go by Sara.")
Age: Unknown, but she looks about 20 or 21
Race: Human
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: White
Height: 5'5"
Build: Slender
Occupation: Blind woman

Personality: Seraphima (Sara) is a very even-tempered sort of woman. Being blind and not having much to remember, she has been through a lot of frustration, and has learned how to take adversity with a smile. Little things do not tend to bother her, and even big things don't stand much chance of getting her angry.

Appearance: Sara is a platinum-blonde with ivory skin and a rosy mouth. Her attire consists of well-made dresses of cotton and linen, and she wears a bandana over her eyes because most people find the unseeing orbs disturbing. She carries a four-foot long oaken walking stick to make sure she doesn't fall down or trip over anything.

History: Seraphima doesn't remember anything before she was found by a kind couple a year ago. Since then, she's learned to deal with her blindness with the help of her walking stick and her dog, Maurizio. Maurizio acts as her eyes, leading her through crowds and looking after her.
When she felt she was ready to explore the world on her own, the couple who had helped her gave her their blessing, a change of clothes, and a little gold.

Level 0 History

Sara spent much of her time in Scara Brae, trying to make a living for herself. When she found it too difficult in Scara Brae city, she left, bound for somewhere, anywhere else.

On the road, she encountered an unconscious young warrior named Aryr, who helped protect her and her dog up until they got to a port town. There, Sara boarded a boat and subsequently found herself in Gisela, Corone.

However, tensions in that city were too much for Maurz to feel comfortable letting his mistress live in, so he led her away. Where they will end up next, only time will tell.

Due to her living conditions and a weak respiratory and immune system, Sara has also begun to show signs of illness, most often manifest in violent fits of coughing. She's currently quite sick with a deteriorating condition.

Skills: Seraphima has no skills, that she can remember.

However, if attacked and the attacker gets past the dog, she might be able to jab or whack them with her walking stick, at risk of losing her balance if there is something in her path that might cause her to stumble..

I Alone In Darkness
At certain points in time, depending on the strength of her emotional state, Sara can take on a gentle glow, less than or equal to the light of about ten candles (strength of the glow is dependent on the intensity of her emotions. Her emotional state determines the color. Red = angry, blue = sad, green = frightened, gold = happy, white = serene/amused). She remains blind, and this skill has no holy aura, meaning it is neither offensive nor defensive against anything. She just lights up.

A Little Holy Aura

There is something a little ethereal about Sara. Most living beings wouldn't notice it, but undead and unholy beasts most definitely do. At her current stage, Sara's aura is strong enough to make weak undead avoid her altogether, and make it unpleasant for stronger undead to be around her. (NPC zombies will go around her, PC zombies will most likely not want to be around her, NPC vampires would probably leave her be, PC vampires will probably feel a little uncomfortable in her presence).

Hearing: To help compensate for her blindness, Seraphima's hearing is 1.35x that of a regular human.

Smell: Seraphima has a slightly increased sense of smell.

Touch: Sara has developed a dependency on touch during the last few months, and her fingers are more sensitive to the textures and temperatures of objects with which she comes into contact, as well as the rest of her surroundings.

Taste: Sara has a slightly more refined sense of taste than the average human.


Name: Maurizio ("but that's also something of a mouthful, so he goes by Maurz. Most of the time.")
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown, looks about 2 years
Race: Dog (Labrador retriever)
Height: 2 feet at shoulder
Weight: About 75 lbs
Eye Color: A warm, chocolaty brown
Fur Color: He has a thick black pelt with chestnut points.

He's a little large for a medium sized dog, and can almost always be found in his harness leading his owner around. He seems to have a calm demeanor about him, being trained to act as placidly as possible to not risk disturbing his blind owner's tranquility, but is extremely defensive of her and is not above biting anyone who makes a hostile move toward her.

He likes children and enjoys being petted, so long as the ivory hand keeps hold of his harness strap.

Weapons: Teeth, designed by nature to shred living flesh.

Skills: Trained seeing eye dog -- he can guide people through streets and crowds without getting them killed, and won't pull on his harness.

Senses: Maurizio's senses are all normal for a dog.

Oak walking stick with a steel tip
Leather harness for dog
Change of clothes
Typical traveling needs.
A decent pair of walking boots.
And a dog grooming kit.

Zook Murnig
02-19-08, 05:46 PM
By the powers vested in me by the administrators of Althanas, you are hereby approved.