View Full Version : 2 v 2: Respice Finem vs. The Red Hand

Call me J
02-25-08, 11:06 PM
This battle will end in two weeks. Best of luck to all four competitors.

02-26-08, 01:40 AM
((My partner suggested we do this in the Citadel))

Signing up for the tournament was not Lorenor's idea in the first place. He'd done this whole bit on a whim. An impulse. In one fell moment; the endless under the guiding voice of N'Jal forced Lorenor to do her bidding. Insistent dreams about the tournament reached the ghoul's mind and tormented him night after night. The endless would not let the ghoul rest in peace. The battle would be waged.

It would be waged exactly how the endless said and where they said. Lorenor was a puppet that was getting his strings pulled. His role in the larger scheme of things was an interesting tragedy; a play of life. Registering for the tournament would present his Power Group with a chance to obtain much needed prestige and fame. At a time when people were thinking that the Red Hand was permanently down for the count. Lorenor would see to it that they could rise from the ashes! The registration process had been a real waste of time; but Lorenor endured it.

Night was the realm of the ghoul. It was also the realm of the Dark Mother and he left the tournament registration stand in Radasanth in order to prepare for the battle. He'd managed to send a parcel through the Gol'Bron's networks back to their town for Tenki Dougall; his partner for the competition.

He'd just found out that he'd be involved in the two versus two event. This didn't bother the ghoul whatsoever. But he knew that the fact that he was in the tournament would bother some. The ghoul already had managed to cut a bloody reputation for himself. Standing at five feet in height; and weighing in approximately 150lbs, the monster was truly the stuff of nightmares. He stood in his typical hunched position. Hearing a rumor through his fellows in the Gol'Bron; the bastard child knew that the prophet Ranger Nailo was participating in the Gisela style event.

Althanas' Power Groups were up in full mobilization. And here he was; listening to the will of N'Jal and looking out for the safety of whoever was his potential opponents for the gathering. Lorenor walked across the busy Radasanth streets. Radasanth by night took on a different vibration than Radasanth by day. The busy black markets of the underworld were in full swing. Package runners busily moved secret parcel from one organization to the next. Lorenor was able to spot a few of the shadier recipients of these parcels in action. Whores worked the corners; pimps made their gold off the sold bodies.

Yes. Radasanth by night was beautiful to the eyes of the ghoul. Beggers reached out with their dirt covered hands to con blue collared workers out of hard earned gold. Lorenor ignored the cries for help. Sounds of refugees fleeing from the war filled his sensory grid and the ghoul found himself wishing he could turn it off. Everything was just a little louder; just a little more well defined for the ghoul's twisted perception. The smells of drugs and illegal substances marked contraband by the government touched the ghoul's sensory array making him sick to his stomach.

On the way to the Citadel's famous structure; the ghoul saw a middle aged couple injecting themselves with a needle filled with Thaynes know what. He shivered at that thought. This was Radasanth destroying itself. Corrupted agents of the Empire walked the streets and hollered at pretty girls wearing revealing uniforms on the streets that was their domain for earning gold. The ghoul knew he could not get any of the women that way; all except perhaps the ugliest of the bunch. The ghoul wanted to spit in the face of society.

He wanted to rip society a brightly shining new asshole. Shunned by the larger group of parasites; the world laughed at Radasanth as it ripped itself apart from within. The growing cancer decaying centuries worth of evolution into this mockery of freedom. A deep feeling to destroy something beautiful touched the heart of the ghoul. Standing at the steps of the Citadel now; he looked up at its tall spires, the behemoth structure constructed by the hands of warfare.

Representing humanity's need to destroy itself; the Citadel was the epicenter of conflict. Here; everyone was under the twisted jurisdiction of the Monks of Ai'bron. The elite warriors played god within the edifice. Lorenor had long trained with the Monks in the hometown of the Gol'Bron. Cult of the Thayne.

Lorenor was a small warrior capable of mass destruction. He was destruction incarnate and represented the will of N'Jal. The fallen Thayne; the one that the Inquisition marked as an enemy of the people. Lorenor bore all the classic markings of a Spider Magi. No eyes; no tongue, no nose, only a scar going up the middle of his face, deeply inset eye sockets, a series of three intricate slits pointing downward where his nose should be, and a mouth of course. The ghoul had to eat somehow. Sharp teeth decorated the inside of his mouth and there were several rows of the ultra sharp buggers.

One of the Monks recognized the bastard child. Staring at the ghoul for a solid moment; the big man let the creature into The Citadel without questioning him at all. "May the Thayne guide you." The Monk said. "May they curse you; Monk. A pox on your family." Lorenor replied with an acid edge in his voice. The Monk frowned for a moment but decided that a response against the creature was not worth while. Lorenor walked over to the registration area.

"I was expecting you. The Thayne guide our hands." An elder monk with sharp brown eyes and a white beard said as he looked at the arriving creature of the night. The Monk was bald and had a long braided lock of white hair flowing down to the floor. "N'Jal guides mine." Lorenor said, obviously in a bad mood. The small warrior was prepared for a battle and he would have his. Partner or no. He was here about the tournament. "I am here to serve the will of N'Jal and participate in The Conquest Trials. A path has been laid before me. One I must follow."

"And follow you shall Lorenor. For the will of the Thayne is absolute. You shall make offerings to Lord Draconus then?"

"Only because it is tradition."

"Very well my child. Then follow me. We have a special chamber set up for you already. We knew that you would be coming and what you would be requesting."

"All right; let's get these pleasantries out of the way."


The rite to Lord Draconus made the ghoul increasingly uneasy. It was a rite that took a full day of preparation and attending the shrine. A sacrifice was necessary to receive the blessing of Draconus. Lorenor looked upon the dragon statue that was situated before him. It was an elaborate shrine located on top of dais. Lorenor knew what he had to do by now. This wasn't the first time he'd prayed before Lord Draconus.

A god of war and conflict; Draconus was one of the Greater Thayne. This group of deities were worshiped by some and hated by many. The Gol'Bron was a power group based heavily upon the worship of the Thaynehood and Draconus was a popular Thayne amongst the Black Hand. The Black Hand was a military wing of the Gol'Bron and a group of Assassins. The Red Hand was the tradesmen of the Gol'Bron. Lorenor was a senior member of all three sects within the Power Group.

In his time spent with the Gol'Bron he'd learned a great deal about the Thaynes and how they work. Taking the cleansed athame in his hands and piercing his own accursed flesh with it; the ghoul placed his forearm over the offering bowl. Black blood poured down from the fresh wound towards the silver offering bowl. There were Monks in the room that worshiped Lord Draconus and wore the robes in his honor. They were red with black stripes representing the decoration of a dragon. Lorenor reached a meditative, zen-like state as the blood poured down his dark gray flesh.

His fingertips ended in retractable claws that were wrapped around the handle of the sharp ceremonial dagger. They held on tightly with a death grip around the ornate object. The blade was silver and had a strange ethereal glow about it. It had a full length of around seven inches and was double edged for better puncturing wounds. Either side of the blade was serrated for easy cleaving of the flesh. Strange markings were etched upon the blade that had a unique glow upon them. Lorenor recognized these symbols as runes of Lord Draconus.

Feeling dizzy, the ghoul stepped forward and watched the bowl fill with his obsidian blood. Looking up at the artifact of the Thayne; the statue began to glow with a certain warmth. A warmth that flowed from an eternal volcano that was the belly of a dragon. Looking at the eyes of the Dragon; the organs started to glow a deep green colour signifying that the offering had been accepted. Lorenor felt himself relaxing just a bit and the wound started to seal off thanks to contact with the energy radiating from the statue.

Lorenor thanked Lord Draconus for his blessing; albeit begrudgingly, and prepared to do his deed for N'Jal. He stood up and prepared to walk over towards the Monks. Moving a few steps; the ghoul fell down to the ground upon his knees and the Monks instantly moved over towards his position. He replaced the athame in it's spot so that others could receive blessings from Lord Draconus. The Monks' powerful hands were almost vice-like grips.

"Your offering is true Lorenor. We shall continue now."

"Good cause I don't want to be here."

"Your will is the will of the Thayne. It is irrelevant what your heart thinks it desires."

"Blow me." Lorenor cursed and was lifted up and out of the sacrificial chamber.

************************************************** *

Standing before the combat chamber; Lorenor saw that the doors were opened by the Monks of Ai'Bron. It was an intricate process and the ghoul rested for most of the remainder of the day and well into the next day. By the second day; the ghoul was prepared to go into the chamber and face his round for the tournament. Lorenor stepped inside and saw a brilliant field of light that hurt his eyes...he walked into the light noticing that the energy did not hurt him for whatever reason. The ghoul passed through the initial field and the magic of the Ai'bron took hold.

All around him; a vast field manifested. It was a night of eternity all around the ghoul. A tapestry of stars shined to the earth below it; twinkling for all eternity. A full moon lurked overhead. It was a prairie that seemed to go on for miles and miles. And with that; Lorenor walked over to one of the nearby stones and prepared to wait for his opponents to show up. This would be a two versus two event. Lorenor and his partner; Tenki, would be ready for action.

They would have the will of N'Jal to guide them.

02-26-08, 11:39 PM
It was like something out of a dream, twisted as it was. The sun was falling in the grand city of Radasanth, and with the fading light came the less-desirable side of the human race. Two pairs of eyes stood very properly on a street corner to watch the transformation take place with matching smirks. Shopkeepers took down their stalls and packed up their wares before the unfavorables ran unchecked. The smothering shadows devoured the cobblestone road piece by piece and more and more people fled to the safety of their homes or the nearest Inn, checking over their shoulders more frequently as the last vestiges of day vanished into the abyss.

