View Full Version : The Contractor: Level 5.5

Rayse Valentino
03-05-08, 04:27 PM
Updates in red. Level 5 Profile. (http://www.althanas.com/world/showthread.php?t=11605) I usually wait until the level, but I need these changes now rather than later. I'll keep it slim and save the heavy stuff for the level-up, putting just what I wanted to specifically add.

Given Name: Trent Loryn Jr.
Street Name: Rayse Valentino.
Race: Human.
Occupation: Independent Contractor and Arms Dealer. Co-founder and VP of The Company.
Age: 22
Height: 5'10
Weight: 179lbs, all muscle baby!
Eye Color: Black.
Hair Color: Black, with bangs down to his eyes.
Build: Stays in shape, works out very often.

Appearance: Slightly tanned white guy. Black t-shirt, blue jeans, really nice looking shoes, and tattoos of various sharp, black shapes on his chest, arms, legs, and back. I guess he's wearing some black boxers too. Another tattoo/rune on his right shoulder of a swirling black fire with a circular hole in the side of it, which fused him with the element of fire.

He has, on occasion, been sighted wearing an unbuttoned black suit with tie and slacks, but these rumors are still in hot contention.


Level 0-2: Born to a general under a monarchy in Salvar, Rayse spent much of his early life in military boarding school, which was actually a pretty rough place for bored kids with an axe to grind. His father then enrolled him into the army, where his connections made Rayse into an officer at only age 19. Rayse was pretty bored with this life, all these rules and things were very monotonous. He began dabbling in the underground arms market, finding it very exciting and getting into many fights. It was a bit hard to get going at first, but abusing his father's network of military connections got him far.

Salvar's government does not sponsor wholesale arms transactions outside of the local economy, so the Salvar Black Market was well-known even outside of the region itself.

A couple years later, his father caught wind of Rayse's activities and that he hadn't even been in the army for those two years (nice dedication there dad). He felt ashamed and immediately disowned his ungrateful son, but it didn't bother Rayse one bit. He changed his name to completely bridge the gap between him and his family. Simply buying and selling weapons was a bit boring, so he started branching out and connecting contractors and clients. He earned a reputation as a reliable, but short-tempered businessman. His prices were fantastic, and the last person to hustle him was held down and had his forehead burned with Rayse's cigarette.

Level 3: He was on his own for a year, and business was slow. After all, Salvar was large and sparse, and most of the big contractors worked with parties cross-country. Of course, given his craft he attracted all sorts of trouble. Rayse's business had been tampered with, and he had no choice but to team up with a vampire to get his revenge.

Shortly after, he hatched a scheme to get several men to pay their debts all at once by holding up a small town by the name of Tradepost.

News of his exploits spread throughout the city, and Rayse found himself some unwanted attention. Now, he was left with one question: Does he really have a future in this city? He also found himself an unlikely ally through the whole mess, his uncle and partner Teric Bloodrose.

Level 4: With the outbreak of war in Salvar, Rayse and Teric left the city and founded The Company in Corone. While working as a recruiter and contractor for Teric, Rayse has a hidden agenda of uncovering the history of the conflict in Salvar and Raiaera.

Level 5: No change.

* * * *
~Non-Combat/Mental Abilities~
Summary: Rayse is a sly businessman with a slick tongue, able to weasel his way out of most situations just with talk and money.

Wordsmithery: People who are listening to Rayse are very likely to be convinced by whatever he is saying, within the course of reason.

Argument: When pressed with a situation of doubt, Rayse can usually overcome with his arguments. This is usually used to bargain for lower prices on goods.

Manipulation: A combination of Worthsmithery and Argument, Rayse can manipulate those of weaker will to do his bidding.

* * * *
~Combat/Physical Abilities~
Summary: Rayse has some military training, making him proficient at hand-to-hand fighting and knife play. Let's say he can hold his own in a bar fight and then some. Time in the army and confrontations in the underground arms market has toughened Rayse's abilities, and very few would mess with him. When he fights, his body is almost fluid-like in its flexibility, allowing him to dodge and attack quickly.

Hand-to-hand Level 3: Expert.
Knife Play Level 3: Specialist.
Sword Play Level 2: Experienced.

Evasion Level 4: Can dodge and counter-attack at 3.5x speed. Uses instincts and experience to avoid what he can't see with reliable success. The rune continues to alter his physiological structure, and thus he run faster and dodge quicker but with a fiery after-image of himself following.
Strength Level 2: 1.5x as strong as the average fit Human.

* * * *
~Sixth Sense~

Level 1: An ability of unknown origin, believed to be gained through Rayse's exposure to the future-predicting Great Lieutenant of Denebriel or inherited through his relation to Teric Bloodrose, although heavily watered down compared to Teric's. Rayse has a 10% chance of correctly anticipating what an opponent is going to do - before they do it - so long as his opponent drops some hints through his body language (assumes a particular stance, holds their weapon a particular way, etc).

Works best against: Swordsmen and knife users.
Works least against: Fighters with unorthodox or unpredictable fighting styles, as the clues they drop are generally vague or unfamiliar.
Doesn't work on: Magi, as it's generally impossible to guess what kind of magic is going to be flying at you next.

