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Lavinian Ambition
02-27-08, 02:27 AM
Open to Kyo
Follows the events of Don't Lose Me in the Aftermath. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=10760)

Jared smiled as he sat across the table from a beautiful girl. Her long red hair trailed freely down her back as her plain dress modestly hid her growing body. She couldn't be more than fourteen, but Jared loved her all the same, if only for one reason. She was his sister, Serenity Cesarino. As he leaned back in his chair Serenity seemed to be studying him before she spoke her voice curious, "So, why are you grinning like th cat that swallowed the canary?"

"No particular reason sis, you always did bring the mischief out in me," He replied. It was then he looked about the small inn. It was one of the few safe spots in Lavinya he could be sure to talk freely, and never worry about repercussions. The guild he had given his life to had control of this particular inn, and so he got drinks dirt cheap, and a few free nights to use in the month. The tavern though, was impeccably clean to say the least. Perhaps too clean, now that Jared had taken a moment to think about it.

The tables were crafted from a fine wood, elaborately decorated. The legs were bolted into place by a few well struck nails, never to allow them to fall off, despite the weight they may sometimes bear. The chairs were equal crafts work, and while his chair squeaked as he leaned back on two legs, he knew better than to remain so for long, to do so would draw the ire of old man Ratcliff, the man who ran the bar. His son had been killed by the guards when he was mistaken for a thief, and so, by killing his sons, he had given his inn to the Guild, if only to spite them.

Jared leaned forward bringing all four feet to the ground as she spoke, cutting through the fog of thoughts Jared had encased himself in, as he crossed his arms over his chest expectantly, "Alright Mr. Mischief, where have you been the past month. Don’t you dare say training, I know better, and you should know you can't lie to me Mr. Cesarino."

"Ser, you know better than to call me that, it makes me feel old!" Jared said as he brought his hands to the table and leaned forward, hoping to force the issue a bit more.

Serenity just laughed at the pet name as she spoke, "Well then start acting like an adult. You certainly leave much to be desired."

Jared felt his pride swell at those words as he raised an eyebrow to her, "And who just taught you that trick Sis? Mom and Dad complaining about me again?"

Serenity laughed turning a few heads as some of Jared's fellow thieves looked at the two of them conversing. They knew better to get in the middle of a family feud, but they certainly didn't have any idea what was being said. The girl had just marched into the inn, right up to Jared, and pulled him by the ear off to the side. Now they had laughed earlier about the treatment, but now they wondered just what omen it had bore. Soon the girl's free spirited laughter died down as the conversation continued, "No, this is me thinking, I'm two years from adulthood, and if I'm to choose, I'd like to think my brother could at least pull his life together, to give me ample opportunity to see things on his side of the fence."

"You want to be a thief?" Jared asked incredulously as his eyebrows shot right off his head. A nervous chuckle left his lips at the thought of the prospect. Ser a thief? No, that just didn't sit well with him, or at all. Ser was too kind, too sweet, too- That was the same argument she used against him joining, following the incident with Darith. He sighed as he looked down and then lifted his eyes to her, "So what do you want? The story?"

"Perhaps, but I doubt I'll get the full story. Tell me what you're willing," She replied.

"Not much to tell. Hired to steal something, another girl was also hired to do the same thing-" He was almost immediately cut off.

"You worked with a girl?"

"Something like that," Jared replied as he continued, "Things went a little sour and we had to escape Radasanth in a hurry, we got out and well, she moved on-"

"Why would she move on, there's something you aren't telling me dearest brother," Serenity said as her grey eyes pierced straight through Jared's own stormy irises. He was more than certain he was in trouble.

Still he pushed on admirably, "We were, forced into a couple of circumstances. I felt kinda close to the Girl, but apparently she didn't reciprocate-"

"This is great Jared!" She squealed as she jumped into Jared's arms hugging him tightly. His arms reflexively wrapped tightly about her as he stood there flabbergasted. Soon he managed to pry her off his chest as she continued, "I never thought you'd get over Kid. This is great news, I mean it’s too bad you lost her, but the fact you're moving on is great none the less."

"I thank you for your astounding amount of faith in my ability to settle down Serenity," Jared replied stiffly as he grabbed for the tankard and took a sip to hide the scowl on his face. He was more than certain she would have said something, but he noticed it was getting dark out, and she needed to get home before something happened.

"Oh Jared, don't be such a spoil sport. I merely hope that you'll have a family long before me. I mean, we promised to be there for each other right? Well, helping each other settle down, that’s part of it," She said as she pouted, trying to draw feelings of guilt from Jared.

It was too bad he had seen this act before.

"Right, now its time for me to do my brotherly duty and send you home. I'll have one of the other thieves send you home, no need to worry mom and dad with my appearance," Jared replied as he gestured form one of the thieves to come over.

Serenity tried to deepen the pout on her face, only to find it didn't work as she stared into resolute grey eyes. One of the thieves came over and after a brief conversation he nodded before he turned to Serenity, "Alright, let’s get going, Jared has things to do."

Serenity sighed as she got up; she dusted off and straightened out her dress in preparation to leave. She then moved over and gave Jared a light kiss, as Jared returned the gesture before they parted ways, her heading out the door without too much commotion. Jared meanwhile slumped down in his chair as he clutched his ribs and muttered, "Gods be damned that hurt. Girl must have kicked a rib or something, never usually hurt that bad."