Two matching kimonos from the exotic Akashiman lands swayed with the rhythm of the populace, drawing wandering eyes with silent promises of pleasure until an unexpected patron approached the identical twins. Four gold-flecked red eyes watched with piqued interest as the figure, it was impossible to tell its gender through its thick robes and mask it wore, handed them a slip of paper.

“From One, Learn All?” One of the girls spoke, slightly confused. The left side of her kimono was loosened and draped down just far enough to reveal a tattoo of a red heart on her shoulder.

“What is this supposed to mean?” The other woman asked, clearly suspicious of the masked and robed figure. Her hands did not move toward either of the two hilts protruding from the neck of her garb, though she was tempted.

A gruff, breathy voice issued out from behind the mask, heaving slightly in suppressed chuckles. “It is a request, and a mission. There is a tournament going on tonight, and we would be willing to hire a pair of fine young mercenaries as you to fight for our organization, if you are willing.”

“If you put it that way…” The first woman spoke with a slight grin, trailing off even as her sister finished her sentence in a voice that might as well have simply switched bodies, “…It is not much of a choice at all. We will fight for you, so long as you uphold your end of the bargain.”

“You needn’t worry good madams. Sine Nomine always repays its debts.”

As one, the girls smiled and turned toward the towering Citadel. Leaving Raiaera before the predicted invasion by Xem'zûnd happened had been an overall excellent idea in hindsight. The prudish elves had offered them positions commanding small portions of the resistance force, appealing to their sense of pride as elves in hopes of obtaining their services. With how thoroughly the master necromancer had squashed the frail elves, it was good that they had no loyalty to their own kind... or anyone for that matter.

The long, broad road to the massive structure in the distance was one they had walked before. Once before, when a pleasantly delightful demon caught the minutes-younger Tanaë’s eye on his way in to a fight, they had followed him in. At the end, even though they both came within inches of death, the demon and his friend had apparently performed less spectacularly. When they finally reached the steps of the arena, a pair of monks were standing guard at the grand doors.

“We are here to take part in the Trials of Conquest.” The older woman said with an elegant flourish that caused the scarlet and amber whorls of her kimono to flash in the torchlight.

“Right this way then,” the taller of the monks replied as he led them into the grand lobby of the legendary arena. “You’ll need to register at the counter here.”

Leaving the twins with the rather dignified monk handling reception, he resumed his post stoically and was forgotten as quickly as he entered the shared consciousness of the girls.

“I will need your names and which power group you are representing and then we will send you off into your designated arena.”

“Shanaë Lucis and Tanaë Lucis. We are representing Sine Nomine.”

“All right then. Shanaë, Tanaë, please follow master Hen over there and he will show you to your area. One of your opponents has already arrived and is waiting for you.”

Nodding to the pleasant woman, the twins Lucis made their way over to a rather frail-looking monk clad in brown and white. Not one word was exchanged between the trio even to the point where they stepped into the swirling vortex that was to take them to their battleground. Only a slight twinkle in the monk’s eye told the girls that something was going to be different.

The world vanished, spun around, and pulled itself through a mouse hole backward. Then it exploded, imploded, unploded, then vomited itself up again before spewing them out onto… a grassy plain. Shanaë looked around for a few moments, trying to get her bearings after a completely unnecessary and unwanted mind trip while Tanaë gazed out toward a vast nothing. It was all too reminiscent of the fight with Ifrit and Beniiro. Sure there were a few more rocks of varying sizes. Oh! That was different! No, just another rock.

The star-like lighting brightened slightly over the course of a few seconds so the vast expanse of nothing could be easily seen, and both girls found the first arrival about the same time. He was sitting on a rock with. Again the girls were reminded of the demon and his nekotama friend; Ifrit had taken to rock-sitting when they walked into the arena. The question now was this: how would they know their ally?

That sparkle in his eye was really starting to get disappointing now.

02-27-08, 01:36 AM
The night was quiet, almost peaceful to the young half-cat's ears. She had just dropped off Mylie with Natuski and Mitsuki. The two sisters had been glad to watch her young mischievous daughter. Rainee was just glad to have a night free from her daughter's constant questions. Recently ever since her latest nightmare at Grace Manor, her daughter had become more precipitative to her mother's mood. When the half cat was happy, her daughter was happy and constantly asked what they would do that day. When she was sad, Mylie would call her "moody mommy" then go and make her mother a beautiful picture, or try and cook her up something tasty.

Mylie's cooking trials had been complete failures, but the mother had eaten them anyway just to see her little girl's happy smile. For now though, she had bid Mylie farewell and had told her sister sitters to keep an eye on her kitten and make sure that she stayed out of trouble. After that she had left the beautiful inn that she had left the trio in. Then she had gone out into the quiet Radasanth streets. The minute she had she realized perhaps it might've been better for her to stay with her daughter. The shops were closing, many of the shop keeps bringing in their goods. The day life was switching to night life as she watched less desirable consumers sauntering out onto the cobblestone streets.

Sniffling her nose, Rainee turned to head back into the inn. She wanted to book her own private room before the inn closed up. However, before she could a man dressed in dark brown robes stood before her. A mask ornate and deep white covered his face. Holding up a finger he said "Miss Lightening? Sin Nomine has a request for you!"

Rainee groaned as she folded her ears in distaste. Shaking her head she said rigidly "I have no time for Sin Nomine now. I-"

A finger was held up as the man said in a deep voice "Sin Nomine knows all. We've heard of your trouble at your home. A cursed orb held a demon, the demon came out and attacked your purity. You now have a dark blight on your heart. Well" holding up a folded parchment, he held it out to the cat-girl and said easily "This should prove to be a good place to assert your aggression."

Pursing her lips, Rainee begin to read the parchment. Miss Lightening, Sin Nomine is requesting your help in the Conquest Trials. Your esteemed victory in Sister's Grove has granted you this high honor. Please head to this location and register your privileged name! Fight hard for our cause! We look forward to hearing good news when you return home Lightening! Shaking her head, Rainee was about to tell the mysterious man "No, she already had plans to relax tonight." However, much to the half cat's dismay, the man had already disappeared.

Meowing in annoyance, Rain's tail wagged slightly as she was about to ignore Sin Nomine's request. She had already helped them once, in her current mind set she knew that she would not be much help for them right now. But, much to her dismay the inn was already locked. The cat mother had discovered this when she had walked right into the wooden door.

Rubbing her nose, as tail and all she had fallen onto the cobble stone street. She was about to rise to her feet, when a man, dressed in a thick black trench coat and wearing dark glasses moved to help her up. His voice was suave as he said sweetly "Sweet little kitty, you should watch your step, come on, let me-"

"Don't touch me!" Rainee growled as she brushed the man's hand away. The fact that their were three rings on his finger, and that he smelled like heavy liquor, turned the half cat's nose. Thinning her lips, Rainee marched past a trio of girls who were laughing behind the man's back. Heading away from the safer part of town, Rainee soon find herself in the district where the citadel was located.

Licking her lips, Rainee was sure that she could smell some sort of scent here. Some scent of war, of battles long since waged. Looking up at the moon, the half-cat was almost sure that somehow Sin Nomine had guided her here. Pulling out the parchment that her mysterious guide had given her. She now knew that she was right. The location that was highlighted on the map was indeed the citadel.

Looking up at the full white moon Rainee shouted "Curse it all! Why do I have to be here? I dont' want to get out my aggression this way...I just want to-" her rant was cut short as she paused. Placing a finger on her lips, she reconsidered her options. She knew that Sin Nomine was trying to make the world a safer place, they considered her a valuable member. That meant, that she was obligated to help them.

Realizing this, Rainee begin to make her way towards the towering building. Soon she was at the Citadel's great door. Pushing it open, she was soon greeted by a monk, the monk's long brown hair was accented by his pale white robes. Extending a hand he murmured in a soft voice "Welcome Miss Miyami. I recognize you from long ago, you fought here with one Corin Rivfader?"

Rainee's eyes shut tightly, in a pained voice she murmured "Please do not mention that name kind sir..."

"But!" the monk's voice was feeble as he said "You and he fought bandits! You won! I remember..."

Rainee held up a finger as she said sagely "Love can be found and lost sir monk. I think I need not say anymore..."

The monk seem flabbergasted, but under the cat-girl's heavy stare he fell silent. Motioning with a finger towards a dark looking monk who sat behind a heavy looking desk he muttered "Your here for the Conquest Trials are you not?"

Rainee nodded mutely as she said "Yes..."

"Good then, register under your power group there, then a monk will be summoned to lead you to your battle field." the pale monk said as he bowed and disappeared back into the recesses of the Citadel.

Sighing the half cat approached the dark looking monk. Coughing slightly to get his attention she murmured "I'm here to register for the Conquest Trials?"

"Ah al right." The monk said in a deep voice, producing a quill, he handed it to her then sat back waiting for her to fill in her power group and her name.

Knowing Sin Nomine's need for secrecy, the half cat filled in her name as "Lightening" she then wrote her power group as Sin Nomine. Smiling as she handed the quill back to the dark monk she murmured "That is all?"

"Yes" the dark monk said, he then snapped his fingers and a monk dressed in pale red robes appeared.

This monk was female as she said jovially "Ah this way! This way! I am Therese!" she then led the sullen half cat down a dim hall. She then pointed at a swirling portal.

Blinking Rainee was about to ask "What is this?' being much more used to the simple doors, that led to the magical battle fields.

A grin laced the monk's face as she said softly "Just go in and see."

Rainee groaned but obeyed the monk. Soon she was pulled by her naval into the swirling vortex. It felt like a full ten minutes had passed before the swirling portal coughed her out.

