View Full Version : It Just Keeps Going

02-21-08, 06:24 PM
Level 5.

Name: Karuka Tida
Age: 18
Race: Human
Hair Color: Dark red
Eye Color: Ice blue
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 124 lbs
Occupation: None


Karuka has gone from being a sweet, bouncy child to a cynical young woman. Without the faith that allowed her to constantly believe the best, she now has a focus on the darker side of things. She realizes that life is not fair and that things will not always turn out for the best. Despite this, she can still be classified as a "good" person, intolerant of injustice and more than ready to stand up for what's right.

Adamantine will and Big Brassy Balls: Basically, this girl doesn't back down. While before, her tenacity came from a faith in the gods, now her philosophy is more akin to "life is Hel, and then you die." Without a fear of death, she can approach a challenge with an unbending force, allowing her, more often than not, to come out ahead.


Karuka's identity (who she is as she finds herself) is wrapped up in her faith. If and as she loses faith, her accent, chipper attitude, and ability to channel divine power (her faith in the ability of the gods to make things happen on her behalf) into spells will likewise fade. As she's lost her faith, this has all been completely lost.


Karuka at first glance seems to be a rather curious collection of colors. Her hair is an almost unnaturally deep red, her eyes an extremely frosty blue, and her skin a rich honey brown. She wears a vlince traveling outfit she bought in Radasanth and her mother's pendulum around her neck. Beyond her odd coloration, she has a highly fine bone structure, giving her a long, lean build. Due to circumstances, her diet consists mainly of vegetarian fare, although the only meat she'd really turn down is beef. Because of her natural build, age, and diet, she is fairly lanky, but not boyishly so.
She has a slender neck set above two delicate collar bones, with a well-shaped head atop that. She has a small, slightly pointy chin, and high cheekbones. Her mouth is small with full lips, and she has a thin nose. Her eyes are almond shaped, and the eyebrows have a natural arch to them. Her forehead is not particularly high, but she doesn't obscure it with bangs. Her hair comes to the middle of her back now, but she still keeps it pulled back.

History: {Has been completely re-vamped!}

Karuka Tida was born to Indian Brahmin Atid and Irish Seer Faylinn. Her mother was the heir to a well-respected line of seers, and all first-born daughters are born with this "gift," known as the O'Sheean Birthright. Karu's first years were happy, living on the outskirts of town with her mother and father. One year, they even went to visit Faylinn's Scottish relatives, the MacRaitens, who were royalty in their region. Karuka's great-grandfather, who had been a Berserker, had been a MacRaiten, the second son of the King. While with the MacRaitens, Karuka was in a boat accident which killed several people, and has since been afraid of both sailing and swimming. While she will convince herself to sail, she still won't swim.

When Karuka was five, her father left her to return to India, giving her a bronze sword to remember him by. She never saw him again, despite the fact taht she convinced herself for years that he'd come back any day. Faylinn married the village chief when her daughter was seven, Calhoun, but unfortunately her new husband was cruel, often abusing both Faylinn and Karuka. The latter, being small and different, was a favorite target.

Karuka found herself ostracized from many village activities, but learned the foundations of the religion well enough. Her life changed, however, when a quartet of strangers gave her the bag of runes she still carries. Calhoun started ignoring her, but his rage turned onto Faylinn, so Karuka learned to leave the little wood and daub hut for a small house at the edge of the village, where an old Crone taught her how to divine, speak the language known on Althanas as Tradespeak, and the lore of the forest, as well as many factors important in a couple of different religions.

When Karuka was ten, Faylinn gave birth to a baby boy; Calhoun's first son, named Cael. Karuka adored her baby brother, but was forbidden from playing with him by her stepfather. Two years later, Faylinn's second son, Artan was born, and Karuka's mentor died, leaving her a small wooden flute.

When Karuka was fifteen, Faylinn conceived again. Six months into her mother's pregnancy, a handsome young man named Albin came to the village, and was treated with common Irish hospitality. He seemed to take an almost immediate shine to the honey-skinned girl with dark red hair, and soon had her complete adoration, devotion, and even love.

