View Full Version : Arrows for a new adventurer

02-28-08, 09:34 PM
Tsukiko cursed herself as she went into town. She had broken every arrow she had when she fell, right outside of the den at that. Pride had kept her from going back to Ki to ask for more arrows. She had to fend for herself, even if it meant paying a fletcher for some arrows with some of the gold Ki gave her.

Tsukiko wished she didn't have to waste her money like this but it couldn't be helped. Ki might not let Tsukiko adventure any more if she found out that clumsiness destroyed all her arrows.

"Um mister? I kinda need some arrows and i was hoping you could help. I guess some basic oak and iron ones."

Bazaar Proprietor
02-28-08, 09:41 PM
Sellings didn't care much for furries, even when they were pretty. However, he did like to make sales, especially after the day he had been having. There had been too much drama, not enough sales. Now, he was willing to put up even with the antics of a furry if he felt that it might let it end in a sale.

"How many arrows would you like?" he asked, cleaning up a part of his counter where a little child's juice had spilled only minutes ago.

02-28-08, 09:55 PM
Tsukiko thought for a moment by the question. "Well two dozen I suppose." She smiled to herself and wagged her fox tail. That should be enough arrows for the start.

Bazaar Proprietor
02-28-08, 10:04 PM
"That's just 48 gold peices," Sellings replied. His voice sounded disappointed, and that was because he didn't care to hide his displeasure. He knew furries weren't particularly frugal with their money, so if she wanted something cheap, it meant she didn't have all that much gold to begin with.

"Anything else?"

02-28-08, 10:25 PM
(I got permission from BP to do this)

Ki had smiled as she followed her daughter's footprints. Despite all that reading from the ninja scroll she hadn't taught herself to cover her tracks. It wasn't hard to see a whole quiver of broken arrows and it wasn't hard to track her to this shop.

"Tsukiko! I can't believe you left without a good bye kiss." Ki laughed as she saw her daughter's face go red and her tail drooped low. "I told you it was alright, you shouldn't have sneaked out like that." Ki looked at the armor her daughter wore. It was simply a suit she had found on some Ashigaru. "Hey mister merchant, how much would it be for a damascus domaru like she's wearing but not so ratty."

"Mom my armor's not ratty. I'm fine, I just needed some arrows."

Ki giggled and looked over her daughter's blades. "And a Damascus Katana too. Small swords are fine but she needs a katana too. oh and a Damascus Tanto(Knife) too"

Bazaar Proprietor
02-28-08, 10:40 PM
Now, the bazaar proprietor smiled. Selling forty eight gold pieces worth of arrows wasn't going to be worth his time, but he enjoyed the idea of selling what promised to be profitable. Of course, Sellings couldn't refrain from the slightly ill mannered jab. "Well, if your mother thinks you need these, who am I to say no," he said, somewhat sardonically. "Your knife, in damascus will be 77 peices of gold, the katana 1040 and the armor 701..."

After letting those prices sink in for the mother, Sellings realized that he might be able to use the mother's arrival to his advantage in other ways as well.

"Of course, there are stronger metals for situations where you really want to keep your daughter safe..."

02-28-08, 10:54 PM
Tsukiko frowned at her mother, while she did love her mom this was rather embarrassing. "I, I'm fine! You always said it's the person using the blade that matters and not the blade." The kit felt rather flustered. "I'm good enough that I don't need all that."

Ki smiled at her daughter. "I know you are, you're the best swordswoman I've taught and you'll be fine. Just let me be a mother and get you some protection." She went to her daughter and rubbed her face, feeling a little guilty when she felt a tear, maybe she did go a little far.

"My child's a fine swordswoman and could do with a bokken what many knight dream of with a prevalida blade. Damascus is fine but you're prices are a bit steep. 1040 for a katana, surely you'd make a profit at 900 and 600 for the armor." Ki smiled and winked at her child. "You should pay attention, this is an important part of adventuring."

Bazaar Proprietor
02-28-08, 10:59 PM
"I'm sorry, but you don't have a head for numbers if you'd think I'd make a profit or even break even at those prices," Sellings said. He was lying, of course, but he had no intention of settling for a lesser profit just to please a pair of furries. However, he was willing to bring his prices down, but only incrementally so. "1000 and 640," he offered. "But that is selling at a low price to a young new adventurer... though its a pity if she's so good we can't see what she can do with a prevalida blade."

