View Full Version : There's a thought a brewin'!

Vampiric Angel
03-09-08, 03:04 AM
Yeah, I was wondering if there was going to be another Regions Contest coming up any time soon? Becuase, I've been thinking of a region/'stand-alone city' for the past couple weeks that would tie in essentially to a PG I'm also thinking up, and I didn't know whether to wait for a Regions contest or just ask a mod if it could be placed in the world.

So, I'm just wondering which it would be?

03-09-08, 03:32 AM
Regions contests just result in unused regions that end up deleted months later... I'd try talking to a mod and see if they like it, then they'd have to go through the mod staff I suppose though.

Either way it's going to be a hassle, mostly due to the fact that regions created aren't normally rped in. We have slow activity as it is in the already established ones

Skie and Avery
03-09-08, 05:42 AM
You are more than welcome to play your city/region in Other Regions and open a thread to toss your information on it in the RPC so that other people have the information to use it!

I seriously doubt we will see a Regions Contest in the near future, but don't let that stop you from implementing your idea into your story and sharing the information with others for their use. That is, after all, why we have Other Regions to begin with!

03-09-08, 10:24 AM
Just to further this discussion along, is it possible to have a small region be affiliated with one of those already existing, like Akashima is to Corone?

03-09-08, 01:58 PM
The short answer to all of people's questions about adding regions is no. All of the major work being done right now, mainly through the FQ, is to build up interest in the regions that Althanas already has. As the FQ seems to be more or less succeeding on those grounds, I am leery of adding another region to distract from such interest. Our player base is only so large. If I did add a region, it would likely not be added through any sort of contest.

Please understand that I'm not trying to be mean or stingy--I'm all for expanding the geographic scope of Althanas when it seems appropriate. But everyone can't be a region writer. Everyone can't have their own region. And unfortunately most everyone has ideas for a region, if not several. The numbers just don't work out. The job of the regions staff is to make the regions interesting and active--not to placate people by adding on regions whenever someone has an idea they like. Right now, I feel like adding a new region would not be conducive to making the regions we already have more viable and interesting.

Honestly, here would be the best way to get me to consider a proposal for adding a new region: Play your region in Other Regions and get other people involved and interested for a sustained period of time. Get people who you don't normally role-play with to play in it of their own initiative. If I saw interest like that, I'd surely reconsider.

Also, Ataraxis, I generally frown on those ideas for the same reasons. But if you can get the region writer and myself to agree to it, then it's acceptable. Basically, my main worry is that someone uses it as a back door mechanism of sneaking their own region into Althanas when other people are trying to do it on the up-and-up.

Vampiric Angel
03-09-08, 08:10 PM
Well, it wouldn't technically be a region, but a city. The only reason I said region to begin with, was because it has it's own culture, and is very diverse and secluded from the rest of Althanas, or at least was. But not for long. I'm sure that doesn't change anything, but I thought I'd add that little detail.