View Full Version : The Next Generation

02-28-08, 08:27 PM
(()Reincarnating Reiko. Ki needs a quiet life^^)

Name: Doji Tsukiko
Age: 16
Race: Kitsune (Attuned to the moon)
Hair Color: Fiery orange
Eye Color: Red
Build: Athletic
Occupation: Kunoichi(Not really) and Daughter of a nine tailed sensei

*Personality: Tsukiko is a lot like her mother when she was that age. She's a tomboy that while being a girl has more fun doing things thought as boyish like roughhousing and physical games. The kitsune girl is the kind of person that wants to help people and believes that there's evil to be fought and she's the one to fight it and can't understand why her mother would give up the fight but still loves her mother anyway. On most days when she isn't adventuring she loves to play and have fun and an occasional harmless trick is quite fun.

Appearance: It is odd for a girl born of lovers that both shared black hair to have red hair but Tsukiko was also born on the red moon and like her father was affected by the phases of the moon but not quite the same. She is a lovely girl whose body is a nice Athletic body much like that a cute acrobat. She like all Kitsune have fox ears and a tail, though her mother had nine. The ears and tail are red and have black tips like they were dipped in ink

History: Tsukiko would never know her father the Were-fox Seth for he died and Tsukiko's mother never knew how he died. Ki knew that Seth was the father as he was the last one she was intimate with. But Tsukiko was very close to her mother despite the fact that she had a brother and sister who were twins and a bit older than she. It was hard to be the youngest mostly because Chiyo and Ryo (Her sister and brother) were a bit jealous that she got more attention. Tsukiko often took the lone nine tails attention even after the needy years of babyhood for she had shown interests in the things that interested her mother and even was a lot like Ki at that age.

Tsukiko's childhood was mostly training with her mom and playing with her siblings and while she was used to taking orders from all of them she had an adventurous spirit and when one of Ki's students paid for the nine tails service with a ninja scroll the young kit went to reading it and learning basic ninja skills. Tsukiko ended up have a lust for adventure as she loved Ki's tales of wanderlust of being a ronin and when the young daughter became a teenage she had a lust for adventure. Ki was worried about Tsukiko since the nine tails had know that life and chose to leave it for her children. But Ki knew that Tsukiko had to taste adventure before she would be satisfied and so the older vixen helped her child get some basic equipment and would be willing keep her daughter's bed for if she ever needed a rest during her adventures.


Prodigy Swordswoman: Tsukiko is very skilled with a sword and is at a level where she has to fight opponents that don't hold back to up her skill. She's quite capable in using one handed, two handed and two swords. Despite her great skill she can still be outmatched by a fighter with lesser skill and greater combat experience.

Prodigy Kyudo: Tsukiko is a born natural when it comes to archery much like her father. She quite capable of hitting still targets at long ranges though not a bullseye and she can hit a moving target at medium ranges. She is unused to firing at evading targets though she still has a good chance to hit at short to medium distances.

Void Acrobatics: Like her mom, Tsukiko is inhumanly agile. She can jump 20 feet vertically and has great balance that she could dance on a weak tree limb without it breaking

Self Taught ninjutsu: Tsukiko has taught herself Ninjutsu from an old scroll that was given to Ki from an old student. At this skill Tsukiko is capable of hiding in shadows and staying fairly still, moving slowly without making much noise and basic hand to hand combat that allows her to defend herself and maybe disable or disarm an opponent with a well placed and lucky punch, kick or throw.

Ninja Tricks:

Mirror Dance: Tsukiko can dance which creates 2 mirrors of her. Now while these are illusions the mix of ninja magic and fox magic seem to strengthen the illusions so that they trick all senses, it is possible for those with great will to disbelieve them but one thing is that they react to real objects and if they attack and land a hit the victim will think he has been hit and react accordingly even though no real damage has been done.

Light warp: Using fox magic Tsukiko can bend the light around her granting partial invisibility where her form will look like clear glass that blurs the things behind her. While standing still she is pretty hard to see and it's a bit easier when she moving slowly. Fast Movement cancels the effect.

Fox Magic: Like Her mother and her half Siblings, Tsukiko is capable of fox magic. She can make foxfire and illusions. Her fox fire can either be harmless lanterns that float around her or an area she wills, giving off a blue light or a jet of flame capable of causing moderate to major burns and one trick she has learned is the can make a sword's blade or arrowhead in fox fire adding moderate burns to the weapons damage but it gives away her position. The illusions that Tsukiko can make appear fairly real and at a quick glance would likely not be distinguished by a casual observer.

Shape changing: Tsukiko is capable of many different forms of lesser animals. She can change into a red fox but also a hawk, cat, songbird, dog and even a banzai tree. A basic transformation takes 30 seconds and Tsukiko is someone helpless during the transformation.

Demon Fox: a Form Tsukiko has no control over it comes over her when she is stressed and quite afraid. It takes allot of emotion for the transformation to take place but it's more common during the new moon as it takes only moderate stress then. This form is a large four tailed fox that's twice the size of a large wolf with with stiff fur that's the strength of steel and fangs the strength of Damascus. Tsukiko has no self control and only cares about survival and will hurt or kill anyone that threatens her and will hunt down people for food though she won't hurt people close to her unless threatened. Note that Tsukiko wears a talisman that prevents her from taking this shape.


The Twins: Playfully named for her older Siblings these twin wakizashi made of steel are currently her favored weapons. They are great weapons for speed and great in duels but not so good in large scale combat.

Little Dragon: A short oak bow made for quick shots for medium to close range. It's a bow Tsukiko uses mostly for forest hunting or in close quarters.

Red Silk Kimono: A beautiful silk kimono that has been made to fit Tsukiko perfectly but it does have places to hide a knife or two. It has a pattern of foxes with fiery tails.

Ninja Armor: Simply a iron Domaru to protect the chest, belly and upper legs and some steel hand and leg guards. Not the most protective but it allows maximum mobility with some protection.

02-28-08, 08:29 PM
I'm Tsukiko^^ so it's good

Call me J
02-28-08, 08:35 PM
While I really like this profile, I do have a few problems.

A) You have too much equipment for a starting character. Either specify that her armor was recently badly damaged (for whatever reason) or take out the arrows and downgrade it to iron.

B) I need to know how long the transformations take with the shape changing.

02-28-08, 08:41 PM
ok made the transformation to take 30 second and helplessness during the transformation.

Downgraded the Domaru and took out the arrows.

Call me J
02-28-08, 08:47 PM
Welcome to level 5! It seems as if you were level 0 just seconds ago.
