View Full Version : Hidden in the Dark

Loup Garou
03-11-08, 12:57 AM
Closed to Tsukiko

The soles of his feet were beginning to ache as the lycan first sighted the town of Forelin. A strange town, nestled under the famed tower of Carthagg. The tower had a dark history in its own right, but that was for the most part, history. Galen's sword belt was beginning to wear on his hips wrong as he finally entered the dusty streets.

Life seemed pretty nice a quiet around these parts, farmers in their fields, wives at the market, drunks in the tavern. The sound of birds floated on high from their nests in the ancient tower that cast a soft shadow over half of the town even now in the mid day sun.

What a curious place...wonder how the girls are aroun....

His thought was cut short when he had to nod his head to a group of young girls passed, each of them noticing him as a newcomer. A smile fell upon his lips as he realized they were giggling and smiling at him. Which was all good, maybe he would catch up with them that evening at the tavern. At least that was his hope.

Light broke into the dim room of the only tavern in town as the duelist entered with only a short pause for his eyes to adjust. The majority of the people in the room made at least a glance his direction before returning to their conversations or mugs. His target was a nice quiet table that seemed out of the way from everything.

Finally he was able to give his feet a rest as he placed his sword on the table, giving him the relief of adjusting his belt to a more comfortable position. With but a quick word to the rather unattractive day barmaid, a cup of coffee was brought shortly.

“So what brings ya round these here parts?” her crackly voice asked.

“Mostly just passing through, seeing the sights,” He replied with as much of a generous smile that he could muster.

“Feh! No one seems to just be “passin through” and what sights?” she said with a grunt as she walked off.

Truth be told, blood had been shed only three towns back, the now healed wound that had covered his right peck had set him off. He worried about just how many people he had hurt that time, but then again, it wasn't anything new for him to have done such. Wasn't something that was honestly going to change any time soon either.

03-11-08, 11:02 PM
Tsukiko had enjoyed the soft patch of grass as she sat and looked at the old tower. It looked like it was once tall as the red wood trees of home and maybe housed many treasures. The vixen wondered who lived in the old pile of stone when it was new. “That would be a fun place to explore.” The girl lamented.

“Haha, there’s nothing there. I’ve been there before like everyone else around here.” The farmer grinned down at the fox as he startled her. “Don’t waste your time. You’re better off just laying there or having a drink at the tavern.”

The vixen relaxed again realizing that it was a harmless farmer that surprised her. “Still it wouldn’t hurt.” Tsu continued though she really didn’t feel like moving from the spot. The way the wind caressed her body was just divine.

“Just give up the door’s sealed. There’s no way in any more.” The farmer seemed to be grim now as he looked the girl in the eye. “No one goes there anymore. Forget about it miss.”

Something about that cold stare made Tsu shiver and she felt herself wanting to get up. “Thank you for the warning, good sir.” Tsu bowed not sure what she should have said but decided that it was time to go.

The fox girl went through town and into the tavern. These places were always quiet at this time of day. The one barmaid was easily not the tavern’s best waitress seeming to be neither happy nor polite nor pretty. She eyed Tsu and came up to the vixen. “What will you have?” She asked gruffly.

“Wine please.” Tsu asked knowing that this place wouldn’t have Sake and probably wouldn’t have juice either so some light wine would be best. No one else was there save for one handsome stranger. He seemed to be a traveler and maybe a mercenary. Was he just passing through on his way for a job? Tsu didn’t know and simply relaxed in her chair letting her tail swish lazily. This wasn’t as nice as the grassy hill but the farmer’s evil glance wasn’t there to disturb her.

Loup Garou
03-16-08, 01:25 AM
the tap of his foot followed the beat of the soft ambient music filling the tavern. Galen quietly chewed on the roast beast sandwich that he had finally ordered. The coffee they served was quite typical, tasting something like burnt oak. It wasn't unbearable but it was only just acceptable. His mind wandered about from thought to thought as he listened to the conversations around him.

The thought of moving on to the next place down the road was starting to become interesting. Even though Galen wanted to rest, there was always the worry of someone recognizing him or heck, even another lycan.

Three cups of coffee into the afternoon a fine...fox girl? entered the calm establishment. Galen's eyes followed her, slowly watching her form as he took a slow sip. For such a fine female to grace his path on a day like this would be nothing less than the grace of the gods. There wasn't much else in this town that had been holding him from moving on, till now.

He stood slowly, making sure everything was in the right place before walking step by step up to her table.

“Hello, my name is Galen, mind if I join you?” He said with a soft smile.

(ooc: sorry this took so long and is so short)

03-19-08, 10:38 PM
To be honest Tsukiko probably wasn’t having much fun sipping her wine. It was a fine wine if a little sweet but Tsu really didn’t find it all that much to get into. Daytime at the tavern seemed to have become dour really quick and there was nothing save the warm taste of wine.

The strangers greeting was a gift of the spirits. There was no way the girl was going to say “no” to any company. “Oh sure, please join.” Tsukiko found a smile cross her face as she now had something other than the wine to enjoy.

Being an adventurer was very lonely life and Tsu wondered how Ki had lived like this so long but Tsu wanted to live that life at the moment feeling she would be able to help the world. Yet she still missed her family and the time they spent together. The youngest doji enjoyed most the games, the dinners, the quiet baths, the nights of storytelling. Tsu had not been used to being alone at all.

Thankfully the stranger was there to help.

“I’m Doji Tsukiko.” The vixen’s tail wagged gently from behind the chair and her eyes lit up with some company other than a waitress that hated her job. “I’m guessing you are a wanderer too.” Tsu felt a bit at ease and wanted to keep the feeling up with a conversation. “Mind telling me where you’re from and where you’re going?” It was a harmless question of the vixen’s and she just wanted a conversation to ease the silence of the empty tavern.