Landing on a dark plain, her eyes took a few minutes to adjust. A field long and endless stood before the half-cat. There were small rocks, and some larger ones dotted around the vast green moist fields, she could hear the chitter of some kind of animal, but she thought that the monks who created this place had no sense of style, nor no real sense of challenge. Shaking her head as she looked up at a sky that mirrored the one outside the citadel she thought The monks really must have just tossed this on us, they used no sense of imagination in creating this battle field...

After she had studied the battle field a mixture of death and decay came to the cat's strong sense of smell. Shriveling her nose, the half cat called out hopefully "Elves? I do hope your my partners? I'd," looking at the dark ghoul's figure she hissed "hate to have that monstrosity as my team mate." she then sighed as she nothing but the chirp of crickets could be heard.

Shaking her head the cat-girl said dully "This place is so boring, the monks must've had no imagination when they created it!' Rainee's eyes then looked over at the elf twins again and she thought, as her eyes also shifted to the ghoul's figure I do hope those elves are my partner...I'd have to have to work with an undead fiend...those things are more interested in eating living flesh...then helping it...

02-27-08, 11:45 PM
Despite the sun firmly up in the sky and the town outside doing it's business, including the blacksmith workshop almost directly below him, Tenki was sound asleep. He'd long since taken to the pattern of sleeping off the day and waking to be active only in the afternoon and nighttime. a sign hung on the outside of his room, announcing his request to be left alone to the rest of the world with a simple painted wood plaque hanging on the door that read: Sleeping, leave a note or come back later. Used to the commotion of the community barracks from the academy had made Tenki a bit of a conundrum in that nine out ten times when he would sleep, it would be light and we'd wake to barely the smallest of noise. However, today was in the firm margin of the other possibility. Tenki was gone from the world. Asleep since just before dawn and still firmly so 8 hours later. However, in his sleep he remained haunted.

Ever since the raid on the town of the Gol'Bron, Tenki had been having nightmares. Horrible ones that made him dread wanting to sleep each night. In his dreams he was accosted by the crew of the lost ship Ephraim to which he had belonged before ending up on Althanas. He knew the ship had, like him, gotten caught in the disturbance they had encountered and had ended up on Althanas in the past. And now in his dreams, the crew was stalking him in a state of undeath, bemoaning their now fruitless dreams and ambitions from life. As he he felt them reach for him, he could do nothing to move against them, feeling too responsible for their demise. In his dreams, he can feel them ripping at his flesh and bones, pulling him every which way. As his body distorts to near unrecognizable, he is finally taken from his listless slumber by both repeated and loud knocking upon his door and the culmination of his nightmare. Tenki's eye flash open, he jerks from his bed, breathing heavily with sweat droplets falling form his face. "Damnit, those dreams again. Am I gonna beat myself up over this forever? I say I've let it go, but my dreams tell me otherwise."

He is pulled from his thoughts once more by the knocking. "Mr. Dougall? Are you in there? I have an important message for you." The voices sounded unsure, but determined, like a lot of the current Gol'Bron themselves with all that had been happening lately. Tenki slipped out of bed and slipped his black matte pants and dark red t-shirt on, learning forward while doing so to allow Luin to pass through the neck hole to rest on the outside of the shirt. before finally even speaking up as he headed to the door. "I'm in here, just a moment." Shortly after which he pulled the door open. Tenki couldn't tell if it was from the fact he probably looked like hell, ironic given his dreams, or the sudden, jerky way he'd opened the door that had the messenger off-guard and agape. Quickly trying to smooth it over he rubbed his hands along his face to try and clear some of the grogginess away. "Sorry, I was still asleep. I keep a bit of an odd schedule. You said you had a message for me?" The messenger was young, maybe 16 or 17 by Tenki's guess. But that would mean the boy was fast and scrappy, able to go long and fast in the delivery of letters and requests. The lad reached into his pocket and pulled out a small scroll, which he handed over without a word as he turned and left.

A hours later, as darkness once more fell upon the land, Tenki made his way among the streets of Radasanth, now in his complete set of clothing including his heavy duster armor plated gloves and heavy boots. His duster buttoned up and with both hood and face guard up, as well as the message scroll still in right hand. It contained his papers for entry into a tournament. Lorenor, one of the few people he'd allowed close to himself on Althanas, had gotten him into the Gol'Bron, and as a member of the Gol'Bron, he was required to help whenever he could. This time it ment a spar against the other powergroups for resources. Tenki caught a grin rereading the last of the note. It was directions to the Citadel. Lorenor, dispite his misgivings had softed up over the time he knew him. In the past he would have fought anytime, any where, and spilled blood needlessly. It seemed this time at least, perhaps because he decided to involve me in this thing, he knew I'd object to anything less than a place where needless loss of life would not need to be worried about. He had been here a few times in the past and knew roughly what to expect, but it never made the building less imposing. It bore an uncanny resemblance to a command tower from his home world really, now that he thought about it. Rapidly pushing such thoughts of home out of his mind's forefront he entered the building. People and Monks rushed about from room to room, to make ready for combat and tending to those injured. He made his way to the reception area, as he did, one of the attendants seemed to recognise him and stood up before Tenki could truly get there.

"Ah, you're Mr. Lorenor's partner in the matches right? We were told about how you'd look and to expect you. Right this way please." the attendant reached out and took the scroll from Tenki's hands only to turn and walk down the halls without even waiting for acknowledgment, so Tenki just followed behind quietly all the way to the room's doorway. Tenki took a deep breath before stepping through, determined not to get as nauseas as he had in the past with these kind of portals. As he ended up on the other side, it would appear either he willed his way over the disorientation or had finally gotten used to it. A minor fact which bugged him a bit as he had always hated transport spells. As he mulled it over he took in the oddities of the field and began to think up how to adapt to it. Spotting Lorenor first, he made his way over to the ghoul, hood and face guard cloth from his duster still in place as he came alongside his partner and took a good look at their opponents... all three of them.

"I thought you said this was a two on two match. Why do we have three opponents against us?" He commented to his friend, a notable tone of amusement in his voice. It was very unlike Lorenor to have bad intel. About the same time, Luin, who had remained quiet the whole trip, spoke up.
"If you prepare for combat, am I to set up?" the query echoed outward from the split arrowhead type pendant around his neck. "You got it. Just consider this training for now. There are medics on hand and everything should this get troublesome." Tenki replied. "I'm on it. Set Up." For a moment a light metal tone, like a child piano, rang out and the pendant disappeared from around Tenki's neck. As Tenki reached out with his left hand, the shaft of Luin's Lancer Form pulled itself into existance with a flash of the purple glow associated with the pair's technomagic. By the time Tenki had actually grabbed it, the entire weapon had formed from butt end of the shaft to the split bladed top of the spear-like weapon. nearly as tall as Tenki itself, the weapon looked fearsome.

02-28-08, 11:28 AM

Gathering in their meeting hall; the Thayne observed the playing field before them with quiet intensity. Gathered before a large table made of some material that only the Thayne knew how to manipulate; a representation of the world of Althanas was etched upon the field. Each of the main players were etched upon the board. Many of Althanas' great heroes and dastardly villains were represented with small figurines upon the table. Gathered before the table were the Greater Thayne; Hromagh The Strong, the representative of Kachuk, Khal'jaren the Sage, representative of the Black Desert in Raiaera, Draconus the Ancient, representative of Gorandis, Corone, Y'edda the Wild, representative of Ruild, Concordia Forest, Jomil the Hermitess, representative of the Wilderlands in Berevar, V'dralla the Fair, representative of Bal Cada, Elorren.

Each one of the Greater Thayne was visible in their native aspects. Hromagh was a large beast of a man with a bull like head, and wild mane resembling that of a lion. He would be the leader and representative of the Thayne except Lord Draconus was the leader of the group. Draconus ruled with an iron fist and had a huge following of people for his particular religion in the sects located within Gorandis. Draconus had the largest following of all the Thayne second only to the Lady N'Jal. Whose forces were rapidly growing in Gorandis as well as the other lands of Althanas. Lord Draconus was manifested as a large humanoid dragon that towered even Hromagh the Strong's vast physique! All of the gathered Thayne were present and accounted for. Minutes from the last meeting were read and a great deal of concern was heard in the voice of the Thayne who read the minutes; Khal'Jaren. His physical manifestation was that of a great sage who wore dark robes and appeared as a huge mantis. His was the way of knowledge and intellect versus the ways of warfare that his siblings possessed. Finished reading the minutes from the last meeting Khal'Jaren looked upon his siblings with a sad expression on his mysterious face. His eyes flashed with the code of an ancient wisdom that was his and his alone. This knowledge made him fearsome almost above all other of the Thaynes; except for Lady N'Jal.

"The whole world is in a state of warfare now. I hope that you are happy now." Khal'Jaren said quietly, in an accusatory tone of voice. Draconus looked up and responded before Hromagh could. "War is the only way things get done. We've been over this. Your philosopher's ways are the ancient ways. They are no longer applicable to the current state of events. We listen to your counsel but action is needed! Not flowery words." Lord Draconus said and stomped the table with his hand. For a moment, all of the pieces of the board leaped upward and were thrust in a confusing jumble upon the table. There was a clattering sound as the pieces landed with the rough noise that they landed in.

There was an uncomfortable silence.

A full ten minutes passed before the Thayne resumed conversation. It was Khal’Jaren that broke the silence. “So this is what we’ve become? A body of war mongers? What of the faithful who still believe in us? How do we reward them?” It was Hromagh the Strong that replied this time; cutting Lord Draconus off at the pass. “The universe is made of conflict. We were created due to conflict and strife. We must test our subjects to the fullest degree possible. There are those that still follow our ways and worship in solitude. Like the Gol’Bron, our chosen people.” Hromagh said. “We reveal our will through their Prophet. Ranger Nailo. The Black Hand and the Red Hand answer as both our extended arm and our weapon. They have grown considerably as a township center now.”