02-27-08, 08:17 PM
A few hours ago...

It looked like every other city.

She didn’t know why, but part of her had expected there to be something special about Lavinya, something that made it grander than the other cities she had been in, that she had killed in. The way Jared had talked about the place, had given her mind time to wander and think of it as something militaristic and harsh and crushing to the soul, something that strangled its inhabitants until only the shell, the vessel of what they were remained. She didn’t see any of that though. She saw just another city, just another set of city guards, another government and another set of people that gave themselves a fancy name to set them aside from the other humans that littered this world.

Kyo moved through the city gates with ease. The guards did not stop her, they did not question her, hell they barely looked at her. She appeared be just another traveller with her rucksack slung over her shoulders and her strange and foreign dress. Of course, she didn’t think her black and purple gi and the tight fitting pants that accompanied it were rather strange. But she was sure their eyes did, even if they moved across the expanse of tanned flesh along her chest and back that it left uncovered.

Despite the fact that the town seemed rather large, it felt small. It reminded her of many of the smaller villages and towns that she had passed through during her short travels and her missions through Corone and a few of the other regions she had travelled to. No matter what region she was in, small towns always seemed to stay the same and Lavinya was no different. Every building she passed by on the street was made of wood, crafted to look sturdy enough to hold up against the elements and the general use of them while keeping those within safe and cosy. She only came across two buildings out of the many she had passed that were made of stone. She had no idea what made them special enough to warrant the grey stones amongst any other business or home, but it appeared they were. Judging by the amount of armoured men hanging outside one of them, she guessed it was the guard house.

Of course, if this was anything like a small town, then accomplishing what she came here for should be rather simple. After all, everyone knew each other in small towns.

Walking over to the guard house, figuring it would be the best place to start, Kyo approached the first person that caught her eye. He was a younger man, rather handsome with dark hair and dark eyes and tan across his skin. He was wearing rather plain leather armour and had a sword strapped to his hip. Her eyes also quickly noted the dagger in his boot and the spare one he kept hidden under his shirt that she doubted even his friends knew about. Upon seeing her approach, the group of them stopped their conversation and glanced towards her, some of their eyes snaking their way up her body while others looked at her indifferently.

“Ah, excuse me gentlemen. This is my first time here and I was hoping if one of you may know the Cesarino family?”

Kyosku watched the look as it crossed over Jared’s face. The slight apprehension and even the slight bit of pain as the young woman leapt into his arms and practically knocked him off his feet. It looked as if it was something that happened often though, for it did not perturb him too much. In fact, he almost seemed glad to have her within the span of his arms once more, though a quick glance to the world outside the tavern served to make him send her on her way. He was quite protective of what he considered his and it appeared that his sister fell into this category as well. Oddly enough, she had fallen into that category at one point in time, when Jared had willingly risked his life to save hers and she had merely berated him for it. How ungrateful she had been, how stupid and callous.

Without Jared around to confuse her and send her into an emotional whirlwind, she was able to pick apart her mistakes and realize what an idiot she had been.

As the young woman left the tavern, Kyo reached for the glass in front of her and drained almost a quarter of the strong, liquid that this city was known for; Lavinian ale. She didn’t do much to hide herself within the tavern, but the ninja did not particularly feel the need to. She sat in the back, with her back facing Jared and with the candle upon her table snuffed out with a simple pinch of her fingers. It was becoming rather full with a raucous and loud crowd the darker it got outside and soon she doubted Jared would be able to spot her even if he wanted to. But there was no reason for the young thief to even think that she was here and that she had easily followed his sister here to discover his location. After all, considering the way they had parted last time, she was quite sure he never wanted to see her again.

She was quite sure he was going to take one look at her and either laugh in her face and ignore her completely, or perhaps even humiliate her. It was hard enough for her to come here looking for him, though confronting him was going to be even harder and she wasn’t even sure how she was going to do it yet. Standing up in the tavern and walking over to him was an option, but it was one she couldn’t bring herself to do. So she merely turned her head to the side and lightly glanced at him from the corner of her eye as she continued to drink from the glass before her. The more alcohol that was in her system, the less the nervous flutter in her stomach seemed to agitate her.

Lavinian Ambition
02-28-08, 07:54 PM
Jared finished his drink before he took the stein over to the bartender. Ratclif looked at him expectantly as he deposited the stein on the bar and a few gold. He then spoke, "Thanks for looking out for my sister. Probably go nuts if she couldn't find a reliable way to reach me..."

Ratclif snorted as he plucked the stein from the counter and turned to deposit it in a bin with a few others. Some foul smelling liquid was in the bin, and Jared wasn't sure he wanted to know what it was. Instead he leaned on the counter as he looked at the gold still there. When Ratclif turned and saw Jared still there he barked, "Come on lad, what are you doing? Showing me your money doesn't mean squat. Put it back in your pouch before you embarrass yourself."

Jared chuckled as he said, "Payment for services rendered. I know its an odd concept coming from a thief, but we don't steal all the time..."

The man guffawed as he pushed the coins towards Jared and spoke, "Your money is no good here Jared. Just pick it up and keep going. Though if I were you, I'd watch yer back Cesarino."