A week after Albin arrived, he took Karuka into his bed, only to vanish the next morning. Calhoun was furious with her, and she didn't even have a chance to pull her clothes back on before he started with the most vicious beating he'd ever given the girl - who had often lain motionless for days after his beatings. Fearing for her daughter's life, Faylinn stood up to her husband for the first time in her marriage, only to divert his attention to herself.

Raw, passionate anger boiled up inside of Karuka, and she grabbed her stepfather by the hair and struck him, despite the fact that he was stronger than he was. She told him that if he ever laid a hand on her mother again, she would kill him without hesitation or remorse. Whether he was too shocked at her sudden defiance, or saw real murderous intent in her eyes, Calhoun backed down.

Three months later, Karuka stood by as her youngest brother, Fiachra was born. The baby was a breechling, though, and Faylinn died because of it, but not before giving her daughter the trinket that had been handed down from mother to daughter for generations - the little pendant that Karuka now always wears.

Barely was Faylinn's funeral service complete before Calhoun sent her away. She wasn't even allowed to see to the failing Fiachra. She was merely sent through henges from Ireland to Scotland, from Scotland to England, and from England to France. Once there, she decided that since she had no one and nothing, no reason to stay or go, she would go to India, barefooted, dressed in rags, and probably without a hope of surviving the voyage. But maybe, if she got there, she'd find her father and be welcomed into his courts.

She had barely made it halfway through France when she was pulled into a little cave by her pendulum's swing, and when she exited the other side, she was in a strange and new world, with no way to get back.

L0 history:

Shortly after coming to Althanas, Karuka found her way to Scara Brae, where she was almost immediately sent off to the Liviol Sanctum in search of a unique artifact, known in dim legend as the Heart of Scara Brae. From the moment she landed on the island, she felt the subtle call of the Heart, but getting there wasn't easy. The group she went with had to face killer will o' th' wisps and the deadly cat of Scara Brae before even getting to the crumbling ruins, which claimed more lives than the Cat or flickering lights combined. Karuka managed to survive the trip through the ruins and then met back up with the cat, who not only didn't eat her, but seemed to like her well enough to give her a ride back to her boat.

Once back to the island, Karuka had to get the Heart to Queen Valeena, and prevent it from falling into the hands of Count Uyen Barchon. after that, Karuka left Scara Brae and soon found herself in Corone.

On her way through Concordia, she was attacked by an elf who didn't identify himself or his motives, but a stranger happened upon the aftermath of the battle and took them both to Underwood to be healed. Shortly thereafter, Karuka found herself in the middle of winter in Northern Akashima, and was taken in briefly by Doji Ki, where she entertained the kitsune and her kits with stories while being given food and warm shelter.

As spring started poking its head up, she found herself aboard a new boat, which was attacked by pirates on its voyage. The rebellious Karuka probably would have gotten herself raped and killed, but Seth Dahlios also happened to be aboard the boat, and the following massacre wound up saving the passengers. It was during this time period that Karuka took her first human life, and she now views this as the time that began to challenge her faith.

Level 1 History:

In Radasanth, Karuka bought a set of clothes and boots, participated in her first Citadel battle with Caduceus Grimaldi, and set out for Concordia once more. Inside, she met feline Leon Timyon during a rainstorm, and his natural curiosity had them nearly captured by gremlins and enslaved by Drow. They did, however, manage to escape.

Not long after, Karuka found her way out of Corone on her way to Dheathain via Alerar, where she met the malicious Drow Kor. TBC

Level 2 History: The Losing the Faith Arc

Once she reached Dheathain, Karuka met a half-vampire who called herself Witchblade, and they accepted a job to go rescue some missing Fae researchers. TBC

The events of that proved very challenging to her faith, so she found herself heading to Fallien, where she met Storm Veritas, who was quite charming and seemed to take a liking to her. TBC

After that, struggling to keep her faith, Karuka was asked to deliver a box to a certain man in Raiaera. From there, she was swept up on an adventure with Damon Kaosi during which she saw the world destroyed. Things were set right again, but at a price: Karuka now believes her gods to be dead, and as such, has lost her faith and her magical abilities.