“But their enemies move against them. How shall we aide them?”

“We do not interfere directly.” Lady Y’Edda said. She was a beautiful woman guised as an avian. Her wings were wrapped firmly about her voluptuous body. She was one of the many female Thayne forged with a physical shell that was complete perfection. She stared at her siblings with a certain aloof air about herself; yet there was a danger there that all the Thayne seemed to possess. “We reward those who serve us by giving them our gifts as we’ve always done in the past.”

“What of N’Jal’s return?” Khal’Jaren the Sage asked.

“We do nothing.” Hromagh returned with a quip.

“But she is our enemy! She is the exiled one! Our Inquisitors; the Knights of Dawn have sworn open siege warfare against her forces for a millennia! And you recommend we do nothing to prepare for schemes and plotting?”

“Your outburst will be stricken from the record Khal’Jaren.” Draconus mused whilst he rubbed his chin. “Our servants will defeat N’Jal like they have multiple times throughout history. The rise of her cults mean nothing to us. Her rising influences means nothing. Be sure to note that Khal’Jaren our servants even now prepare for her arrival at Valinatal. The Inquisitors are come.” Draconus spoke.

“What of Lorenor?” Lady Y’Edda spoke in response. “He is in the Conquest Trials representing the Gol’Bron. Such a strange turn of events, do you not agree my siblings?” There was a murmur of surprise as the mention of one of their most interesting pawns. A servant of N’Jal named Lorenor V’Halkulus. “He will cause a great deal of turmoil like he always does; but he will prove useful to our cause. He has become a strong member of the Gol’Bron. He has reacquired much of his lost power.”

“Do you suspect he knows the truth?” Lady Y’Edda asked.

“It is doubtful.” Khal’Jaren responded. “He is bonded with one of those damned monsters so it is possible he knows something. But unlikely that he knows the truth this early in the game. But one day; I am certain he will know who he is.”

“He has been kept in the dark long enough.” Lord Draconus added.

“He will have to earn the truth. The Conquest Trials is just one possible path to the truth. What shall we do if he succeeds?” Hromagh the Strong said.

“He shall know who he is because it has already begun.” Lord Draconus responded and all gathered grew silent…


Althanas. Floating in the stars as a single speck of cosmic dust. The ethereal tapestry of the stars floated across the eternity. Twinkling forever with the promise of power. This tapestry contained the greatest game of; the cosmic compendium. Only one stage of history, passing quickly into the next; an eternal pulse across time and space. It was in this ocean of stars that the cosmos floated in an endless circular like movement round and round to infinity.

The world spun around itself. Events moved in accordance to the repetitive laws of history as each cycle completed, regurgitated itself and finally started anew. A new tournament rose upon the realm. Sponsored by an unknown host; the tournament called for the power groups of the land to gather together in conflict. One of these Power Groups was called the Gol’Bron; Cult of the Thayne. Representing their ranks was a monster named Lorenor V’Halkulus.

Currently; he sat in a room located within the halls of the Citadel. Busy body Monks moved back and forth across the hallways of the Citadel and a few watched the distinctive battles of the Conquest Trials taking place on their strange information globes. These devices were set up throughout The Citadel for the viewing pleasure of gambler; onlookers, and people who simply enjoyed watching a good scrap. Bets were being placed by representatives of the Imperials as they attempted to greedily corner that market. Agents were present at every corner of the Citadel and carefully booking bets as they formed pots of gold for those lucky enough to gain wins in gambling.

It was a perpetual ocean of activity. Each piece moved like they were meant to move; nay, like they were destined to move. All following the purpose of the day; The Conquest Trials. It was on everyone’s lips, on everyone’s mind and the whole of Corone was temporarily consumed by this event. The Civil War was forgotten for a single moment. And it was on this stage that the war was set. The war between Sine Nomine and the Gol’Bron…

Like hair across the stone surface of the great Althanas mother; distinctly colored blades of grass rose up from the ground. A gentle breeze flowed across the field expanse. It was a flat land, plain in every aspect except for the multitude of colorful grass that resembled the hair of the planet. Waving
with the breeze; the grass seemed to create an eerie rippling effect that almost resembled an ocean. There were several distinct speecies of grass located on the field. Some common to Corone; a few were exotic breeds and others were common to Akashima and other lands, like Salvar.

Across the landscape was a varying assortment of trees. Some were simple oaks with their sturdy, and crooked barks. Branches reached out for the sunlight when it was that time of the day. For now; there was an eternal night as specifically as the senior member of the Gol’Bron asked for. The skies above were blackness and blinking stars; a pregnant moon was the key feature of the night sky. Some clouds lurked across the fixture of the star ocean. They were black in nature to match the colors of the night. Thick shadows befell across the land and moved as the world moved. In the distance were great hills that descended in harsh angles. Some great and some small.

Many boulders jutted out from beneath the ground. These boulders seemed to be crooked and were bent at odd angles. Some of the surfaces were completely solid and even; while others sported strange surface anomalies that created eerie angles. Some of these boulders were confusing to look at and had many strange patterns upon their granite surfaces. It was on one of these many smaller boulders that Lorenor sat at. The room’s illusion was momentarily lifted as people began to arrive on the chosen battlefield.

He’d seen the field in his dreams; taunted by the Dark Mother. She told him that the plains would give him a tactical advantage and a blessing from Lady Y’Edda of Concordia Forest. Owls hooted in the distance and night predators waged their eternal war across the darkness for dominion of the savage land. To Lorenor; this place was peaceful. It was serene and had a calming effect on his troubled heart. There was a purpose for his presence in The Citadel. He wasn’t here to fight just any battle; he was here to represent the cause of the Thaynehood. Most importantly; he was here to represent the cause of N’Jal.

People arrived. And soon there was a crowd interrupting the ghoul’s zen-like state. Sighing as people began to arrive; Lorenor looked up at the strangers coming towards him. One of the faces; he knew. Friend and fellow Gol’Bron member, Tenki Dougall, arrived in a completely battle-ready stance. The ghoul acknowledged his friend’s inquiries. “I was told this was supposed to be a two versus two battle. Maybe the arrangements were made different for our opponents here. It is no matter. We shall simply have to defeat them as they are.” Lorenor said and stood up. “Cross blades with blades, the battle is nigh.” Lorenor walked gracefully over towards his favored weapon. A damascus long sword he’d jammed into the ground nearby to prepare for the battle in silence, personal thought.

He had history with his friend. The two had worked together in the past, this would give them a tactical advantage. Nodding towards his friend, he grabbed his weapon in his hand by the grip, then he rotated the long sword skillfully and pointed it towards his opponents. “Listen to me children!” He began with his words. “I shall offer you this one chance at surrender. Give up now and there won’t have to be any senseless bloodshed. I am here to win a tournament and represent the Thayne. Not fight against little children! My goddess has told me of the Power Group you belong to. My goddess has whispered to me the name of Sine Nomine. You stand for a useless cause assembling against the chosen people of the Thayne. Stand down. If you back down now you won’t live to regret your decision later. I don’t want to have to hurt either of you pretty ladies.”

He waited for their response. A battle between the two Power Groups would be the fault of Sine Nomine.

02-28-08, 09:02 PM
The twins didn’t have to wait too long for the third party to arrive in the arena of ultimate bland. Standing shoulder to shoulder, Shanaë and Tanaë observed as the feline woman with the brilliant blue hair. Given their own unnaturally white locks, the shock was a little less than would be expected. Almost on instinct, the girls started sizing the newcomer up for both threat and ally. As a member of the feline race, she would doubtless have greater agility and flexibility, and the fact that she carried both a sword and a bow was something to note. Carelessly getting too close or too far would pose a problem.

Then she spoke.

“If you do not know who your teammate is, I would venture a guess that we are the ones hired by Sine Nomine to fight at your side.” Shanaë spoke, clearly the more dominant of the two. The elder sister waited for the cat-woman to close the distance that remained before speaking up again. There was no use in giving information that could be used against you in a fight to your enemy. “We are the mercenaries Lucis. I am Shanaë, and this is my dear sister Tanaë.”

Somewhat bored with doing nothing but stand around and wait, Tanaë split her attention between watching the ugly monster and playing a one-person game of cats cradle. For string, she simply touched her forefingers together, pulled them a good distance apart, and then touched them together again. It was difficult to see even up close in the moonlight, meaning her opponents would see nothing whatsoever, but a single loop of thread wove its way around her hands while she occupied herself.

Dear sister, it seems the fourth party has arrived.

Hearing Tanaë’s voice in the back of her mind, Shanaë smiled. It was simple enough to peer through her sister’s eyes thanks to their unique sisterly bond, so the elder twin watched as the boy conversed with his teammate. It was times like this that made both girls wish that they knew how to read lips; the enemy’s tones were low, even with their elven ears, and nothing of import came across the distance. Then the thing spoke.

Children? We’re older than you are, you bastard freak of magic. My goddess this. My goddess that. Thayne whatever.

If there was one thing neither woman could stand, it was a preacher on a battlefield. Gods and goddesses were good and all that, but when it came down to it, they were nothing but aloof observers more interested in watching a fun game than actually doing something with the world.

“Get your own opinions you worthless sack of rotten flesh.” That would be Tanaë taunting the ghoul. “Neither I nor my sister have any reservations against turning a freak of magic like you into an inanimate pile of meat and bones like you should be. Your friend there is no safer; we were hired by Sine Nomine, and we will fulfill our contract. No matter what the cost. Now shut up like a good little meat bag and die already.”

And that would be her way of saying “No thank you” to his proposal of laying down their arms.

Shanaë turned to the catgirl with no illusions of anything but total annihilation of their opponents. They were going to savor killing him.