Jared raised an eyebrow as he spoke on edge, "And that means what for me exactly?"

"Yer last name was dropped in the guard post today. One of the thieves mentioned it to me since he wasn't sure when he'd see you next, and knew your sisters weekly was due. Said he didn't hear the conversation, just one of the guards asking where yer Parent's hovel was," Ratclif replied. A commotion occurred when one of the thieves nearby had finished his story. The men laughed uproariously as they slammed their steins on the table. Ratclif growled before he yelled at the lot, "Listen boys, I let you in here on me good graces. Keep yer damn whore stories down."

The group immediately grew quiet as they quickly took normal seats like good patrons. A couple of snickers and chuckles could be heard, but nothing was ever said to challenge the innkeeper. Probably for the best, Jared heard a few stories about what happened when you pissed off Old Man Ratclif. One of the thieves had to get splinters removed from his face from the last one that went sailing, or rather skidding, face first across the floor and out the door.

Jared meanwhile stiffened upon hearing the words. He sighed stressfully before he rubbed his temple, feeling a headache coming on. He leaned on the counter as he closed his eyes before he said softly, "How long do you think before they strike?"

"Ye think they're gonna hang yer parents?" Ratclif asked. He leaned on the counter as he gave Jared a critical stare. He was frowning now as he looked upon the young thief.

"They didn't particularly care for the truth where your son was concerned..." Jared replied as he sighed.

"Aye, but my son was a bit of a dullard if ye ask me. While I recognize injustice, to string up a couple of adults for the sins of the children? No, the Guard hasn't grown that heartless yet. But, it might prompt the guard to watch you more closely the next few days. When your name shows up in the Guard Post, it serves only one purpose, to get ye caught. At least take a night upstairs for my sanity," Ratclif said as he reached into his pocket. Fishing out a key he slammed it on the counter making Jared look up and eye the Key warily.

"Room one, thats the luxury suite, you could have just given me a normal room..." Jared began to protest as he pushed the key back across the clean counter. It was stopped by a gruff hand and a rather stern glare. Jared had seen it a few times before; it usually meant that anything further would end up with the poor sap who pushed Ratclif knocked across their noggin to mind their manners. "At least let me pay for it Old Man."

Ratclif guffawed as he said, "Yer money's no good here Cesarino, just get upstairs and rest."

Jared had little choice in the matter as he grabbed the key and nodded heading upstairs.

03-01-08, 12:20 AM
Room one, huh?

Kyo allowed a slight smirk to pull at the corners of her lips as she caught bits and pieces of the conversation between Jared and the old bar tender. It hadn’t been easy in the beginning, what with the loud and raucous men telling stories of their latest conquest, but after the old man had given them a stern talking to, things had quieted down somewhat. Just enough to allow her to hear what room number Jared would be staying in. Unfortunately, she didn’t catch much of that before it, and didn’t know what had been said to make Jared stiffen and suddenly look rather concerned. Even the old man was looking particularly serious about the whole affair. Was Jared in some kind of trouble? She remembered from his stories of Lavinya that the city did not take too kindly to thieves and strung them up, sometimes even without just cause. Was he worried about being caught? In the back of her mind she wondered if it was something she could help him with, which she quickly justified as payment for how he had helped her concerning Roland and his men.

As her target slipped away from the bar and moved towards the back staircase, the ninja’s eyes followed. She lost sight of him only when she had to, only when someone moved between her line of sight and his body. She took in the tense muscles that ran along his shoulder blades and the still worried expression that was covering his facial features until he disappeared up the stairs and she could no longer follow. Yet her eyes still lingered there for a moment, as if expecting him to reappear.

Drawing in a slow, deep breath, Kyosku looked back down at the ale before her and quickly drank another large quantity of the honey, brown substance. The strong taste lingered upon her tongue and the alcohol content served to muddle the thoughts flowing through her head. She’d had too many glasses while watching Jared and his sister, especially considering she hadn’t eaten anything in hours. The thought of ordering something now crossed her mind, but was quickly batted away. She would not be here for much longer. She was giving Jared just enough time to settle into his room and get comfortable and then she was going to be paying him a visit, whether he wanted her to or not.

Swirling around the contents in her glass, the ninja quickly drank down the rest of it as she drowned out the conversations going on around her.


Outside the tavern the air was chilled. It brushed against the bare skin along her arms, her back and her chest, creating a series of bumps that spreads throughout her body and caused a string of delightfully shivers to ravage her skin. She loved the feeling.

She had not waited within the tavern for very long, but luck was on her side now. The streets were pretty much deserted and everyone inside was too busy with their friends or too drunk to bother noticing what she was about to do. Though knocking on Jared’s door would probably be a far less dramatic appearance, considering her choice in careers, this was a normal entrance for her to be making. Not to mention that it gave her the upper hand and the advantage. She didn’t want to relinquish that, not even to him. Not to anyone. Taking a random stab at room number one, the deluxe suit, being the only room with a balcony, the ninja began gauging how to get there. It was roughly two feet out of jumping range, but the building was made of wood and the room was on the corner.