Level 3 History:

Karuka bought a set of daggers and throwing knives after the incidents in Raiaera, in order to learn how to really fight. Then, believing in using them, she went to the Citadel, fighting Josh Cronen (who wanted her to join Imperial, but she refused), Izvilvin, and Elijah Morendale (really, his alter-ego Nadia).

Then, tired of fighting in the Citadel, she went back to Dheathain. Peace however, wasn't to find her. A gang had taken over the area, putting resident shopkeepers in a constant state of fear, and Karuka, being Karuka, couldn't stand for it. She stood up to the gang, and probably would have been killed if not for the aid of the mutant Molotov, who identified himself to her as Topper Headon. He gave her some intense training on how to use her staff, and when the gang came that evening to finish the two off, they wound up defeating the majority of the gang, leaving the merchants safe. As they parted, Karuka gave Molotov her wooden flute and was given one of his plynt bracelets.

L4 History:

After she and Molotov parted ways, there were a rash of crimes in Donnalaich. The city of Talmhaidh, having found one of the two people who had helped take down the Spider Monkey Kids, decided to send the little vigilante off to fix it. She was joined by a young Talmhaidh girl named Karyna. (WIP)

After that, she went back to Radasanth and participated in a massive Citadel battle which put her alongside old acquaintances and people she didn't know at all, all bent on killing each other.

Then she traveled to Salvar, only to be caught up in the Civil War when religious fanatics waylaid the train she was riding. She was responsible for the lives of the survivors, but very few combatants actually survived the night. She also made a dying woman a promise to get her little girl, Margaret, to safety.


Karuka LOSES the powers under the spoiler tag (put under because they're long and I'm going to want them back at some point in the future)
Karuka at this point in time can use her pendulum necklace to divine direction and sometimes find things if she wants to. More often, though, it leads her to places her dharma has set aside for her, whether she wants to go or not.

She can also do rune divinations, but nothing so specific as to be clairvoyant (sort of like tarot). This allows her, at any point in time, to see into the present, some of the past, but not much into the future, and is normally simply used to ask and answer questions about the present. Karuka feels that people will lie sometimes, but the runes will not.

She can also use the following runes for magic: Karuka's magic is semi-divine in that it requires she believe in the power of the gods she's calling upon to grant her prayers. Her spells MUST be in prayer form, and while they don't have to be in Gaelic, the language has a special bond with her divine beings for Karuka, so she has the best shot at accomplishing her spell's goals in that tongue.
The less Karuka believes, the less chance she has of completing the spell -- strong faith means she will normally get full results (except in spells where an opponent's will can negate the spell's effect), and if she were to stop believing entirely, her magical talents would be non-existent. Since her faith has been shaken, her spells will tend to be weaker and have a higher chance of failing than they did before.

NOTE -- some spells can be enhanced by the use of the caster's blood, so she might cut herself or use a cut to do so (runes that take it -- Thorn, Sigel, Ken, Nied, Hagall, Rad, Eohl, and Is)
((I've taken away how many times she can use each spell per day/quest/battle. If you'd like a limit on them, I'll do that. I've also removed spells that she doesn't/won't use, and runes that don't have a spell attached to them.))

+ Line-of sight spell. She has to be looking at the target to attack.
~ Touch spell. She must be touching the target for the spell to have a chance at working.