“Do you have any plans, miss… or are we just going to make things up as we go along?”

02-28-08, 09:50 PM
Seeing the arrival of the fourth party member, Rainee sighed. In this game of blood and war it always seemed that men decided that woman were paltry subjects. Not worth their time nor their sword. It had happened with Corin, that hybrid of a man had used her, abused her and ultimately shown her that she was nothing but a trophy meant to be kept and shined by his side. Now, now it seemed no different. As she watched the blonde haired man join the horrible ghoul. She groaned, turning to look at the twins, she gave them a wry smile as she heard due to her animal instincts the small sound of their two opponents talking.

Not hearing much, but smiling at the elf twins she muttered "Yes, it is just like Sin Nomine isn't it? They shroud themselves in secrecy and even in the face of these Conquest Trials, they do not tell us who our partners are." extending a hand with a warmer smile she murmured "I'm Lightening in Sin Nomine, but to you, you may call me Rainee Miyami." her silver eyes then darkened as they fell once more on the two males, in a side way whisper she muttered "Isn't it just like men? They think they have it all, think they can over power us. Just watch I bet you anything one of them will say why don't we give up? Just so that we don't have to dirty our pretty nails with blood!"

True to her prediction, one of the men, the one who smelled like a mixture of rotten flesh and grave yard soil said, in what she was sure he assumed was a kind voice, for them to lay down their arms. Hissing softly, she shouted "What makes you think we'd want to? You stupid bag of decayed flesh! We were hired here to fight, our power group Sin Nomine does not back down from a challenge!" Moving to unsheathe her bow, she pulled out one of her arrows and placed the arrow snugly in the bow string. Through gritted teeth she let an arrow fly.

It did not land on either the ghoul, nor the blonde haired man, it landed near an arrow shaped rock, the one that the ghoul had been sitting on at the time that the feline had been coughed out of the portal. Grinning jovially, the half cat then turned back to her twin elf partners. In a sure voice she said "Lets kick their ass girls! They don't deserve any mercy! To me that ghoul seems to be sexist! He thinks we are weaker then him!" turning to replace her bow and arrow, she took out Sparks Petals and held it firmly in her hands.

Hearing Tanae's question, Rainee grinned and said easily "Lets first see how they attack and move. Then we'll base our actions on that." she then turned to face her two opponents again. She was ready, she needed to let this aggression out. Her body still was bruised slightly from her rumble with Belial, her mind as well was thinking Men, they just lead to destruction. You don't need them to be strong! I'll prove that here and now!

03-01-08, 09:18 PM
(Minor Bunny Pre-approved)

As the sides formed up and choice words were exchanged, Tenki prepared. Taking the nod from Lorenor as a quiet signal to prepare to open strong, he backed away a few steps while Lorenor seemed to go make nice. Tenki took stock of the combatants for a moment, not just his opponents, but Lorenor as well as the feeling of being out of place again returning to the pit of his stomach for a moment. Whether Lorenor truly intended to offer a peaceful solution or not Tenki could only guess. Lorenor had been changing lately, becoming more apt to think of others. Of course not before himself. But if he believed there could be mutual benefits, he'd try. Compared to when he first met Lorenor as a brash act first questions later slayer of the living, it was practically night and day.

And so his attention turned to their opponents. The young catgirl and the twin elfin girls about that appeared about this age. All of them seemed well armed indeed, meaning a prolonged fight would likely be a danger to himself and Lorenor. Especially considering Lorenor's flair for ending up with missing pieces during a fight. At that moment he couldn't help but second guess the reason Lorenor made sure they were at the Citadel. Considering the amount of damage any of them were likely to take, the on hand monks would make all the difference, especially considering the way Lorenor's "offer" had unfolded. Tenki shook his head a bit. Like anyone would back down coming this far. They were all here to represent their organizations hopes and dream of power. Tenki himself didn't care except for that as the Gol'Bron grew in power, the higher his chances of locating the Ephraim, in whatever state is may be in, and through that, perhaps some information on how to even try getting home. On top of that, he'd come to know many of the Gol'Bron as friends, almost family, especially Lorenor. As such, he needed the Gol'Bron to gain power to further his own modest goals.

Tenki, now slunk back a bit to be out of their opponents, took several deep breaths so as to prepare himself properly. The slower he could build up his initial power, the better shape he'd be in the whole fight. Like any other part of the body, his Linker Core, the bodily organ that was the source of his magic worked better if eased into action, stretched first as opposed to shoved into action. He dared not closed his eyes to prepare like he would in a friendly spar, as the situation was clearly in no way friendly by this point. Pushing his power up and out during breaths in, and storing it away once more on the release of those breaths. About the time he was ready to begin building, a lone arrow embedded itself in the rock in front of him. It startled Tenki for a moment before he realized what it was... a bit of fun to put the two on edge. The proverbial shot across the bow. Tenki grinned as he looked at Lorenor in time to catch a quick hand signal. A signal devised by the two after the last raid upon their town by Corone so they could co-ordinate quietly. Opening gambit decided, Tenki's face grew solemn as they were about to return the shot in spades. Gathering his will easily and quickly from his few precious moments of quiet, Tenki formed a ball of energy above his right hand, his tale tale shade of purple forming the coating to the sphere. Luckily, under the bright night sky the field afford them, his own spell's dim light would barely be noticeable. Gathering the energy without a word and as fast as he could pump it up to as strong as he could manage to make it. Not much compared to what many of the higher-ups on his home world could manage in even a pinch he was sure, but compared to the normal weapon on this world, it had a heck of a kick. After about only eights second of preparation, Tenki let loose with the true opening salvo of the battle. The sphere rocketed across the field with the same bullet-like speed his weaker shots were known to travel at, impacting the soft dirt of the field a mere few feet ahead of the trio. The dirt, small rocks and grass tore loose of their home at ground level and flew up and out, making quite the mess. and a small crater from the force of it all. Of course, Tenki had never intended to hit any of them directly with that blast. What he wanted was only now obvious a second or two later. A small cloud worth of dust, dirt, grass and other floating bits was now placed in such a way as to hopefully obscure the girls view to some degree.

Now was the time to act. Tenki brought Luin to his side and dashed toward the cloud, strafing around it as fast as he could run. With a bit of luck, he could get around to the side of the Twins before they got their bearings back.

03-01-08, 10:04 PM
Beneath him; the ground felt hard and slightly uneven at various places. He was grateful for the comfortable boots he now wore. They would assist him in the combat ahead. Waist-high grass danced with the movement of the All-Thayne's breath. Saying a slight prayer to N'Jal; the ghoul prepared himself mentally for the task at hand. And suddenly; an arrow was launched through the air. Lorenor frowned deeply as he noticed the careful aim of the arrow's traveling path; and ultimately, its landing position. With a small thunk sound; the projectile embedded itself along one of the sides of the rock he'd just used as an impromptu chair. Lorenor turned to stare at the arrow...it had his name on it.

Hissing into the wind; Lorenor walked slowly over towards the boulder with sword in hand. He quickly examined the arrowhead...iron. The metal reflected the light of the moon causing a shine to occur where it was stuck inside the surface of the rock. The ghoul immediately moved against the single oaken haft of the arrow; sending a clean blade slice towards the center of the shaft. A moment later; there was the barely audible sound of something getting cut in two clean pieces. Bits of wooden chips fell to the ground. The tail end of the arrow fell to the ground making a small thud sound. Lorenor looked at the arrowhead for a moment and saw his own reflection located therein. Glowing purple eyes stared back at him for the briefest of moments.

Turning his attention back to the task at hand; the ghoul prepared himself to take his opponent, Rainee, dead on. Then; Tenki attacked with his slick maneuver. A cloud of dust and debris erupted into the air causing the ghoul to have to fall back on his superior senses. He covered his face with his hood for a moment and tensed up as the cloud passed, thanks to the wind.

He felt his visibility go down to zero for a brief moment but that was all that the ghoul needed. Relaxing his conscious self for a moment; his sense took on their fullest capacity. Like a spider; he was able to see by sensing the vibrations all around him within his sensory grid. Picking up an acute image of the battlefield and the position of the enemy; the monster quickly reacted to the strategy of the moment. The imagery was solid up to four feet in nature; and then the rest was guesswork. No other attacks came. Instead; the ghoul decided it was time for the Red Hand side to counter. Moving quickly through the dust cloud; he saw the infrared form of the cat-girl a few paces ahead of him.

Traveling quickly across the grounds before him; the ghoul moved without making a single sound. With the cover of dust cloud; Lorenor hoped he had a chance to continue the preemptive assault. Spinning his damascus masterwork sword in his hand for a few rotations as he moved; the ghoul was graceful in his actions. He used his advanced swordplay skills to good measure. Experience in the Dajas Pagoda; and training with the Monks of Ai'Bron prepared the small warrior for the task at hand.

Switching over to his heat vision was a matter that last but a moment. He could clearly see the infrared body of the girl shining brightly in the darkness. He assumed it was Rainee's form since no others had come through the doorway except the trio of opponents. It created a sort of ethereal effect of billions of tiny branches flowing out into the air giving off body warmth. Blood pulsed as her heart beat with every passing second; enticing the ghoul further. He was able to see a bright red form that was clearly female but lacked enough resolution to completely be certain that it was Rainee. There were other forms near the girl; but the twins were largely ignored. The world outside of the sensory grid was covered by an ethereal fog. The further out he attempted to see; the cloudier images became until they were distorted beyond recognition.

Lorenor's sensory grid moved with him as he moved.