* * * * *
~Essence of Fire~
Summary: Control over fire given to Rayse by a magical rune tattooed into his upper right arm. The rune glows when the power is used. Gives Rayse limited control of fire, with undetermined consequences. He can cause any or every part of his body to ignite into a flame that can't harm him or anything he's wearing, but excessive or prolonged use drains away at his life and leaves him exhausted. Fast motions with his body using breathing techniques can also cause the ignited parts of his body to detach themselves and fly out as ovular shapes, identified by some as fireballs. Rayse prefers to use this ability for its utility (such as lighting his cigarettes) or not at all, as using it in combat is hazardous to his health. The fusion of Rayse with the element of fire is starting to seep into his other abilities. He is slower becoming more and more like actual fire than a human being.

Fire Flash Level 1: An ability that causes Rayse to disappear into flames and reappear almost-immediately at another location up to 12 feet away. Right before he reappears, flames form and create the shape his body will be in as he appears. He must already be moving toward that direction or physically able to move there anyway, so it looks more like he's defying time and closing distance gaps in less time than physical movement. Can be used 3 times per thread.

Flame Pillar Level 1: Stomping the ground, Rayse can send an underground fire that cracks the ground above in a path towards its intended location, and bursts out from under the ground in a explosion of fire that resembles a pillar or a geyser. Can be used 2 times per thread.

Fire Resistance Level 1: Rayse can tolerate up to 1800 degrees Fahrenheit of fire that is not his own (i.e. candles/red fires do not hurt him but orange/white fires do)

Water Weakness - Innate: If they actually connect, Rayse is more susceptible to water/ice-based attacks than a normal person.

Overheat Level 1: The maximum temperature Rayse can achieve without burning himself is 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. This is between the heat of a candle and a blowtorch. He can push up to 2500 but his body will suffer burns.

Fire Enchant Level 3: Can enchant weapons he is using with fire, allowing them to produce minor burns on contact and distracting trails of fire while in movement. His harder, more focused punches, kicks, and weapon attacks have the effect of causing second-degree burns on contact.

Burning Flick Level 3: Can flick sparks up to 10 feet away to ignite anything sufficiently flammable.

Flame Evasion Level 3 Can temporarily turn a part of his body into pure fire and have a projectile fly through him twice per thread.

Molotov Cocktail a.k.a. Rayse's Spices: Affectionately dubbed "my spices" by Rayse. While not a true fire element ability, it fits perfectly with his ability to make a convenient fire out of nowhere. In its simplest form, a Molotov cocktail is a glass bottle containing gasoline fuel with a fuse consisting of a fuel soaked rag (or other extremely flammable material) held in place by the bottle's stopper. In action the fuse is lit and the bottle hurled at a target such as a vehicle or fortification. When the bottle smashes on impact, the ensuing cloud of gasoline droplets and vapor is ignited by the fuse causing an immediate fireball followed by a raging fire as the remainder of the fuel is consumed. Gasoline is not exactly a commodity in Althanas, so Rayse uses plain old whiskey in beer bottles in most of his, with some containing tar in situations where he needs thick choking smoke. He also has several "mini-cocktails" that are basically Molotovs packed into tiny shot glasses.

Smoky Breath Level 1: Rayse can quickly exhale long, white plumes of smoke that only stick around for a minute and a half, but provide enough cover for escapes. He can only use this two times per thread as frequent use can damage his insides.

* * * *


Kapteyn: A large, 6" knife fastened to his ankle. A military knife used by professional Salvaran knife instructors. The dark brown handle scales were made of Liviol wood from trees in Salvar, and the properties of it were hardness and the ease of applying a firm grip. Perhaps there was something else, but Rayse, being so magically uninclined, was unaware of them. The blade was made of stainless steel, and the top of the razor sharp blade had a half-length swage, for reduced cross sectional profile of the spine and therefore, excellent penetration.

In his pockets: A pack of cigarettes, three 5" long, 1.25" wide black, steel throwing knives, a wallet. One small, tar-based mini-molotov.

Travelling Bag: Contains several packs of cigarettes, a few days' worth of rations, a fresh change of clothes. A stack of business cards for The Company. A couple molotov cocktails and half a dozen mini-molotovs, mostly whiskey-based but a couple tar-based.

Hobbies: Fast car(d)s and fast women.

03-05-08, 04:41 PM
A mid-level update is meant for edits to your history/inventory/appearance/personalty, and not meant for advancing skills. You can only add new skills at a real level up.

Rayse Valentino
03-05-08, 04:46 PM
If it's any consolation I'll have exactly zero new skills at my level up. Plus, these are abilities I've already been using but just weren't on paper. My leveling is so slow that I'll be using these for a long time before anybody knows what's going on. I think the guidelines were meant to be interpreted loosely, anyway.

03-05-08, 04:51 PM
Not these guidelines. These are very specific, and if you've been using these abilities at their updated level, then you've been powergaming. Right now you need some three and a half thousand for a level up. If I were to allow this, then pretty much anybody can say that they'd be leveling up some time soon, so I should approve their future level. That's not loose interpretation. That's simply breaking the rules.

Rayse Valentino
03-05-08, 04:55 PM
Oh, a bloo bloo bloo. I'm a rogue renegade that lives to break the rules and there's nothing you can do about it.

In that case, you're a gaymo and we'll pause this update and resume it when I'm level 6.

03-05-08, 04:59 PM
I see Godhand's winning personality is spreading like a cancer.

You are not approved. Return when you have enough EXP, fool!