Planting her foot into one of small nooks creating by the interlocking wood, Kyosku hefted herself up and grabbed a hold of the side of the building to help steady her as she continued to climb. It only took her another large step up before she could grab onto the bottom of the balcony. Then she quickly pulled herself up and over the railing, landing with a soft thud on weather worn boards which groaned under her. Pausing out of habit more than need, the ninja moved to the sliding doors and glanced within. Curtains blocked most of her view, but through the crack between them she could see the large and spacious room. The bed was the closest piece of furniture to her, its mattress covered in many comforters and blankets to keep out the cold. Next to it was a nightstand, the lamp cold and flameless. Besides that, there was a writing desk and chair and a table and couch that sat in front of the blazing fire. It created a soft and warm glow throughout the entire room, casting everything in shades of orange and yellow.

It was typical but comfortable looking.

The only problem was she didn’t see Jared. Then she noticed the door on the other side of the bed and the light that was streaming in from under it.

Must be the bathroom.

Placing her right hand on the cool metal of the balcony doors, Kyosku gave it a light tug. She was more than surprised when the door actually moved and parted, allowing the cool night breeze into the room. Slowly, she opened it just enough to allow her slim form to slip in then slowly closed it behind her. Now that she was in the room though, she didn’t know what to do and before she could think of anything Jared came waltzing back in. His shirt was unbuttoned and the light of the fire reflected on that chain and ring he wore, glistening in the mainly dark room. His face looked slightly damp as if he had just washed and his red hair was messier than usual. He moved towards the fireplace and Kyo found herself sliding further into the shadows and away from the light that the flames were casting across the room.

It didn’t take very long though.

In a minute, maybe a little longer she saw that tension return to Jared’s back seconds before his voice rang out into the room.

“You know; it’s bad form to sneak up on a thief.” She didn’t remember him sounding so cocky and sure of himself the last time they had spoken.

His hand moved quickly and right for the belt around his waist. He drew the dagger resting there and pointed it in her direction, the glinting metal threatening some kind of retribution upon her she doubted he could actually give out.


Knowing she had no other choice, Kyosku stepped from the shadows around the balcony doors and into the light, allowing him to see just who had snuck up on him.

“Uh...Kyo? What the hell...”

The dagger fell to his side, only to be sheathed a moment later, leaving the silence of the room between them. Now that he stood before her, she found herself without words. She felt her confidence falter and fall and hang precarious between them on a thin thread that he could destroy at any moment. Why couldn’t she come up with the words to say? Why was her voice refusing to move passed the depths of her throat and fill this silent room? Why?

Why does he do this to me?

Apprehension filled her first step as she moved towards him, but when he made no motion to move away from her, the second fell quiet to the wooden floor with more confidence. Then the third and fourth quickly followed and by the sixth she was standing right in front of him. Looking into his storm grey eyes, Kyo reached up and placed her hand along the side of his face then pulled him close to her and kissed him before he could stop her. Before she could stop herself.

Lavinian Ambition
03-03-08, 06:40 PM
Jared felt her lips upon his and instinctively his arms wrapped warmly about her as he kissed her back. Her taste, her scent, her feel, if was her, there was no doubt. This was no impostor, no one trying to fool him, to seduce his mind. He kissed her back voraciously reveling in the fact she was back, she was there, she was real, and for some reason, she had sought him out. He didn't want anything else to interrupt the scene, he just wanted to relish the moment he was given, considering he had been cut off from her, for what felt like forever.

However, like all good things, it too came to an end.

Eventually the kiss broke, and he rested his forehead against hers as he caught his breath. He relished the intimate moment, before he stepped back and sat on the back of the couch, relaxing as he looked at her in the firelight. He wanted to kiss her again, to do so much more, but first, he had to know what was up. A person like Kyo did everything with reason, this he knew. He had been her coping tool back in Radasanth. She had used him for her ability to get through the situation, and while something real had blossomed, at least in his mind, she was afraid and ran because it was all she knew.

As he looked at her he spoke finally, voicing his concerns, "I'm glad you're here Kyo, but I have to wonder, why are you here? Call me paranoid, but you don't seem like the kind of girl to travel across an ocean, brave one of the seediest ports in the world, and head into a rundown trade town, just to kiss some guy you met back in Corone."

The words were out there, however they held no malice, there was no anger. His eyes searched her face for an answer, a trace of hope in them as he waited with baited breath. Perhaps it was his talk with Serenity, but he needed to know.

The firelight flickered over both their faces as the rather warm setting allowed him a view of Kyo, and her a view of him. The light was still bright, chasing away most of the shadows in the room. It made for a far more, intimate moment with the girl whose life he had saved, and her in return. He didn’t give Serenity the whole story, but there was of course more to it than was at first told. There was always more to the story. Had he told her he had finally been with someone other than Kid, he was more than certain Serenity would have waved the flag in victory, not exactly understanding the situation.

As he leaned back slightly he waited, feeling the alcohol slowly work through his system. He was feeling its effects, making him want to press what had started earlier. Perhaps it was a bit of leftover lust he had shoved aside when he got her note, still resting in his satchel as a reminder of their tryst, but he wanted her so badly. So much so, that he couldn’t find any of the anger in his heart he had a few days after she had left, perhaps it was for the best, anger was a tool for those who destroyed all they loved. That was a Seth Dahlios emotion, and one he wanted nothing to do with.