Once he was well within acting range; the ghoul prepared his primary assault. With perfect form; the ghoul spun his weapon so it was facing Rainee. He lunged his attack from within half pace; coming directly at her. There was no hesitation in his attack. The predator moved with one clear purpose in his thoughts; to end this battle quickly. He noticed the weak arsenal she had with her; it would not be enough to stop his assault. He noticed that once he was well within range. Lunging his weapon with both hands; he aimed his attack directly at her sternum with the pointed end of his weapon. The damascus blade seemed to shine brilliantly in the dark. The attack was calculated; sudden, and completely lethal. The ghoul would make her pay for her insolent remarks. He moved without sound as he attacked.

His thoughts were calm and serene as he prepared for any counter reaction she might make. All the while; his senses made the world appear in a fog, the fog became clearer as he moved closer and passed across the cloud of debris. And soon; he was upon her. He hoped that with his attack he could claim her life early.

03-02-08, 11:33 PM
Both women smiled at the revelation of Rainee’s code name; it may have been a small matter of trust, but every bit helped when facing opponents who obviously knew each other rather well. If Sin wished to modify their contract, perhaps a nickname of their own would come in handy. It didn’t take much deliberation between the sisters before Shanaë spoke again.

“Well, Lightening, ‘The Gambit’ will not let you down.”

Something caught Tanaë’s eye after Rainee fired her warning shot – the final placement was clearly not a miss judging from the catgirl’s reaction to the arrowhead’s landing. The “something” that had her attention was a dull, growing ball forming around one of their opponents’ hands. So the Gol’Bron had neither tact nor a sense of honor. Typical. He fired.

“Hit the dirt” was the first thing that crossed the twins’ shared consciousness, but it wasn’t exactly what happened. They managed to bend their knees and start moving, but the shot was far too fast. Strangely enough, the ball’s trajectory was also too low. It could have been a magical misfire, but it could also have been a trap. The dirt hit them for a change. Tanaë dropped her impromptu game of string at the revelation of a dust screen and both girls pulled at the exceptionally wide obi wrapped around their waists, slipping the extravagant magenta knot out of existence in precious seconds before the six-meter-long belts fell to the ground. While Shanaë threw her fancy kimono forward into the cloud of dust, Tanaë held onto the collar of hers and waited facing left, her back toward Rainee.

Slick leather covered only the girls’ beasts and hips, exposing the rest of their succulent tanned flesh to the night air. It was while mostly unclothed that the only visible difference emerged between the girls. Discounting the red heart on Shanaë’s right shoulder and the black club tattooed on her sister’s left, the barely-younger woman had slightly smaller curves up top. Inside the dust cloud, however, visibility was low enough that the point in differentiating between them was as useful as asking a whore how many men she’s slept with.

Shanaë had forty-seven, Tanaë was working at thirty-three.

A lance plowed into the cloud from the side; the same man who caused the storm in the first place was the one to instigate first blood, or at least he wanted to. Shanaë had long since drawn one of her three ninja-to, held inverted in her left hand, and as soon as Tanaë threw her garment toward the offending kid to block his view, the elder sister attacked using her sister’s eyes for positioning. She lunged forward toward his back to make a swipe at his exposed side on the way through while Tanaë drew her bastard sword and swung a preventative slash in front of him, the blade crossing her body from her right. If he charged through the garment, he would be contending with a heavy blade. Stepping back would mean fighting a smaller, faster weapon that could out-maneuver his lance.

03-04-08, 12:47 AM
The air was silent, almost epic, it felt as if the crickets themselves had stopped their chirping just from the tension. The two teams were poised, ready for battle. The team of females were brash, taunting their opinions and demeaning their offer of peace. The males had responded with their own plan of attack. The moment that the air became thick with debris and gray dust. The female cat tensed, her ears were pricked, ready, listening for even the smallest of sounds. She knew from experience that men liked to be sneaky. That they planned their attacks with the utmost calm, then they shattered you from the inside.

Her weapon felt light in her hands, its blade almost singing for any blood. It had just recently been in battle, the demon blood that still coated it was thick, but faded. The half-cat could just see the slightest tinge of crimson on the blade's otherwise smooth silver surface. As bits and pieces of shiny green grass flew like a whirlwind around Rainee's eyes, the half-cat knew she'd have to rely on her other senses. Closing her eyes, closing off her view of the dust-coated world. Rainee relaxed her body, she let her sense of smell take over, she let her sense of touch take over. She would use just these two senses, to figure out where her opponents were.

Her ears twitched methodically as Rainee could smell the dusty earth, it smelled like old dried out soil, one that had been left out too long in the sun without water. She could also sense the fresh dewy scent of rain that had fallen on the grass. This relaxed the half cat until she begin to scent out a new smell, one that she did not find pleasant at all. Glad that she had let go of her sense of sight, she knew now that one of the two males was approaching her.

From the scent she knew it was not the blonde haired human, wriggling her noise at the scent of grave yard soil and decay. Her whole body tensed in preparation for battle. Pursing her lips as she scented the air, she could smell the metallic scent of a blade heading somewhere for her chest. Gritting her teeth, Rain though shrewdly I don't think so...you underestimate me! she then pivoted gracefully, her tail waving almost teasingly at the ghoul as she easily avoided his attack using her natural agility.

She then raised Sparks Petals above her head, her face was one of sheer determination as she aimed a swift slash for the ghoul's exposed thigh. Once her movements were finished, she tucked Sparks Petals lightly against her own thigh.

Then to avoid any counterattack, she rolled forward across the smooth cold soft grass. Rising to her feet again. Rainee's tail moved rhythmically in the shining blue rays of moonlight as she waited to see if her attack had hit. Her heart was light though and it felt as if some giant ball of stress had been relieved from Rain's heart. Maybe that mysterious man from Sin Nomine had been right. Perhaps this battle was just what the half-cat needed to get all the aggression that clung to her heart out.

03-04-08, 06:59 PM
As he made his way through the cloud of earth and debris; his attack was successfully pushed through the dirt. He moved with fluid form and grace; every reaction controlled and carefully commanded. Forethought and a bit of strategic thinking prepared him for any potential maneuver that his opponent might make. He could tell by the rushing of her heart; that the cat-girl was built for speed. When you could see the blood form of another organism; you could learn a great deal about them. Blood pulsed through the air sending her sweetly seductive scent through the air.

Her figure was provocative to the ghoul’s eyes. She was well curved and distinctively beautiful to his eyes. Any other time; he wouldn’t have minded bedding her. But during this particular meeting; they had to cross blades and spill blood. Pity. He would have loved to see those pretty lips put to good use around his organ. As expected; she maneuvered around his superior assault. His skill would account for everything he had to plan to survive this battle against her person.

As she moved; Lorenor studied her movements and began to calculate subtle mistakes she made as she moved. There were openings in the imperfect counter that she made. Mistakes that her lack of skill would allow him to exploit. Oh she was agile. Oh she was fast. Lorenor made no mistake in underestimating her capacity for movement; but she was undisciplined in movement. She was undisciplined in technique. She attempted to counter with inferior tactics using an inferior weapon.

Lorenor’s education was crafted in the fires of war. He knew that he was the superior of the two warriors. He reveled in this thought. Embellished it’s simple truth. He would have to keep the pressure on his opponent until she made a mistake. It was as simple as that. His damascus blade flashed through the air as he moved with it. She reacted to his movements by countering him. The fool. Lorenor thought as he quickly stepped backwards to evade her weapon’s attack. She’d countered with an assault to his thigh which was met with a simple and graceful backwards stepping.

Preparing himself for another attack; the ghoul was ready. He brought his weapon up to offensive position once again. There was grace in every movement he made. There was skill in every technique he used. His form was absolutely beautiful to watch. One had to admire the skill that the sack of dead meat used in combat. He was a trained killer. The stalker prepared for a secondary assault and slashed with an air of boredom at her sternum once more. The creature started to toy with her. He clearly thought of her as an inferior opponent. “If that’s the best you can do you should be running away now.” Lorenor said casually; indifferent.

03-04-08, 10:43 PM
As Tenki prodded the edge of the cloud of debris he'd created, a large, brightly colored kimono fluttered in the air just in front of him. Bringing Luin around in a quick spin from it's near mid length grip, he was able to catch the fabric on the but end of shaft and pulled it down out of the air and to the ground as part of the maneuver in a smooth motion. With the clothing out of the way and the dust finally starting to settle, Tenki had a clear view of one of the twins. A clear view of one of the twins in nothing more than the equivalent of skimpy underwear.

Oh, and a black spade tattoo on her left shoulder. It would have been sexually arousing it not for the large bastard sword in her hand and other blades attached to the leather straps around her body as well as their earlier show of grotesque language. Pulling Luin out of the last of the spin used to take the kimono out of his way, Tenki leaned right into the swing from the bastard sword, bringing the bladed end of his weapon into close and personal with it. They met with a resounding clang that echoed in the higher range of human hearing. The weapons locked together for several moments in struggle, pushing against each other and wiggling back and forth minutely along part of their opponent's lengths. For thse few moments, all of Tenki's focus was on the one twin directly in front of him. During these moments, Tenki had been ill unaware of the other twin's location, but not completely forgetful. Luin however, reminded him in the utmost fashion.

"Intercept priority to rear: distance minimal" Luin barked out on its own accord, desperate to alert his partner. Without much time to react, or think it through, Tenki pushed all his weight hard down through Luin and upon his opponent's weapon in an brunt force attempt to either drop her weapon or at least make her step away for a few precious moments he needed. Having brought his weight to bare, Tenki now brought his focus to the incoming attacker, the other twin. Stepping back every so slightly to replant his feet, Tenki took Luin into a large, arcing back swing traveling just ahead of Tenki's peripheral vision like a giant clock hand from his spot. It was a wide swing, meant be as much as warning as an impromptu attack should the girl not stop herself in time. The one with the black tattoo he just just tried to push on however, would likely recover in short order and be on top of him again. Taking it calmly and one step at a time, Tenki's focus was on reacting to the most urgent threat. For all involved, the choices were going to be fast in coming from this point on.