+Thorn -- this rune is typically used in forest settings where there are plants with thorns, and the effect can range anywhere from increasing the size of the thorns to getting the plant to shoot the thorns.
Jara -- this rune's best in conjunction with others, but she hasn't figured that out quite yet. So for now it's used to get fruits off trees when she can't reach. She has also figured out how to use it to pull small objects (10 lb or less) toward the ground.
~/+Sigel -- The rune represents a sun ray, but it's used to call down a bolt of lightning. Without blood, the most damage it can do (at this point) is stun an opponent. With blood, it can heavily stun. If the opponent is wet, or standing in water, though...it could be lethal (on PCs and other peoples' NPCs, amount of damage determined by other player). This rune is weather dependent. Without clouds, this spell is impossible. With light clouds, a small bolt can be summoned. During a severe thunderstorm, she can call down a bolt powerful enough to kill.
+Lagu -- A small amount of pre-existing water (one or two cubic feet) may be manipulated within a radius of 15 feet from the caster.
+Ken -- Fire. Light a torch, throw a fireball (1st-2nd degree burns over 7-12 percent of the body without blood, 3rd degree burns over 7-9 percent of the body with)
+Ur -- Ur is the symbol of manliness, and as such is useful for helping inflame tempers or initiate combat. Since Karuka dislikes combat, she doesn't tend to use the spell. (For PCs it's up to the player whether or not the spell works...if she ever drags it out).
~Beorc -- Rune represents mother-love, used as a healing spell. It can currently heal mild to moderate wounds (a deep cut on an extremity at its most powerful) over a period of a few minutes.
Ansur -- gift of eloquence, slightly enhances normal speaking and communication powers.
~Daeg -- used to help improve something minor (like nausea not stemming from real illness, or a sour attitude) over the period of 2 hours or 5 posts. No combat use, can be resisted by any PC or NPC.
+Nied -- In combat, used to give the opponent some OTHER priority than fighting her. Nied is generally a first line of defense. Karuka dislikes combat as she knows she is not good at it, and this creates some minor ADD, like "Did I leave my *whatever* back at camp? I think I did. Crap. You, red-head. You're not worth my time." If she IS worth their time still...well, she tried to avoid combat. This only works on an opponent who has no idea what she's trying to do...meaning it generally only works once. Can be resisted by any PC or strong-willed NPC, harder for characters at her level or lower to resist.
Hagall -- Call down a brief hailstorm. This really depends on the environment. If it's a clear-skies desert, nada, blood or no. If it's the middle of a snow/sleet storm...tennis ball size ice blocks for 5 minutes (no blood) to 10 (blood). Your typical forest environment would get a one-post shower of ice pellets the size of her thumb joint. Without blood the spell has a 50% fail rate.
~Yr -- Used to boost an archer's aim, no other single-spell use. This spell can only be used on an archer.
~Tir -- Enhance a warrior's skill. This spell can only be used on a melee-type character.
Rad -- Movement, usually used to call up winds with a strength of up to 10 lbs/ft^3) or encourage beasts of burden to get a move on.
Eohl -- Provides a shield against attack. This shield lasts for one post and is most effective against weapons at steel strength or lower.
+Is -- Creates ice. This can range from having crystals form on an opponent's skin, creating slightly limited mobility and discomfort (no blood), to creating a thin layer of ice on a person or object (blood). This spell is also weather dependent. It works about 5x as well during a snow storm, and very slightly on a hot and arid day.

Rune Inversions:
In their upside down forms, some runes do things differently from their upright forms.

Runes that can be turned upside down (or backwards) include: Ur, Othel, Ansur, Mann, Eohl, Tir, Ken, Wynn, Feoh, Rad, Lagu, Eoh, and Beorc. ((again, the ones that don't have a use aren't listed.))

Ur: Useful for slightly soothing tempers and forcing would-be combatants to try and find a way around the fight. While the spell will affect whoever it is cast upon, the choice to follow the prompt to try and re-settle remains the character's choice. (in other words, will negates)
~Ansur: Can take away eloquence to make target sound slightly stupid(er than they are). Can be easily shunted by the will of a character her level or higher, characters lower than her level will have some trouble resisting the effects.
Eohl: Can break through or weaken an enemy's defenses slightly, leaving an opening for an attack. (Currently it might bypass or damage a level 0's defenses, but level 1 and higher, player will can negate).
Tir: Can detract slightly from an enemy's skill in fighting. Only applicable to melee characters.
Rad: Can make a beast of burden (like a horse or mule) stop.
Beorc: Can undo a minor healing.