03-03-08, 10:43 PM
Her heart was thudding within her chest. It beat against her rib cage and filled her ears with the sound of rushing blood, making her hear almost nothing else. His question was something she didn’t want to answer and was the whole reason that her stomach was twisted and turned into knots, creating a difficult cluster of nerves that beat against her. She would have just preferred him to continue kissing her and making her stomach flutter and her mind wander to things other than The Bandit Brotherhood. Like the feel of him as he had pressed his body against her and kissed her like no one else had ever kissed her before. Like he had actually missed her, like he meant something beyond just the action of doing it, like he cared.

Reaching up with one of her hands, she brushed the wayward strands of her raven black hair out of her face as her eyes wandered to some place other than his person. He looked too calm and composed to her. His body leaning against the back of the couch as the light reflected off his pale skin and created darker shadows along the other side of his face and the muscles along his stomach. She remembered what it had felt like to have those muscles beneath her, tensing and clenching, as she had rode him, only to have him flip them over and change their positions. Those thoughts were not going to help her here though, not unless she planned on further abandoning words and merely throwing him down on the bed and fucking him senseless. And though it was a very appealing thought, it would not accomplish anything and she had come here for a reason. As much as she enjoyed the feeling of Jared’s lips pressing against her, teasing her and his hands on her body, she needed to focus and get out the words she had come here to say.

“You’re right...” There was no point in sugar coating it or trying to make him believe something that wasn’t true. He deserved the truth and nothing more, especially from her.

She drew in a long, deep breath and slowly let it out as her ice blue eyes found his grey ones, which seemed darker and different in the light of the fire. “I know I have no right to ask this of you considering all that we’ve been through and all that I’ve done to you.” Kyo stopped here, finding it hard to keep eye contact with the thief even though she forced herself to do it anyway. “I’ve come to ask for your help, Jared.”

Once the words left her mouth, the ninja could feel the rise of heat stain her cheeks and her neck; turning them a red colour she hoped would not be noticeable in the dark of the night.

“I have recently made a change in my life and have decided to go a route I never thought I would. Together with a man named Molotov, we have recreated The Bandit Brotherhood in the region of Dheathain. We’ve even met with the leader of the Draconians and procured a piece of land that we can call our own, only we need people in order to make it possible. No clan can survive without those that make it what it should be and I would be more than honoured to have you by my side in that clan.”

As the last word left her lips, the ninja deeply bowed to the thief.

Lavinian Ambition
03-03-08, 11:44 PM
The Bandit Brotherhood.

It was an organization of thieves. One that Seth Dahlios and Sarah Dahlios had once been a part of. He had heard a few tales of it, they were the defenders of Corone, protecting the forest while attacking and raiding. They were almost the picturesque group, much like the Thief's Guild. The problem was, one of their leaders grew too soft for tastes, and the group fell apart when his dream didn't match up to the reputation of the group. Still, the organization was being rebuilt, going back to its roots.

And she wanted him?

"Last time I checked, I was a talent less hack who could hardly wield a dagger," He said chuckling. He then moved over to her before he said softly, "What would I be doing? I mean the groups been dead for so long, are you trying to restart it, or just throw the old ways out and start with your own traditions and methods?"

He then looked upon her face, seeing the slender cheeks, the slight slant to her eyes. He was looking into a face he was more than certain he wanted to see the rest of his life. As he sighed he kept his racing heart in check as he waited beside her, business was something that had to be done, before anything else could be accomplished. He could tell from her eyes she wanted him as much as he did her, but he just had to get through the small talk. Once that was done, they could go wild, enjoy each other's company, and decide on other things.

It was almost as intoxicating as the local ale, standing so close to her. He wanted so badly to just forget the conversation and to talk of it later, after they had gotten more than a few things out of their system. Still, he closed his eyes as he shook his head, trying to escape the pervading fog that had come between them. It was hard with the rising heat in the room, he had almost forgotten about the room around him. He instead tried focusing on the rather revealing shirt he had come to know so well. Realizing the trouble he was landing himself in, he then tried focusing on pants that were tucked into the calf high boots, which were one of his other favorite things about her. Still he shook his head, unable to clear the fog as he tried so desperately to ignore the raging hormones.

It was hard not to take what had already been his once.

03-06-08, 05:45 PM
He wasn’t rejecting her. The scenarios that had played out in her mind where he laughed at her and pushed her away, even told her to just get the hell out all came crumbling down into a heap of nothing. They didn’t matter; they no longer existed because they had merely been anxiety long built up on the boat ride here. She should have known that Jared would not be so cruel to her; she should have known that he would not push her away and mock her, but her fears had gotten the best of her for some reason, something she never allowed to happen. But there were many things she didn’t allow that happened where Jared was concerned. For starters, she didn’t get involved with people and though Jared and she were not in a relationship she could not deny the fact that seeing him again made her happy and the urge to touch him was not something completely physical. It was not something she was willing and ready to admit to him yet, but there was no point in lying to her.

When he moved closer to her, Kyosku almost had to battle the urge to move away from him. The closer he got the harder it was to her to focus on what needed to be said and what she came here for rather than the things she just wanted to do to him and him to her. It forced her to concentrate on anything but his open shirt and the expanse of skin it allowed her eyes to freely roam over. She looked at his face instead and the barely noticeable scar that ran parallel his eyebrow and the way his eyes wandered across her body, making a slight smirk pull at the corner of her lips. It appeared that she was not the only one having trouble keeping her thoughts on The Brotherhood, Jared too was feeling this pull to just be near her.