Sellings didn't even mention the large delyn weapon Bhidyate, which he had bought from Dan Lagh'ratham. Though he expected the weapon to fetch him a handsome sum, he couldn't bear to see it in the hands of a furry.

02-28-08, 11:39 PM
Ki looked at the merchant for a moment. This man was definitely a shrewed man. "940 and only if it's a real katana made by an Akashiman sword maker. Polished and everything." Ki didn't want to argue too much infront of her daughter.

Tsukiko was listening a bit even though she was emarassed and felt powerless. "A prevalida sword? How much is that." She was merely curious and had felt Ki's prevalida blade once and how perfectly balanced it was.

Ki started to blush too, she really didn't want to spend that much, she had to feed her other kits as well. "Sorry hun but I can't afford a prevalida blade right now."

03-15-08, 08:36 PM
((OOC: hey is it possible for another bazaar mod to finish this. BP was doing a great job but I would like to get it done since it seems something came up since this thread's kinda died and I would like it to be done thanks))

Slayer of the Rot
03-17-08, 02:13 AM
"Feh...these soldiers are like fucking ants."

Dan Lagh'ratham had been in the bazaar for no more or less than an hour and had already noticed the increase of security. Every corner he turned, he found himself bumping shoulders with a pair of soldiers screwing around with dice or giving everyone in sight dirty looks.

The Saraelian wasn't stupid enough to walk in with a familiar face. His mug was plastered across posters across the country. It seemed no one was happy about seeing people torn apart and partially eaten - except himself. Dan shot back a furious scowl at one of the guards, and ran his hand through the long red hair he'd grown before entering the bazaar's limits. He'd forsaken his usual suit for a variation; shorter cut black jacket, white shirt with large cuffs and longer tails, pants a shade darker than his hair.

Ants the soldiers they may be, but in a swarm, ants could cause grievous injury to beasts.

The longer he stayed in pace along with the general rabble, the fouler his mood become. Soon enough, his scowl had worsened to the point of showing teeth. Posture hunched, hands deep in his pockets to resist urges to rip the old man stumbling in front of him in half, Dan gave up what was to be a careful and through search and stalked into the nearest armory.

It had the standard decorations; mounted swords, axes, maces, clubs. Chain and plate armor advertised on featureless wooden models. Ignoring them, he stomped to the back of the store, where the least popular items where, and picked up a spool of iron wire. He dropped it onto the counter, summoned his drill spear, and presented it.

"Put that on the bills with as much iron shavings as I can afford for trading this in. By shavings, I mean the dust refuse that comes off the whetstones when you're sharpening up this merchandise in here."

[By iron dust; if you ever played with a Wooly Willy as a kid, you know what I mean.
Drill Spear. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=10248)]

04-10-08, 07:42 PM
(( Sorry for taking so long, Nyan! ^_^; ))

Jirou could not help but overhearing the exchange taking place just a few yards away as he was browsing the items this George B. Sellings had on display. The blacksmith was just taking a stroll in other people's shops browsing for new designs (He would never admit he stole anyone's, anyway) when he happened upon the two Kitsune warriors haggling with the merchant. As much as he did not want to intrude on Sellings' poor attempt at keeping a customer, the mention of needing an Akashiman swordsmith had Jirou hooked on the bait.

"Er, hem. Did you say you need an Akashiman swordsmith, ma'am?" The owner of the Akashiman stepped forward from a row of halberds, today looking rather clean in his brown shirt instead of glistening with sweat and soot like his normal work days. "It appears I know a local smithy around these parts who happens to have what you need. Would you care to visit and see for yourself?"

Jirou flashed a sly grin at Sellings, who responded with a threatening low growl. The two had never liked each other and this customer war was just one of the many skirmishes between these two long-standing factions.

Sellers beware. The Akashiman blacksmith grinned before returning his attention to the customeres.

11-05-08, 09:05 PM
This thread has been inactive for over a month and will be temporarily closed. If you wish to continue the thread feel free to PM me at any time and I will reopen it. If it was left inactive due to the loss of the moderator then you can PM me about that as well and when I reopen it I will make sure that it is claimed and completed promptly.

Thank you,
The Mod Staff.