View Full Version : My request

Call me J
02-23-08, 08:53 PM
When Jame arrived for his first day in the Dajas Pagoda as a warrior, he found a box waiting by a small office that had been set aside for him. He was suspicious at first, unsure if it was some kind of elaborate hazing plan that had been concocted by some of the other, more experienced pagoda masters. However, when he leaned over, he immediately recognized the handwriting.

It was from his father.

With that, Jame opened the envelope attached to the letter and began to read. The moment he opened it, he was certain it was from Damon. He wasn’t sure what to make of the letter at first, he cringed as he began to read, expecting a large scolding for his failure to protect Maia. However, the letter he received was surprisingly positive.

“Jame,” it began. The half dragon noticed the fact that his father had neglected a “dear” or anything such as that. Though father and son, the two were not all that close. “You did well in Raiaera, don’t be disappointed, the role you played was the one you were meant for. There are a few things I’ve obtained recently that I think might be of some help to you. Enjoy them where you can.”

Now of al lthe things Jame had expected, presents weren’t one of them. He had already received a gift from the Headmistress of Aglarlin, and he didn’t expect a series of presents from Damon as well.

The first of them was a set of plated gloves. They were made of ordinary leather, and extended just past the wrist. There were plates of steel on the fingers and a large one that covered the back of the hand. Wondering if they were special in any way, Jame put them on. “Would rather have a sword…” he thought. Suddenly, a pair of short swords appeared in his hands, spawned out of the metal plate on the back of his hand. Surprised, Jame decided to test it. He thought of an axe. Nothing happened, save for the gloves returning to normal.

Next, Jame found an iron dagger. It came in a relatively insignificant looking scabbard, and when Jame unsheathed it, it didn’t look any different from a normal weapon. However, when he waved it in the air, a bright green light began to shine around the blade. Jame put the weapon back in its box, only to find a small note explaining what the weapon does. “When unsheathed, the dagger of Ny begins to glow,” it read. “It’s power is subtle, in that most beasts fear the green glow and will avoid the weapon at a visceral level to a greater degree than they would any other iron weapon. When pierced it releases a toxin into the blood that slowly makes a warrior lose grip of his weapons. It takes ten minutes to see any effect, but after fifteen, a fighter can no longer grip anything unless he takes an antidote.”

“That’s better than I thought,” Jame figured. “Too bad these gloves can’t turn into axes.”

The letter fell out of his hand as small axes appeared in each of his hands. “It seems the gloves have a recharge time,” he figured.

Lastly, he saw a small ring. It was made of platinum, and Jame put it on to see if it had any powers. He didn’t feel any differently once he put it on, but seconds later, he turned around to see his own dragon form staring at him.

“This is strange,” they both mouthed at the same time.

Jame grinned. Damon’s toys were unique indeed.

If it wasn’t clear, I am asking for the following three things.
1) The two gloves that can turn into steel weapons if Jame concentrates on them. They take a one minute charge between uses once a weapon goes away. A weapon can only stay for ten minutes.
2) An iron dagger that can glow green and emit a poison. Animals avoid the weapon at a visceral level, as my some other people. If stabbed with it, a victim will begin to lose his ability to grip after ten minutes. This applies even for small nicks and cuts. After fifteen minutes, save for an antidote, a victim’s hands are no longer able to grip without terrible joint pain.
3) A platinum ring. When worn, any creature that is a half breed can split into its two separate halves. Useable once a thread. Total sum of the two parts levels is equal to the level of them combined.

02-23-08, 08:56 PM
Goddamnit Shyam why are you such a tacky son of a bitch?

Edit: What the Hell? Why is this a different thread?

Sighter Tnailog
02-24-08, 12:11 AM
The first is fine.

The second I'm a bit unsure of with regard to people completely losing their ability to grip, mainly PCs in battles. Maybe if the ability to grip remains, but just requires tremendous effort, I'd be a bit more comfortable.

Does the platinum ring basically let the half breed become two people AT ONCE? Because that's a bit iffy to me...could you explain how this works?

Call me J
02-24-08, 09:59 AM
The second I'm a bit unsure of with regard to people completely losing their ability to grip, mainly PCs in battles. Maybe if the ability to grip remains, but just requires tremendous effort, I'd be a bit more comfortable.

Edited. I didn't think it would be problematic because most battles take less than fifteen minutes time IC, but the edit is made.

Does the platinum ring basically let the half breed become two people AT ONCE? Because that's a bit iffy to me...could you explain how this works?

That was the initial plan. Honestly I don't know how I can stipulate this any better. Would it help to say that the human portion of my character would be very weak?

Sighter Tnailog
02-24-08, 03:01 PM
I would actually be more comfortable if you said that when you do the split each separate half is only 1/2 of your current level. It seems that genetically speaking, you're only receiving half of your genes from your mother and half from your father, meaning that to form two whole entities from that same pool would require a dissonant leap. I mean, I understand that it's magic and all, but it seems to me that beyond magic I just don't know as a ring giving you two level 6 characters in a battle is entirely fair to everyone else.

If you're willing to make the stipulation that the two characters together still combine to form a character only of the level at which they would be together, I'll approve it immediately.

As to your poison knife, that's approved forthwith.

Call me J
02-24-08, 03:39 PM
Sounds fair enough, I agree to that stipulation and am editing it in as we speak.

Sighter Tnailog
02-24-08, 04:18 PM
Thanks. Approved!