03-05-08, 10:49 PM
Tanaë’s kimono served as a viable distraction, but it was not quite as effective as she hoped it would have been. With one simple move, the boy spun his lance and knocked the thick cloth into the swaying blades of grass, toppling quite a few as gravity and a crisp wind fought for dominance over the fabric. When the younger twin met the resistance of a lance, she shifted her grip and fought back to bide time for Shanaë to strike from behind.

The plan would have worked except for the fact that it didn’t. Shoved back onto the ground, her form was nearly swallowed by the auburn stalks and clearing air. The bastard sword she loved so much flew from her grasp and disappeared into the void, so the second blade she carried quickly found its place in her hands. A full four feet from point to cross-guard, it was both heavier and sharper from lack of use.

Shanaë barely had time to register her sister’s realization about the man knowing she was behind him when a wide, sweeping swing of his lance threatened to take her head off. Diving into the grass, her right shoulder caught a somewhat sharp rock otherwise hidden. It stung, but more important was the thin wound that opened on Tanaë’s right shoulder at the exact same time.

A rock? The younger woman asked her sister with thick disdain.

You believed I would allow myself to get hit? Better a stung shoulder than a missing head. The older woman replied sarcastically.

It was the inevitable part of their bond… the sharing of everything, including wounds. Tanaë scowled while Shanaë separated her fingers slightly to reveal a magically created wire between each digit. Small hooks meant for one purpose only caught the nigh-invisible threads as she sprang to her feet and chucked the ninja-to at Tenki. The weapon tumbled as it flew, extending the wires from her left hand effortlessly. Even if her aim was off, she never expected to hit him. That was why she aimed it to the left. The blade flew past, but six feet beyond him, Shanaë jerked her left hand across her body and the trio of double-looped wires tightened up, snapping the tumbling sword to her right and bringing the cutting wires to bear at the boy’s back. If she was lucky, they would wrap around him thanks to the sword’s momentum.

With her right hand, Tanaë looped the garroters that stretched between her fingers over and around the tiny hooks lining the hilt of her great sword. This was both to improve her grip on the weapon and facilitate an easy retrieval should she ever loose it… intentionally or otherwise. She sprinted toward Rainee and the ghoul’s fight, blade held right of her chest. As soon as she was in the range for a lunge, she took it and thrust the blade forward with both hands, still running. The tip was aimed for his gut; her mind didn’t expect it to connect.

03-07-08, 10:50 AM
Pompous bastard! Rainee's mind screamed this as she watched the ghoul evade her attack. His form was fluid, but the cat-girl noticed that despite his elegant grace, their was one flaw with his supposed form. It was his stench, the smell could be sniffed from miles around. A smirk appeared on Rainee's heart shaped face as she thought [I] He is so cocky he doesn't realize his one weakness. His smell, if he tried to come up on her, she'd notice him before he even reached the back of her neck. Shaking her head as she watched his next move. She could almost calculate where his attack was going to come from.

Her lack of fighting had been honed over the past few years. She had to deal first with her wonderful ex-husband, that man had taught her much. That not all men could be trusted, that you need to be on guard with them, so that they don't stab you in the back. This lesson had been hard won because Rainee for a short time had been a trophy for said ass hole of a man. After that however she had began to believe in her own strength. She had raised her daughter Mylie successfully, had sheltered her little girl from these trials that men offer. The cat mother was thankful for this, and she hoped that her little kitten would be spared from men's cruelty for many more years. Now she was a better fighter for it, and she could watch out for herself.

Licking her lips as she watched the shine of his blade pulsate through the still air, she groaned. Raising her arms up, shining silver mythril gauntlets glinted against the night's pale beauty. Not bothering this time to side step, Rainee moved to block the blade's attack at her chest easily. Hearing the ding of the Damascus blade pierce her gauntlets, her tail wagged happily. Looking into the ghoul's pale purple eyes. She hissed at him and then jumped back swiftly.

Air whistled through Rainee's bright blue hair as she agilely landed a nearby rock. She then begin to build up power within her body. She had heard what the decaying fool had said, shaking her head she shouted through the wind "I won't run away! Men like you, that is all you think we're capable of! I'll prove you wrong!" Closing her eyes as bright blue lightening begin to charge around her body, she smiled.

The power was welcome, needed, she had used her magic so many times now, that it felt like a second heart beat to the half cat. As bits of grass and soil begin to whirl around her slender frame, she let the night be illuminated by her shining form. If this old bag of rotten flesh could counter her swords play, then she'd see how he'd do against an attack of a different flavor.

As her body begin to sing, she knew that her attack was nearly ready. Licking her lips as she brought Sparks Petals forward, she placed one of her small hands over the blade. Slowly the lightening bolt engraved on it begin to glow, showering a bright ray of light around the otherwise dim field. Finally lightening singed the blade, as Rainee's power was absorbed by her sword. With this done the half-cat then readied her blade, but while her magic was still strong, she sent a small ball of electricity towards the ghoul.

She then sprinted forward, her feet scurrying silently against the dewy grass. As she neared her electric ball, she used it as cover to do a series of slashes at the bag of old bones, thighs and his chest. She then pivoted around him and rolled behind a rock, as she moved to charge Sparks Petals with more lightening to increase the damage of her attacks.

03-07-08, 06:09 PM
Moments passed as he made his skillful movement towards her chest. Almost expectedly; she countered him and cause his sword to be moved to the side ever so gently. Lorenor knew that what was happening now would signal the end of the battle. The next few moments would be his for all eternity for better or worse. The eyes of Althanas were upon the battlefield and its simple tactical purposes. He initially wanted a flatlands where they could do battle out in the open; without worry of either side attempting to hide or attempting to cheat the field in anyway whatsoever. Lorenor was now grateful that he'd picked such a solid and straightforward battle arena.

There was no place to hide for any of them. Lorenor's accute senses caught Tanae's form the moment she touched his sensory array. The ghoul prepared himself for what he was going to do next. In hindsight; he probably would've done a lot better picking an arena that was slightly more complex...but history was now history. Lorenor knew that there was no changing the battlefield now. Instead; he lived with the decision that he'd made at the onset of the battle. Sine Nomine was nothing but a group of cowards if people like Rainee and the twins were the ones who swelled its ranks. Lorenor thought of that carefully. He learned a great deal about how the Power Group set up its structure just by how these three acted so arrogantly towards himself and his partner.

Whilst his opponent evaded his attack; he could feel something strange happening about her person. She was summoning her true powers. The powers of forces unseen and ancient. Crackling energy started to fill the air and the ghoul understood just what was about to happen. Endgame. Death was on his opponent's tongue. It was on the tip of her blade. She was now coming at him with lethal intent; and the battle got serious in one fell moment. The ghoul grinned. He'd managed to push Rainee's buttons to the breaking point and now it was all or nothing.

Tension and stress filled the air with a simple and violent need to kill. The bastard child prepared himself for what was coming. A lesser warrior would've been caught completely off guard by such an impressive attack. He however, was no fool. Lorenor was battle hardened and trained in the Dajas Pagoda after having spent months sharpening his skill there. He'd seen just about every trick in the book fighting various warriors of every league and skill level.

Yes. The Dajas Pagoda prepared ghoul for what was coming. Lorenor was ready for whatever dirty tricks she would pull out to attempt to claim his life and end the battle. Tensing his muscles until they knotted; the ghoul prepared himself for the attack that he knew was coming. And then; the air erupted with a burst of crackling light. Lorenor shut his eyes immediately as he faced his bane; the light. Sensing the heat rapidly increasing the ghoul instinctively did the thing he knew to do best. He evaded.

Able to visualize the ball of lightning once it came well within range; the ghoul prepared himself. With his legs tensed and the grip around his sword's handle tightened; Lorenor moved. Every fiber of his being screamed at him to get the hell out of the way. Every fiber of his being screamed at him to jump for all that he was worth. The energetic ball came well within range but Lorenor was already on the move. He dreaded to think what such an attack might do to him! Moving through the air; Lorenor concentrated on leaping to the side and did a well calculated roll once he hit the ground moving. He was several paces off to his left. Rising quickly; Lorenor turned to see if the small lightning ball turned on its caster instead of hitting its intended target. Lorenor went back into fighting stance and grinned at Rainee.

"You should have taken my offer and fled while you had the chance. No more games child. The moment of your death has come!"

Lorenor taunted and waited for her reaction to his movements. He successfully moved himself to evade any of the interloper's attacks as well that were aimed at his back.

03-08-08, 10:33 PM
Tenki dropped out of his wild swing as the other Twin threw herself to the ground just in time to avoid his swing. As he came to a stop from the momentum, he repositioned himself as best he could to keep the two in his peripheral vision. He received an interesting rewards for his diligence. As both girls got up, he just able to make out an usual sight. Matching light wounds on both of their right shoulders. He knew he hadn't knocked the one with the black spade to the ground to where that should have been possible. So where had it come from. His mind toyed with it for a moment before the obvious presented itself. "Symbiosis relationship? Now that's useful to know." He muttered to nobody but himself. He also tried to get a better look at the one he'd caused to dive into the tall grass. Other than the difference in weapons, there was barely any major difference he could notice other than minor physical differences. Most of all, this one had a Red Heart tattoo on her left shoulder. Tenki couldn't help but be reminded of experiments in a lab, often marked with minor differences to tell them apart.

