View Full Version : A New Life in Corone

06-01-06, 12:55 PM
((Closed, yeah))

It had only been 3 days since Izvilvin had left Scara Brae, but already he was missing Khalxaen, the demon woman he had made friends with. She had saved him from certain death after he'd been caught killing guards and stealing goods for the Scara Scourge. Of course, Izvilvin had little sense for how good and evil worked outside of Alerar, but he was beginning to get it.

Step was a strange group, though to him it was about as unusual as everything else that went on in these streets. They had no base of operations and hardly seemed to exist, but every once in a while a letter would find him, with instructions of his next assignment. He always knew where it'd come from, and that gold would find him once he'd done his job, so Izvilvin wouldn't argue.

So now he hunted a man, a large dinosaur of a person with muscles on his muscles and a real mean streak. He'd beaten the truth about Step out of one of their agents, and after doing away with him the huge guy was off to expose the group.

Of course, Izvilvin was close enough to hear every excited word the man mumbled (understanding none of them), using the bushes of the forest to stay hidden as he followed. "People'll pay good money to know 'bout this thing," he said. "I'm gonna be a rich man, I am!"

He was impossibly tall for a human, somewhere near 7 and a half feet, but Izvilvin saw that for the disadvantage it was. Still, the time to strike still had not come. That would be when the man needed a break, which he always took one of when traveling through the forested area between Underwood and Radasanth.

Some time later, the burly meatshield of a man sat atop a boulder, and by the look of the way he did so, it seemed that it was a familiar stop for him. A deep sigh escaped the human as he uncrumpled a piece of crude paper, likely the only kind he could afford as a Radasanth commoner, and read what was written on it.

Izvilvin was upon him instantly, slashing with his sai. The human roared in pain and forced himself up; swiping backward with his fist in an attempt to knock whatever was attacking him away. Izvilvin was quickly away, but he'd managed to get in a good eight strikes with his weapons, perhaps leveling the field between them.

Screaming something Izvilvin couldn't hope to understand, the human fought through the pain and charged, drawing a sword that seemed too small for him. A wide, arcing overhead slash was easily avoided by the Drow, who delivered two attacks to the human's arm, two to his leg, and one to his ribs before making distance again.

The massive man was panting and groaning, knowing just what was happening to him as he looked at the masked Drow. "Damn Step, damn fucking group of chicken shit bastards, that's all it is. Why you with them, anyway? People can make a good livin' without meddling in affairs that ain't theirs."

Izvilvin, not understanding, made the first move this time. The human looked to catch him in an upward swipe with his sword, but his movements were even sloppier than before. Izvilvin nimbly darted around him and delivered more quick jabs to the man's back and thighs, bringing the human to one knee. Undramatically, Izvilvin then simply drove one of his sai into his throat, twisting roughly to finish the job.

Another job accomplished, Izvilvin wiped his weapons clean and made his way toward Radasanth, where he could try and catch some sleep and food. Radasanth was a lot more open toward Drow than Scara Brae was, and he was enjoying his stay there.

He still missed Khalxaen, though.

06-02-06, 11:39 PM
When Khalxaen had taken the job back in Scara Brae, she assumed it would be an open-and-shut case. That’s how most jobs went anyway, right after, you wouldn’t hear from it again. She was wrong; apparently, once you break into a castle and help a prisoner escape, kill some of the guards, you’re wanted afterwards. The demon didn’t even see it coming.

Rather than sneaking around Scara Brae, even though it was quite exciting, she decided to go to her next destination. It just happened that her next destination was Radasanth, a huge city that didn’t ceased to amaze her. Khalxaen had no idea what she was going to do there, as usual. It had surprised her when a couple of people had come to try to recruit her for a group called the Grander’s Order, but the meeting would still be in a couple of days, and she still had time to kill.

The meeting place would be somewhere near a forest called Concordia. She found herself idly looking out the gates, trying to see if she could see a path leading up to it, just to make sure.

“Hm?” Khalxaen blinked as she looked ahead of her. She squinted, thinking that there was a person who looked familiar walking towards the city; familiar white hair, dark skin and dark clothes. “Izvilvin? What’s he doing here?” She asked herself.

Her face brightening up quickly, Khalxaen ran up to him and impulsively tackled him, hugging him tightly. She wasn’t exactly a very affectionate person, but she had wanted to see Izvilvin ever since they parted back in Scara Brae. Khalxaen didn’t think it would take as soon as three days, but it didn’t matter; it was like she hadn’t seen him in years.

“Izvilvin, what’re you doing here?” Khalxaen said enthusiastically, aiming the question at him this time, knowing well he probably couldn’t understand her.

09-24-06, 10:19 AM
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