Karuka, despite having lost her ability to actively divine, remains the heir to a long line of women with foresight. At this point, this ability will let her see happenings in the world, whether or not they relate to her, but will typically only be the very bad things and will come at the cost of a debilitating headache. She cannot control when they come, but they tend to come when she has nothing else to occupy her mind.
She can also see things as they relate directly to her, giving her a second's warning or two in combat when she's about to be attacked. Having learned quickly what it means, she's now quick to move once she gets a premonition of danger.
Clairvoyance Subskill: True Sight:
Karuka can see ghosts and their ilk as they truly are, as well as lingering magical energies from spells and the like used before she was there.

Woodland lore:

Having been raised as a Druid, Karuka can find her way more easily through wilderness than civilization, and can recognize various plants as good for food, medicine, or poison.

Summoning the Totem: When searching for the Heart of Scara Brae in the Liviol Sanctum, Karuka somehow received a small totem of the Sanctum's guardian cat. The totem will allow her to summon the cat twice for a period of 2 consecutive posts in a battle or two minutes in a quest, whenever she chooses. She can also tell the cat who and where to attack if she wishes. (Note: Since Karuka has been the only one to ever look into the eyes of the beast and survive, it will not allow anyone else to summon it, thus making the object worthless in any hands but hers. Furthermore, she realizes that it's her most powerful means of defense right now, and it's a sentimental piece. She considers the creature a friend. This item will never be leaving Karuka's possession.)

Like Minds: Karuka naturally has a high empathy, and as such this lets her and almost any beast understand each other's wills. She can't use this to harm the creature, merely to keep it still or maybe send it off. Conversely, she may be able to soothe the beast.

Melee --

Stick-type weapons:

Having picked up mops and branches in combat situations, Karuka has learned that she can fight with sticks and objects that look like sticks. Since her training session with Molotov, she's learned some more advanced fighting techniques, and has become quite skilled with her weapon. She's also learned a crude version of pole-vaulting.

Knives and daggers: Karuka has just purchased a set of daggers and some throwing knives, and is average at fighting with them and throwing them for a character in her level bracket.

She also throws a fairly decent punch. In her time wandering, she's actually become an above average fist fighter.

Agility: Karuka is 1.5x agile than the average person.

* A rune pouch with 25 runes in it.
* Necklace with a lodestone crystal in it, used as a pendulum to help define direction. (inherited from mother)
* Curvy sword with one sharp and one blunt edge (belly-dancing sword) This sword is highly ornamental, carried mainly for show and for the crest that Karuka remembers from one of her father's rings. The metal was made to balance well, not fight, and is therefore brittle. If she tries to use it in serious combat, it will break.
* A water flask, canvas poncho, and a woolen cloak.
*Bandages: When Karu got her new clothes, she ripped up her old rags and made them into bandages. She has since ripped her old canvas poncho, using them as bandages and the old rags as dressings.
*A sturdy clay jug with some ale
*A silver bell that lights up dimly when it sounds
*A dragon scale, toughness of delyn and some magical resistance to fire.
*A Nihon staff
*A small totem cat
*17 oz. of Liviol balm that has healing properties
*A silken outfit
*A small fire striker
*A device that allows her to locate any ally within ten miles (both gained here (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=6851))
*Some vials, a little explosive powder, and 3/4 a jar of kerosene (earned here (http://althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=10249&page=2)) ~ all used up.
*A plynt bracelet with 4-inch spikes on it (given to her by Molotov, same quest as above)
*A pair of mythril daggers and a set of steel throwing knives
*An oilskin cloak
A ring that once belonged to a Priest of the Church of the Ethereal Sway. She plucked it from his body when he died in a train explosion. (earned here (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=10862))

Call me J
02-21-08, 08:10 PM
I don't mind that you upgraded your totem, but if you do so, you have to stipulate not to sell it in the future. If we can agree to that, then this is approved.

02-21-08, 08:18 PM
Works for me. Done.

And closed at your request.