“You’re still a talentless hack that can barely wield a dagger.”

She used his light hearted attempt at humour to her advantage, as a way of breaking the intensity suddenly filling the room and turning it into something malleable. Of course, the serious way she said it to him was offset by the glitter of laughter in her eyes and the way her mouth was softly upturned and smiling at him. Perhaps she had said such a thing to him once, maybe not in those exact words, but with the same meaning nonetheless.

“Would you like me to repent for what I said?” The words left her mouth before she could think them through. Their teasing nature was following by the teasing caress of her fingers lightly running across his bare chest. Moving closer to him, Kyo tilted her head to the side and raised herself onto the tips of her toes. She brought her lips no closer than an inch from his as her eyes watched that heat and that longing flash through the depths of his grey ones. Then she pulled away, having never allowed their lips to meet. She moved towards the warmth of the fire and turned back to him, leaning her hip against the side of the mantle as she watched him with a calm and calculating expression, even if her heart felt like it was racing within the confines of her chest.

She shouldn’t have done that, but she loved teasing the man and the words and actions had just come so quickly she had not been able to stop herself. It was one the things she hated about being around Jared. His presence did not allow for her to think clearly and a ninja always had to think clearly, no matter what.

“I would have to say it’s a little of both, actually.” Kyosku said to him, jumping right back onto the more important topic than the desire they felt for one another. “The group is still mainly bandits and thieves and we will steal to get what we want and we will remove those that get in our way. But we are also a haven to those of like minds and we’re also a safe place where the rules of the governing forces can do nothing to persuade us or stop us.

“If you were to join, Jared Cesarino, I assume that you would not be doing anything extravagantly different from what you currently do in your Thief Guild. You will raid with us, steal with us and help us build a home for ourselves. This is of course, if you’re willing to accept the invitation of a humble ninja.”

She could feel the nervous flutter in the pit of her stomach grow as she waited for his response. She wanted him in her clan; she wanted him fighting by her side. Of the lot of those they had already recruited in The Minstrel’s Perch, only one was an actual true bandit and an old member from The Bandit Brotherhood. Not even Kyo or Molotov; the new leaders of this band of vagabonds were thieves, though according to Jared it was only a short step on the ladder between a thief and ninja. Perhaps that was true the more and more she thought about it, especially considering her new change in careers.

Lavinian Ambition
03-06-08, 09:53 PM
Jared was frustrated, perhaps far beyond anything else. Even his brief relationship with Sarah's adopted child Kid had not seen him so worked up and flustered as Kyo had managed with her seductive act. It took all the discipline, which was not that much to begin with, to not just pull her back to him and kiss her as heatedly as they had upon meeting. He tried to push the hormones aside, knowing he couldn't escape them forever. He finally shook his head while a soft chuckle escaped his lips, "Alright, so you just need an extra set of hands..."

He had to get control of the situation back, even for a moment. As he looked at her, he decided to fight fire with fire as a smirk crossed his face. He moved over to her by the fireplace before he gently pressed his bare chest against her bare arm. A hand gently trailed starting at the fabric that crossed her lower back as the hand caressed the soft skin, gliding up to the tie up top, gently playing with the strings to be found there. He smiled as he whispered, "...to help you around the work yard." He then leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "I suppose I could help you." He then blew softly across her bare shoulder at her neck as he whispered, "Are there any...perks?"

He then turned around as he walked over across the room, reaching a small table. Atop it was a clay tray, with a matching jug and set of cups. Picking up the jug and a cup he poured a bit of the water into it as he smiled softly, wondering just how badly he had flustered her. If it was anything like her stunt had done to him, he'd be satisfied. A smug grin spread across his face as he tried to hide it by sipping more of the cool water. As cool as it was it could not diminish the heat that had caused the room to become stifling. Still as his heart raced he thought back to the manor, which had been a rather odd place, having been abandoned for awhile.

He had many fond memories of that manor.

He was more than certain he’d have some effect on her. At least he hoped he did, he wasn’t sure if the game could be continued for much longer before they just went at it. However, it had become rather obvious to him, that the business was mere formality. Before she had even spoken of the Bandit Brotherhood, he knew he’d have done anything for her. As he tried to calm his rapidly beating heart he only hoped to steel his nerves against another onslaught of Kyo’s teasing. He had to hold out, if only to make the inevitable outcome that much more satisfying. As he continued to feign disinterest he ventured a curious peek at her as he asked, "Well?"

03-07-08, 07:15 PM
His little stunt, his attempt at teasing her sent shivers racing along the back of her neck and further down his spine where his fingers were lightly dancing. It was a pleasurable feeling, one that furthered the growing need and desire burning within her, but one she was far better at controlling than Jared was. If he wanted to play this little game with her, he would need to learn how to properly participate. It wasn’t that he was bad at this, but Kyosku could tell that the thief had little experience when it came to slowly seducing and teasing a woman. He knew where to touch to elicit a desired response, but he just needed to learn how to properly touch that area.