He didn't have the time to mull over that thought however, as both girls moved again. The one he'd just faced directly, the one with the Black Spade tattoo, turned and ran off towards where Lorenor and and the other had been fighting. He began to worry for his friend as a two on one odds were never something anyone wanted out of a fight. Once more he was brought from his thoughts as, following the one running away, a lone ninja-to flew past him on his side. For a split second he wondered why Luin hadn't alerted him or taken a defensive action before realizing it himself, the blade was way off to the side. Too off. Something about it was odd, but he didn't have the time to figure it out. He brought his attention back to it's owner, the one with the red heart tattoo. However, before he had a chance to react, he received a nasty surprise as she made a sudden motion and Tenki found himself trapped.

The tug on his back came suddenly and only accelerated in feel around his upper torso. Within a few seconds the sword had seemingly wrapped itself around his torso several times before finally going limp, it's initial inertia finally run out. His saving grace had been his relaxed stance which had prevented his arms from being raised and risk being caught in the wire. He still held Luin in his left hand, at about halfway down its shaft, for whatever good being able to only move his lower arms would do. Rather than freaking out, Tenki let out a deep sigh, wiggling against the tightness a bit to test it. Taking stock it was, in a moment of hindsight, obvious what had happened. The weapon had a tether which had now successfully wrapped around him. Odds were it would be easy to restrict his blood flow easy enough or worse, cut through his clothing to make it to his body. He knew he was in a very precarious position, but didn't have a solution for this one. He stared at the girl for a moment as best he could, trying to make out the thread in her grip. He found himself unable to do so, as her posture and gestures indicated more than one point of origin, seemingly from several points. Beginning to fear what may soon happen, he instead looked at himself. Not in pity or doubt, but at his thick duster jacket, which had buffered him from the thread. I already had several minor tears along the arms where it had dug in slightly while wrapping around him. But most importantly, he could see the indentations it made in his jacket. He worked his eyes along the duster's length as fast as he could and finally found what he was looking for, the path of the thread. Tiny, minute, but as close is it was to his body now, enough to make it out on his own person. He followed it out over the field as best he could, but the threads proved difficult to follow.

And then the moonlight shone along it's length for a faint moment. Tenki smiled, he had his out. Had it been daytime, he would never have been able to see the thin threads. But because of the night time setting in which they were fighting, the heavy dark shadows on the underside and bright light from the moon above, there was just enough light to occasionally illuminate the threads like one may see glimpses of a spider web under the right conditions. Tenki quickly focused himself, calling two minor points of energy to form at once near the bladed end of his lance still firmly held in his left hand. He re-angled the tip lightly, in the general direction of the girl with the heart tattoo. Barely fist sized, the two orbs pulled themselves into a solid state just before he moved to fire them off. He adjusted his grip on Luin lightly in order to accommodate the kickback he was about to feel as Luin called out the attack.

"Lasair" The device called out and the two orbs fired in different directions. One immediately went after the middle ground of the thread length were Tenki had seen the moonlight catch them at top speed. That one had the most kick of the two, intended to pierce those threads and set him free from their grip in one smooth motion. The other shot, however, beelined directly for the girl holding him hostage, following just a moment behind the first shot in terms of timing. It was traveling at a slower than normal speed, but still faster than anyone could hope to run the same distance. Tenki had seen given this shot enough kick so that even if it hit, it wouldn't be able to shoot through the girl ans cause her severe injury, even with her lack of armor, it would be more akin to taking a heavy blow from a mallet or hammer, this attack was not made to kill as hers had been on him, it was made to incapacitate. Tenki could only hope his shots landed their targets. For that one moment, Tenki was afraid. Afraid to miss, and also, afraid for what it would mean if he did.

03-09-08, 11:13 PM
It was amazing. The ghoul’s movements were so perfect and elegant for its undead nature that Tanaë’s blade passed by it as though the fiend had never been there in the first place. To think that the Gol’Bron had suck skilled warriors within its ranks was enough to make the younger twin sick. The beast just got lucky. She overran her target, that’s all. He couldn’t have been that good.

It was a simple matter to pull her charge around and face the monster once more, but her partner’s deadly combination attack took priority. With the electricity concentrated in such small an area, there was no way the mercenary was going to go anywhere near it until the assault was finished. The undead fiend managed to avoid it expertly without even a scratch, leaping to his left and rolling to finish his evasion. That was when he did something so incredibly stupid that Tanaë could not help but kill him for it He stopped moving and opened his mouth.

The leather-clad woman smiled sinisterly and ran toward the ghoul’s new locale, blade angled behind her and to her right. Sturdy geta rolled noiselessly against the ground, only sinking slightly into the hard-packed field. The tall blades of grass sliced at her exposed legs, forming long welt-like lines with a single red streak in the center. The dust mixing with sweat made the minor wounds itch, but it was a minor problem compared to what she had to do. She had to close the distance and swing, right hip to left shoulder aiming to cleave the festering thing’s torso from its legs. From behind.

Only vaguely aware of her sister’s determination, Shanaë grinned of her own volition when her plan actually worked. It had been a bit of a long shot, but skill and luck were on the side of The Gambit this time. The ninja-to pulled the magically created blades taut around the lancer, wrapping twice around the boy’s body. Clenching her left fist, the older twin took a half-step back and shifted her weight to the trailing foot. Her bound foe had a steady base, unfortunately for the garrotter, so he didn’t fall over when she yanked the wires tighter.

He was also far too calm given his situation.

Most men tried desperately to worm out of the blade-like threads, tightening them and digging the wraps deeper into their flesh. This boy was cold… calculating. A worthy opponent if she had ever seen one. He was better than his partner, at least. He was also quick with a counter. Shanaë recognized the look of recognition on his face and was faced with a problem of her own moments later. Two eerily familiar purple balls formed at the tip of his spear: the first one was clearly off-course for hitting anything anywhere near her, but the second one had a true trajectory.

Instinct guided the woman with the red heart’s actions. Wrenching her body a half-turn, she grabbed the three double-looped wires with both hands and gave the mightiest heave she could manage while willing her body to the ground. The wires tightened, then the tension released all at once, sending her straight to the ground she had been longing for. The second shot flew by where she had been fractions of a second prior. She hit with her right arm, then rolled onto her back and waited for the wind to move the grass out of the way enough so she could see the result of her actions.

The threads vanished in a less-than-spectacular act of dissolving into nothing. She hadn’t told them to dispel. His first shot hadn’t… been aimed at her wires?! He was indeed good.

Her entire side hurt; Tanaë was going to give her hell for it when she finished killing her ghoul.

03-10-08, 08:42 AM
The only sound Rainee could hear was the crackle of her lightening magic as it swelled into her sword. The only scents she could smell were the dewy moistness of the grass, and the simple scent that was within the soil, however as she felt her sword shake from her magic, she heard the cries of first blood. It seemed someone had been caught in an attack. Seeing as Rainee's vision was blinded by the gray stone that she was using as a safe haven, she did not know who had been trapped. Frowning as she looked at her glowing hand she thought Please Shanae...Tanae, be al right.... Licking her lips as her hand begin to go numb, she finally released the spell she had been placing on her blade.

She then peeked out from behind her arrow shaped rock and saw a sight that shocked her. Dust and debris seemed to litter the shining blades of grass, though the odd sight was that of the blonde haired man trussed like a thanksgiving turkey. She felt butterflies dancing a merry jig in her stomach as she saw the blonde haired man charge up dark purple energy from the lance that was gripped in his hand. She wanted to warn her partner that an attack was coming, but she realized she couldn't. Sniffing the air, she realized that the blood she had smelled was coming from her partners bodies. Meowing a bit worriedly, her eyes turned on the twins, she could see that one had a cut on her shoulder, she knew that those type of things stung.

However, what worried the half-cat more, was the fact that the man seemed unfazed by the web he was caught in. Easily he freed himself from the wires that bound him, she watched as Shanae avoided the blonde haired warrior's purple magic, but she then feared for Tanae's safety. She had just glimpsed the woman's figure aiming an attack at the ghoul. She could see that the ghoul was focused only on her. The way his dark empty purple eyes looked into her soul, made her feel creepy, almost used.

Bringing Sparks Blade in front of her lithe, agile form. Rainee could only think of one thing Destroy him. Don't let his arrogant words affect you! The half cat was sick and tired of the ghoul evaded her every strike, gritting her teeth firmly. She begin to take measured steps forward, her silver eyes were looking over the ghoul's form. Looking for any signs of weakness. His outfit covered his body well, but his head, his head was unprotected. Noting this, Rainee begin to formulate a plan.

First she would aim a well timed lightening ball at his throat. She'd then send a second lightening ball aimed well to the right of him, then to finish the deal she'd charge at him and aim a series of slashes at his neck and arms and head. If that didn't work, then she'd have to pull out her ace.

Switching from her sword to her bow and arrow would take time, she hoped that the Shanae would be able to distract the bag of bones long enough for her to switch and pull off her lightening arrow. But for now, Rainee would not worry about that, for now her goal was to slash the undead's body to ribbons.

The crickets begin to chirp again, their low notes almost reminding Rainee of battle music. A grin came onto her face as she quickened her pace. She felt that this time, her strike would hit true. As her boots grew damp due to the wetness, she soon neared Lorenor's ready form. Her eyes were hard and angry as behind her back she quickly charged up a medium small electric ball. The crackle she was sure, Lorenor would pick up on, but where her attack would go, she figured he would not be able to catch its projected point.

Letting her first ball go as she was within a mere five feet of him, she then quickly charged up the very small electric ball and hurled it with precise aim towards his right. She then took a leap forward and begin a series of swift slashes, that were aimed for the ghoul's arms, his neck and his head, for good measure she swiped her booted foot as his chest.

Then for the very final measure she rolled again and aimed a tiny ball of electricity at his back. With so many bright balls of crackling light headed towards him, the half-cat knew that he would not be able to avoid them all. This time, she was sure her attacks would strike true.