View Full Version : The CELL of DEATH

Cyrus the virus
06-01-06, 11:55 PM
* this thread will be unjudged and you won't get anything from it but personal satisfaction*

((Anyone can join this shit. It's a massive melee, but there're only a few rules:

1) Don't powergame or bunny.
2) Bold every important thing you do, such as attacks, so people don't have to sift through your damn posts.
3) Don't end the thread. People can step out as they like, but write yourself out. Don't destroy the arena.

You can die in the Citadel. Keep in mind that injuries'll be healed when you leave the thread. Best case scenario, this thread's over at 200 posts.))

"Wh-What's going on?" Asked the frantic monk of the Citadel, approaching his colleague at the doorway that had just appeared.

"I... I don't know. This door just popped up, I'm too worried to check what's beyond it."

From behind them, an interested Luc Kraus looked on. Fearlessly, he walked between the two and through the door. "No!" "Stop!" They shouted, but the mage was already gone.

Luc found himself in the heart of a volcano, but strangely it was not as hot as he would have expected. Magma bubbled all around, but there were six massive platforms of volcanic rock. Luc stood upon one of them and wondered what the place was for.

"Is this some kind of... Strange arena? The door wasn't like the others. Hmm, should be interesting."

06-02-06, 01:02 AM
((sounds like fun.))

Striker had thought the door he had walked through would lead him into a back room. He stumbled a bit, falling into the volcano. Doors, it seemed, could not be trusted. Clutching his halberd and peering around the platforms, Striker spotted a human standing on another platform opposite from him.

"What is the meaning of this?"Striker cried out, "Bringing me here against my will!"

Leaping from the platform, he swung his halberd down toward Luc Kraus in an attempt to split him in half.

Cyrus the virus
06-02-06, 12:38 PM
From nowhere came another man, one wielding a large polearm Luc couldn't put a name on. With almost no hesitation he came forward, slashing the weapon down at the mage.

Luc reacted quickly, leaping to his own left to dodge the attack. The platform felt hot under him as he rolled, bouncing back up nimbly after he'd made a bit of distance between himself and the new man.

"Nice try," Luc said.

The magma bubbled and steam rose, and suddenly a small pillar of the liquid fire came up behind Luc. He carefully manipulated the pillar around himself, and when he felt confident in his control over the tendril-like thing, he launched the fire right at the other man, looking to knock him back into the sea of magma with a single manuever.

06-03-06, 01:07 AM
The blow had not gone as Striker had intended. His halberd caught in the magma, Striker yanked hard to pull the blade out of the ground. A rushing sound to his side caught his attention.

Oh. Fire. The surprise blow knocked him aside like a rag doll, his weapon flailing in the air. It was all he could do to sink the hook end of the weapon into the edge, stalling his descent into the lava below. Scrambling up the shaft of his own weapon, Striker put some distance between himself and his ruin.

Fur and hair equally singed, Striker patted out a small brushfire forming on his left arm.

"I've not lost yet!" he cried, laughing, and flourished the weapon. Just a few more moments to get his breath back, and he'd be ready to take the fight back to this strange mage.

09-24-06, 10:41 AM
This thread has been closed due to inactivity and moved to the Archives. If you wish to reactivate this thread, please PM me or one of the administrators.