“Perks?” She smirked at him. “Oh, I’m sure there would be perks to joining The Brotherhood, but what kind of perks were you thinking about, Cesarino? A higher ranking within the Clan or perhaps you want certain privileges? Ah, I think I know the kinds that were running through your head...”

Kyo left the heat if the fire, moving away from the dancing orange flames and closer towards her thief. She didn’t need it to her warm her, she had Jared for that. Reaching out, she took the cup from his hands and brought it to her lips, taking a needed drink from the cool liquid. Placing the clay cup back down on the table, the ninja wrapped her fingers around the leather belt, holding Jared’s daggers and pulled him in closer to her, almost until their bodies were touching. But she wouldn’t allow him that pleasure.

“You’re looking for certain privileges with your leader, aren’t you? The kind that play out behind closed doors.” She drew in a deep breath as she leaned in closer to him, softly running her lips across the sensitive skin on his neck before gently nipping at it with her teeth. “The kind that one should never ask for, but in turn receive, or perhaps take.”

She enjoyed playing this game of cat and mouse with him. She liked watching his reactions to her teasing advancements as his eyes would widen, only to narrow upon her form as his pupils dilated. She liked the barely controlled tension lying beneath the surface of his skin as his muscles clenched and contracted, becoming taunt and hard as his hands reflexively tried to reach for her only to stay still at his side. It was thrilling pushing him to a point where he could barely control himself and she wanted to see just how much more she could get away with before he couldn’t take it anymore. Before he snapped and took exactly what he wanted from her.

"Would certainly be nice," Jared managed hoarsely as he shivered in pleasure at the nip. He then looked her in the eyes when he said, "You certainly know how to keep my attention." He then moved quickly and gave her a lust laced kiss before pulling back.

She moaned softly against the press of his lips to hers as he kissed her and when he went to move away she almost found herself moving in closer to prevent the loss in contact, but stopped herself. She would not let herself be lost in the caress of his lips, she was one trying to tease him here not the other way around. Deciding that now was no longer the time for words, Kyo lightly kissed Jared., her lips pressing against his much slower than his own, taking their time and not allowing him to quicken the pace at all. Reaching down between their bodies, she allowed the tips of her fingers to run along the side of his thighs, coming dangerously close to the one part of his body he wanted her to the touch the most.

Lavinian Ambition
03-09-08, 06:37 PM
The damn broke as she teased him further with the kiss. There would be no more talk of business. Both of them had hardly kept their composure during the little verbal spar, and it was obvious their emotions towards one another had steered the conversation away from business, perhaps in the opening joust. Jared pulled her closer to him as he just wanted to feel her in his arms again. He simply could not get enough of the ninja, who had thoroughly stolen his heart. He continued to kiss her fervently as he felt the both of them fall onto the soft down bed of the inn.

How in the hell did they get to the bed?

The question only briefly crossed his mind before he was once again lost in Kyo's arms. Hands glided over skin, caressing sensitive spots as he continued to take what he wanted from her. Not that she minded, but he was more than certain this was the inevitable outcome. He nipped and kissed, he touched and massaged as she did the same, skin touching skin in a dance as old as humanity itself. It wasn't long before Jared realized they weren't even clothed anymore.

In the back of his mind, a distant voice asked another question, where were his pants?

Still he was lost in Kyo as they sank into the bed reveling in each others touch, quite sure that their clothes were tossed about the room haphazardly. It would certainly be a game of hide and seek later, but in the immediate it was finally both of them getting what they truly wanted from each other. He roughly bit at the flesh of her neck knowing she didn't want anything about this soft. She wanted to be roughed up, and with the frustration she had built up in him, he was more than certain rough would be easy in coming.


What seemed like forever later he was gently stroking the loose strands of hair that cascaded across his chest. He looked down on the form of a tired out Kyo, smiling contently. Their passionate evening had come and gone, and in its wake, there was only a bit of happiness in Jared's heart as he gently kissed the top of her head lovingly. However, there was still some business to attend to. She had invited him to the Bandit Brotherhood, and while he had danced around an answer, it was time to respond.

Gently moving so their faces met he kissed her tenderly before he whispered, "We should probably finish what we started..."

Her entire body tensed as she used her arms to prop her up and off his warm body. "Yes, the reason I tracked you down..."

He sighed as he looked up at her, into her eyes. He spoke, the words just flowing out of him, knowing it was truly the answer he was to give, there would be no sugar coating it. If she thought him weaker for it, he didn't care, it was the truth. Cupping her cheek he whispered, "You know, after all we've been through, I'm surprised you didn't just come get me. You should have known I'd jump at any chance to spend time with you. To be honest, I'd be crazy not to join..."

Kyo's response shed a little light on the situation as she spoke seriously, "Considering how I left you last time... I thought you'd want nothing to do with me."

So that was it, she felt guilty for abandoning him. He supposed he had a right to be angry; he had after all been for maybe a week. Still she had warned him, and he had pursued in spite of the warning. Jared finally chuckled as he kissed her, "I think I shot that theory down quite well, how about you?"

"I think I'd have to agree." She said as she kissed him back.

Jared held onto the kiss for a bit, relishing the intimate moment before he pulled back and whispered, "I'll follow you into the bowels of Hell if I have to Kyo. I said it before and I'll say it till it sticks, if I only get a week, its a week, but everyday I get with you, I will thank the gods for."

03-09-08, 09:01 PM
She sighed contently as she rested her head back against the warmth of his chest. She could hear the steady and strong beats of his heart drumming throughout his chest as she lay there, content not to move or talk about the reason she had come here anymore. She just wanted to snuggle against him and feel his body with hers as his hand continued to gently play with the strands of her straight, raven black hair. Even after what they’d just done together, even after the passionate moments they had shared she was certain somewhere in the back of her mind that he was going to reject her. But like always, Jared went against the mould that she placed him in. He broke the walls and left them as wide open and gaping, endless boundaries that nothing could ever hope to fill but him.

...into the bowels of Hell.

It was such an odd concept for someone she still barely knew to trust her and give her so much. Maybe it was the years of training that hold her to never lower her guard and to never trust anyone other than her own clan members that made this so unbelievable to her. Or perhaps it was something else that she didn’t have the time or care to worry or analyze over.

Still, even with his acceptance of this, Kyo felt a small amount of unease. Jared was still expecting something from her other than just being his leader and a fellow comrade and thief. He still wanted that relationship that she was not ready to give him, the one she may never be ready to give him. His words said it all. Every day he could get with her...every day. As his leader in the Brotherhood, she would be giving him many and there was no doubt in her mind that she would also be spending many of her nights sharing her bed with him, but it may never go beyond that. She couldn’t bring herself to remind him of this though, not after everything that had just happened, not when he had given her his loyalty.

So she remained silent. No more words needed to be spoken in her mind at the moment. The ninja merely snuggled in closer to the thief and nestled her head into the nook right between his arm and his chest, the one she had fallen asleep on countless times in the manor.

Zook Murnig
03-18-08, 10:42 PM
Quest Judging

STORY ~ 20/30

Continuity ~ 7/10 This category can be difficult for sequel threads, because they're so closely tied to a previous story. However, you did quite well here. You referenced the events of their previous interactions without giving overmuch detail. You gave me a firm idea throughout the thread of where it was going afterwards. My one quibble is the references to Seth Dahlios. It gave me enough pause to make note here. How does Jared know Seth? This was never answered.
Setting ~ 6/10 In the beginning, this was strong. It fell off a little as you went along, but you kept it there in the details. Then, at the end, there was so little that I almost forgot where they were. Consistency in the level of detail is important. I'm not saying if you start out with every nook and cranny being described in detail that you should continue to do that, but keep those in mind, use most of what you describe. I will say that Kyo interacted well with the scenery, and Jared did as well to a lesser degree.
Pacing ~ 7/10 This was much better paced than the prior thread, Aftermath. Mostly, it was because it was such a short thread with a simple goal that didn't take days to attain. Hell, it only took hours, if that. A couple of posts rambled a little, which threw me off my groove, but overall you did well.


Dialogue ~ 7/10 Lavinian Ambition, you really improved here. Ratclif's accent, the way that Serenity and Jared each spoke, they all were different and revealed something about the character. Not only that, but I didn't have to guess or rely on specific name dropping to know who was talking. Kyo, you performed well here, too. A few pieces of dialogue were a little wooden, but overall it was good.
Action ~ 7/10 Kyo had this best, mostly because of the role she played. Describing the hunt, and the way she climbed the wall. All the HOT XXX ACTION that she pulled. Lavinian Ambition did better here, too, than in Aftermath. Looking through my notes, I can only find a few hiccups. The most egregious of these is the digression into a "game of hide and seek" that Jared's thoughts went to in the middle of HOT XXX ACTION, and it just put me out of the mood for a minute. Stream of consciousness can be a good tool, but it can also be your worst enemy. Be careful!
Persona ~ 7/10 I got a much better idea of who Jared was from this thread than I did from Aftermath. Kyo seemed to be the same person, but a little shaken up in her feelings regarding Jared, as well as her need to work alone. I also enjoyed the spar of wills when they were teasing each other. Each had their weaknesses, but it was clear who had better control.


Technique ~ 6/10 Some good use of interesting literary devices, but there were a noticeable number of fumbles, too. Redundancy and rambling were the biggest offenders here. Reread aloud what you write to make sure it sounds okay. If it sounds awkward when you say it, it reads awkward to someone else. Lavinian Ambition, it's obvious you were following my advice from Aftermath, and I enjoyed seeing that. Still, there is room for improvement. Metaphors, similes, and quirks of spelling can be used to your advantage here.
Mechanics ~ 5/10 As before in Aftermath, there were a lot of simple mistakes. Misspelled words, missing words, extra words, and commas. Proofread! Again, reading aloud will help.
Clarity ~ 7.5/10 Things were clear to me from Post 1 through Post Fin. A couple times I had to read a sentence twice to get what you meant, but otherwise it was good.


Wild Card ~ 8/10 Damn good effort from both of you, and as a member of the male gender, I must say that everything Kyo did to turn Jared on turned me on as well. You are a true seductress.

TOTAL ~ 67.5

Kyo receives 1037 EXP and 122 GP
Lavinian Ambition receives 1037 EXP and 122 GP

If you have any questions about the judgment or how you can improve, PM me or send me a message on AIM, screen name SuperSonicMatt1.

03-21-08, 08:34 AM
EXP and GP added!

Kyo reaches level 2!